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Confirmed: Bret Hart Offered WWE 2006 Hall Of Fame

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Jim Ross has offered Bret Hart and current TNA booker Dusty Rhodes spots in the 2006 class of hall of fame inductees.


Hart told Ross that he would consider the offer. Hart is currently involved a legal battle with the Lloyds of London insurance company. Hart is owed $800,000. Lloyds of London is claiming that Hart had a history of concussions prior to his career ending injury suffered in a match with Bill Goldberg.



Discuss. ;)

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Guest LooneyTune

I can't wait to hear Dusty Rhodes' speech, if he accepts. Who would induct the two though?


For Dusty, the logical pick is his son, or maybe Harley Race (or Kevin Sullivan).


For Hart... hmm... Austin?

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Guest eBayBrison

Have HBK come out as a surprise and induct Bret. That would be so kick ass... or would that be Screwjob 06' OMG~?!?! I hope he takes them up. He'll hopefully work another match too by next year.



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Guest OSIcon

I'll be very surprised if Dusty is still with TNA in March 2006. Even if the promotion is still alive, Dusty seems to be on the fence already and I can't see him lasting a whole year as booker. If that's the case then you've got to believe he'll take them up on the offer.


Hart could go either way I think. I'd probably guess that he will accept. There shouldn't be anybody there that will over shadow him. Dusty is big but Bret is a much bigger deal. Not that I think his decision would be entirely based off of that, but if he is going to appear, you'd think he would want it to mean the most it possibly could.

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Guest eBayBrison
He'll hopefully work another match too by next year.



Bret is never wrestling again.

I thought he's even been in talks with WWE about having a goodbye match.... must have gotten that confused with a goodbye speech/shoot interview. I hope he at least surprises us one day unexpected. Typical RAW then all of a sudden, his music hits. I will mark the hell out.



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Do you guys thin they'll induct Owen too? If so, I vote for Foley to induct him.

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Guest LooneyTune

Bret Hart is physically incapable of even taking the weakest bump (even worse than Austin). Hart said he would like to come back to give a real farewell speech, but can't wrestle.

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Guest Salacious Crumb
Have HBK come out as a surprise and induct Bret. That would be so kick ass... or would that be Screwjob 06' OMG~?!?! I hope he takes them up. He'll hopefully work another match too by next year.



Hart would walk out of the event if that happened.

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I think it's smart that they asked him early. He'll have an entire year to answer the question "are you being inducted into the WWE hall of fame?" from the fans. I think he'll realize that EVERYONE wants to see him go in and he'll do it.

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Oh man, those rumours of an ironman match between HBK and Angle for Mania 22 and now possibly Bret Hart in the HOF? Austin inducting him in Chicago is a good idea, but maybe Benoit would be Bret's choice having been trained by his dad. It would also be ten years since they had the ironman match and you know how the wwe pimps that as Mania's greatest match.

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Guest Shadow

and it would also be the same host site of WM13 where his other classic match occured.


I think Rhodes is a lock, as dusty wont likely be with TNA by next spring. (who knows if tna will either).


Hart being inducted by Austin or Benoit are the only options


Rhodes has his son Dustin or Ric Flair to inducte him. (Flair should induct someone every year no matter what).


Round this HOF out with Steamboat, Dibiase, The Road Warriors and a couple others and we'll have a great quality roster there.

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Guest Shadow
It would make sense for Flair to induct Dusty. Unless there's some rule where you can only induct somebody once.

Ric Flair inducted Harley Race and Roddy Piper already. Like i just said, he should induct someone every year. He should do Dusty, Steamboat, Arn and whoever else you can link him too.

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Guest Shadow
Hart and Rhodes are good choices, but they NEED Bruno and Savage.

Bruno turned it down 2 years in a row already, he will not do it. He cant be brought.


Savage, the problem with him is; HE CAN BE BROUGHT. He'll ask for a crazy sum to appear.


Oh btw, in addition to Flair; Bobby Heenan MUST induct someone every year as well.


Luckily Flair and Heenan's has a connection to nearly every performer in the last 30 years.

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Do you guys thin they'll induct Owen too? If so, I vote for Foley to induct him.

Since nobody's said it yet, I will: Owen doesn't deserve it.

you know I agree with you, but if Volkoff can get in then owen should too. youre right he was a midcarder for most of his career, really hot heel in 94, but never achieved anythign else, thoguh he may have had his biggest chance in 98 agaisnt hbk. If he was still alive today, there would be little talk of him ever getting into HOF.

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I don't agree with Volkoff getting in either. Hell, at least 50% of the people in the HOF aren't legends, at least not in my mind.


Hogan and Piper are the only two so far that immediatly spring to mind.

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Guest Shadow

Johnny Rodz, a glorified jobber does? Paul Orndorff, one hot program with the guy everyone had a hot program with does?


He doesn't deserve it though. Had he retired as he had planned and never died in a horrifying manner, he'd be an afterthought in the history of WWF.


One time in his entire career was he ever a top flight "star" and that was during one of the lowest parts of the companies history. You shouldn't get into the HOF, which supposedly is supposed to honor the greatests in wrestling and sports entertainment. Owen Hart was great wrestler but a life time mid-carder/tag teamer whose spots "on the top" were both due to his brother.


However, they haven't in any way indictated what the critera to be inducted is, so theres no possible way you can say someone doesnt "deserve" it.

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I could see Owen being put in as a concession. Perhaps like how this year was the original Wrestlemania crew (Hogan, Piper, etc.) next year will be Bret, Owen, Neidhart, and Davey Boy. Then put in Rhodes and someone else.

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I bet Bret says he won't go in, but he'll go and accept the award for Owen.


Never met him and don't know him personally, but I have a feeling Bret would rather have Owen get the regoniation then himself.


Or Stu.

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So Bret accepts the offer, the WWE backs up his side of his injury history in his lawsuit and then both sides can walk away smiling.


It's a win-win situation for everyone here.

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