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Guest Smues
Suikoden III and Star Ocean: Till the end of time


Are these RPGs worth buying? I'm a big fan of PS1/2 final fantasies. Don't have much experience with PS2 rpgs (though I fairly enjoyed xenogears and grandia for ps1).


I own and like both of those. Suikoden III's combat system leaves something to be disired, but it's not terrible, and the story is solid and there's lots to do and lots of characters too recruit.


Star Ocean 3 has a great open combat system that's not turn based. The story is engaging, but gets really...umm...I'll just say goofy near the end. But it's worth a play, and if you're a completionist there's the 300 battle trophies to get which takes forever.

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I thought that Suikoden III wasn't on par with the Suikodens on PS1. If you can get past the slow beginning, you will find a decent RPG, but nothing mindblowing. You will get surprised, if you played the first two Suikodens, *semi-spoilers, I guess*

as who the main antagonist is, and you can play as him in the end

. The story gets better as you progress through the game, it's just a matter if you will have the patience to play through the 3 introduction chapters.


Since we're in the subject, are Suikoden IV and V any good ? I've heard some mixed reviews, are they more like the first two or more like the third ?

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Guest Skironox

Star Ocean 3 you can get pretty cheap now used. The battle system is fun though broken (Certain characters are better than others, but its really their special moves that need fixing, each character has two or three skills that blow the other 9 or so they have away). As mentioned before though, there is a "plot twist" that pretty much ruins the entire Star Ocean series.


Disc one is good, Disc 2, storyline wise is crap. After the main story, though, it's pretty fun to romp through the dungeons and get your ultimate weapons and smash your enemies up for millions of hit points.


However, if you played Star Ocean 2 first and got hooked on the item creation system, be prepared for a letdown. Honestly, the item creation system of 3 is bad. Really, really bad, made worse by the fact you have to drudge through it for the uber combat abilities mentioned above.

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Guest Smues
I gotta bitch for a second.


So I went to EB yesterday to take advantage of their sales that I posted earlier. I get what I want and come to the counter to pay. The guy goes into the same spiel that he gave the guys ahead of me about their whole "Edge" card and all the savings I can get from it, blah blah. I politely listen and then tell him I'm not interested today. His answer?


(With a confused look and in a smart-ass manner) "So you don't like saving money?"


What the fuck? A simple "Ok, but consider it for the next time you come here because it's a good deal" would have been fine. Don't get prick-ish with me because I'm not falling over myself to save $5.


Seriously, I would have done it the next time I went there, but that guy's attitude just turned me off from it immediately.


I fucking HATE when game store employee's continue to hassle you after you say no to discount clubs/pre-orders/strategy guides/warranties/etc. I've heard "So you don't like saving money?" before too and it makes want to tell them to fuck off and take my business elsewhere. I've also heard "All the smart people join the discount club," and "Ok then go ahead and waste your money." I share your anger.

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Guest Smues
I thought that Suikoden III wasn't on par with the Suikodens on PS1. If you can get past the slow beginning, you will find a decent RPG, but nothing mindblowing. You will get surprised, if you played the first two Suikodens, *semi-spoilers, I guess*

as who the main antagonist is, and you can play as him in the end

. The story gets better as you progress through the game, it's just a matter if you will have the patience to play through the 3 introduction chapters.


Since we're in the subject, are Suikoden IV and V any good ? I've heard some mixed reviews, are they more like the first two or more like the third ?


I haven't finished IV yet and I haven't played it in awhile but when I was playing it I made decent progress. It was pretty boring (the world map is the most annoying thing ever) and dull. And from what I've heard it doesn't get any better. I'll finish it because I'm a Suikoden completitionist, but I'd stay away from it otherwise. I haven't started V yet but I've heard good things about it.

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I gotta bitch for a second.


So I went to EB yesterday to take advantage of their sales that I posted earlier. I get what I want and come to the counter to pay. The guy goes into the same spiel that he gave the guys ahead of me about their whole "Edge" card and all the savings I can get from it, blah blah. I politely listen and then tell him I'm not interested today. His answer?


(With a confused look and in a smart-ass manner) "So you don't like saving money?"


What the fuck? A simple "Ok, but consider it for the next time you come here because it's a good deal" would have been fine. Don't get prick-ish with me because I'm not falling over myself to save $5.


Seriously, I would have done it the next time I went there, but that guy's attitude just turned me off from it immediately.


I fucking HATE when game store employee's continue to hassle you after you say no to discount clubs/pre-orders/strategy guides/warranties/etc. I've heard "So you don't like saving money?" before too and it makes want to tell them to fuck off and take my business elsewhere. I've also heard "All the smart people join the discount club," and "Ok then go ahead and waste your money." I share your anger.


Or you reply with yes but you just lost a customer with that remark. Then walked out.

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Honestly, I didn't have the money with me because I was planning on going to another store in the mall to pick up the new Scrubs DVD and I only brought enough money to cover it and whatever I was gonna buy at EB. But I'm sure if I told him that, I'll hear something like "It's only $14.99. You have that kind of money on you, right?"

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Then you reply with....Are you going to buy the dvd? He'll shut up.

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i hate that bullshit from stores too. My preferred method is the "not-listening-no-thanks" response. I actually ignore what he's saying, start thinking about the game I'm buying or whatever, and just repeat no thanks in a robotic linda mcmahon esque voice, no matter what BS tactic they're trying. Its funny because if you do it right, you can actually make them a little disconcerted, and avoid feeling any pressure yourself b/c you're not really paying attention.

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I gotta bitch for a second.


So I went to EB yesterday to take advantage of their sales that I posted earlier. I get what I want and come to the counter to pay. The guy goes into the same spiel that he gave the guys ahead of me about their whole "Edge" card and all the savings I can get from it, blah blah. I politely listen and then tell him I'm not interested today. His answer?


(With a confused look and in a smart-ass manner) "So you don't like saving money?"


What the fuck? A simple "Ok, but consider it for the next time you come here because it's a good deal" would have been fine. Don't get prick-ish with me because I'm not falling over myself to save $5.


Seriously, I would have done it the next time I went there, but that guy's attitude just turned me off from it immediately.


Though happily I did trade in 4 games I barely play for MGS3, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory and NCAA Football 2005 and only paid $25. That should tide me over for a while. I'm only a couple hours in, but I already think MGS3 is the best of the series....and I haven't even reached one of the much loved boss battles yet.



As someone who has gone through a lot of retail training, I can tell you that that do teach people to say stuff like that, and not everyone is intelligent enough to figure out that that is stupid. The guys at my local EB are pretty cool with me. And, if you wouldn't mind, please don't be rude to retail folks unless they're being rude to you. We just want to get out of there with our sanity intact and enough cash to buy our stuff too.

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Somewhat covered in Andrew's post and link about this kind of stuff, which goes on to talk about EB Games/GameStop's policies. It's all bullshit. The focus on quotas and edicts like the much rumored 'Five Nos' handed down by corporate bosses who haven't so much as interacted with customers in decades (if they even know anything about the field they're in) just kills me and does more harm than good for the specialty game store industry (if any of them are truly specialty anymore, since they all seem intent on devoting space to and pushing DVDs I can get anywhere else).


If I say no to your discount card, a pre-order for an upcoming game, or whatever it is, it means I don't want it. Ask me once, maybe again to double check, but anything over that is overkill. Especially if it's in the tone ELM described, which is what this is about. I don't care if you need me to fill your quota so your boss won't get on your ass, it's not my problem and being rude to me or anyone else after declining whatever you're pandering won't help matters.

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I dunno if this has been posted...


Apparently, in World of Warcraft, a guild leader passed away from cancer. His/her guild decided to have a funeral in game for the person, and asked on the message boards that everyone stay away while it was taking place. WoW is Player v.s. Player...so...




I'm actually rather bothered by this. Sure, thinking it wouldn't happen was a bit silly, but still. Apparently, the fallout from this is that the guild who did this crime, is probably the most hated and hunted guild in all of the game.


Bumping this from hell, but I never saw this before.


I marked out for the usage of "Where Eagles Dare" by the Misfits... it's one of my e-fed characters themes.

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I think probably a lot of it depends on how frequently you actually show up there. A mother of a 14 year old who came in to buy a PSP and GTA LCS simply because the rugrat wanted LCS (and who has never been there before) has a big "Sucker" sticker on her forehead, basically.


Many I time I see these conspicuously consuming mothers plopping down 500+ for a premium pack 360, or a system with a bunch of games, and I'm utterly shocked considering the way they're usually dressed.


I guess these are your nutjobs who will be fighting to the death at Christmas over the next hot new console, and will buy the PS3, games be damned.


My local EB guys know I come in there, buy mostly used games, buy niche games that often nobody cares about, usually get a new game once or twice a month, hook me up with free mags and extra preorder swag, and never hassle me to buy anything. They often *will* mention something I might be genuinely interested in, but they're making conversation and actually are interested in it too.


However, stores I come to maybe 2 times a month are a bit more pushy, although even those stores have folks that recognize me and usually leave me alone these days.


Of course, there are stores that just have stupid clerks in them, and think Anya is "DOA girl" despite the fact that she's a regular and hates those games, prefers Tekken and SC over them, and only remotely cares about the series because of XBV. However, I'll leave it at that, because Anya has at least a dozen similar.

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Its the same in book stores, but a firm "No thank you" or "Yes I have heard about it" usually does the trick. Considering I used to be one of those guys back in the day, I know its their job, but if you use the right tone of voice to shut them down, more often than not you will shut them down.


And if not, either walk out on the sale or if you're up for some conflict, tell them to get the manager.

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Bad news about the TNA video game from Gamespot:


The game is currently being developed at Midway's LA studio, which worked on Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Before it was acquired by the publisher, it was known as Paradox Development, creators of the Backyard Wrestling series of games.

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Bad news about the TNA video game from Gamespot:


The game is currently being developed at Midway's LA studio, which worked on Mortal Kombat: Shaolin Monks. Before it was acquired by the publisher, it was known as Paradox Development, creators of the Backyard Wrestling series of games.




Now Samoa Joe won't connect on half of his wicked ass kicks.

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At my local video game store (Video Game Exchange) they ran a four for 50 deal. I picked up Killzone, MLB 06: The Show, The Suffering 1 & 2. I also stopped at a comic book store that sells old arcade games. I put in a pre-order for WWF WrestleFest that should arrive in about a month. Only cost me 450 bucks. Not bad for a day off, and all the games are good, especially Killzone.

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Guest Smues

The local Walmart STILL has copies of High Heat 2004 (which was for the 2003 MLB season) for sale in the new games case for $49.95. Every time I've gone there for the past two years I've noticed that and just kind of scratched my head. All the other games in the case are current. All the other ancient sports games are with the 20 and under stuff, but for some reason they just refuse to move High Heat 2004. It's odd.

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There are some games that do not drop in price for whatever reason. I wonder if the company that made High Heat is even in business anymore.

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Shaolin Monks was not that good. The fact that it was a MK spin off that wasn't terrible makes it seem better than it really is.


An unofficial sequel to Time Killers? More like Thrill Kill. A sequel to Time Killers would be good. More BLOODSTORM!

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I know one of the developers of Backward Wrestling envisioned a Power Stone kind of a system. He admits he failed, but I have hope that the game won't suck. I don't think the motivation behind that kind of a design is bad.

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Shaolin Monks was not that good. The fact that it was a MK spin off that wasn't terrible makes it seem better than it really is.


An unofficial sequel to Time Killers? More like Thrill Kill. A sequel to Time Killers would be good. More BLOODSTORM!


I meant that's what Thrill Kill seemed like (they developed that).


I think SM is better than what you give it credit for, but it does reek of a lot of the usual Midway laziness (particularly in the touted story mode). However, the fact that the engine for SM is either the God of War engine or a well-done clone of it really helps.


In fact, the engine itself is the only thing I like about God of War. I think it's possibly the most overrated game of this console generation, and I'm more excited about what can be done with the engine itself than any sequel.


(EDIT: More thoughts in the God of War 2 thread).

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In my MLB 2k6 Yankee GM Career season, I noticed that once you go past a certain amount of hrs (I think 130) it stops and goes negative numbers on you (yea it shows a negative sign before the number) and count sbackwards, meaning all my guys with that many (fo rme, A-Rod, Giambi and belive it or not Posada) no longer lead the league


I should also note that I have only played about 60 games into the year (and I am undefeated) Probably time to adjust the difficulty sliders huh?

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Speaking of baseball games, has anyone tried the new Slugfest yet?

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I am still playing my NBA 2k5, and after winning the championship I had Steve Smith retire on me.... its a shame because he was my starting two guard and was averaging 13 points a game, and I developed him into a witch defensively...


But the best thing was re-signing Kirilenko for the max, then trading him for LeBron, who still has two years left and is only at 4.8 mil a year, opposed to 7 years at 13 mil for AK-47, and the stats were similar. I have to save that money for my CAPs at the 1 and 5.


The Suns I remade into my image are downright sick.

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