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Guest MideonMark

WWE begin the releases

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I think it is safe to say that TE was a total flop now that pretty much everyone who was on that show is now released.


I'm bewildered at the Dudleys being released. Spike I can kinda see, but why Bubba and D'Von? As bad as the tag division is on both shows can they really afford to fire tag teams left and right? Also, with Balls and Axl getting a tryout soon they really had to keep the Dudleys around to feud with those guys....who else could wrestle them?


That said, I've yet to hear a truly bizarre, jaw dropping release yet. As in releasing Shelton or someone, which would be extremely stupid.

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Who said all these firings were to make room for the Divas? I seriously doubt they're getting payed that much, if anything high at all.


They'll get rid of someone with real charisma like Dawn

I take it you missed the last few years of what she did in the WWE...? She had a nice ass, but as a WWE character, to me at least, she won't be missed.


Well you know Christy is getting 250,000 a year (or is that over a couple years?) so the runner ups couldn't be getting MORE than that?


Was Carmella ever officially released or what?

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I've never felt as angry about several releases in my life. I can't believe the WWE would get rid of a talented performer like Charlie Haas, release Jannetty when he hasn't even been on TV full time, and then release a pregnant Dawn Marie.


I think the last release is the biggest pile of horse crap I've ever seen in my life. How Vince can justify kicking a pregnant woman to the curb I have no idea at all. I hope she sues them for wrongful termination and wins a helluva lot of money.


Part of me thinks that Vince just wants everyone to lose interest in wrestling period. The crowd crapped all over the last Diva Search but we have to do another one anyway and then we have crap like the humping Viscera and Chris Masters taking up damn TV time. The WWE is just going to hell in a hand basket, that's all there is to it.

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I've never felt as angry about several releases in my life.  I can't believe the WWE would get rid of a talented performer like Charlie Haas, release Jannetty when he hasn't even been on TV full time, and then release a pregnant Dawn Marie. 


I think the last release is the biggest pile of horse crap I've ever seen in my life.  How Vince can justify kicking a pregnant woman to the curb I have no idea at all.  I hope she sues them for wrongful termination and wins a helluva lot of money.


If you notice on the web site, it says that they "came to agreements" on releases with these people. From what I understand, A] They have to pay out the remainder of their contracts, and B] chances are there was also a severance involved.

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Well you know Christy is getting 250,000 a year (or is that over a couple years?) so the runner ups couldn't be getting MORE than that?


Was Carmella ever officially released or what?


Carmella was paid per appearance.


I think the $250,000 was only for one year.


To my knowledge, no cash prize has been associated with the 2005 contest.

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I think the last release is the biggest pile of horse crap I've ever seen in my life.  How Vince can justify kicking a pregnant woman to the curb I have no idea at all.  I hope she sues them for wrongful termination and wins a helluva lot of money.


To be fair, you don't know the terms of the release. When Molly was released we later found out she asked for it. Same could have happened to Dawn. Why would she want to be employeed by WWE when she is going to have a baby? Only to be back on the road and not be able to take care of it herself?

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I've never felt as angry about several releases in my life.  I can't believe the WWE would get rid of a talented performer like Charlie Haas, release Jannetty when he hasn't even been on TV full time, and then release a pregnant Dawn Marie. 


I think the last release is the biggest pile of horse crap I've ever seen in my life.  How Vince can justify kicking a pregnant woman to the curb I have no idea at all.  I hope she sues them for wrongful termination and wins a helluva lot of money.


If you notice on the web site, it says that they "came to agreements" on releases with these people. From what I understand, A] They have to pay out the remainder of their contracts, and B] chances are there was also a severance involved.


They get their downside guarantee for 90 days.

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I think the last release is the biggest pile of horse crap I've ever seen in my life.  How Vince can justify kicking a pregnant woman to the curb I have no idea at all.  I hope she sues them for wrongful termination and wins a helluva lot of money.


To be fair, you don't know the terms of the release. When Molly was released we later found out she asked for it. Same could have happened to Dawn. Why would she want to be employeed by WWE when she is going to have a baby? Only to be back on the road and not be able to take care of it herself?


Exactly. Everyone is shitting on "Vince" for releasing a pregnant woman - one who they'd probably complain about having to watch if she even WERE on tv - when they don't know the facts.

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I've never felt as angry about several releases in my life. I can't believe the WWE would get rid of a talented performer like Charlie Haas, release Jannetty when he hasn't even been on TV full time, and then release a pregnant Dawn Marie.

I think when Hogan decided to come back for a little while..that pretty much guranteed Jannetty getting cut. Because it seems like, it probaly wouldve been Marty in this spot that Hogan's in. With Shawn talking about how he had a great partner lined up for Backlash, and the stuff going on now, had Hogan just well..stayed at home or whatever, there's no doubt in my mind Jannetty would be in this spot.


The crowd crapped all over the last Diva Search but we have to do another one anyway

It got the occasional boos last year, but for the most part..it actually wasn't crapped on. And, didn't it for most of the time it occured get the highest rated segment last year?

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I actually wonder if some of these releases are worked and they are planning on putting together a short ECW run.


If the alleged 8 or so names left to be announced are bigger names, I could see this whole thing being a work. But if it's 8 more no-names, what kind of alternative promotion could they put together?

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Everyone is shitting on "Vince" for releasing a pregnant woman - one who they'd probably complain about having to watch if she even WERE on tv - when they don't know the facts.


This week's Observer should be a really fun read.



(Maybe someone will be nice and post it for us.)

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Exactly. Everyone is shitting on "Vince" for releasing a pregnant woman - one who they'd probably complain about having to watch if she even WERE on tv - when they don't know the facts.


If she asked to be released then fine, whatever.


Dawn Marie isn't horrible or anything, I have no problem with her in the occasional titty match or something on SD!.


And from Meltzer-


Add Jackie Gayda, Charlie Haas and Dawn Marie to the list. The women were locks to be let go but Haas kind of surprised me. They also confirmed Marty Jannetty (that was a week ago).


Sounds like they fired her.

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Dawn Marie isn't horrible or anything, I have no problem with her in the occasional titty match or something on SD!.


That's because you need to get laid, Bob.


And from Meltzer-


Add Jackie Gayda, Charlie Haas and Dawn Marie to the list. The women were locks to be let go but Haas kind of surprised me. They also confirmed Marty Jannetty (that was a week ago).


Sounds like they fired her.


Meltzers opinion means shit to me.

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That's because you need to get laid, Bob.


I bow to your coolness.


Meltzers opinion means shit to me.


Why? Because he has a great reputation, rarely posts mis-information and generally knows what he's talking about?

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Yes, but it's his opinion that the women were a 'lock' - and that doesn't mean much in a situation like this.


If he's not just stating an opinion, then whose to say that a 'lock' doesn't mean that either of the women approached WWE first?

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Dawn Marie is the most charismatic woman in wrestling, past or present, in my opinion. Had WWE realized this, and allowed her to just be a valet or something like she was in ECW, she could have meant a lot to a lot of different people in WWE.


But instead they book her as just another cookie-cutter "diva", and that was bullshit. I want to see a return to the days where the women meant something in wrestling. Either as actual WRESTLERS, or as a sly/beautiful valet.


Dawn, or others like her, do not have a place in the ring in an actual match though. A "catfight" every now and then is fine, and MAYBE the VERY rare match to add something to a larger feud is ok, but enough of these so-called wrestling matches with people like her, and especially those shitty pillow fights.

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Some of these releases are really out there. What are they thinking with the Dudleys? That was a return that probably would have easily gotten over post-ECW ppv, as they could have been re-born of sorts with being off WWE TV for so long. Now the question is - can they use the Dudley name in another organization? You know TNA will most likely sign them, and now possibly Spike because of this too.


Morgan being released makes no sense - they never really gave the guy the chance to succeed with two badly booked runs on Smackdown. Jim Ross was extremely high on him too so thats another shocker.


Haas is a ridiculous release, as they never even bothered to ever book the Haas-Benjamin feud, which would have been an awesome midcard program. He shown more potential back in May w/ Holly than I've ever seen in his WWE run. Speaking of Holly, he's got to be coming up soon also, else there is some serious bullshit going down. Jackie being tossed w/ Haas definately sucks for them right now but I have a feeling TNA will welcome them in right away.


I kind of had a feeling Dawn Marie was possibly getting fired. I dont see a problem with it since, to be honest, a WWE chick probably shouldnt be considering getting prego in the first place considering her postion as nothing more but eye candy, and from what I had heard, it was like she was trying to get knocked up in the first place. I could see why the company would frown on that - its not like she was injured or something. With all of this said, it would have been better to keep her on the roster and unload some useless women like Lauren something or another and Joy.


If Jannetty really was in jail or back to his old ways of using and abusing something, he's probably better off being released. He's had his chances before.


It's a little weird that some of these guys were on the trade deal from last week. That couldnt be just coincidence. With that said, I expect Grenier gone for sure also, as there is no way they are going to even try to get this talentless hack over on SD when they arent even going to continue with Morgan, Haas, etc. Candice Michelle also will probably be gone too. Suzuki and Hiroku probably will get the ax also.


For what its worth, apparently another 8-10 more are on their way according to Meltzer. I wouldnt doubt even more by days end.

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Yes, but it's his opinion that the women were a 'lock' - and that doesn't mean much in a situation like this.


If he's not just stating an opinion, then whose to say that a 'lock' doesn't mean that either of the women approached WWE first?


I'm sure if they asked for their release, Meltzer would've said so. I don't see why you don't trust Dave Meltzer, a guy who wouldn't lie about this.


He's saying he heard they were locks to be fired, so the odds were that they probably were.

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Dawn Marie happens to quit while the WWE goes on a firing spree.  Quit being stupid.  They fired a pregnant woman; they have no class - nothing new.


I imagine they fired Spike because of the TV deal.


Well Rudo pretty much sums up what I wanted to say in three sentences.

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Either way, she's still getting her pay-off. It's not like being a wrestler escort was a stable gig to begin with, and she never did very much while she was there.

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