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I have Xbox TT. It has horrible graphics. The hair looks like a PSX release.



Neither game has deep combat requiring any strategy but GOW's is smooth, looks cool and the magic attacks are fun. TT's is so stiff and sluggish. Like I hate how it takes a decade just to stab a grounded enemy.


POP games have great design but bad execution. There is like no polish at all. GOW is an overall great experience. Have you go to the part where you see Aeries destroying the town? Nothing in TT is as cool as that.

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After getting my PS2 on the Christmas of 2001, and taking decent care of it for the next four years, it has finally broken down on me as of this morning.


It's quite the coincidence though. I've managed to keep it working fine for years. Despite the fact that I've had things fall on top of it, lugged it for hours in a backpack, seen controllers bounced off it....it still survived. I let my roommate borrow it two nights ago to watch a movie. Suddenly, the next time I try to use it, I get a Disc Read error. And yet he swears up and down he didn't drop it or anything.


I can't see buying a new PS2 at this point. It's not worth it.

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After getting my PS2 on the Christmas of 2001, and taking decent care of it for the next four years, it has finally broken down on me as of this morning.


It's quite the coincidence though. I've managed to keep it working fine for years. Despite the fact that I've had things fall on top of it, lugged it for hours in a backpack, seen controllers bounced off it....it still survived. I let my roommate borrow it two nights ago to watch a movie. Suddenly, the next time I try to use it, I get a Disc Read error. And yet he swears up and down he didn't drop it or anything.


I can't see buying a new PS2 at this point. It's not worth it.


If it's a certain model number, Sony will fix it for free out of warranty. They did it for me.

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Guest Princess Leena

Model number doesn't matter. If the problem is DRE's, Sony has no choice but to fix it. Search Gamefaqs stuff to find the number. Be prepared for possibly a few annoying phone calls to get them to fix it for free, though.

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And there they go again.... Andrew and Leena, that is.


I just traded in a bunch of games that I no longer play for $60 of store cred at EB Games.. Hopefully I can get RPG Maker 3, though if something else comes out that catches my interest, I'll go that way...


::opens a new tab and searches for new game releases::

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I thought once Sony released the slimmer version of the PS2, they made it public that they weren't going to fix the old version anymore. Maybe I got something wrong here then.


So if you get a Disc Read Error on your PS2, Sony HAS to fix it, as long as you're annoying enough with the phone calls?

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So I rented 25 to life last night and I popped into the Xbox (yes I still have the regular xbox even through I have a 360.) and I must say so far the game doesn't not seem as a buyable game. I've only played the single player so I'm not going to fully knock it until I play the xbox live features of the game but so far the graphics are horrible. When you first start the game, after you make a profile and actually start the game, the body models for the main guy's girlfriend is horrible, she looks like a uncompleted Sim. Then when you start playing the actual game, you come to realize that people are talking but their mouth's sure the hell aren't moving and apprently in this game, people's cell phones are inside their hands. I hoping the live features are as good as people are saying or its going to get my "rental" stamp.

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Guest Smues

Bah. If you pre-order Suikoden V you get an art-book and soundtrack CD. So despite not having finished IV yet or even starting Tactics I'll have to pre-order V instead of waiting for it to price drop. Just like I did with IV and Tactics due to pre-order items. Bah.

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In a total of 24 bucks I purchased. NHL 96, SFA II Turbo, Mario World, Madden 97 and Mortal Kombat for the SNES.


Most of those go for 99 cents except for maybe SFA II Turbo.


About 25 to Life- A couple of my friends had been anticipating the game for a while (and they're also into the whole "thug life" thing) and they haven't touched another game since purchasing that one. They were addicted to halo 2 and Phantom Dust, respectively, but now they swear by 25 to Life. It got mediocre reviews across the board, but this has caused me to want to rent the game. It's always out of stock at Hollywood Video when I go, though.

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I thought once Sony released the slimmer version of the PS2, they made it public that they weren't going to fix the old version anymore. Maybe I got something wrong here then.


So if you get a Disc Read Error on your PS2, Sony HAS to fix it, as long as you're annoying enough with the phone calls?


I have had my PS2 since the launch date, in around Dec 03' I began having the disc read error. Rather than send my PS2 in to be repaired, and have it sent back to me at their leisure, I googled around and found a way to fix it. I cracked open my case and followed the directions on this website http://arstechnica.com/articles/paedia/hardware/ps2.ars, and I have had not one DRE since.

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SFA II Turbo isn't even a game. There is Street Fighter II Turbo and Street Fighter Alpha 2. Two totally different games.


Alpha 2 on SNES is really bad. It's a cart game but it has load time. I don't get it.

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About 25 to Life- A couple of my friends had been anticipating the game for a while (and they're also into the whole "thug life" thing) and they haven't touched another game since purchasing that one. They were addicted to halo 2 and Phantom Dust, respectively, but now they swear by 25 to Life. It got mediocre reviews across the board, but this has caused me to want to rent the game. It's always out of stock at Hollywood Video when I go, though.


Do they have xbox live? I hear thats the best thing of the game. I still have to try the game online to see if its as good as people say it is.....I've just been to lazy to hook the cable from the modem to the xbox ( I do direct connect.) .

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maybe he meant Gold, there was one like that, right?



Not on SNES. SF Alpha 2 Gold was the US version of SF Zero 2 Alpha and was part of SF Collection for Saturn and PSX.


SNES has SF II World Warrior, SF II Turbo, Super SF II and SF Alpha 2.



god Capcom's milking is just too funny when you sit back and look at it. "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha"? That doesn't even make sense!

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So I have determinded that 25 to life is nothing more than a 3rd person Counter Stirke, but Counter Strike is funner. 25 is a decent rental for Xbox Life that is it.

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Out of all the games I have, I find it funny the two I play most on live are KoF 2003 and Samurai Shodown V.


Looking into Neowave.

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god Capcom's milking is just too funny when you sit back and look at it. "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha"? That doesn't even make sense!

Capcom isn't as bad as NAMCO milking it's 80's arcade collection of Pacman, Galaga, Pole Position, Dig Dug every 2 years.....50th Anniversary WTF is that!?!?!

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About 25 to Life- A couple of my friends had been anticipating the game for a while (and they're also into the whole "thug life" thing) and they haven't touched another game since purchasing that one. They were addicted to halo 2 and Phantom Dust, respectively, but now they swear by 25 to Life. It got mediocre reviews across the board, but this has caused me to want to rent the game. It's always out of stock at Hollywood Video when I go, though.


Do they have xbox live? I hear thats the best thing of the game. I still have to try the game online to see if its as good as people say it is.....I've just been to lazy to hook the cable from the modem to the xbox ( I do direct connect.) .


Yeah. They pretty much only play online.

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god Capcom's milking is just too funny when you sit back and look at it. "Street Fighter Zero 2 Alpha"? That doesn't even make sense!

Capcom isn't as bad as NAMCO milking it's 80's arcade collection of Pacman, Galaga, Pole Position, Dig Dug every 2 years.....50th Anniversary WTF is that!?!?!



It's not a bad collection...but they should have stuck all the Namco Museum release (plus the Japan exclusive Encore) onto one DVD.


Although the 50th Anniversary collection had Rolling Thunder, nice presentation, and cheesy 80's music.


However, Konami doesn't even have the good sense to do any decent compilation. Yeah, Gyrus/Frogger/Time Pilot on a GBA cart. Nice job, you morons.


Make a Castlevania + Contra collection that doesn't suck and I'll pay good money for it.



The packaging of the Devil May Cry 3 SE is....well...


You know how most companies' GH releases have the original game manual with no changes, since it is still the same game?


And know how occasionally when companies do enhanced upgrades--like MGS2 Substance, Virtua Fighter Evolution, etc. they make new manuals?


Capcom has the regular DMC3 manual packaged with SE, but with a little card about Vergil's moves and some of the new modes added to SE.

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Guest Smues

NewEgg.com today briefly had a coupon code working that took $25 off any order. It got hit really hard and I wouldn't be surprised to see them cancel all the orders, but if they don't then I just got a 1 gb pro duo stick for the PSP for $40. At least I suppose that looks more reasonable then all the people that were ordering 25-$30 games and basically just paying shipping for them.

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Guest Smues

Looks like they voided most of the coupon sales. Good move by them as they'd have probably lost a good chunk of money from this.

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Found these in a hidden jar under a sink today. Any idea where they are from (they are too good to be from McDonalds)?


I remember getting the Mario one from Toys R Us back in the day when I was taken to get some birthday presents... so it was a regular toy if that helps.

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Leena's high scores are impressive. Props.


What happened? There's not even enough comments that don't warrant a thread to give this folder stuff to discuss.


Anyway, read this if you haven't already:



And why *don't* you own Shantae yet, or the *other* portable Zeldas?



PS Ignore the props for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

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Leena's high scores are impressive. Props.


What happened? There's not even enough comments that don't warrant a thread to give this folder stuff to discuss.


Anyway, read this if you haven't already:



And why *don't* you own Shantae yet, or the *other* portable Zeldas?



PS Ignore the props for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

I disagree with the Sonic 2 for GG pick, that game was too hard to really be fun

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Leena's high scores are impressive. Props.


What happened? There's not even enough comments that don't warrant a thread to give this folder stuff to discuss.


Anyway, read this if you haven't already:



And why *don't* you own Shantae yet, or the *other* portable Zeldas?



PS Ignore the props for Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.

I disagree with the Sonic 2 for GG pick, that game was too hard to really be fun



I concur. They sound like they think it was the same as the Genesis version.


Hell no.


Those are the only two picks I greatly disagree with. Metroid Zero Mission kind of sucks compared to Fusion, but I'm one of the few who feels that way.

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