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Smackdown Spoiler Thread

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Taker got DQed. That is his problem. Hassan ran away. His fault. Doesn't change the fact that Benoit, Christian and Book all lasted longer than Taker and Hassan. It's stupid.



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Well, as reported, NoCalMike, Ced, Darthtiki and I were at this show and since this is the SD! Spoilers thread, I will give you my account of this show...



-JBL started the show off with a decent promo. The crowd was still in a bit of shock because of the HBK turn plus the restlessness of them switching to the SD set. When JBL's music and limo interupted him, I thought Batista was going to emerge and do a JBL imitation or something. It was funny because NoCal was sitting at this time not interested at all in this part. Then when I caught Blue Meanie and the bwo, I told NoCal and he finally got up. I'd say only about 10% of the crowd knew who these guys were. The small group who did know were at least very vocal.


-Benoit v. Booker was decent, but I just sat there thinking "they are fighting for the right to face ORLANDO JORDAN!?" There is something inherently wrong with that.


-MNM v Rey and Eddy was eh. We got great looks at Melina and what little she had on under her dress. Eddy was great in his role and Rey worked his tail off. The mic work and facial expressions by Eddy were great and Eddy recieved some serious heel heat from the crowd throughout the match and during the postmatch interview. Too bad this whole "secret" angle can go nowhere but down. Their feud was fine, why go this route? Another downer is that in the latest Observer, it was said to be Rey's idea for this whole "secret" angle.


-The Mexicools stopped a potential Matt Morgan stuttering promo and match, thereby making them my heroes for the night. Sucks that it had to be at the expense of not seeing Regal in ring, but I am not sure Regal could do anything with Morgan. While I hate the stereotyping of the Mexicools gimmick, they make me not hate them because they bring so much energy to what they are doing. They really embrace their roles and just come off like a pack of jackals. I like them. Just hate the presentation. I'd love to see them feud with Eddy and Rey in kind of a "united we stand, divided we fall" theme where the Mexicools try to recruit them, but both say no, and the Mexicools keep beating them down until both men have no choice but to put their differences aside to deal with this new threat. I can still dream, can't I?


-Well, I can honestly say that I went against the grain, along with NoCal in being the ONLY people in the entire building cheering for Hassan. While my problems with the whole Hassan angle have been documented here, I just couldn't stand Sac town, being such a mark territory, falling for this jingoistic crap that Vince and Co. pull, so I said screw it and stood up and clapped and cheered for Hassan. Of course, NoCal and my other friend agreed we'd have each others backs in case any drunk yokels got out of line, but no one messed with us. I didn't have a problem with Davairi being squashed because he is not a player. He's cannon fodder. The problem I did have is with the masked terrorists. They looked exactly like the guys who are doing the beheadings in the Middle East. As soon as those guys showed up, I sat down in my seat and just shook my head in shame. I really didn't have a problem with the whole Davairi being carried out bit either. Thing is, there are still people in Iraq being kidnapped and being beheaded and WWE is making light of that. Perhaps if we weren't smack dab in the middle of that kind of problem, I wouldn't be so offended, but since people are still being kidnapped and beheaded, it just sickens me that WWE goes ahead and attempts to make an angle out of it. I didn't like it when "24" did it this year, and I really don't like WWE doing it. After seeing the Mexicools presentation, Hassan, and Chavo "ditching" his roots, it's clear WWE has no clue on race relations. They know only stereotypes and caricatures.


-Batista v. Christian was very good. Work was solid and Batista was very much over. He had a good rapport with the crowd and came off like a champion should. I feel bad for Christian because basically he is going to be doing the same thing on SD that he did on Raw=be fed to ME faces. Batista really seemed touched and humbled by the reaction the crowd gave him after cameras stopped rolling. He posed at all 4 corners and at the entrance for about 10 minutes after cameras stopped rolling. I am very much warming up to his new entrance theme song as well.


- JBL v. Blue Meanie was awful in the ring. Crowd didn't light up until Richards sickening chair shot and Batista's run in. JBL was busted open badly on top of his head and staggered to the back. I think since he knew he as busted open, they decided to play it up and showed the cameras focusing in on his head wound. Kudos to JBL and Meanie for being able to put aside what was an ugly incident to be able to do a little business together. I am banking JBL, in hindsight, saw what he did was stupid and wouldn't doubt he reached out to Meanie and hooked him up since it was announced the BWO are SD now. (which is even cooler because now Nova can stop being Simon Dean) I bet Vince was Russel Simmons like in squashing the JBL/Meanie beef and let this be a program. That, or Meanie had a helluva court case against WWE and they felt they should just give him a job instead of hassle around in court.


-Most annoying thing about this supershow, all the Flair "whoos". Sac town can be such marks sometimes.

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-Most annoying thing about this supershow, all the Flair "whoos". Sac town can be such marks sometimes.


What's wrong with that? It makes a show fun.

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Guest JMA

Having Booker and Benoit fight for the US title is so backwards it isn't even funny. Booker has beaten Kurt Angle TWO times in a row and Benoit's victories over Triple H are very well documented. I don't mind them rehashing the "Best of Seven" thing (because it was a great angle at the time), but it shouldn't be for the chance to face the US champion--Booker and Benoit are supposed to be main eventers.

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-Most annoying thing about this supershow, all the Flair "whoos". Sac town can be such marks sometimes.


What's wrong with that? It makes a show fun.



It's fun for maybe the first hour or so. But it ceases to be fun to me when it's done about every 2-5 minutes for 4 1/2 hours.


BTW, that is not an exaggeration. The TSM crew that was with me can vouch for this.

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While I recognize why people find the whole terrorist shtick distasteful, I think it's funny that people butter their bread on both sides. The fact that wrestling is NOT supposed to be applicable to real life is apparant when you look at who Hassan is feuding with: a guy that's evolved from a mortician to a dead guy to a biker to a dead guy (wait, he is still a dead guy, right?).


Yeah, it probably does hit too close to home for some people, but there's something lik that EVERYWHERE. I have a friend that had to walk out of Gangs of New York because people were hung in it, and her brother had hung himself a few years ago and she'd found the body. Day in/day out someone encounters something that hits too close to home.

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I didn't really time them, but Batista v. Christian went around 7-10 minutes. Benoit/Booker about the same. Davari/Taker squash was literally a chokeslam and tombstone, so less than a minute. MNM v. Eddy/Rey was about 5-7 minutes as well as JBL/Meanie. Mexicools segment went around 6-7 minutes too.

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UT vs. Davari as Hassan says Davari will be the sacrifice, 10 second squash but after the match in something kind of distasteful all these thugs dressed up as terrorists with the masks and camoflauge pants come in and beat down Taker. I mean seriously all these guys were missing were the machine guns.

Ladies and gentleman the 2005 gooker award winner.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Well, for starters, wrestling isn't made specifically to 'teach' people right and wrong. Or to make comments on current social life. Heels are out there, with their main job being to get people to hate them. I'm sure there's still some people who truly believe wrestling is real. And with this, you're opening up a whole new world or potential trouble for Hassan/Mark Magnus and Shawn Daivari.


To people who do 'get it', they've basically killed Hassan's character. Any legit gripes he have are gone now. Because instead of being an Arab American who feels wrongly treated (as he was for his debut), Hassan's character has surpassed cheap-heat 'I hate America' and is now working, with 'terrorists'. I'm sure there are some people who really believe all Islamists are terrorists (in fact, one of them posted quite regularly in General Chat here once upon a time...HI-YO~!). The WWE is doing nothing to change this view and in-fact, putting the view across to people. It's extremely low class, mis-informed and steps over another line that shouldn't be stepped over in the land of wrestling.



The best heels incite riots. That's a common factor in all of wrestling, and if it takes doing this to make this guy look like Bin Laden's evil twin to get him to be a riot-inciting heel, so be it. I love it when the stupid fans get antsy over stories like this one and think it's real, because that means the story hit its intended target.


And if you still feel kinda bad about it, just think of how funny it's gonna be when the headlines come out about how idiot fans get arrested (after getting the shit beat out of them by the other wrestlers) for attacking...wait for it...wrestlers playing terrorists. Idiot fans...these fags have been blurring the lines of reality ever since they made all the Japs heel in the 60s and 70s.

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Guest Mosaicv2

If the JBL and Blue Meanie occurs on television that will draw-up some motherfucking ratings for Smackdown! for once.

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Benoit may as well try and build up the US title. He's behind JBL, Orton, Hassan, Eddie and Taker in the queue to face Batista after all, and also probably behind them all in terms of getting an actual title run too.

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1. Forget morals and stuff for a minute. I was actually playing devil's advocate because personally, I've watched the WWE far too long to be shocked by any of the Hassan/Taker angle. I think the point should be: If someone needs to become a terrorist to get heat, he's not worth pushing.


2. Maybe Benoit and Booker both requested a shot at the US Title, so Long put them against each other. Or he wanted to give one the shot but couldn't decide. There's plenty of reasons to explain why they have to fight for #1 Contendership. Now, why they're going after that title, I have no idea.


3. It's nice to see Meanie was so traumatised by the incident he's been bitching about so much at ONS that he still, after denouncing Bradshaw so much, accepted a paycheck to wrestle him. Any ounce of sympathy I had for the guy has completely gone...I understand 3PW must have left him hard-up, but if he was really so disgusted by the JBL incident, he wouldn't have got in the ring with him for any condition. I guess it's true...everybody's got a price.


4. I'd be surprised if Meanie/JBL itself made a big difference to the TV rating. I also hope, severely, that the BWO is forgotten about within the next few weeks. I've made my thoughts real clear before so I'll leave it at that. But I would much rather watch Nova rip off Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball that drag the BWO stuff out of the mothballs.

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3. It's nice to see Meanie was so traumatised by the incident he's been bitching about so much at ONS  that he still, after denouncing Bradshaw so much, accepted a paycheck to wrestle him. Any ounce of sympathy I had for the guy has completely gone...I understand 3PW must have left him hard-up, but if he was really so disgusted by the JBL incident, he wouldn't have got in the ring with him for any condition. I guess it's true...everybody's got a price.


4. I'd be surprised if Meanie/JBL itself made a big difference to the TV rating. I also hope, severely, that the BWO is forgotten about within the next few weeks. I've made my thoughts real clear before so I'll leave it at that. But I would much rather watch Nova rip off Ben Stiller's character in Dodgeball that drag the BWO stuff out of the mothballs.


3. I wouldn't be surprised if the entire thing was a work. Maybe not the stiff shot that JBL gave him at ONS, but the resulting "controversy" certainly was. If it's posted on WWE.com, especially...


4. I fucking 100% agree there! I'm just glad I don't even get a channel that carries SD! so that I don't have to endure more fucking lamer than lame ECW gimmicks.

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I saw reports on sites that said Conway was "sporting a modified look" during the dark match. What about you guys that were there live? Can you give any details?

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I think the main thing with the 'terrorists' deal is that it's one of those angles that makes you embarrassed to watch wrestling. While not on the same scale as Patterson/Brisco - Evening Gown match, it's still something you wouldn't want to show anyone who doesn't watch wrestling.

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Guest *KNK*
If the JBL and Blue Meanie occurs on television that will draw-up some motherfucking ratings for Smackdown! for once.


Why? No one knows who Meanie is beyond this small blanket of the iwc and no one knows why this match is off any significance and since nothing besides JBL getting split open happened, you cant hardly get the smarks to bite.

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I honestly have no issue whatsoever with the whole "terrorist" thing. Hell, the only reason I'm even thinking about them as terrorists now is because you all said something. Besides, like it's been said hundreds of times before, nothing that happens in the world is safe from wrestling. Or at least WWE. WWE using stereotypes in their programming is as inevitable as the sun setting in the west.


Another downer is that in the latest Observer, it was said to be Rey's idea for this whole "secret" angle.


Say it's not so, Rey.

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Eh, watch Hassan say that the whole reason he brought the, as we call them now, "terrorists" was to neutralize any possible threat of druids getting involved.


...that's what I'd have them do, anyway.


EDIT: Oh, and this whole Eddie/Rey secret thing is reminding me of the Undertaker/Paul Bearer "secret" storyline that eventually led to the debut of Kane.

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Guest Fook

The way this whole "secret" angle is going reminds me so much of the Undertaker/Paul Bearer angle that led to Kane's debut. I wouldn't be surprised that the big secret is that Rey had a younger brother who he accidently set on fire when he was younger.

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The problem with the Hassan character for me is it exposes bad and lazy writing as a creative writing team. I think I remember at the dawn of the "Attitude" era, Vince said WWE was going into a new direction, no more insulting the fan's intelligence, no more "good guys "bad guys" well then why is he having Hassan work a gimmick straight out of 1987? Sure Hassan is only one worker, but with Chavo's turn denouncing his "hispanicness" and the Mexicools spouting borderline racist slurs and gestures, you can't really say it is just Hassan. Another problem is that Hassan hasn't done anything to get himself over as a wrestler up to now, he is just the "sand guy" that gets squashed as the crowd chants racial slurs side by side with "USA USA USA" There could have been so much more creativity behind his gimmick such as making him a struggling face looking to find his way and "just wrestle"

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Guest Trecko
The problem with the Hassan character for me is it exposes bad and lazy writing as a creative writing team.  I think I remember at the dawn of the "Attitude" era, Vince said WWE was going into a new direction, no more insulting the fan's intelligence, no more "good guys "bad guys" well then why is he having Hassan work a gimmick straight out of 1987?  Sure Hassan is only one worker, but with Chavo's turn denouncing his "hispanicness" and the Mexicools spouting borderline racist slurs and gestures, you can't really say it is just Hassan.  Another problem is that Hassan hasn't done anything to get himself over as a wrestler up to now, he is just the "sand guy" that gets squashed as the crowd chants racial slurs side by side with "USA USA USA"  There could have been so much more creativity behind his gimmick such as making him a struggling face looking to find his way and "just wrestle"


Aside from the Cena match...when has Hassan ever been "squashed"? :huh:

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Guest JMA
If the JBL and Blue Meanie occurs on television that will draw-up some motherfucking ratings for Smackdown! for once.

Hopefully you're right. In any case, at least the Certified WrestleCrap "Simon Dean" gimmick is gone. The bWo might not have an nWo to parody now, but it's still far more entertaining than some of the stuff WWE has been doing (the Masterlock Challenge, Simon Dean, Diva Search 2: Electric Boogaloo, Heidenreich, ect).

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If the JBL and Blue Meanie occurs on television that will draw-up some motherfucking ratings for Smackdown! for once.

Hopefully you're right. In any case, at least the Certified WrestleCrap "Simon Dean" gimmick is gone. The bWo might not have an nWo to parody now, but it's still far more entertaining than some of the stuff WWE has been doing (the Masterlock Challenge, Simon Dean, Diva Search 2: Electric Boogaloo, Heidenreich, ect).



The problem is that the more casual fans recognize ECW a lot more then any one single faction such as the bWo, the bWo lasted for a small segment in time for ECW and unless you were a "smartmark" and realized it was a satire on the nWo, rather then an imitation then you would probably be clueless to their existence. Also since the Meanie/Bradshaw real life heat may not be known by the vast majority of fans. Also have to add that the nWo have been dead for some time now, so the satire has lost a lot of it's heat. Having the bWo work on Smackdown is fine, imo, but they will be like any other faction starting over in a new brand, don't expect them to be a an immediate ratings draw. If I was in charge I would have the three guys come out as a parody of classic and current tag teams every week like they did in ECW, since Stevie is such a goofball and pulls that stuff off so well, to me it would be a better draw then simply being the bWo.

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