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Guest nokia

The ECW ONS Thread

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I am eagerly awaiting RVD's shoot. It should be interesting considering the events that unfolded after his debut, and his extreme-overness with the crowd, and then getting Main Event slots, and suddenly getting jobbed out every week.

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In Heyman's interview(see Heyman/Miam Herald thread) he said there are four planned Suprises that are HUGE. I wonder if Mike Awesome is one of them since the match is not officially announced.

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Mike Awesome looked like absolute shit the last time I saw him. He was starting to get a belly on him, and in one of his last WWE matches, put over FUNAKI on Velocity. Plus, I thought he was in the doghouse with Paul Heyman due to his abrupt ECW departure? I guess Heyman is willing to let by-gones be by-gones for the sake of putting on a good show, and thats very admirable. If Awesome has goten himself in shape, this should be nothing short of a classic brawl. I always marked for the guy because he was well over 6 feet tall, close to 300lbs, and could move around the ring and fly in a manner that no man his size has any business doing. I am very much looking forward to seeing him return. I wonder if his old manager, Judge Jeff Jones has been asked to attend the show?


The only work of Masato Tanaka I ever saw outside of ECW was in a deathmatch DVD I have called King of the Deathmatch, where he teamed with Hayabusa against Mr. Pogo and Terry Funk in an Exploding ring deathmatch. It was basically just a garbage match that included Pogo 'cutting' Tanaka across the back with a large knife. As far as ECW goes, Takana always impressed me. He also had some damn fine brawls with Balls Mahoney.


OFF TOPIC: I haven't read this anywhere, but maybe someone has an answer. Has WWE made any sort of statement in regards to signing some of the talent theyre using on the show, or are the outside-workers strictly working for one night only? I would LOVE to see Tanaka, Awesome, Mahoney, even Sandman signed to a deal of some sort.

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According to Byte This, RVD will have "about 10 minutes" of completely unrestricted interview time at One Night Stand.


Seeing how much he does it on radio shows, anyone wanna bet RVD makes a HHH reference?

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Guest *KNK*
I bet Austin and Foley will show up.


according to Meltzer, Foley is working with styles.


and to answer a previous question, only Psicosis and Super Crazy have been signed beyond ONS.

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Guest *KNK*

Douglas is going to be in NYC that afternoon at the ROH show, so we know of his whereabouts.


Raven appearing during the main event seems likely...

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Guest Ronixis

I see the PPV as a way Vince can finally see that he needs Wrestling People on his company and not Hollywood guys (That suck and cant write a lick) ECW might be a yearly thing with WWE, but somebody like Cena can be helped by showing the diffrenct styles that Heyman wants to show on the PPV, it will do wonders for Cena. Corrnette does one style correct and that Southern Style- but that does not always work. Lesnar didnt want to deal with the style, and even though he was still green, he produced great matches. Cena can become the next big thing- he just needs to LEARN. A LOT of the WWE b-ranked stars need to LEARN. Hell, HHH needs to Learn a little too...


What I see is that Ace keeps using the AJPW "like" style on the brand. Where thats all well and good, some of them cant work that style. The Big Man Showman style WWE used for YEARS needs alot of tweeking, because granted, there is got going to be *** matches every night, and yeah there is going to be bad nights- but the way Carlito showboats his way in matches...come on. Hes not Flair-Flair could do a legit Suplex once in awhile, and still can bump like a MAN after all these years. His first match with Cena, Carlito was not bad. But hes gotten worse and so has Cena somewhat. They need to learn.


What I hope Vince gets out of this, is that It was never about the chair drops, it was never about the flaming tables. It was mature, good storlines, and treating this buisness like it meant something. PPH (Puroresu Power Hour radio show for all the Puroheads) had (Jerry) Lynn, and he said it was never a Dull moment in ECW and loved to go to work. If Lesnar had the same attuide about WWE, who KNOWS what could have happend to the Company?


This PPV is pretty much a baromiter on what is going to happen in the company down the road. If this is a successful PPV- I think a lot of things can happen that will take too long to write down, mostly positive. However if its shotty...Vince has to know in his heart its over for HIS company. Vince has more to lose than Heyman. Thats why he didnt want Steph, Brian or HHH anywhere near this. Joey Styles will get his words in. RVD will get his words in. We will have great matches (we hope) The words Styles and RVD will HURT HHH and Steph and they have to take the Critisism. They will never LEARN until they hear. And its up to them to change, and when they do change, I hope that Hell in the Cell match with Batista on the 26th will be not a HHH love fest, but what it was like in 2000 with Mick Foley with Batista going over. And I hope Steph just take it for granted that she cant do it all and she has to know that this is NOT the Attuide ERA anymore. The company can be so much better than it is. I saw what the company could be in WM 20. It can be like that night after night.

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I can't see WWE allowing Benoit and Eddy to go full-tilt, which means we'll get Vengence Part II which may suck as bad (or worse) then the first one.


We might get to see it, but not anytime soon. Eddie needs to culminate his feud with Rey, while Benoit is stuck in a feud with the wrestling god. :(

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Heyman said on Byte This that Richards will have a match at the PPV, but he wouldn't say against who. I wouldn't be surprised if it was against Sabu, because they had what was supposedly a really good match at House Party '96.

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Guest *KNK*

I'd rather see JBL/Benoit go full tilt then Eddy/Benoit. Its been done to DEATH.

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Guest *KNK*

Why hasn't Al Snow gotten involved with all this stuff like Dreamer? Why isnt Al marching out too?

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Snow was never much of an ECW guy. Sure, he developed his most famous character there, but he was only there a few months and definitely isn't associated with ECW the way Dreamer and Sandman are.

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Heyman said on Byte This that Richards will have a match at the PPV, but he wouldn't say against who.  I wouldn't be surprised if it was against Sabu, because they had what was supposedly a really good match at House Party '96.


I was thinking Raven vs. Stevie.

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Considering how Stevie is listed on WWE.com's ECW site as:


"The BWO - Big Stevie Cool, Hollywood Nova, and The Blue Guy"


I figured we'd be getting a six-man tag.

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Guest *KNK*
Snow was never much of an ECW guy.  Sure, he developed his most famous character there, but he was only there a few months and definitely isn't associated with ECW the way Dreamer and Sandman are.


However, Benoit who was only there for roughly under a year has been pushed as MR. ECW. As if he was there the whole time like Dreamer and Sandman.(yes, I know he's basically the biggest active former ecw star on the roster thus explaining his "push")


Im not saying he shouldn't be focused or anything but he's there, people know him, wouldnt be a bad thing to have him join the parade...

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