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Giuseppe Zangara

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True. I don't doubt that.


Sometimes I really think that I use for the complete wrong reasons though. I have a pretty stressful live, relatively, and have anxiety coupled with depression. I took 9 classes last year (AP classes, honors student, arts student) work 2 jobs, don't have a lot of friends, problems at home, my last girlfriend fucked me over big time and I haven't had any action since then (15 months ago), etc. one time my sister yelled at me because I didn't smoke enough weed and get drunk enough.


I don't dwell on any of those things, they're just facts.

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I hate Phil Collins on the ground we share a last name. I've never met a person who didn't find it hilarious to call me Phil.


My mother's first name is Rhonda. She hates the Beach Boys for a similar reason.

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I never make plays on people's name, I always just eventually shorten in and add a y. Like if your name were Phil, you'd be Philly, or like, Johnny and Mikey and so forth. I call anyone dressed all in black "Columbine", though.

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I hate Phil Collins on the ground we share a last name. I've never met a person who didn't find it hilarious to call me Phil.


My mother's first name is Rhonda. She hates the Beach Boys for a similar reason.


I once knew a guy called Collin. somone else I knew always took the liberty of refering to him as "Phil". now that was retarded.

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My dad moved the money into my bank account into his, and when I asked for it back today, he decides that he's going to "fine" me the contents of the account: $567.

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I woke up today and my boxers were on backwards. I put them on the right way before I got to bed, too.



So I'm trying to buy another lens because I'm seeing The Shins in exactly one week. I need to raise about $300, but I already got about $120 covered through housework and shit. I can raise about $150 really quickly but it's through something that I don't exactly want to sell. It's a Shure 55SH microphone. I bought it about a month ago from a billionaire that lives by me for like $10, so I can sell it for $150, $170 because it has a stand with it too. But it's fucking cool. And I'm kind of in a band, although the scene here always has mics.


Gah. Fucking photography.

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Corona Light has the worst marketing slogan: "Corona Light - It's the only light beer that's also a Corona!"


Second place is Coors Light, just for the sole fact that their entire marketing campaign is based upon how cold their beer is.

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There's a liquor store here which which has a marquee reading "Coldest Beer In Town!" It can only be so cold before it freezes, nigga...

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An email from my mom to her psychologist:

(----- is my dad, xxxxx is me. I got into a car accident a few days ago.)


Dr. S,


I have been sick all weekend. Got worse after I left your office. Have spent three days in bed. Finally feeling a bit better today.


Didn't have good communications with ----- this weekend. I am very unhappy with the accident and how xxxxx is doing. Frankly I attribut his driving arrogance to ----- and how he drives as well as his attitude on getting caught. It's really painful for me to see and I don't know how to address it. I hate that you are right about ----- never changing. I'm having a very hard time dealing with it.


I told ----- about the new phone and he thought it was a complete waste of money, as it would be "just one more machine that I don't know how to use." His attitude towards me is so condescending that it is beyond painful. I just goes to my core. He still continues to micromanage me all the time.


This is just so tiring to me.


I will see you on Friday. Don't think I'm ready for a couples session as I am very angry about how things are going.


Let me know what you think.

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Guest Vitamin X

Your parents are done as a couple.


Ah, teenage divorce. It's much more difficult and awkward to go through then when you're young, all things considered.


It's plenty fun, though, to get together with your parents when they're on the rebound.

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Nah, my mom just invents problems and makes mountains out of molehills. Seriously. It's been like this for years.

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My parents divorced when I was 13 years old. I am still completely and utterly terrified that one of them will find another partner.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

My folks are paragons of matrimony that have been together for over thirty years. Blows my mind.

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i was a bastard child. my mom is currently living with a wealthy retired sound engineer, and my dad is living by himself renting large adult toys that he can't really afford to (a harley & a corvette). i last talked to him about a month ago & he says he's bought my birthday present, he just hasn't mailed it out yet. my birthday was march first.

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Your dad sounds like the typical mid-life crisis. It's straight out of one of those sappy romantic movies where the guy realizes that he was wrong all along and his life is terrible and gets back together with his wife. Except here he won't.

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well, that implies that he went through some phase of adulthood, which never really happened. he was a deadbeat and an alcoholic until i was 11, and he's never really learned how to be fiscally or personally responsible. he seems very happy whenever i talk to him, so more power to him; he just better not leave me any debt when he dies.

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oops, nevermind. a google search reveals that the debt always dies with the debtor, unless there is a surviving co-signer. my fear has been lifted.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

You know what an interesting landmark in one's life is? Shopping for a mower. How often does the average person have to do this? Throughout my entire life, I think my parents had..four lawn mowers. A green push mower, a gray push mower that was self-propelled, a red riding mower, and whatever the hell they have now.

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I've always been amazed at how grueling a task it is to buy a vehicle. Got a new car last Friday, started the deal Wednesday...we were at the dealer for over 3 hours on Friday finalizing things.

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For guitar players:


My acoustic guitar's (Martin D-15) strings are raised about 1/3" above the fretboard, making it virtually impossible to play. There's a thin little piece of wood on the bridge that brings the strings up about 2/3" above the body. Also the bridge itself is raised up quite a bit. So is this just a shitty guitar (a $900 shitty guitar) or can there be something done.

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So I sold a book to some guy on eBay and his sister came and picked it up from me.


He's telling me that it wasn't his sister and all this shit (even though there is no way someone else could have gotten that information - i sent him my home address and phone number to his personal email) and has taken $100 out of my account (the amount of the textbook). This is kind of bullshit.

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Guest Tzar Lysergic

Dude, that Martin is not a shitty guitar, unless it's been unfortunately mistreated and is in poor condition. Where exactly are you wanting the strings?

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Closer to the fretboard. It's pretty much impossible to play unless you're playing strictly open chords, and even then it sucks. I want them to be less than 1/5" away from the fretboard.

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Harry Potter Spoilers. Don't ban me, I'm using the fucking tags.


Burbage dies on pg. 12

Hedwig dies on pg. 56

Mad-Eye dies on pg. 78

Scrimgeour dies on pg. 159

Wormtail dies on pg. 471

Dobby dies on pg. 476

Snape dies on pg. 658

Fred Weasley dies on pg. 637


Harry dies on page 704 at the hands of Voldemort, comes back on page 724 because he has the "Deathly Hallows". Voldemort then dies.


The last chapter is set 19 years in the future. Harry marries Ron's little sister, they have three kids named James, Albus Severus and some other one that I forget. Ron marries Hermoine, they also have kids. Draco has a kid too. All their children are going to Hogwarts together on that year.

Everyone is happy, the end.



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