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Lord of The Curry

X3 could be in huge trouble

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I'm pretty scared here. Wow.


If you're reading this thread then you're pretty much allowing yourself to have the entire thing revealed to yourself. First and last warning: IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO HEAR A SINGLE SPOILER ABOUT X3, STAY THE FUCK OUT. Spoiler tags will not be used in this one.


For real, I'm gonna start talking about shit so don't scroll down.


- Ratner is the worst possible choice to direct this one. After reading about all the shit Fox did w/ Singer and contract negotiations I don't blame him for peacing out.


- So, Cyclops is dead. Uh........ok. I never gave two shits about Marsden in the first place but it seems a little out of the blue. I'm not sure how the fans will react to this new Jean Grey.


- Wolverine bangs Storm? Gimme a fucking break. Halle Berry was mis-cast from the get go and for some reason she's still around. The article also alludes to the fact that she was re-signed on the contigency that her character gets a much bigger role. I wonder if killing Cyclops off is her payback for re-signing.


- Beast sounds very on the fence at this point. Like Moriarty said, if they don't get his CGI right it'll be a disaster. I'm not too worried about Grammer nailing his persona and mannerisms, thank God.


- A glowing blue serum is the lead heel in this? The fuck?


- Gambit being written off as a Magneto lackey doesn't work for me.


- 4 major characters get written off by getting injected with the aforementioned blue serum.


- This is not confirmed by any means but it seems like they're going to kill Professor X off. Moriarty only reveals that Cyclops dies but edits out the names of the other mutants set to kick it in the article. The following line was a huge clue for me:


"but [THE SECOND CHARACTER TO DIE] went out with almost nothing but a whimper. His character in this film is severely underdeveloped, and what’s worse is that they add Cain Marko just as [sOMEONE] is killed off?".


Cain Marko is Juggernaut, aka Proffesor X's half-brother. Moriarty seems to be lamenting the fact that they introduce 'Naut right when they kill X off instead of running with the built-in storyline between the two.


I'm really, really afraid for this movie now. A far cry from my "They cannot fuck this one up" attitude I had after leaving the theatre when I saw X2.

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I hated Singer for leaving but now I can't say I blame him. A really bad X3 and Superman movie could signal the downfall of the current trend of comic book/hero flicks.



It would definitely hurt comic/hero flicks that aren't estabished from getting off the ground (think Ghost Rider). However, sho nuff hits like Spiderman and Batman (at least I think it'll be great) should have no problem getting green lit.

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- Gambit being written off as a Magneto lackey doesn't work for me.


He's better as a villain. He was more entertaining in X-Men Evolution as Magneto's #2 and a foil for Wolverine than he ever was in the comics.

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Guest SP-1

Hey, hey, now. Let's not go judging the Supes movie just yet. At least wait for a trailer.

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I am shocked that a change to the director leads a successful super hero series to shit in the third installment.


X-Men Begin in 2015?

To be fair, a poor script wouldn't be Ratner's fault. That would be like blaming the script on Chuck Austen.


He's better as a villain. He was more entertaining in X-Men Evolution as Magneto's #2 and a foil for Wolverine than he ever was in the comics.

I'd agree. Although personally, I've never liked Gambit anyways.

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OK, now that I've read through the thing, it seems like they're taking source material from the cartoon (Rogue looking to get "cured") and Weapon X (Leech being used for something or other) as well as Whedon's current storyline.


Other thoughts:

- Cyclops buying it seems like a byproduct of the whole Singer-Fox thing. He could've just taken a leave of absence or something if they wanted Storm to lead. Speaking of which...

- Storm with a different personality isn't unheard of. So if that's the direction they're taking, Halle Berry better be sporting a mohawk.

- what the hell is a "six-day draft"?

- Now I'm very interested in what Moriarty will think when he does get his hands on a draft of this thing.


- 4 major characters get written off by getting injected with the aforementioned blue serum.

You misread that part a bit. 4 major characters either die or get demutantized. And so far, it looks like those are: Cyke, Prof X, Magneto and Mystique. Although Storm should probably get demutantized - it would go well with the mohawk.

Edited by starvenger

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wow they are totlaly gonna fuck X-men franchise up the ass.


What's the bullshit rehash storyline all about?


You fuckers know what we want to see. Sentinels and Dark fucking Phoenix done right. Fuck yeah.

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Guest El Satanico

Fox shouldn't have got bitchy about Singer doing Superman, and just waited until he was finished.

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Wolverine bangs Storm? Gimme a fucking break. Halle Berry was mis-cast from the get go and for some reason she's still around. The article also alludes to the fact that she was re-signed on the contigency that her character gets a much bigger role. I wonder if killing Cyclops off is her payback for re-signing.


You've got to be kidding me. How has anything she done lately done anything except reinforce that she should only be a supporting player? Why the hell would they give her a bigger role when she could have easily been cut and *nobody* would miss her?


Well, so much for buying a ticket or even renting.

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I'm guessing we've passed the "we'll make quality films comic book fans can enjoy" mentality and hit the "those suckers will pay for whatever shit we put on the screen" point

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I just finished reading "Comic Book Wars" and apparently Marvel doesn't have as much control over Blade and X-Men as all the other franchises - those deals were done during the Ron Perelman era.


This of course leads to the question of what the fuck happened with Daredevil?

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Daredevil would have been better with about a half hour of more content...to me, none of the characters were fleshed out, and another half hour or so would have done the trick...Ben Affleck aside, Daredevil wasn't THAT bad...

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Starvenger, give the Director's Cut edition of Daredevil a chance if you haven't already. I found it to be eons better than the original version: no lovey-dovey crap with Elektra, a murder sub-plot, and better pacing. Sorry to go off-topic.


I'm highly upset with this recent news for X3. I'll give the movie a chance, but if those rumors turn out to be true then this is bye-bye for the X-Men franchise.

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there's no way this shit is true...come on now, all of a sudden Wolverine and Storm form a romance when they had hardly any interaction at all in the first two movies? Cyclops won't be in at all? how the HELL do you not have Cyclops in a fucking X-Man movie? This shit is waaaaay to lame to be true...

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Cyclops wasn't in all that much of X2 and it was better for it really. I remember as a kid watching those cartoons on TV and the Cyclops/Jean Grey stuff just sucked the life out of those shows too, with all that "I love you, Scott" and "I love you, Jean" crap. There is a reason the X Men cartoons aren't as well remembered as the Batman cartoons of the same time period. At least the first film played off of how cheesy that stuff is and it was amusing.


As far as Halle Berry goes, who the fuck is she to demand a larger role at this point? Has she EVER drawn a dime as a lead actress? Take a look at some of her vehicles like Gothika and Catwoman. Christ, at least the Bond people had the common sense to tell her to fuck off when she wanted to do a Jinx spinoff.

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- Gambit being written off as a Magneto lackey doesn't work for me.


He's better as a villain. He was more entertaining in X-Men Evolution as Magneto's #2 and a foil for Wolverine than he ever was in the comics.


Actually the best thing to do with Gambit is make him Storm's love interest, with Gambit being someone who pushes all of Storm's buttons and stuff and Storm loving it since no one else treats her like an actual person instead of stuffy leader girl.


That said, I've always liked Halle as Storm and felt that Famke Jansen was the "What the fuck were they thinking?" real casting mistake of the first two X-Men movies. Berry could work if they would just write Storm like a normal person and not the ice queen most people write her as.

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Cyclops wasn't in all that much of X2 and it was better for it really.  I remember as a kid watching those cartoons on TV and the Cyclops/Jean Grey stuff just sucked the life out of those shows too, with all that "I love you, Scott" and "I love you, Jean" crap.  There is a reason the X Men cartoons aren't as well remembered as the Batman cartoons of the same time period.  At least the first film played off of how cheesy that stuff is and it was amusing.



Regardless, Cyclops is easily in the top 5 most recognizable X-Men and somehow you HAVE to have in a movie:










Jean Grey




Angel-I'm really shocked he hasn't be added in somewhere

Kitty Pryde


if that's not a correct order, it's pretty damn close (I just included the ones who have been X-Men for extreme lengths of time)...

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