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too bad Konami still isn't bringing over the psp Suikodens.


all you people with PSPs (yes, you Anya) need to buy Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and encourage them to do so.


I want a way to play PSP games on a TV without buying a PSP.

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all you people with PSPs (yes, you Anya) need to buy Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and encourage them to do so.


Already have it and I endorse this statement. Especially for the lot of us that never played it on the PS1 and don't want to plunk down the triple-digit prices on eBay for a copy.

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I want a way to play PSP games on a TV without buying a PSP.

I'm actually surprised that Sony didn't put a Video and Audio cable port on the psp. Just using one of those cords would work perfectly for a psp to tv connection.

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all you people with PSPs (yes, you Anya) need to buy Valkyrie Profile Lenneth and encourage them to do so.


Already have it and I endorse this statement. Especially for the lot of us that never played it on the PS1 and don't want to plunk down the triple-digit prices on eBay for a copy.


Or you could download ePSX and the image files for the game. It's cheaper.

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ePSX? I tried using that thing and never could get it to work. You want to help me out with that?


Its either that or an action replay cartridge for my PS1.

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Renegade should enjoy this:




I actually ran across MP3s of this band earlier--but my favorite is their remix of Geese's theme from Fatal Fury.


Brazil is incredibly into Sega Genesis, for what it's worth. TechToy still releases and sells Genesis games over there, and there's actually homebrew software being put out for them I've heard.


BTW, that site (destructoid.com) has quite a wide variety of weird/funny gaming-related features, even if a lot of them are links to other sites. It's like my favorite new site of the weekend.

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You know, I can deal with cronot posting in this folder, but Flik has just annoyed me so far. To keep it connected a bit, I'm playing FF8 just for triple triad, and it's almost silly how strong you can make your characters from the various card mods in just a few hours.

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What exactly do I do to annoy you? I'm curious. But of course, that's off-topic, so I'll need to say something.


Bought OOTP2k6 and I found a strategy that gets the wins as long as you have the players to run it well and at least gets you a lot of wins.

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Guest Smues
You know, I can deal with cronot posting in this folder, but Flik has just annoyed me so far. To keep it connected a bit, I'm playing FF8 just for triple triad, and it's almost silly how strong you can make your characters from the various card mods in just a few hours.


I loved the card game in FF8 and wasted a lot of time on it. I was sad that FF9's sucked.

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Not trying to throw out a lowblow or anything, but you come off as a bit of a Gamefaqs poster, albeit with much better typing and grammar skills.


FF9 only had Vivi going for it and Beatrix to a smaller extent, and that's about all that I can recall with any clarity. Oh wait, Ozma was a fun boss.

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Wow... That's highly insulting and I'd be quite upset being compared to one of them. ...normally. But meh. After being away for a year, I'm probably just letting loose and trying to establish I'm back in as an abrupt and abusive manner as possbile, so probably justifiably said.


...now then...


Speaking of bosses like Ozma, why the hell do games lately have shitty final bosses? I mean, you get this secret super character boss, but the regular end boss is a joke. I can't even recall the last final boss I faced that was a pain in the ass.

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FF9 only had Vivi going for it and Beatrix to a smaller extent, and that's about all that I can recall with any clarity. Oh wait, Ozma was a fun boss.

FF9 is probably my favorite one, but I never finished it. I think I'll start a new game tomorrow.

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Brazil is incredibly into Sega Genesis, for what it's worth. TechToy still releases and sells Genesis games over there, and there's actually homebrew software being put out for them I've heard.



Yeah, they do Master System games too. That's the easiest way to get MK1-3 for Master System.

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Yea, this is random I guess, but X-box controllers, what's their malfunction?


I mean, is there any real reason why my controller, if even moved in the slightest way, will bring up the "Please reconnect controller" screen on games. It doesn't seem like it started happening until a little while ago, when I got an old (like 2002) game. Did that have anything to do with it?


At first, I just thought my controller was broken. But I know at least two people, who has a controller that does the exact same thing. Is there any real reason for this?


And anyway to fix it, or do I just have to buy more?

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Don't know if this is more CTDWAT in this section or the OAO Anime tread in TV/Movies, but I was pleasently surprised to see, on a totally random trip to Zellers, a copy of SFII on DVD in a new box, proclaiming it to be "Uncut, Uncensored" with mentions on the back of the box how it's te Japanese master available on DVD, etc.


This sounds like something I heard awhile ago was finally coming out but I totally forgot.

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Not trying to throw out a lowblow or anything, but you come off as a bit of a Gamefaqs poster, albeit with much better typing and grammar skills.


Speaking of GameFAQs, Final Fantasy vs Zelda tomorrow in the series battle. Fun! Heh.

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Not trying to throw out a lowblow or anything, but you come off as a bit of a Gamefaqs poster, albeit with much better typing and grammar skills.


Speaking of GameFAQs, Final Fantasy vs Zelda tomorrow in the series battle. Fun! Heh.

I forgot I signed up to do that, my score for that is 43. I have no idea where that really puts me though.

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Triple Triad was OK, but the different versions pissed me off. It seemed like as long as it was straight up with no modifiers, I could usually beat the computer. However, given the opportunity, the computer would somehow have the perfect deck for any of the different rule sets. Of course, I don't have a lot of patience for most of the Final Fantasy side quests. I barely had enough patience to get everyone's "uber" weapon in X.

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Of course, I don't have a lot of patience for most of the Final Fantasy side quests.


I never bothered with trying to beat the secret Weapons in FF7...fuck a Ruby and Emerald Weapon!

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I think FF7 is the only Final Fantasy that I bothered getting all the secrets because it wasn't a pain in the ass to do so.


Even some of FF4s secrets were not fun finding.


FFX was the worst for that. Avoid 100 straight lightning bolts? That stupid Chocobo crap for Tidus' weapon? Ridiculous.

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Talking about the SF II DVD, because again I don't know where that sort of discusson really belongs.


So what's the difference between that and the original "uncut" version we had originally?


I'm guessing this one has the original soundtrack and TEHCHUNLEEBEWBS because uncut didn't skimp on the violence and did have blood here and there.

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Basically, the difference is it's not a dual audio track, it's two "cuts" of the movie. Side B is the Japanese version - Japanese credits at the beginning and end (complete with an ad for the Spring 1995 Japanese opening for the SF movie), kanji written on the screen for establishing shots instead of a black bar with english, and an extra ass shot of Chun-Li.


That's just what I noticed, though. Last year a friend sent me a video file that was dual audio, and it had the soundtrack - I believe it was from the UK because it had the Chun-Li shower scene almost uncut (again, for some reason there is an extra ass shot in the original Japanese). That's the English version on this DVD too.

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