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Jericho's new gimmick.

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I'm really liking the way they are going with Jericho's character right now. Him basically doing everything other than focusing on wrestling, while not only true in real life, seems to be the way he's going right now. We all know Jericho's been stale for the past few months so this definately could change things around.


I'd even like him to drop to the Y2J gimmick and go total "I don't give a crap anymore" and loose his love for wrestling. Maybe even have him like miss a few shows because of some lame excuse when he's suppose to be tag partners with someone. He comes back the next week "Oh, I forgot...yeah whatever." It could set him nicely up with Batista for a feud down the road if they revamp his career.


Thoughts? I'm all for this.

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I like the change in character, but I think all his jobbing in addition to this only re-enforces Jericho right before winning the Undisputed championship. Ya know, just an average guy who just can't really get over the hump. The only thing that will save this is a move to smackdown imo and gunning for Cena or vice versa if Cena comes to raw,

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An apathetic hero is exactly why FF8 blew.

I actually kinda liked the emo/ANGER that Squall had.....



Back on topic. I like this new direction for Jericho. Seriously, he has done it all, and he shouldn't be worrying about wrestling. It would be awesome if he was put into some SERIOUS matches, like for the Tag Titles, or something like that, and he completely doesn't care for the matches, but once it comes to him gaining a world title shot, he should get serious.

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The problem with this character is that by nature he shouldn't have motivation for anything, which in turn will lead to no character development or direction. If Jericho is just "Whateverthefuckever" to the entire concept of wrestling he will most likely get an apathetic reaction. Fans buy into guys who love the business.

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I think this angle could seriously kill Jericho's career. Who would invest any time caring about a guy who flat out declares that he doesn't care about winning his matches? It's not like Jericho has much of a career left at this point.

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I don't know if the angle will be Jericho not caring exactly, but more Jericho having more important and better things to worry about. Sorta how Rock, when he was heel, came back and didn't need wrestling because he had Hollywood. Jericho doesn't need wrestling because he has Fozzy.

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Guest Thrashist

The saying goes that the best gimmicks are the ones that are extensions of a wrestler's real life, and it doesn't seem to get much more real for Jericho. I'm enjoying the character.


The problem is I don't have faith in pro wrestling to really do this angle any justice. In a movie you'd have the fallen hero lose what was once his passion in life, and then finally some life-altering event would put him back on the right path. What I fear wrestling does in these angles is have the guy job several matches before the writers lose interest in following up on the angle and then when all is said and done, the guy just looks like a jobber.


Best way to go depends if they want to make this angle's arc involve Benjamin or not. They'd have to continue this "I don't give a shit" attitude for a while before some incident that affects Jericho and ignites his passion for wrestling, whether it ends up being Benjamin, Flair, HBK, etc who inspires him, that will get him back on track to the title. And then you have money. But there's no shot of the writers being talented enough to make it compelling. Their life-altering event will end up being Fozzy's albums sales declining or something.

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They'd have to continue this "I don't give a shit" attitude for a while before some incident that affects Jericho and ignites his passion for wrestling, whether it ends up being Benjamin, Flair, HBK, etc who inspires him, that will get him back on track to the title.

I'm seeing it right now as the ECW event that reinspires him, since that's about a month away, and I have enough faith that this "I don't give a crap" routine will end sooner than later.

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Like with so many things with creative this can really screw up Jericho. Who knows, they are probably just saving their ass if Jericho leaves. On the flipside maybe they will do an awesome heel turn like Eddie's(whether or not creative was responsible for that with past rumours they didn't have anything for Rey and Eddie at Mania). It's funny as this angle looks more like for Ric Flair than Jericho. I mean Jericho isn't exactly an old fossil. Ric Flair even wins more than this guy now.

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Guest JerichosHi-Lite

What worries me about this angle is that it's a little too real-life. Maybe this is their way of letting Jericho go once his contract expires? :/

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Guest Big Boss

When was Jericho most popular? In 2000.


In 2000 Jericho feuded with Benoit and made fun of him for being so boring and called him "Mr. Roboto", the crowd loved it!

I think if Jericho went back to that and started humiliating Benoit the fans would love him again!


But you cannot make fun of anyone nowadays, now we must treat Benoit with respect, even the heels do it, and that's why ratings are low.

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Or, maybe, Jericho's lulling in Benjamin. Jericho loses his passion for the business, goes on a losing streak because he 'doesn't care', buddy Benjamin tries to get his head back in the game, starts training with him, Jericho gets a win and then BAM, turns on Benjamin and goes on to the IC Title feud/win.


Kinda like DDP/Christian, only without the temper tantrums.

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When was Jericho most popular? In 2000.


In 2000 Jericho feuded with Benoit and made fun of him for being so boring and called him "Mr. Roboto", the crowd loved it!

I think if Jericho went back to that and started humiliating Benoit the fans would love him again!


But you cannot make fun of anyone nowadays, now we must treat Benoit with respect, even the heels do it, and that's why ratings are low.

Yeah...that's why Jericho sang a song couple of weeks ago about Shelton Benjamin being his little bitch

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I think I might enjoy where they are going with this...I mean, they had to do _something_ with him...the guy has been around for about 7 years and has done basically everything there is to do in WWE. Having him just "snap" and turn heel on Shelton wouldn't cut it. Hopefully WWE doesn't drop the ball with this and it actually leads somewhere...though I have the fear like an earlier poster that this will just lead to Jericho jobbing a bunch, and then the angle will be forgotten.

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What they could do is have Jericho do what he's doing for the next several weeks, and have Benjamin slowly try to bring that passion for wrestling out of Jericho by trying to motivate him, set him up in matches, etcs. Jericho keeps turning him away, and wants to be left alone all this time, but Benjamin keeps trying. It ends up with Benjamin getting into some feud, maybe with Hassan, and gets beatdown badly, leading to Jericho caring for Benjamin, and once again giving a shit about wrestling.

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First this, and then the Edge/ Lita angle. It seems like WWE seems very high on these "real-life" angles recently.


Jericho seems like a tweener right now, but I have a feeling it's going to just lead to another extended heel turn/ feud with Shelton. I'm quite indifferent to Jericho at this point though.

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When was Jericho most popular? In 2000.


In 2000 Jericho feuded with Benoit and made fun of him for being so boring and called him "Mr. Roboto", the crowd loved it!

I think if Jericho went back to that and started humiliating Benoit the fans would love him again!


But you cannot make fun of anyone nowadays, now we must treat Benoit with respect, even the heels do it, and that's why ratings are low.

True, as he hasnt even been himself for a long time. Ever since the latest face turn he has become wimpy and lame. Time to bring back the arrogance.



Here's my idea on the angel. Instead of Jericho turning, you have Shelton turning on him somehow, leading to a feud where Jericho wins the IC title back and redevlops his love for wrestling. By the summer, when Trips probably has the world belt back, you have Chris come out and cut a promo on how he has done it all in WWE, except for getting a clean win over HHH. BINGO insta-feud playing off their history. Though Chris would probably job to him instead of winning the title, so there is probably no point here.

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He "won" the title from him on RAW back in like, 2000, but then a rematch was immediately ordered, which HHH won.

There you go. HHH and Austin lost the tag titles to jericho and benoit but it was austin who took the fall.

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He "won" the title from him on RAW back in like, 2000, but then a rematch was immediately ordered, which HHH won.

Isn't that the match that never happened though?

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He "won" the title from him on RAW back in like, 2000, but then a rematch was immediately ordered, which HHH won.

Isn't that the match that never happened though?

Actually there wasn't a rematch, just Jericho giving back the title, then a six man later in the night where HHH pinned Jericho. So still the same, but not quite.

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