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Woman on cell gets pulled over doesn't listen.

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Ya because when white people get beat by cops, the first thing they cry is racism.


to put it another way. I think cops to racially profile people, but i don't think race had anything to do with this incident.


Not saying that it did. I am talking about your claim that a cop would be more hesitant to fuck with a black person because of the racist accusations that might follow. That is bullshit.

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well she got zapped...then "ya'll is racist!"


Zap a white person, and they mention nothing of race. Other white people don't give a shit that a white person got zapped. Black people love it, it might be police brutality, but not race related.


Zap a black person, immediately it's race related, Other black people are pissed cuz "the cops are racist" and even some white people will consider it to be race related.


Let me say that I have NO CLUE how cops think or operate, but if i was a cop, I'd zap the white people and get away with it, other than dealing with the media headache of being labeled a racist and having another potential Rodney King case on my hands.

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Well until they start using robots to be police, sometimes there are race related wrong doings in law enforcement. ANd with the number of blacks pulled over or arrested every year, a minute amount even claim racism. So that "immediately" shit is thrown out the window.

And even if every black person ever arrested for anything said racism, that has shit to do with your point. I am saying the threat of being accused of racism has never stopped has never stopped a cop from going after blacks before, and it certainly isn't going to start now.


And if you would like to pay attention to the story, noone has given a shit about her "racist" cries, the controversy is over the use of the taser. When racism obviously isn't a factor, it isn't brought up.

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ok, so what are we even talking about? I'm confused.


I thought someone said something about "if she was white", ah well we both say race had nothing to do with it. ok


I thought the taser has been deamed legal by most peeps. I thought that discussion was over. I've stated my peace on that subject anyways.

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To me it's the fact that she's a woman. A cop and partner can't subdue a woman who's not physically threatening them without use of a tazer? Cops must have been really ineffective about 10 years ago.



That's pussy shit right there.


This has been a PSA by your local strike team.




This DOES remind me of the cop who tazered GOB a couple times on AD.

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This is disgusting. They didn't need to tazer her. Even though they warned her like 5 times, she kept saying "taze?" like she didn't know what they meant. They should have used mace. It's a better first step and would have gotten her out of the car.


And you should be careful doing that to a woman. If she was pregnant, and the baby became brain damaged, or defected the cops could be sued, or if miscarried, then they would be up on murder charges.


This was an abuse of power.

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"You murdered my fetus, cuz i was stupid as fuck and would get outta the car!"


She clearly knew what taze was, first she thought it was a gun. But after about the 3rd time of saying, she told her friend on the phone "he's gonna taze me". She was not confused, she was just an idiot.

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Guest Fishyswa

Last time I checked being an idiot was not a crime, let alone a crime that requires the use of extreme force.


Her being black, stupid, female, whatever, it's irrelevant, she posed no threat, the tazer was completely unneccesary.

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Last time I checked being an idiot was not a crime, let alone a crime that requires the use of extreme force.


Her being black, stupid, female, whatever, it's irrelevant, she posed no threat, the tazer was completely unneccesary.


last time i checked, she wasn't pulled over for being an idiot! She was being arrested for multiple things! They had to control her somehow. I agree maybe mace would have been a better way to do this. And she did pose a threat by being on the phone telling someone exactly where she was pulled over at.


Go read the rest of the thread.

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Guest Fishyswa

Yes because the cops should assume that she's calling her local militia to come aid her and start a riot.


It doesn't matter what your arrested for, if you don't pose a physical threat, physical action isn't neccesary. Even if she was telling someone to come and do something, they would have to be 30 seconds away for them to actually see it as a threat. They could of had her out of the car, handcuffed and on her way to jail by the time anyone got there to help her.

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They can use physical force when someone is resisting arrest like she was. She also apparently took a swing at the other officer, which i didn't see, but could have happened since the view is from a dashboard camera.


And she could have been calling someone 30 seconds away, how the fuck can you know? She did not pose an immediate physical threat to the officers, but it was a potentially dangerous situation. Bottom line they had to diffuse the situation before it could get worse.


Again, go read the rest of the thread. This has all been covered.

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And again, what did cops do before the invention of the tazer? I'm sure there was an alternative between 'clench teeth in frustration' and 'shoot her in the head'. Like: you are a strong man. Drag her out of the car and cuff her. Better than tazing.

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Guest Fishyswa

They can use physical force when someone is resisting arrest like she was. She also apparently took a swing at the other officer, which i didn't see, but could have happened since the view is from a dashboard camera.


Maybe you should go back and read the police report. They can take her out the car and ass rape her for 5 hours straight, they shouldn't, they had no reason to, but they could.


And she could have been calling someone 30 seconds away, how the fuck can you know?


We don't know, which is why we can't ASSUME and then act off those assumptions. Assuming the worst just for after-the-fact justification only exposes a poor thought process.


She did not pose an immediate physical threat to the officers, but it was a potentially dangerous situation. Bottom line they had to diffuse the situation before it could get worse.


And they had NUMEROUS options aside from tazing her. No one's saying nothing had to be done, the point is the tazer was totally unneccesary.


Again, go read the rest of the thread. This has all been covered.


Take your own advice.

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I agree Mace would have been a better option. I've said before, if you read the thread, the cops were too quick with the taser.


Not assuming anything mean your not thinking at all. If the cops didn't act right away, they could have been in danger. That was already mentioned, if you read the thread.


Stop trying to dig up and arguement where there isn't one. You are disputing points I've already agreed on or have been covered by others in this thread.


End of discussion.

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Damn, the discussion's over? I just ready to post something too.

:lol: No, it's just over for me.

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I'd just like to say that I'm SHOCKED that there's this much dispute over this. The woman didn't listen to the cops. Repeatedly. She was being placed under arrest for multiple charges. If a cop puts a gun in your face and tells you to do something, you do it. If he puts a taser in your face and tells you to do something, you do it. Tempting the cop just so you can prove a fucking point is ridiculous. I'm also shocked that Ripper is defending the black person in this story, who, as per other Ripper defendants, was in the wrong. Shocked, I say.

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Probably because it's a lot more fun to talk shit about cops than to admit the lady was an annoying, disobedient douche. Made for an amusing video and thread though...

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Guest Fishyswa

[/b]"Not assuming anything mean your not thinking at all. If the cops didn't act right away, they could have been in danger. That was already mentioned, if you read the thread.[/b]


Yeah it's better to assume, and just to be safe, why not assume she's carrying a nuke in the back of her truck, and put one in her head. Or maybe assume she's on her way to kill someone with that dangerous cell phone, and put two in her head.


The woman didn't listen to the cops. Repeatedly. She was being placed under arrest for multiple charges. If a cop puts a gun in your face and tells you to do something, you do it. If he puts a taser in your face and tells you to do something, you do it.


Her not listening is never an issue, no one's saying she shouldn't of been arrested or reprimanded, the problem is, why did he go right to the tazer? Why was there no attempt to simply remove her from the vehicle? She was being a stupid bitch, and really she deserved to be tazered, but that doesn't negate the issue that cops are too quick to use tazers and this is a perfect example of it.


Her being wrong is not an excuse for a cops laziness or doing the wrong thing. Assuming makes an ass out of you and me, two wrongs don't make a right, do you guys have no cliche spewing parents?

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Her not listening is never an issue, no one's saying she shouldn't of been arrested or reprimanded, the problem is, why did he go right to the tazer? Why was there no attempt to simply remove her from the vehicle? She was being a stupid bitch, and really she deserved to be tazered, but that doesn't negate the issue that cops are too quick to use tazers and this is a perfect example of it.


Her being wrong is not an excuse for a cops laziness or doing the wrong thing. Assuming makes an ass out of you and me, two wrongs don't make a right, do you guys have no cliche spewing parents?


Not listening is always an issue. Police officers are there to uphold the law, and if they tell you to do something, you should do it. And did you even watch the video? He reached in to grab her and she yelled out "Don't you touch me!" and went right back to talking on the cell phone. It's disrespectful, it's rude, and if I were in the same position, I would do the exact same thing.

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Exactly, she wasn't complying to the officer and decided to "Keep it real" instead. What if he did just stand there for five minutes while she talked on the phone and then pulled a gun out of the glove compartment. The Police have to think of all possibilities when they approach someone incase they are a threat. She wasn't exactly acting calm or cooperative, for all they knew she would have become more of a threat.


It's not as if they even did something against the law, they subdued her legally and they probably would have gotten more shit if they tried to grab her or force her out by hand as she'd probably try and sue for assault.

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Guest Fishyswa

They made no effort to remove her from the car, they asked her, and then jumped right to pulling out a gun. If they try to remove her and she struggles, then they can use whatever force they deem neccesary. No effort was made, and they fell back on what was more convenient, not safer, not more logical, just what was more convenient.


Someone being disrespectful is no excuse for being excessive.

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