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NBA Finals

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I'm happy for the Spurs, especially Duncan. I always wish he had gone to the Celtics back in the draft years ago and he seems to be a generally really good guy either way. Definately been a solid playoffs as I've been pretty intrested (even after the Celts totally blew it) throughout it, unlike last year when I just watched the Finals and that was it.

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I have to salute the Pistons for never giving up. Thanks for a great year, even if it had its ups and downs.

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Guest Smues

Huzzah Spurs winning and finally giving me a champion this year I like. USC, New England, North Carolina, I was afraid Detroit would win the NBA title and then someone like New York (either of them) would win the world series to cap a terrible year. Go Spurs.

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i have to say though, these last 3 games went a long way to helping redeem this series.


So close yet so far.


Here's a question, if you're Detroit, you've got a great team, a championship contender, but they're also more up and down... what do you think, keep the team the way it is or start shifting pieces to try to put you over the hump (again)?


by the way i thought the officiating was horrendous. For both teams mind you, so dont think i'm taking anything away from S.A., but just in general, it seems to get worse and worse every year.

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i have to say though, these last 3 games went a long way to helping redeem this series.


So close yet so far.


Here's a question, if you're Detroit, you've got a great team, a championship contender, but they're also more up and down... what do you think, keep the team the way it is or start shifting pieces to try to put you over the hump (again)?


by the way i thought the officiating was horrendous. For both teams mind you, so dont think i'm taking anything away from S.A., but just in general, it seems to get worse and worse every year.


Keep it. If Billups didn't have a real off-day, this game could have gone the other way. McDyess proved to be just as good as Corliss and maybe even more effective with his short range jumper.


I think all the parts and pieces were there. Duncan just showed up and Chauncy didn't.

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Solid game, but I think Manu played a better series than Tim Duncan in all seriousness. I don't know if anyone agrees with me, but I think Manu deserved the MVP.

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You can't give GINOBILI the MVP when the NBA is giving Tim Duncan the god push as the superstar of the team. For the past week it has been nothing but Duncan this, Duncan that, Duncan is soft, Duncan needs to win to for image reasons, blah blah blah.

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Detroit needs to bring in two things via Free Agency. They need a complementary big man to the Wallaces and McDyess. Darko is a waste of a roster spot, and the Pistons need to offset his lack of development. They also need maybe a combo guard who can spell either Hamilton and/or Billups. They don't need to break the bank, just get some solid proven veterans. They also should look at bringing in a proven college player who can come off the bench and maybe get 10 points in a given night. As of now they have no depth and that is what killed them as after Rasheed and McDyess got in foul trouble they ended up with Prince at the 4. That is where the tide turned as Detroit had the came pretty much in control up by 9

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Congrats to the Spurs. They deserve it. Now onto post game thoughts...


- Obviously the turning point was the 3rd quarter when the Spurs finally got Tim going and the Spurs finally played some defense worth a damn. Defensively, the Spurs had not played well for almost 2 whole games going on 3.


- Tim's legacy will now go down with as many championships as Kobe and Shaq. If he wins any more, I wonder where he'll place in history. Right now, there is an argument for him being the greatest PF to ever play.


- I see a lot of Ginobili love here, as well there should be. The only thing I can defend Tim with here is that without Tim's prescence in the post, Ginobili would not have the oppurtunities he gets on a regular basis. Tim and Manu pretty much need each other. With pressure, Manu can be forced to make some bad plays, as shown in game 6.


- Pistons should hang their heads high. Ben Wallace is all heart. I wish there were more like him. Billups, for all the clutch play he had displayed through the last 2 playoff runs, did not play well tonight although he did have foul trouble in the first half. Rasheed is Rasheed. You are going to get some bad, but mostly good out of him. Rip was disappointing tonight and Tayshaun really, really, really needs to be more aggressive offensively. I think he could be an All Star caliber player if he just looked for his shot more often.


- Offseason will be interesting for Detroit. We all know about Larry Brown and how he will probrably not be back for next year. I'm not sure of the contract situations for the players, but there are a couple of things that need addressing. 1) Either play Darko or trade the poor guy. I think his psyche is so gone I don't think he can be productive for this ball club. 2) They need more 3 point shooting. They successful in Game 6 because they had a combo of inside game coupled with 3 point shooting. Chauncey can't haul up that many 3's and Hamilton is more a 2 point long range shooter. 3) As brought up here, they need some backcourt depth. Arroyo isn't the answer and Hunter is alright as a defensive sparkplug, but they need a 3rd backcourt scoring threat.

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I thought that the turning point was when Chauncey Billups, who hadn't committed a single turnover in the game, tried to pass the ball through two defenders on a fast break. San Antonio went on something like a 15-2 run after that, and the Pistons never recovered.


I can't believe that Tony F. Massenburg has a championship ring.

Edited for accuracy.

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- Offseason will be interesting for Detroit. We all know about Larry Brown and how he will probrably not be back for next year. I'm not sure of the contract situations for the players, but there are a couple of things that need addressing. 1) Either play Darko or trade the poor guy. I think his psyche is so gone I don't think he can be productive for this ball club.


i agree. i think, next season should be better for him, he'll have a full summer of playing time wtih the summer league and also internatonal play (he sat out both previous summers). Especially if larry brown leaves, you can bet that will be a requirement for the future coach, willing to play darko and delfino. But the general idea, either roll the dice next year or cut him loose, is 100% right. he doesnt need to be a star, just a productive 10 pt guy.

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Guest shaqaustin34

Them Damn Spurs


I feel sorry for Rasheed, because he will probably get the blame for loosing Detroit the championship.


As far as Detroit goes I believe if Larry Brown does not return, then Detroit will not be a contender with this starting 5 players, because I doubt that any available coaches can coach a team like Detroit to a championship. So I hope that their starting 5 leave Detroit and hopefully contribute to other teams (I can see Big Ben in Cleveland with Lebron).

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Guest shaqaustin34
there's no way Dumars lets go of that starting five for the next 2 to 3 years unless there's some blockbuster trade (though Prince is a restricted free agent)


Without Larry Brown, there is no coaches that are available that can coach a team like Detroit, because Detroit is not the usual team. Unlike most teams in the NBA they do not have that on or two great players, they have 5 very good players and unless you have coach like Larry Brown, who can teach to play the right way, you can't win a championship with a team like Detroit.

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The Spurs aren't really a dynasty. They are more like a perennial contender that wins the title at times, kinda like the Washington Redskins from 1982-92 or so. It doesn't help that the Lakers won 3 titles in between their 1st and 2nd titles, and that the 1st title was in a "that doesn't totally count" lockout year.


Anyway, at least Detroit didn't win it all. There's just some teams I instictively dislike and the Pistons are one of them. My mom was actually for the Pistons due to Tayshaun Prince (local boy from UK) but I countered by mentioning the Spurs have Nazr Mohammed, also from UK. I can't believe Mohammed has a title ring, hell he has 3 if you count the 2 others from UK (1996, 98).

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I'm a big Pistons fan, and while I'm disapointed that they lost, it's at least to a team I can stand.


I've always liked the Spurs. I tend to like guys like Robinson, Elliot, and Duncan who just come off as likeable guys. There's really no one on the Spurs I can throw my hate behind.


Now dammit, I wanted the Pistons to win, but the Spurs are about as good of a #2 choice as there is

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