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Guest MideonMark

WWE begin the releases

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It would suck for Hassan if he got released because they decided his character was too risky. Bottom line, it was the office's booking, not his. That's not to say that I wouldn't like him to tone it down a bit... but at the end of the day this entire character was developed from the terrorist attack on the USA. There's no reason why anyone in WWE management should give a shit about what's happening in OUR neck of the woods when they're busy trying (and failing) to make money from an attack on their own country.

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I don't see why people have a problem with Hassan. Do these same people get angry when they watch a movie with a terrorist attack? I doubt it. So why get so upset about it when it's on a WWE show, but not in a theater?

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Guest jm29195
It would suck for Hassan if he got released because they decided his character was too risky. Bottom line, it was the office's booking, not his. That's not to say that I wouldn't like him to tone it down a bit... but at the end of the day this entire character was developed from the terrorist attack on the USA. There's no reason why anyone in WWE management should give a shit about what's happening in OUR neck of the woods when they're busy trying (and failing) to make money from an attack on their own country.




Maybe they shouldn't release him because of his gimmick- although I do think it should be dropped, but even then- has the guy been in even one remotely entertaining match since he's been in the WWE? If releases are being judged by actual talent (although they're probably not, then Hassan or Magnus should go just because he has been pushed huge and has yet to have an entertaining match..... I can just see WWE having them go over Regal next time they come over here to do a RAW taping- there would be a riot- it was bad enough when they did it last time!


BTW thanks to y2jerk and jba for agreeing with me, I don't normally go off on one on these forums but I've always seen wrestling in general as an enjoyable escape from reality for myself and don't like seeing angles based on real life atrocities rammed down our throats- especially whilst the situations in question are still ongoing......

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Am I missing something? What exactly is so risky about his gimmick? Sure he's done the throat-cut sign a few times, but besides that...

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Clearly with Kenzo gone, the only logical thing for them to do with Hassan is to turn him face and give him Kenzo's old "I Love America" schtick.

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Guest jm29195
Am I missing something? What exactly is so risky about his gimmick? Sure he's done the throat-cut sign a few times, but besides that...



Have you seen the SD spoilers this week?, I thoguht it was quite a disturbing direction to take the character on Tuesday, now it's even worse, but at least WWE have had the good sense to act on it..........

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No, I never purposely read SD spoilers. I guess that explains my take on it. :)


Was it something so bad that they aren't even going to air it tonight (especially after what happened in London today)? Have they said that they are cutting it from SD tonight?

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Guest jm29195
Dave Meltzer at WrestlingObserver.com is reporting that the Undertaker/Hassan "terrorists" angle has been cut from the tape sent to the U.K. for tonight's Smackdown show, as it would be in very poor taste to air the angle after this morning's terrorist attacks in the country.


He said it is rumored to have been edited off the North America shows as well, but it is not confirmed.


Credit: WrestlingObserver.com

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I, for one, hope they air whatever the hell it is. I just read on PWInsider that if it's editied, UPN will be the ones to do so. I guess we'll have to wait and see.

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I don't see how anyone can sensibly defend any kind of "terrorist group" in wrestling, especially if they've also seen the fan pictures from the show.

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Guest jumpingbombangel
I don't see how anyone can sensibly defend any kind of "terrorist group" in wrestling, especially if they've also seen the fan pictures from the show.


Having seen the pics from the show of

Taker being attacked by the "terrorists,"

I really don't get upset because just like everything in the WWE over the past 4 years it looks damn retarded and silly as usual.


With that said, though, it's only in good taste to at least hold back on showing that a few days after one of the worst terrorist attacks on the UK since WWII.


I don't see how you douchebags scream so ballsy about it "not being a big deal" to air the segment in the UK. Yes, it is a big deal and if they'd shown a terrorist angle on Raw a few days after 9/11 with the Iron Sheik or something instead of those sappy bullshit interviews, you can't sit there and dick around saying you wouldn't be a little bit miffed, so quit fucking fronting like you're that hard. You're the same people who got pissed at Heffernie McMahon for comparing 9/11 to the steroid trials.

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From WWE.com: Mr. and Mrs. Haas


Gayda and Haas respond to release

By David Agostino

July 7, 2005


It has been a whirlwind summer for Jackie Gayda and Charlie Haas. In fact, June couldn’t have been better for the former SmackDown! Superstars. The new couple was married on June 10 and then enjoyed a beautiful honeymoon in the Antigua, West Indies.


A clearly emotional Gayda, however, was forced to fight back tears as she spoke to WWE.com today about their releases from WWE. “For myself, I kind of put two and two together seeing all the new girls come in,” said a soft-spoken Gayda. “You see all these new gorgeous models come in and you wonder what direction they’re going in. It seems like they were getting away from the women wrestling.”


“It’s a shock,” Haas, a three-time WWE Tag Team Champion, said when reached via phone. “Vince (McMahon) said two weeks ago that some of us would be let go. So we knew it was coming, we just didn’t know who. You wake up one morning and you’re fired. And it’s not just you, but your wife as well. WWE was how we both made a living. I’m just glad they waited until after the wedding.”


Gayda and Haas were among several Superstars let go by WWE, including Billy Kidman, Spike Dudley, Bubba Ray Dudley, D-Von Dudley, Shannon Moore, Kenzo Suzuki, Maven, Dawn Marie, Joy Giovanni and Matt Morgan.


“That’s the way the industry is,” Haas said. “Who knows, maybe in six months we’ll get another look. You never know in this business.”


Haas expects to do some tours in Japan or possibly Italy in the near future. Haas has a college degree and a background in finance, once working on Wall Street, but says he has no plans to trade in his trunks for a suit and tie anytime soon.


“I’m one of the few guys who have that experience and degree to fall back on,” said Haas, who wrestled at Seton Hall. “But I didn’t come this far to give up now. I had a great, crazy run. I met my wife, I met great friends like Shelton Benjamin, Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit. I couldn’t ask for more.

“This was the first time I’ve been fired from any job and I’ve been working since I was 13,” Haas added. “But when one door closes another one usually opens. The fans should keep looking for my name.”


Gayda, who is just 23, plans on joining Charlie on some overseas tours, but is leaning toward finishing her degree in broadcast journalism and possibly seeking work in that field in the future.


“I was more shocked for Charlie, he put his heart and soul into the business,” Gayda said. “This was such a passion for him.”


Gayda was the Tough Enough 2 Champion in 2002, overcoming a painful leg injury to emerge as the winner.


“In some instances I think I got a fair shot, in other ways, I didn’t,” Gayda said. “I understand WWE is entertainment, but it’s also wrestling, I think women being active and physical can be just as sexy as girls in a bikini. I decided not to do Playboy when I had a chance, maybe that even came back to bite me in the BUTT.”


Still, Jackie was able to find a true silver lining when reflecting on her WWE experience: Her new husband. In March 2004, Jackie was part of a trade which sent her from RAW to SmackDown! At the time, she was emotionally, professionally and personally drained.


“After the trade, I was in shambles,” Gayda said. “I had all these friends from RAW and now I was going to a new show. I had just broken up with a longtime boyfriend. It was like I woke up a different person. But then I was able to meet Charlie and I was able to get to know him and travel the world together, I wouldn’t give any of that back. God does things for certain reasons.”


Billy Kidman declined to comment.

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Wow, WWE being crass. Big surprise.


Seriously, how gutless is is when the company that fires you makes you do an interview for their website that puts over the company. Jackie (or the article writer impersonating her) further burying the women's division doesn't help Trish or Victoria (which is why I think they are next), Charlie THANKING the WWE for not firing them until after the wedding? What the hell? But they will survive because they are a family and the WWE made them tough, right? I'm glad to be constantly given reasons as to why I stopped watching this bullshit.

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Guest drdrainoscott

According to the preview for this coming weeks Observer, someone has been cut that hasn't been leaked to the net yet, and a "key" backstage official who was let go as well...

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Guest JericholicEdgeHead

I know it sounds crazy..but more and more I am thinking this is one big work or storyline in the making at least with *some* of these "roster cuts".


When has WWE.com ever interviewed someone AFTER their release??


If JR & King talk about all the "cuts" on RAW on Monday that should be a big clue.


This has seemed a little weird.. right??

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Guest jumpingbombangel
I know it sounds crazy..but more and more I am thinking this is one big work or storyline in the making at least with *some* of these "roster cuts".


When has WWE.com ever interviewed someone AFTER their release??


If JR & King talk about all the "cuts" on RAW on Monday that should be a big clue.


This has seemed a little weird.. right??


I think it's legit, because otherwise some of these released people wouldn't be already taking indy bookings for after their 90-day no compete is up.


I can't explain the interviews, though, because that's just assholian to interview someone after you shitcan them.

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Actually, I don't mind Hassan's matches. Sure, he's no genius but at least he has a focus for his offence. Every single move targets the back to set up the Camel Clutch.



...yes, I know he always uses the Downward Spiral to win instead. Shush.

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Guest Ransome
I know it sounds crazy..but more and more I am thinking this is one big work or storyline in the making at least with *some* of these "roster cuts".


When has WWE.com ever interviewed someone AFTER their release??


If JR & King talk about all the "cuts" on RAW on Monday that should be a big clue.


This has seemed a little weird.. right??


With the JBL/Meanie situation, Brock's hiring and the interviewing of released wrestlers, WWE.com has recently (as in, in the last week) begun to offer a lot of insider material. I can only imagine they realise that a large portion of their viewing audience are smarks and that offering these news scoops is a surefire way to get hits, rather than letting those hits go to the Observer.

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Trish is the most over and talented woman in the company.


And she's hotter than almost all of the sluts in the Raw Diva search.


Trish won't be getting cut...




Victoria's talented but she's not over and she's not a hot blonde, I wouldn't be suprised if she is released.

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Guest Brian
I know it sounds crazy..but more and more I am thinking this is one big work or storyline in the making at least with *some* of these "roster cuts".


When has WWE.com ever interviewed someone AFTER their release??


If JR & King talk about all the "cuts" on RAW on Monday that should be a big clue.


This has seemed a little weird.. right??


I think it's legit, because otherwise some of these released people wouldn't be already taking indy bookings for after their 90-day no compete is up.


I can't explain the interviews, though, because that's just assholian to interview someone after you shitcan them.


I said earlier I wouldn't be surprised if they tried to milk the ECW thing by having some fired guys make a return. You get a mass release and some of the names just get caught up.

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Guest Brian

From SlamWrestling



Following the cost-cutting measures on the WWE roster over the last few days, a few of the released wrestlers have taken to the Internet to address their unplanned departures.


Since Tuesday, WWE has released Spike Dudley, Kevin "Mordecai" Fertig, Maven, Mark Jindrak, Shannon Moore, James "Akio" Yun, David "Gangrel" Heath, Billy Kidman, Kenzo Suzuki, Matt Morgan, Jackie Gayda, Charlie Haas, Joy Giovanni, Dawn Marie and Marty Jannetty. It also announced that Bubba Ray and D-Von Dudley's contracts would not be renegotiated once they expire.


Spike Dudley was by far the most vocal of the releasees, spouting off on the message board at www.spikedudley.net.


And in more ways than one. First, yes I'm gone from the WWE. Does it sting? Hell, yeah. Especially since I've always been one of their "model" employees. It makes sense that I was released, I don't bitch, moan, groan or suck. I just didn't fit in with what the WWE puts on tv. No, I'm only kidding(but not really). It was my turn and that's the nature of the beast. The WWE is a sinking ship. Cursed by owning 100% of the industry, I can see how they couldn't afford my outrageous salary in these times of number crunching. Hey, they gave me a great oppurtunity and maybe I didn't make the most of it. That's life. At first I was pissed, but I woke up this morning feeling, I don't know, alive. Check this out, this morning I woke up and visioned having a wrestling match without a script. I visioned going to an arena and actually having fun again. I visioned not having to go to the hospital after being hurt by a "future" WWE superstar who may look good but have the wrestling ability of a dead walrus. I visioned pitching an angle without having to get approval from writers who 6 years ago were buying ECW tickets and making signs(it's true). Hell, I visioned blading!!! I really don't want to burn bridges(if I haven't already) and all that, but that company sucks the life out of you and then spits you out. Enough on them.


I want to love wreslting again. I want to be passionate about the business. It's been so good to me, I want to give back. I don't know how yet, but it will happen.


Right now, I'm going to chill. I've got some time to sit back and re-evaluate life, smell some roses and get my head straight. I doubt you've seen the last of me. And if anything it's a blessing. Nothing sucks worse than working for a company that doesn't respect you. Paul E.(God bless him) proved that to me. Now I don't have to worry about it.


Majik, you f'n rock. Big boost this morning, thank you. I'll be in touch.


Everyone in Dudleyville, you all are the best. My many thanks to everyone for the support and love you've shown. Now that I'm on my own I will be back more often, so it's fun time. I can't name everyone but you know who you are. Keep the faith, and if anyone is hiring get in touch.


Thanks guys,


Spike "no more tears" Dudley


Newlyweds Charlie Haas and Jackie Gayda were a little more diplomatic about their release, and send a message to their fans via haasofpain.com and jackiegayda.com:


Charlie and Jackie would like to thank all of the fans who have supported them over the years. Even though they are no longer wrestling with WWE any longer they will still be very involved with wrestling, whether it be overseas, ROH or independents.


At www.matt-morgan.org, the webmaster shared his experience talking to Morgan:


I just got off the phone with Matt, and he has told me WWE called him just a little while ago and released him from his contract. With the recent 9 releases including Mark Jindrak, Maven, Billy Kidman, Mark Lloyd, Gangrel, Mordecai (Kevin Fertig), Akio, Spike Dudley. Matt making it 10th this is a shocker.


I can't put into words how mad I am at the WWE for doing this... Matt still wants to keep the site up, and I'm still going to continue to run it, so I hope you all stick by the site, and remain being visitors. What's next for Matt? time will tell...


Matt's final Appearance will be this Thursday on Smackdown... if the WWE even chooses to air the segment as planned.



On the flip side, WWE announced Wednesday that they had signed former ECW and WCW wrestler Big Vito, and he is scheduled for Monday's Raw TV taping at the Continental Airlines Arena in New Jersey. It is also expected that Brock Lesnar will sign a new contract today at WWE headquarters in Connecticut.

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You can't blow this shit off and say "its just entertainment" if its not entertaining.


But what people find entertaining is an individual, there's no this is entertaining and this isn't. If someone finds it entertaining, it is.


There's nothing entertaining about Hassan pretending to be a terrorist, and there's certainly nothing cool about him making gestures that he's going to cut people's heads off at a time when actual footage of decapitations are being posted on the internet by terrorist groups.


Come on, the show hasn't even aired yet, he hasn't even cut a promo explaining anything yet, you have no clue where they're going with this. Just because it invokes thoughts of terrorists you've already mapped out how it'll play in your head. Can you tell the future? No.


Bottomline, it's INTENDED to be entertainment, whether it is or isn't falls on you.


If you were entertained by that, you need professional help.



Wrestling is supposed to be SPORTS entertainment, not "let's try to be more shocking and tasteless than anything else on TV".



The only word for that segment was SICK.

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