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Smackdown Spoilers

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So SD! main event scene is Batista, JBL, Christian , Undertaker, Orton, Booker T, Benoit.


RAW is Cena, HHH, HBK and Angle.


I don't know SD! looks in a good position although they are still Heel heavy. Benoit and Batista. Booker T is midcard at best.

Booker strikes me more as a Jericho type, meaning he can fo from mid-card to main event pretty easily.

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Guest JMA

JBL really shouldn't be put in matches with multiple opponents any more (since he always wins those). Anyway, it's good to see that he won't get the belt again.


As for Christian, I'm personally glad that he's away from Tomko. They should pair up Christian and Morgan now.

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That last match was certainly booked to keep the heels strong. Hassan gets to claim he was never beaten, and JBL has a new reason to bitch that he should be champion.

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they simply have to get a Morgan/Tomko trade done.


Christian doesn't work without Tomko.  Morgan can reunite with CCC, finish that TBS deal and flounder over there like he would on Smackdown anyways.


If Tomko sticks on Raw, he will be gone by november.


I really hope they use the simple "Tomko was under MY contract. Never WWE's" excuse.


Either that, or Christian (Carlito) could just look at Morgan (Tomko) and say "Hey, want to be my new Problem Solver (bodyguard)?

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Tomko and Morgan should get traded for each other.


Jericho and Benjamin remaining on Raw surprised alot of people as did RVD moving to Monday nights.


I still say that SD has come out of the period in pretty good shape.

Raw seems to be where all of the established stars are (except Cena), whereas SD has the former Evolution pair of Batista and Orton. Christian is also on the way up.


JBL and Taker are the old heads. Benoit brings the workrate. Booker T is floating around as usual. Eddie could be the #1 face or heel on the show if the writers plucked their fingers out of their arses.


The SD midcard looks like it'll be Cruiserweght heavy with the Mexicools arriving. Add Jordan, booker T, Rey Mysterio and you have a midcard.


The Tag scene is in disarray on both shows though. Apart from MNM no-one grabs my attention. You could have a strong division featuring MNM, Hassan/Daivari, Holly/Haas, Mexicools and Basham Bros but I doubt the WWE writers are that smart.


future matches to look forward to on SD (some require face/heel turns):


Batista V JBL


Batista V Orton


Orton V Taker


Eddie V Orton


Orton V Christian

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So did anyone else notice that Christian got to be in two "main events" in one night...before I pointed it out just now?


Of course, with this double loss, he is now the losingest wrestler for the year so far (3-17 at Vengeance according to the win-loss thread would put him at 3-19 now)

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For my viewing, I think Smackdown actually came out of the draft the clear victor. Now in real terms, the loss of Cena was a bigger blow than it was to my enjoyment of the product so keep that in mind.


Here are your top level guys...











Big Show

















Honestly, I'd probably prefer the Smackdown group. Angle is good, but not reliable and aside from him (assuming he's healthy) the only RAW guys that interest me are Shelton and to a lesser extent, Cena.


As for the picks...


Cena vs. Batista. RAW is the clear victor here, although in terms of personal enjoyment I don't think there is much difference between the two.


Angle vs. Benoit. Benoit is clearly above Angle, even when he's healthy. He's still the best in-ring performer in the company. Given Kurt's health problems and the terrible booking he's suffered recently, this is a big win for Smackdown.


Big Show vs. Orton. I really dislike Orton, but Big Show is no big loss either. This is a win for RAW, but only by default.


Carlito vs. Hassan & Daivari. Both Carlito & Hassan suck in the ring, but SD wins because they get a whole other guy, and he's probably the best wrestler of the three.


RVD vs. Christian. I don't like RVD at all, whereas Christian is actually entertaining. Smackdown wins.


So 3-2 in favour of Smackdown, and one of RAW's wins isn't exactly stunning.

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Guest JMA
Does this mean Tomko will be a Raw jobber...or released?

I have nothing against the guy personally, but I can't stand him in the ring. I'm hoping he either gets released or is sent back down to OVW. I think Christian and Morgan will work much better together.

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So Smackdown is shaping out nicely. This is what I would book for the Great American Bash...

Pre-Great American Bash Heat

United States Championship Match

Booker T v. Orlando Jordan© v. Hardcore Holly v. Charlie Haas

Winner - Orlando Jordan @ 6:43 when Jordan pins Holly. Booker T had the win a few seconds earlier, but the referee was trying to break up a scuffle between Haas and Holly.


WWE Great American Bash 2005

Cruiserweight Tag Team Action

Super Crazy & Psicosis v. Billy Kidman & Akio

Winner - Psicosis & Super Crazy @ 7:29 when Crazy pins Akio following a moonsault. Juventud congradulates them at the top of the rampway


Deadman's Return To PPV

Muhammed Hassan v. The Undertaker

Winner - The Undertaker @ 11:14 because the Undertaker always goes over new, fresh talent on PPVs.


Tag Team Championship Intergender Match

MNM© v. Heidenreich, Michelle McCool & 'New Friend' Scotty 2 Hotty

Winner - MNM @ 6:50 via Mercury pinfall on Scotty. Heidenreich checks on Scotty after the match as MNM celebrates by getting victory pictures taken of them.


Number One Contenders Match

Chris Benoit v. Christian

Winner - Christian @ 16:56 when Christian pins Benoit after an Unprettier. Benoit misses a Flying Headbunt early, and Christian tears Benoit's face to shit. Unprettier finishes, however, Benoit's foot was under the ropes to lead to some controversy the next week.


Cruiserweight Championship Triple Threat Match

Cruiserweight Title - Paul London© v. Juventud v. Chavo Guerrero

Winner - Paul London @ 9:41 via pinfall on Juventud following interference from Billy Kidman. Following the match Kidman and London make up, with Kidman saying he was upset about hurting Chavo before, but Chavo is back and knows he shouldnt of did what he did. He apologizes to London, and they hug! Strike Force is BACK! Akio is out as well with Kidman, and shakes London's hand out of respect. Chavo, however, nails all three with chairs joining MEXICOOL.


No Disqualification Match

Rey Mysterio v. Eddie Guerrero

Winner - Eddie Guerrero @ 23:38 via pinfall on Rey Rey. Rey's son was ringside an after a great match Eddie threatened Rey's son, leading to Rey diving over the top, but smashing his torso off the guardrail. Eddie follows up with the Frogsplash for the win.


World Heavyweight Championship

Batista© v. JBL

Winner - Batista @ 13:04 via the Batista Bomb. Good brawl, JBL has a few chances, but is overpowered by Batista.


- Guerrero could join with Mexicool creating a big CW scene with an 8 man tag of MEXICOOL v. London, Akio, Funaki, and face turn for Kidman.


- Why Funaki, Akio, and Kidman? Because those three were involved in Crazy, Psicosis, and Juvi's Velocity Debuts.


- Leader of MEXICOOL would get the shot at the title along with the man who has 'never been pinned' for that belt, Chavo Guerrero.


- Kidman/Akio/London are left laying after Guerrero/Juventud/Psicosis/Crazy do their business. Funaki joins up with the three faces the next Smackdown!


- Batista overpowers JBL, making him look very good.


- Christian and Benoit showcases both talents, and could lead to a triple threat with Batista for the strap. Or at least another Benoit/Christian match with the controversial ending.


- Rey v. Eddie will continue, making it an extremely long, thought out storyline. Rare in the WWE.


- Booker T is shipped to Heat duty, but only because of the pushing of the CW Division. Maybe the Tag match could take place on Heat instead, but I doubt it as WWE would want DIVAS showcased on the PPV.


- The tag match continues the fued between Heidenreich/MNM. Plus brings Scotty back for the big pop.


**Would be a solid card to me.

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F*ck JBL. He bores the shit out of me. His matches are bland and his promos are NOT FUNNY but repetitive and cliche.


Having said that I look forward to Batista breaking JBL in half

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Here are your top level guys...















I love how you completely left the US Champion Orlando Jordan off of your list :P

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Guest JMA
According to Meltzer, JBL was put over huge in the six-way, as he got to kick out of everyone's big moves, so it looks like Batista v JBL is SD's next major match/program.

He's always rewarded for dickish behavior, so this isn't anything new.

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JBL really needs to be out of the world title scene post-GAB. I'm not adversed to him getting there again, but but I'm getting tired of him main eventing every single Smackdown PPV. Hell turn Orlando face and have them feud for the U.S. belt, anything to get some fresh talent on top.

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Not really. HHH always belittles his opponents while JBL actually puts them over. Also, JBL's promos might be the same most of the time but he does it in a way I don't mind.


My Great American Bash Card:




Mark Jindrak v. the return of Kenzo Suzuki

Winner - Mark Jindrak. This makes Jindrak a full Face and Suzuki is back. Useless match but who cares, the real matches should be on PPV


Great American Bash:


WWE Tag Team Titles

MNM © v. Heidenreich & Scotty 2 Hotty

Winners - MNM after Melina takes out Michelle McCool at ringside and distracts Scotty. Scotty fits perfectly with Heidenreich's goofy character.


WWE United States Title

Orlando Jordan v. Charlie Haas v. Booker T v. Hardcore Holly

Winner - Orlando Jordan. Booker T gets taken out by Matt Morgan and Haas turns Heel on Holly. You could also do something with Shelton Benjamin coming back and then he helps Haas. Shelton gets traded for somebody from SD!.


Muhammed Hassan v. Chris Benoit

Winner - Chris Benoit. They face eachother because Hassan says Benoit has never beaten him on RAW. Benoit wins with the Crossface.


The Undertaker v. Christian

Winner - Christian. Christian had been making fun of Taker since day one he got drafted to SD!. Christian wins because Orton helps Christian.


8-Man Tag Team Match

Rey Mysterio & Paul London & (insert two Faces here) v. Mexicools & Eddie Guerrero

Winners - Eddie takes out Mysterio while Juventud pins London.


WWE World Heavyweight Title Match

Batista © v. John Bradshaw Layfield

Winner - Batista. Big brawl but Batista manages to win. Orlando Jordan half-way in the match tries to help JBL but the Bashams take OJ out. Batista wins with the Batista Bomb and JBL gets out of the WWE Title scene.




This card continues Orton/Undertaker, Mysterio/Eddie, Mexicools/London, MNM/Heidenreich. It starts Matt Morgan/Booker T, Bashams/Orlando Jordan (Doug and Danny try to take the US Title from OJ), Haas/Holly. Dunno what to do with Batista though, might as well start a feud with Christian, Hassan and Benoit.

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Not really. HHH always belittles his opponents while JBL actually puts them over. Also, JBL's promos might be the same most of the time but he does it in a way I don't mind.


I fail to see how his promos put over Eddie, Taker, Big Show or anyon else that challenged him when he was champ.


FFS for a while he carried the Title around like it was still his even though he lost. WTF is that? It makes the New champ's accomplishments look mediocre when the former champ is still carrying the belt (I know Cena had a custom belt but that's beside the point)

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Not really. HHH always belittles his opponents while JBL actually puts them over. Also, JBL's promos might be the same most of the time but he does it in a way I don't mind.


I fail to see how his promos put over Eddie, Taker, Big Show or anyon else that challenged him when he was champ.


FFS for a while he carried the Title around like it was still his even though he lost. WTF is that? It makes the New champ's accomplishments look mediocre when the former champ is still carrying the belt (I know Cena had a custom belt but that's beside the point)


I disagree. I think that is an awesome heel move. Shawn/Razor did it a long time ago, and it just makes you hate JBL cause he thinks he's still the best even though he got his as handed to him by Cena. Cena doesnt look any less of a champion, because he still beat the guy and is making the guy whine and complain about not being champion.


Awesome move, IMHO.

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Next weeks show had better have a segment with Maury.



Eddie, you are.............(Maury pause)..............NOT the father.

Rey Rey, you are...........................................NOT the father.


This shit writes itself.

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Not really. HHH always belittles his opponents while JBL actually puts them over. Also, JBL's promos might be the same most of the time but he does it in a way I don't mind.


Man, that's so full of shit.

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After a whole year of being given the biggest push of his talentless life and bombing as a champion, then why does WWE still have Bradshaw as the main heel on SD? They should give that job to either Eddie or Xian, guys that we love to hate instead of guys that make us want to take a bathroom break.

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After a whole year of being given the biggest push of his talentless life and bombing as a champion, then why does WWE still have Bradshaw as the main heel on SD? They should give that job to either Eddie or Xian, guys that we love to hate instead of guys that make us want to take a bathroom break.


Because Batista needs to win his first feud on SD! ... so rather than have him go over their best heel (Eddie) or another new guy (Christian) they can have him go over JBL.

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