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Dangerous A

I'm sorry, but this warrants some discussion

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Vince McMahon is very, very much a mick, and micks are not known to be PC.



Calling Vince a mick in a thread complaining about Austin saying "sand people" is pretty hypocritical. Not to mention that calling an irishman a mick is equivalent to calling a black man a nigger.

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Guest JumpinJackFlash
I know that there is discussion on this in the OAO Raw thread, but IMO it warrants it's own thread.


"I see Sand People."


Are you for real?


I cannot believe WWE gets away with this. For the life of me, I just wish mainstream media would get their hands on this and call WWE on it. I'm for WWE's freedom to say whatever, but I don't like their freedom from the criticism of what they are saying, particularly when it's race baiting garbage. Even if Austin was acting on his own and not from a script, WWE should've bleeped it out or something. Alas, no one in the mainstream will know and it won't be covered and Austin and WWE won't have to apologize or at least try to justify what was said. It's sad. The whole Hassan thing was sad. Believe it or not, the Hassan character would be fifty times worse if WWE would've gone through with their orignial plans of teaming Hassan with Deuce Shade from OVW as a tag team called "The Mad Terrorists". Nothing good can come from this race baiting angle. It doesn't sell tickets and just smears wrestling fans some more. LOTC had a great point in that this angle helps fascilitate racism, because while WWE will try to point out that Hassan's intentions are he is wronged and has valid points, the reaction they are going for is one that is covered in racism and WWE knows it. This is cheap heat at it's ugliest.


This reminds me of a few weeks back when Christian was talking to his Canadian PEEPS. If you don't recall, Christian was talking about the wrestlers on Smackdown.


Christian: They have Americans...


Audience: Boo!


Christian: They have Mexicans...


Audience: Boo!


Christian: They have Japanese...


Audience: Boo!


The WWE fans are being set up to believe that they should hate anything that they aren't. I wonder if Vince's dad was a racist.... :huh:

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It was kinda funny to see Austin refer to Hassan in that way just two days after seeing him use another word to describe Nelly in the Longest Yard.


From WWE Corporate:


As some of you are aware, WWE recently introduced two new characters, Muhammad Hassan and Khosrow Daivari, on Monday Night RAW. The characters Hassan and Daivari are U.S. citizens of Arab descent who have grown up in America. Over the past several weeks, Hassan and Daivari have spoken out on RAW about the challenges and poor treatment they have faced being Arab-Americans in a post 9/11 America. They have taken these complaints, and the way they express them, to the extreme, insulting their country, their fellow Americans and the U.S. troops to the point where they have drawn the resentment of their fellow Superstars and WWE fans.


In the real world, WWE believes that no matter what our race, religious creed or ethnic background in America, we all share the common bond of being Americans. American-Arabs are a part of the fabric of America, and they should be embraced by all of us.

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I always laugh how little WWE writers know/care about things they write or characters they make up. Does anyone else realize that Hassan, who I'll assume is supposed to be a muslim arab-american, has tattoos (on his arms) which is in direct violation of the teachings in the Koran; it is considered desecrating your body. I'm catholic and i know this; I guess WWE just thinks and /or realizes that wrestling fans aren't smart enough to realize this or don't care.

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Not that it really justifies anything, but Austin doesn't strike me as the kind of character to walk around eggshells. That being said, if it was scripted, it's probably because they think the Stone Cold character is a racist. If it wasn't scripted, then well, Stone Cold probably IS racist.

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Not that it really justifies anything, but Austin doesn't strike me as the kind of character to walk around eggshells. That being said, if it was scripted, it's probably because they think the Stone Cold character is a racist. If it wasn't scripted, then well, Stone Cold probably IS racist.



Which to me is the disappointing part of the whole thing.


I remember when Austin was first feuding with NOD, and mainly Rock, he cut a promo saying "it's not a black thing, it's not a white thing, it's a me-whippin-your-ass thing". That is the mentality I had always held the Austin character to. It didn't matter what race, color, or creed (reference Jake) you were, Austin didn't like you and he'd whip your ass when he felt like it. If you cut out the sandpeople blast, the rest of the interaction is fine. It's just really sickening that racist namecalling had to come into play. Nice to see Austin still in character from Longest Yard, eh?

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sounds like typical WWE stupidity to me, the kind of thing that made me stop watching that crap.


Anyways its not like its gonna stop you from watching, if you've put up with all the shite so far. unlses it'll tip the balance to the point where you wont watch anymore, WWE doesnt care about (y)our kvetching.


It's completely vile, but what do you care? You "find the character entertaining" so you don't care.


*laughs at those thinking this is the start of an austin heel turn*

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Guest RadioBurning

Some of my friends and I were surprised by Jericho saying "Muhammad Hassan blows camels" at a house show last month.

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Vince McMahon is very, very much a mick, and micks are not known to be PC.



Calling Vince a mick in a thread complaining about Austin saying "sand people" is pretty hypocritical. Not to mention that calling an irishman a mick is equivalent to calling a black man a nigger.


....um, he was joking.


Blazing Saddles taught us chinks and niggers > the micks.

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Guest TheYoungPolitician

In my eyes, the real Stone Cold character died in 2001 with his heel turn. The

"What?" phenomenon was on the horizon, and ever since then, he's made these drastically lame attempts to be funny. Last Monday night featured one of those attempts.

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Ironically enough, Austin's character (Guard Dunham) in The Longest Yard is a racist redneck also.


Way to branch out with your acting skills, Austin.



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I doubt the line was scripted because Hassan went on to call Austin a fair man later on in the promo, which I really can't see the writers having him do.

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I don't think calling an Irishman a mick is exactly like calling a black guy a nigger. It's probably the least loaded ethnic slur, behind wop, spic, chink, frog, limey, sand monkey, dothead, redskin, and canuck.


Yeah that's right. Canuck.


Anyway I wasn't bothered at all by this comment, because professional wrestling has no class. And if that comment made wrestling seem trashy, don't worry! By the end of the show, that was nullified by HHH and Michaels brawling in dress shirts and ties, with nice long hair. When Yuppies Collide.

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I don't think calling an Irishman a mick is exactly like calling a black guy a nigger. It's probably the least loaded ethnic slur, behind wop, spic, chink, frog, limey, sand monkey, dothead, redskin, and canuck.



Not to an irishman who knows his history. Just fyi, the irish were also called "white niggers" when they first started coming to America.. So yes, mick is very insulting.

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If this is another case of working the internet, expect an Austin heel turn.



I don't know if that line was any indication, BUT if this is Austin's new role to have court and enforce the law I just want to see the crowd's reaction when he tries to PC John Cena.

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I've always been uncomfortable with the character because even if there's no racist intent, you know deep down some of the people going along with it are racist and this gives them ammunition. Irresponsible.

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I guess he's just conditioned to the illogic booking of the wwe. I mean, he did turn heel out of nowhere at WM 17(although there were hints from his return, but they didn't really drop hints of it and it didn't play into his heel turn promo).

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Well, since Magnus is Italian-American, couldn't this end with him revealing that he is Italian and the last six months were actually a 'Black Like Me'-inspired experiment to see how racist WWE fans are?


"You people are even more racist than you thought! You make me sick! Just because I come out here and claim to be of Arab descent, you boo us week after week! Well, guess what? My real name is Mark Magnus and I'm an Italian-American from Syracuse! Daivari's real name is Shawn and he's from Minnesota, for God's sake!"


Then he can go on berating the audience until Daivari tries to get him to stop, saying that he's proved his point. But Magnus/Hassan refuses, continuing to berate the crowd. Daivari and Magnus get in a shoving match, then Magnus jumps Shawn from behind. Daivari recovers and cleans house, ending the segment/angle with Magnus as a big-time heel and Daivari as a face.

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