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Giuseppe Zangara

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The part that stood out the most was somehow knowing my ex-girlfriend's number just by guessing it, despite the fact I haven't talked to her in over a year, and she just knew who it was instantly. She told me I should come and see her, and then I woke up.


I called her in real life. She most definitely does not want me to come see her.

During high school I was tripping and called some chick I went out with in middle school and apologised to her for different things and then proceeded to ask her if she was doing anything that night and if she wanted to hook up. She had her father pick up another phone and yell at me but I don't remember what he said because I was too far gone.

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I am not someone else. I'm not a joke poster. Gahrhrhr. Why is there any debate on this.

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I saw something funny online, smiled, and said "LOL" in my head.


I've been known to do that. My and old housemates used to say out loud, using it in a mocking fashion if someone fell over or said something stupid.

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i close the bedroom door every night because my girlfriend doesn't want the cat sleeping with us, and i can hear the cat whining outside the door right now for me to let him in. such a sad and lonely sound.

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i close the bedroom door every night because my girlfriend doesn't want the cat sleeping with us, and i can hear the cat whining outside the door right now for me to let him in. such a sad and lonely sound.


Does your cat claw at the door? That's what mine does.

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so my obsession with james joyce is renewing itself and i'm seriously considering getting an irish tweed cap to wear when the weather gets cold. normally i look very weird in hats, but that might just be eccentric enough for me to pull it off.


plus i'll be teaching by then, and i feel like humanities teachers at a college are sort of obligated to look off-center and not quite of this world. i'd very much like to have students recognize me in a crowd by my dapper tweed cap.

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I actually support wearing weird, weird shit for no reason (I have a collection), but I think teachers should look completely normal. It's comforting.

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My school just got in a bunch of new shit for the year in the computer lab. They got some new MIDI keyboards, a few new computers, and also some new mice. The new mice they got are those really nice Razer Copperhead mice, and there's no way to prevent students (me) from stealing them. My mouse is cute and nice, but i like the Copperhead better.

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I actually support wearing weird, weird shit for no reason (I have a collection), but I think teachers should look completely normal. It's comforting.


Should I end up teaching, I'm going to go for the eeriely normal, 1950s US style 'Well HE couldn't be a red!' tank top over shirt-and-tie look, with slick hair.

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What the hell? I only got a D on a GCSE that, after reading my paper, teacher and teaching assistant alike were certain I had scored an A in. This is quite literally the most frustrating, not to mention confusing, moment of my life so far.

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At least you were predicted an A, I never got that, I didn't get any A's in the end.


And now I'm a graduate!!

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I have an A in English Literature and another one in English Language: I still have the neccessary requirements to go to College, but this test was a massive dissapointment. The subject in question was Religious Education by the way.

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I have an A in English Literature and another one in English Language: I still have the neccesseary requirements to go to College, but this test was a massive dissapointment. The subject in question was Religious Education by the way.


I was never bothered about RE or any of the humanities stuff really, saying that I did History but found it really boring. I did do Drama though.

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I just left a message at work for a Sebastian Cockburn. Yes it's childish, but it made me chuckle.

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I had the most fascinating night ever last night. I managed to score a boatload of percoset, which made my evening start off much better to begin with, then went out with my friends drinking. Met up with a bunch of guys who I went to high school with that my old roommate now works with, had a couple cocktails with them, moved on to another bar, where I ran into some girl I went to high school with, whose friend is dating the son of my dad's best friend. Discovered that waiting in lines at bars is for suckers. Bought a round of jager bombs, on the way back to the cars, watched a fight break out between like eight kids. We all run over when we see one of them get taken down in the street, only to see that the guy who was doing the taking down was a cop. Next thing you know, this fucking kid grabs the cop and starts throwing punches at him, and approximately two seconds later the cop has his fucking gun out and at the kid's temple and we're all screaming for him to stop fucking trying to fight a cop. Walked back to the bar where we parked the car at, had another round of jager bombs, smoked a joint on the way back to the car, walked by my old house where my old neighbor was standing outside, and asked him if we could finish the joint in his driveway. He had no problem with it whatsoever, but some chick sitting there starts flipping out, telling me that she's not going to be implicated with what we're doing. I tell her nothing's going to happen, she tells me I'm not God, I disagree, she asks if I've never been arrested, I tell her that I lived at that house for two years and never once saw a cop, despite smoking blunts every day in the front yard. It's a hippie college neighborhood. Then she starts freaking out and we leave, only to decide that we should go to the tittie bar. Go to the tittie bar. Pretty sure I got a lapdance from a chick in a wig, but she let me suck on a nipple, so it's okay. Good times.

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