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Guest MideonMark

WWE begin the releases

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Okay, that was reference to the last episode of "Mary Tyler Moore", wasn't it?

Indeed. I'm glad someone picked up on it

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I suppose Y2Jerk. It's not out of the relm of possibility. I'm pretty sure this didnt' just up and happen in the last 36 hours, it's probrably been in the works for at least 2 weeks, if not longer.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Imagine the roster Paul E's going to have when his contract expires and he doesn't re-sign.


I can't wait. I hope he's not too burned out from the jagoffs in New York.

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I suppose Y2Jerk. It's not out of the relm of possibility. I'm pretty sure this didnt' just up and happen in the last 36 hours, it's probrably been in the works for at least 2 weeks, if not longer.

For some reason this reminds me of the week WCW shut down.


I don't see how everyone getting the week off, then a mass of firings, couldn't be related...

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Guest jumpingbombangel
Dave Meltzer says 8-10 more cuts are coming.


Speculaaaaaaaaate...I tell you people Rob Conway is gone, I don't give a damn how well he works. Maybe the other 7-9 are Scotty 2 Hotty and a few of the unknown divas.


Is Tommy Dreamer still an office boy?

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Okay, that was reference to the last episode of "Mary Tyler Moore", wasn't it?

Indeed. I'm glad someone picked up on it


*Pictures all of the released wrestlers hugging each other, then singing "It's a Long Way To Tipparary"

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Anyone related to La Resistance should be gone, even "Buff" Conway. I was at the Supershow this last Monday and he wrestled Shelton in a dark match and that is his new look. He looks like a slimmer Buff Bagwell.

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I don't see how the hell they decided they'd done all the could have with Charlie Haas. And though the Dudleys were stale on their last run, their return would pop a crowd in rekindle an interest with the tag division. It looked like they had plans for Morgan too, so that was a bit of a surprise.

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Guest heyimbro

From Meltzer:


"A funny story is there is one person who is in that category of those who would be considered in grave danger who is simply not picking up his phone all day. The names keep getting added on the wwe.com web site based on the company contacting the people personally first."


I wonder who that is. My pick is Val.

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Dave Meltzer says 8-10 more cuts are coming.


I hope that Holly, Grenier, Candice, and Scotty are included in those cuts. However, I'll unfortunately be wrong and they'll probably release someone like Shelton Benjamin instead.

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Guest drdrainoscott

A interesting/funny thing to note, according to the latest observer, Vince went to Lauranitis (sp?) and told him to fix up the tag division. That is why Balls and Axl are getting tryouts this month and they are looking at Doring and Roadkill as well. Just interesting that they would get rid of three teams on Smackdown after that (I'm couting Akio/Kidman as a team since they have teamed frequently on Velocity).

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From Meltzer:


"A funny story is there is one person who is in that category of those who would be considered in grave danger who is simply not picking up his phone all day. The names keep getting added on the wwe.com web site based on the company contacting the people personally first."


I wonder who that is. My pick is Val.


I'll guess Funaki.

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This is too funny


From Meltzer:


A funny story is there is one person who is in that category of those who would be considered in grave danger who is simply not picking up his phone all day.



Pick up your phone, Tyson!!

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This whole ordeal is giving me flashbacks of the climax in "The Godfather" where they show a montage of all the Corleone family's enemies getting whacked, except I'm putting the newly released WWE'ers in their places.

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Don't wish harm on people.  Saying you hope someone gets released is kind a dick thing to say, no offense.  They have families to support you know.


I don't have a problem with people getting fired if they suck and are a waste of money. That's true for any job.

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Joy Giovanni

Kenzo Suzuki

Matt Morgan

Charlie Haas

Jackie Gayda

Marty Jannetty

Dawn Marie

Mark Jindrak


Shannon Moore

James Yun (Akio)

David Heath (Gangrel)

Billy Kidman

Spike Dudley

Kevin Fertig


Damn that fucking sucks they fired Jannety and Gangrel, I wanted to see them come back!


People I will miss: Joy, Morgan, Mr. & Mrs. Haas, Marie, Jindrak, Maven, Yang, Kidman, and D-Von Dudley.


People I won't miss: Shannon, Mordecai, Suzuki, Bubba & Spike Dudley.

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Guest *KNK*
From Meltzer:


"A funny story is there is one person who is in that category of those who would be considered in grave danger who is simply not picking up his phone all day. The names keep getting added on the wwe.com web site based on the company contacting the people personally first."


I wonder who that is. My pick is Val.


I'll guess Funaki.


William Regal.

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Not a great source, but...


Reasons For Dawn Marie, Jannetty and Dudley Boys' Release

Submitted by Daniel Pena on Wednesday, July 6, 2005 at 6:27 PM EST




# The Dudley Boyz, Bubba Ray and D’Von Dudley, were released because their contracts were coming up next month and they couldn't agree to money terms with WWE. With domestic house show business being horrible, this is no time to being asking for a raise. The Dudleyz are said to be looking at TNA and Japan as future options.


# Marty Jannetty was released because of a domestic incident that occurred with his significant other. He was subsequently jailed. Well that and that they just didn't know what to do with him.


# Dawn Marie had her contract bought out due to her forthcoming pregnancy. Plus with the Diva Search, WWE is getting the feeling that just about all the divas are expendable. Out with the old, in with the new. It didn't do Dawn Marie any favors that she happens to be 33 years old and aging with each passing year and WWE seems to be looking for hot 20-something's nowadays. Plus, many fans have noted at house shows that she was getting out of shape while observing her during bikini contests, although her pregnancy had to have played a part in her weight gain. Seeing how WWE had no use for an aging, pregnant woman, WWE just decided to let her loose.



partial source - pwinsider.com


credit: http://www.lordsofpain.net/news/2005_/arti.../1120688824.php

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Don't wish harm on people.  Saying you hope someone gets released is kind a dick thing to say, no offense.  They have families to support you know.


I don't have a problem with people getting fired if they suck and are a waste of money. That's true for any job.


They still have to eat though.

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Guest *KNK*
Don't wish harm on people.  Saying you hope someone gets released is kind a dick thing to say, no offense.  They have families to support you know.


I don't have a problem with people getting fired if they suck and are a waste of money. That's true for any job.


They still have to eat though.


Boo fucking hoo.


People get fired and layed off every day. In most companies, what we saw today from WWE happens monthly and not just 20 people but add another couple zeros to that.


Because they are wrestlers, doesnt mean we should feel sympathy for them getting canned.

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