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Smackdown VS Raw 2006

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2. Is it true you can't pick the winner in GM Mode unless you actually play the match yourself?


Yes you cannot determine the winner unless you play the match. Although some people complain, I see it as a challenge


Yea, I do too. Plus, I don't see the fun in buying a game so you can just simulate stuff. This'll be great as I can run a fed in an organized way like I did for the N64 games (mostly WCW/NWO World Tour and WCW/NWO Revenge). Hopefully, though, there won't be a Glacier-type character on the system that regardless of who I put him up against he wins. Then again, his main challenger in my booking storylines was always Lex Luger so that may have had something to do with the problem...

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Fuck, Season mode isn't fair.


I spent the better part of the night making my CAW, giving him his own movelist, creating an entrance, but it's late in the evening so I decide, just one quick match, to start a new season. My first opponent? Triple H. I don't even know how I fucking won the match. My stamina got almost depleted and the bastard started chain reversing the hell out of me. Managed to pull off the upset though.

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Worst part about the game thus far is that Edge was in a loading screen picture and I finally noticed his atrophied left arm. Oh God, that was saddening.


Haven't seen Kurt's yet.

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2. Is it true you can't pick the winner in GM Mode unless you actually play the match yourself?


Yes you cannot determine the winner unless you play the match. Although some people complain, I see it as a challenge


Yea, I do too. Plus, I don't see the fun in buying a game so you can just simulate stuff. This'll be great as I can run a fed in an organized way like I did for the N64 games (mostly WCW/NWO World Tour and WCW/NWO Revenge). Hopefully, though, there won't be a Glacier-type character on the system that regardless of who I put him up against he wins. Then again, his main challenger in my booking storylines was always Lex Luger so that may have had something to do with the problem...


Haha... I had changed Glacier to Lance Storm in my game, but there were 2 guys who beat everyone in my game. Booker T only ever lost once, following interference, to Bret Hart. LaParka wasn't quite as successful, but he did go on a several months-long (in game time, running Nitro and Thunder each "week") winning streak, capturing the World title.


I so want to play that game now, but my N64 games were stolenlong ago, and I haven't found a replacement copy with an undamaged label yet.

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Well this is super... EB calls me yesterday to say the game is in. Unfortunatley they called at 11:10 am and I had to work a 12 hour shift (noon - midnight) so I had to wait until this morning to go.


When I arrived, I (along with some other lady) was told they don't have any in stock at the moment but should by 5pm tonight... but no guarantee.


*shakes fist at EB*

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Worst part about the game thus far is that Edge was in a loading screen picture and I finally noticed his atrophied left arm. Oh God, that was saddening.


Haven't seen Kurt's yet.



I think the worst part about Edge's loading screen is the fact that he's apparently pulling his pants down far enough so that we can see too much of his pubic region. Yeah, thanks Edge. Really needed that visual. :throwup:

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I'm loving Season Mode so far. I'm going through with a CAW and it's just great. The voiceovers are actually bearable this year, and oddly enough I think they're pretty cool this time around.


Also, a RUMOR I heard on Livejournal:


"Win GM Mode once and you get to choose your three draft picks in a new game. Draft Jake the Snake, boom, unlocked. Take that Yukes for trying to make people buy a PSP and another copy of your game"


The poster also said that he'd be unlocked in all modes, not just GM Mode. Whoever completes GM Mode first, here, should try it!

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It's all true. He's playable in all modes once drafted to your brand.


From DVDVR -

Hey guys, all that shit about Jake Roberts being PSP exclusive...


Finish GM Mode's 1st year... he's draftable as one of your 3 picks at the beginning of the 2nd year and then he's playable.



UPDATE: You HAVE to win GM of the Year to make him eligible for cherry-picking.

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Okay so I checked and double checked the release date today and I found out we get it in Holland on the 18th of November, which is Friday, which is two days :( I can't wait to play this game. When most people have it we should make a new thread about this. It's not "news" anymore

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Well considering last year's official "all things Mortal Kombat" thread was called "First screen shot of Deception" (I THINK it eventually got changed) and I believe the first SvR thread was also not a OAO, but something that started as news... it's just how we roll at TSM, I guess.

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Man, the funny thing is that i created this and didnt evern realized that i was seplling it wrong...


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I'm loving Season mode so far. I started on Hard difficulty as Shelton Benjamin, and the first thing to do is the Legends tour. I'll spoiler tag the rest just in case...


First match was against the Bulldog. Forgetting that he's actually dead, Bulldog basically kicked my ass, and I ended up losing after the Oklahoma Slam (as called by JR).


Next week, GM Jimmy Hart tells me that I'm facing Bret Hart, in Montreal, and that he requested a submission match. Shelton says something like: "Well, he tapped out once here in Montreal, and I'm sure he won't have a problem with it again." Anyway, the match goes about 30 minutes, and finally, he taps out to a standard leg lock. For me, submissions that need to be done by tapping repeatedly with the meter are impossible on hard difficulty. The leg lock only worked because it was one of the 'stop the ball in the blue area to escape' holds. I do like the stamina, but Bret spent the better part of half of the match with next to no stamina, and he STILL reversed almost every move. That's not fair.


From here, Jimmy Hart puts me into the classic HIAC rematch between Taker & Mankind. For anyone else who's seen this scene, Taker's entrance and the reactions are superb. Me and Jimmy are in the ring, the lights go out, the bell tolls, and Jimmy freaks out looking everywhere until Taker appears. From there, he immediately runs outside. The animations are just amazing. I managed to win this match by pinning Mankind outside the cell on the floor, while Taker was on his way over from the inside trying to save. A cheap win, but I'll take it.


From there, Austin comes out, stunners Jimmy, and walks around with his head wobbling every which way, causing me to burst into laughter. It really looks like he has no neck. I assume this is leading to a match sooner or later.


So yeah, I'd call it better than HCTP so far, and I haven't even touched 75% of the game.

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What is the file size? The memory card discussion in the CTDWAT made me realize I'm not playing with much space left (though some stuff could be deleted). I remember JBI's god-awful 4MB+ save size... that was a pain, both in terms of taking up card space and the time it took to save / load games.

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Guest Metallica
Just played a cage match for the first time. Big improvement.


For those who care, you can put your CAW through season mode. You give him a choice of voices to use. Unfortunately, the one I chose makes him sound a tad camp.


EDIT: It also seems there are no subtitles for season mode, which sucks for those of us who like to listen to music while playing.


You can turn subtitles on in the locker room, just go to your desk and I think it's a pair of headphones that you select, they're on the top left anyway.

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FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK!!!!! My GameRush actually called me today (They've never done that before) and my copy is in. I can pick it up tonight since the store is right by the bar I go to every Wednesday night, but I won't have my system til tomorrow so I can't play it! :'(

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Guest Zarock

G4 is running a show called "G4's Training Day" or something at 9 est/8 cnt tonight with Shelton Benjamin and Cena talking about/playing/etc. SD!vs.RAW '06. Granted, it's a repeat, but since nobody mentioned its first running, it might as well be mentioned.


Worth seeing just because Benjamin is apparently some kind of fighting game freak and will more then likely kick Cena's ass.

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G4 is running a show called "G4's Training Day" or something at 9 est/8 cnt tonight with Shelton Benjamin and Cena talking about/playing/etc. SD!vs.RAW '06.  Granted, it's a repeat, but since nobody mentioned its first running, it might as well be mentioned.


Worth seeing just because Benjamin is apparently some kind of fighting game freak and will more then likely kick Cena's ass.


I watched it last night. They don't play the game. It's just a little bit of game footage, and the rest is Cena showingsome fan, who is given the alias of "Mammaltoes the Turd Burglar", some moves in preparation for his "steel cage match" with Shelton.



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I am beginning to think the person I spoke with at EB was a moron... I wish I had realized this before I left the store but in general I hate complaining and making a scene, and I had someone outside the mall waiting to drive me back home.


When I called EB at 5:30 tonight and asked if my game was in and mentioned that I was told in the morning I had to wait to call back tonight, the employee on the phone sounded confused and asked my name. I told him, and he said "yes your copy is here". It was at that point I realized that the pre-orders are labeled with people's name and number... when I was called YESTERDAY, that should have meant that MY copy of the game I paid for already was in. I just took the idiot that worked this morning at face value when he said they were waiting for a second shipment, thinking at the time they must just hand out the pre-orders on a first come first serve basis, totally forgetting that they do label each one with a recipet with your name on it.


I'll give the guy the benefit of the doubt that maybe he didn't hear me say I was picking up a PRE-ORDER copy of SmackDown vs Raw... or maybe he just didn't know where they kept them. I know the manager that was there this morning is new (his first day was Monday, when I was there to do the pre-order) and I had never seen the employee who told me and another woman that we had to wait until later today (and at that, not even guaranteed).


Still, I'm more than a little pissed that I got told my game wasn't in when it really was, robbing me of a day of play since I'm now at work and won't be able to go back to the store until tomorrow morning.

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Just played a cage match for the first time. Big improvement.


For those who care, you can put your CAW through season mode. You give him a choice of voices to use. Unfortunately, the one I chose makes him sound a tad camp.


EDIT: It also seems there are no subtitles for season mode, which sucks for those of us who like to listen to music while playing.


You can turn subtitles on in the locker room, just go to your desk and I think it's a pair of headphones that you select, they're on the top left anyway.


All of the generic CAW voices sound kind of shitty. Except for the one black voice which sounds a little like Shelton. And other one, which is a deeper, huskier black voice. Mmm. Sexy.

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Christ, the audio for this game is awful. The announcing team dialog is moderately better than last year but it's still shitty and unnecessary. The in-game songs are even WORSE than last year, which is incredible, as there were maybe one or two mediocre songs last year, the rest being utter tripe. This year's even worse. Outside of maybe that one Megadeth song, this makes me want to kill a small kitten. Chave is right to suggest playing one's own music.

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The in-game songs are bad, but not nearly as bad as the "random screaming BGM", which seems to have finally died. About fucking time.


Still dissapointed in the number of textures for pants/shirts/etc..it's the exact same ones as last year. Pathetic!

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What is the file size? The memory card discussion in the CTDWAT made me realize I'm not playing with much space left (though some stuff could be deleted). I remember JBI's god-awful 4MB+ save size... that was a pain, both in terms of taking up card space and the time it took to save / load games.


I'd actually like to know this as well.

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