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Smackdown Spoilers

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Next weeks show had better have a segment with Maury.



Eddie, you are.............(Maury pause)..............NOT the father.

Rey Rey, you are...........................................NOT the father.


This shit writes itself.


And the father of Rey's son is.....


Mrs Cartman!

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I actually agree with Batista/JBL here but Batista has to flat out dominate him. After that it's time to get JBL out of the main event scene considering he would have jobbed at 3 PPVs to two different champs.


Sadly we'll probably get Batista/Orton for SS at this point. Batista/Eddie makes little sense stylewise, Batista/Christian was a squash on Raw anyway.

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Guest nokia

It really SUCKS to loose Rvd to Raw....


Wonder if HHH saw the response RVD got at ONS and figured that if he was at the same show as him, then Hunter could bury him and keep him out if the title picture ?


Here's hoping for a RVD trade back to Smackdown !!

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At least Rey/Eddie gets a *gasp* storyline development in their feud since it began four months ago, no matter how bizzare it may be.

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Hmmm, results sound......interesting. The picks were kind of predictable, but they work. The Rey-Eddy thing is very strange though and I'm scared of seeing where this goes - they dont need to ruin a feud that already was pretty much kicking on all cylanders.


The JBL thing is perplexing - here is a guy that has gotten in hot water almost this same time last year (over the goosestepping), and then he got the freaking title for a long run. Now he's in (assumed) heat over the ECW incident and now is getting another title shot when he's already been shown up by Cena in their matches. I would assume this is just JBL putting over Batista to get it over with, as Batista's first real big title win over on Smackdown. I still think its unfair though as JBL getting the large payout for the next ppv as the main event is just wrong at this point but I think it's basically just that he's going to job out to him strong and the idea is to make Batista look like a million bucks like Cena did at Judgment Day.


From the way it sounded in spoilers, the crowd was heavy into Christian. I think it's time he turns face and gets a strong push into Smackdown MEs consistently.


So when are the trades announced? Apparently they have til midnight on Thurs to "finalize" them so does that mean next week we have another round of jumps? Benjamin and Jericho need to go to Smackdown, that much I know....


GAB ppv might shape up nicely. JBL v. Batista, Orton v. Taker perhaps (unless Orton isnt ready to wrestle yet), and another Rey/Eddy match (my best advice would be to make that a parking lot brawl) sounds like a strong upper card.

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It really SUCKS to loose Rvd to Raw....


Wonder if HHH saw the response RVD got at ONS and figured that if he was at the same show as him, then Hunter could bury him and keep him out if the title picture ?


Here's hoping for a RVD trade back to Smackdown !!


Call me a jaded RVD fan, but it doesn't matter either way. He's still in midcard. If he wasn't feuding with Carlito on Raw, he'd be feuding with Orlando on SD, or he'd be Rey's 'lil buddy in his Eddie feud.

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The JBL thing is perplexing - here is a guy that has gotten in hot water almost this same time last year (over the goosestepping), and then he got the freaking title for a long run. Now he's in (assumed) heat over the ECW incident and now is getting another title shot when he's already been shown up by Cena in their matches. I would assume this is just JBL putting over Batista to get it over with, as Batista's first real big title win over on Smackdown. I still think its unfair though as JBL getting the large payout for the next ppv as the main event is just wrong at this point but I think it's basically just that he's going to job out to him strong and the idea is to make Batista look like a million bucks like Cena did at Judgment Day.


I know people like to talk about how JBL only won the title to stick it to NBC, but he probably would have won it anyways. He's a McMahon favourite and Eddy was struggling on top (personally, more than business-wise) despite great matches. Didn't surprise me at all that he got a long run afterwards. and quite frankly I thought he was one of the better champions in years, especially since Brock never really got a proper reign (he should have held it straight from Wrestlemania XIX to his loss to Eddy).


If Cena was still around then JBL should have been moved down because he lost so convincingly in the blowoff, but with Batista coming over it makes perfect sense to book him against their top heel for the past year. Plus, storyline-wise JBL earns his shots (by winning the 4 Way for Judgment Day and the 6-Pack yesterday) so it isn't like he just gets them handed to him the way HHH does. Even his initial shot against Eddy was 'earned' by winning the Kurt Angle Great American Award.


From the way it sounded in spoilers, the crowd was heavy into Christian. I think it's time he turns face and gets a strong push into Smackdown MEs consistently.


No! Then they would just water him down like they do any other heel they turn face. Leave him as a heel.

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Christian is getting over huge with the crowd and, more importantly, is getting cheered - how do you continue to "heel" forever off that? He wont get heat, so they almost have to be forced to turn him. They don't have to water him down, he can do his same exact stuff and still be a face. I dont see why they would even think of changing it up, why break something that isn't needing fixing? I'm sick of seeing Christian shine on the mic and get himself over but then get treated under the same chickenshit heel ringwork, which gets him nowhere. That, more than anything, is why he needs to be a face - to stray away from not coming across as an effective main event heel when he's actually wrestling.


I think you missed my point about JBL, the thing that pisses me off was just that he's getting a large payout for main eventing the next ppv likely with Batista when he just did that shit at the ECW ppv. A guy should not be given a push to another title match when that shit went down. I'm not necessarily talking about that he didn't "earn it" or not in the storylines.

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Christian is getting over huge with the crowd and, more importantly, is getting cheered - how do you continue to "heel" forever off that? He wont get heat, so they almost have to be forced to turn him. They don't have to water him down, he can do his same exact stuff and still be a face. I dont see why they would even think of changing it up, why break something that isn't needing fixing? I'm sick of seeing Christian shine on the mic and get himself over but then get treated under the same chickenshit heel ringwork, which gets him nowhere. That, more than anything, is why he needs to be a face - to stray away from not coming across as an effective main event heel when he's actually wrestling.


I don't think Christian is talented enough as a wrestler to be able to dominate a match, but the bigger point is if something is working, why change it? Yes, he should be booked more against heels than faces, but that's about it. In normal circumstances you would want to turn him face, but this is WWE. They have screwed up more heel-to-face turns for guys like Christian that I wouldn't trust them not to do it again. Flair cheated like crazy as a face, why can't Christian?


I think you missed my point about JBL, the thing that pisses me off was just that he's getting a large payout for main eventing the next ppv likely with Batista when he just did that shit at the ECW ppv. A guy should not be given a push to another title match when that shit went down. I'm not necessarily talking about that he didn't "earn it" or not in the storylines.


This is professional wrestling. Stuff like that happens all the time. It is why I don't want to be a part of the business, but something that people in it should get used to. Blue Meanie is expendable, JBL is not. I don't agree with it, but that's just the way it is. It is why during spats between wrestlers, the promoters almost always side with the one they see more value in (most recently with Edge/Matt). The only time I ever remember them not doing so was the scissors incident in WCW, and Bischoff was facing a near mutiny because pretty much every other wrestler in the lockerroom supported Anderson so he didn't have much choice.


And those are for guys who work together. Meanie isn't even employed by them. What does Vince care what happens to him?

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I wouldn't count my chickens before they hatch as far as Batista staying on SD! is concerned. There is still a damn trade deadline, and like they proved last year with HHHitler, anything is possible.





Who knows, maybe this is all part of Vince & HHH's plan to kill off SD!, once and for all. I hope not.

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

If they were going to really push Christian, then I wouldn't put the title back on JBL, but I dont see that.


I'd just do the title switch at GAB in a screwy fashion and then probably have Batista win it back at Summerslam.


That eats up time, and their next PPV isn't till October.


As it stands right now, I dont think anyone else is ready to headline on the heel side for SD. I have a feeling Eddie will tied up with Mysterio through Summerslam (fued will end there), Orton will be busy with Taker (i dont think Orton can wrestle yet, so I think their rematch will be at SS) and Christian I dont feel is ready for ME's yet, he needs some wins first.


So I would go with JBL-Batista through Summerslam, then probably do Christian-Batista, followed by Eddie-Batista. I'd probably save Batista-Orton for Mania. Unless, they bring in Brock for Batista.

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Sadly we'll probably get Batista/Orton for SS at this point.  Batista/Eddie makes little sense stylewise, Batista/Christian was a squash on Raw anyway.


I think Orton V Batista could be a great fued if booked correctly. They have so much history together.

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Batista is on a roll right now, so why screw that up with a short term title change?


I agree, there is no need to stir up the pot and do a transitional title switch just to have it go back to Batista a month later. JBL needs to just job to Batista one time and do it huge, then keep JBL in main event contention but a step down - the gimmick is just fine but it's getting worn out as the top heel on Smackdown.


In the interim, build new credible challengers to Batista, not even necessarily for SummerSlam as that ppv could have Batista-Benoit, Batista-Taker, or if you wanted to rush something, WWE could (and this is a big could) bring back Lesnar for what could be a strong Smackdown side main event for SummerSlam. Very doubtful Vince would do that with Lesnar, but having him return, sparking a strong buyrate on Batista-Lesnar, and of course Lesnar putting Batista over wouldnt be a bad idea if they are desperate for that huge SummerSlam match for Batista.


Regarding the current heel side of Smackdown and relating to challengers to Batista in the future, Christian-Batista just isnt interesting, nor will be a ppv main event draw (this is yet another reason why Christian should not be kept as a heel) and Eddy will be fine in due time, but is tied up with Rey for quite some time, til at least Slam. Hassan is another guy who isnt ready for a main event title shot on a big show, so throw him out of the hat for awhile. Turning Booker T back heel might not be a bad short term idea if all else fails, as he's been put over pretty strong the last 3-4 months.


Orton seems the obvious next challenger for Batista after this JBL program is hopefully done after one ppv shot (GAB), so that could be at SummerSlam, that being Orton-Batista. The first step though to get to that is Orton over Taker in at least one match, which would be perfect to do at the GAB also, if Orton is healthy enough by then (has anyone heard the timeline on his return?). Of course if he can't, you do Orton-Taker at SS, and then have Orton-Batista through the fall months.

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Orton V Batista could headline WM on the SD! side if given proper build.


Batista V Lesnar could possibly be the biggest WWE match in the past 2 years if Vince goes through with it.

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For Batista to be a money player, I'm liking what I hear from this group.


Batista v JBL from now until SumSlam or maybe a month after.


Batista vs Undertaker for SurSer and through Rumble.


Batistat vs Orton for WM and beyond.


Key is will they have the patience to keep Batista strong through all that without losing faith in him or having politics play their usual ugly hand?

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Well, fuck. So much for Jericho returning to SD. :(


Edit: And thank God, the WWE Championship will once again be the focus of WWE programming instead of the fucking WCW title. :D

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Batista V Lesnar could possibly be the biggest WWE match in the past 2 years if Vince goes through with it.


I'll preface this by stressing that I'm NOT a Lesnar mark of fanboy or anything, but I really think that a feud between these two, if handled right, could be one of the things that sets the wwe ship back to sailing straight. Batista-Lesnar on one show, and Cena as the centerpiece of the other, would be money.


Batista vs Undertaker for SurSer and through Rumble.
Who goes heel?

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Does anyone else now think that Batista will now get a longer reign than Cena? Especially if Lesnar is coming back. You're right tha Lesnar/Batista would be the best possible main event for Wrestlemania. Lesnar seems to want to come back too, so Vince would be insane not to agree.


I'd like to see Batista/Eddy after the JBL feud.

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