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Brock Lesnar Returning to WWE

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Once this part of the storyline is concluded, and Lesnar finally signs, then they need to move on to letting the casual fans know that Lesnar is coming back. And that is the part of the puzzle that I think is where the biggest risk lies, because WWE could very easily make a mess of things.

But, considering the history of return angles, how do you book his return as to make the marks aware of Brock coming back, but not have it so that they fart on the actual return angle? That may be exaggerating the reaction to a degree, but you get the picture. Does the WWE run the risk of having the marks turn on Brock for his departure, or should they just chalk the Goldberg match to MSG smarks in the audience?


Going down this road, what is the correct way to re-introduce Brock (angle-wise) to get the desired reaction from the fans?

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Once this part of the storyline is concluded, and Lesnar finally signs, then they need to move on to letting the casual fans know that Lesnar is coming back. And that is the part of the puzzle that I think is where the biggest risk lies, because WWE could very easily make a mess of things.

But, considering the history of return angles, how do you book his return as to make the marks aware of Brock coming back, but not have it so that they fart on the actual return angle? That may be exaggerating the reaction to a degree, but you get the picture. Does the WWE run the risk of having the marks turn on Brock for his departure, or should they just chalk the Goldberg match to MSG smarks in the audience?


Going down this road, what is the correct way to re-introduce Brock (angle-wise) to get the desired reaction from the fans?


I think, for once, the best tactic on how to deal with WMXX is to use their usual tactic, i.e. just forget it ever happened.

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I'd say that Lesnar should definitely come back as a heel ... personally, I'd have JBL hint that he has a surprise for Batista, leading up to their next PPV match. Each week rumors would run rampant about what JBL had up his sleeve, and then have Lesnar return at the PPV and cost Batista the title.


Yeah, I know people will piss on the idea because it give JBL another title run and bla-bla-bla ... but he's one of the few guys that gets consistent heel heat, and is a sure way to ensure that Lesnar comes back as a heel. Plus, the next few months could feature feuds between Batista-Lesnar and Benoit-JBL (for the title).

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I'd say that Lesnar should definitely come back as a heel ... personally, I'd have JBL hint that he has a surprise for Batista, leading up to their next PPV match.  Each week rumors would run rampant about what JBL had up his sleeve, and then have Lesnar return at the PPV and cost Batista the title.


Yeah, I know people will piss on the idea because it give JBL another title run and bla-bla-bla ... but he's one of the few guys that gets consistent heel heat, and is a sure way to ensure that Lesnar comes back as a heel.  Plus, the next few months could feature feuds between Batista-Lesnar and Benoit-JBL (for the title).


Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

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Why should Brock be JBL's lackey and help him?


Brock should just run in and destroy everyone.


And giving JBL back the title would be just a phenomenally stupid move on their part

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I agree with der Barron. As for saving SD!, if UPN is so sour on WW_ now after HassanGate, I doubt anything save incriminating photos can save that show. Maybe USA will free up a Thursday slot for it.

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Why should Brock be JBL's lackey and help him?


Brock should just run in and destroy everyone.


And giving JBL back the title would be just a phenomenally stupid move on their part


He wouldn't be a lackey ... he'd have been willing to do a job for JBL, and would be getting paid for it. He'd be a hired gun, not a full-time ally.


And who should he destroy? Having him run in and beat up CWs or midcarders wouldn't be a good way to bring him back, nor would having him steamroll over MEers.

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I'd say that Lesnar should definitely come back as a heel ... personally, I'd have JBL hint that he has a surprise for Batista, leading up to their next PPV match.  Each week rumors would run rampant about what JBL had up his sleeve, and then have Lesnar return at the PPV and cost Batista the title.


Yeah, I know people will piss on the idea because it give JBL another title run and bla-bla-bla ... but he's one of the few guys that gets consistent heel heat, and is a sure way to ensure that Lesnar comes back as a heel.  Plus, the next few months could feature feuds between Batista-Lesnar and Benoit-JBL (for the title).


Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

No, no, no and no.


The one potential big money match that they have on the table is Batista v Brock Lesnar as the WM 22 main event, and it has to be for the title. The biggest money would be with Batista still having the title and defending it against Lesnar, who would ideally go into the match undefeated.


And under no circumstances whatsoever should Lesnar be anybody's hired gun or henchman. The Brock that gets over the most doesn't do things for other people. He does things for himself because he wants to, not because someone else asked him to.

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I'd say that Lesnar should definitely come back as a heel ... personally, I'd have JBL hint that he has a surprise for Batista, leading up to their next PPV match.  Each week rumors would run rampant about what JBL had up his sleeve, and then have Lesnar return at the PPV and cost Batista the title.


Yeah, I know people will piss on the idea because it give JBL another title run and bla-bla-bla ... but he's one of the few guys that gets consistent heel heat, and is a sure way to ensure that Lesnar comes back as a heel.  Plus, the next few months could feature feuds between Batista-Lesnar and Benoit-JBL (for the title).


Yes, yes, yes, and yes.

No, no, no and no.


The one potential big money match that they have on the table is Batista v Brock Lesnar as the WM 22 main event, and it has to be for the title. The biggest money would be with Batista still having the title and defending it against Lesnar, who would ideally go into the match undefeated.


And under no circumstances whatsoever should Lesnar be anybody's hired gun or henchman. The Brock that gets over the most doesn't do things for other people. He does things for himself because he wants to, not because someone else asked him to.



Exactly. The hired gun thing is just so stupid. Brock wasn't that over when he was playing best buds with Angle. He is better off as a dominant loner that takes pleasure in F5ing/triple powerbombing everyone to hell.

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I'll ask the same question that I quasi-asked Barron ... who do you feed to Lesnar then? Does he come in and beat up midcarders and cruisers? Or do you start feeding him MEers? Yeah, it'd be great to have him go to WM undefeated, but not if it means he's steamrolled through every other MEer that Smackdown has to offer.

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they shouldn't STEAMROLL him through, they just need to make it so that he and Batista are on the same level so that it seems that the matchup could go either way...it's times like these when the Brand Extension kinda sucks...if they woulda kept all those clowns they aced, they coulda fed them to Brock Goldberg-style...

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I'll ask the same question that I quasi-asked Barron ... who do you feed to Lesnar then?  Does he come in and beat up midcarders and cruisers?  Or do you start feeding him MEers?  Yeah, it'd be great to have him go to WM undefeated, but not if it means he's steamrolled through every other MEer that Smackdown has to offer.


Put up him with an upper midcarder-main eventer first off who takes umbrage with what Brock did- and Brock destroys him. Then he continues to move up the card as they build to him v. Batista.


Being JBL's hired gun is just so stupid

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I'm not just arguing to defend my JBL-suggestion ... I'm really not that married to my suggestion at all ... but I really don't see how you're going to keep Lesnar away from Batista until next WM (which is what, 8 months away) while keeping Lesnar undefeated, without him squashing all the other ME talent.


What's he going to do, feud with Benoit for 4 months? Feud with Taker for a few months? Feud with Hardcore Holly? There's not enough legit threats to Lesnar to keep him occupied for long, especially if the plan is to keep him heel the entire time.

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Well we don't know when Brock is coming back.


But he can feud with Mysterio, Booker and Benoit right off the bat.


They should also have him face someone like Heidenreich and just destroy him under 2 minutes

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now that's just silly to destroy Heidenreich like that when it looks like the WWE may be serious again about pushing him...yes I know he's in a tag fued right now, but I see itmore as a way to slingshot him higher on the card rather than just giving him smething to do...


he can also rekindle his fued with Eddie Guerrero since Eddie himself didn't beat him (Goldberg helped)...

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Now, I know this'll make Lushus mad, because he's a huge Mysterio fan ... but if Lesnar is in a feud with Mysterio and he's not able to squash a guy that he's double-the-size of ... it'll hurt him going into a feud with Batista. People say that Lesnar needs to built up as unstoppable ... putting him in a feud with a guy that weighs 160 pound yet is able to hold his own against Brock would be counter-productive to his image as a machine.


Booker & Benoit would work, though.


It's actually harsh that they released Morgan & Haas ... they could have used both of them as fodder for Lesnar and then released them after he was done with them.

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that's what I was saying earlier...if they woulda kept all the dead weight they unloaded, they coulda built him up Goldberg-style, but now they have to have him on even keel with everyone so that it's more believable...

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the logical thing to do is to bring in Lesnar as an outsider, the guy EVERYONE in the lockerroom hates, the guy who sold out the boys, the ultimate loner


the other logical thing to do is to start him off at his most vulnerable, due to the extended time off, and build him up to the point where he is a legitimate threat to Batista. The way I invision this begins with weekly TV matches against guys like Holly, Regal, Booker & Christian, strong midcarders stepping up to him with moderate success, teasing the upset while Lesnar gradually gets stronger and shows improvement in the ring. The next step would be Rey, Benoit and Orton, the finally JBL and Taker. Eddie should NOT be involved in any way, as his current character is too much of a loner himself. Orton is almost in the same boat, but he'd be willing to step up out of arrogance more than anything, while Eddie is too smart for that, and I'm thinking he should be the guy to occupy a couple months of Batista's time, maybe even a brief shot with the belt to break up the monotony, with Batista regaining it in a strong fashion and benefiting from a break in the routine. That's just me though, as I'm already starting to get bored with Batista. Lesnar wins the Rumble....move on to the Batista/Lesnar program.

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My only fear, though, P Roy, is that they're pretty much just sacrificing everyone else on the roster for this one 'dream match' (which isn't even a dream match, IMHO). What do you do with all the other ME'ers that have tried and failed against Lesnar after WM comes and goes? Or - even worse - what if either Lesnar or Batista get hurt right before WM? People're putting all their eggs into this one basket ... not a good business decision.

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he needs to be on even grounds with all the guys in the title picture...period...the way it is right now, the title picture should have people saying ANYONE can be champ right now...Chris Benoit, Booker T, JBL, Taker, Randy Orton, Batista, Eddie, now Brock...sounds like a pretty good field to me and anyone of those guys can be champ so the intrigue is higher...


the only one who shouldn't be seen as equal is Rey Mysterio out of all the top tier guys, simply because, if he ever did become champion, the only way they can market him is as the underdog everytime...there's a WM ME i'd love to see, Rey challenging Brock for the title (of course the outcome would be too predictable if that was the announcd match, but oh well)...

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My only fear, though, P Roy, is that they're pretty much just sacrificing everyone else on the roster for this one 'dream match' (which isn't even a dream match, IMHO).  What do you do with all the other ME'ers that have tried and failed against Lesnar after WM comes and goes?  Or - even worse - what if either Lesnar or Batista get hurt right before WM?  People're putting all their eggs into this one basket ... not a good business decision.


I don't think it's a dream match either, but it is the most clearly marketable match for both guys, so it's the one they should build to short-term. I don't think you need to necessarily sacrifice the roster to him either, Brock shouldn't be squashing anyone, though he should be going over clean in his matches, and personally I think it would be perfectly fine to job him a few times, say to Benoit and Taker, before really getting his push rolling and giving him return wins over them.

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Lesnar losing before he meets Batista at WM 22, which is what the main event there should be, would be stupid. Same with Batista doing a short term title change before then. And Lesnar should be dominant in his matches for sure. Lesnar might not have to squash people, but he absolutely should dominate, and he absolute cannot be seen to struggle against anyone below upper midcard status.

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I don't think it's a dream match either, but it is the most clearly marketable match for both guys, so it's the one they should build to short-term.  I don't think you need to necessarily sacrifice the roster to him either, Brock shouldn't be squashing anyone, though he should be going over clean in his matches, and personally I think it would be perfectly fine to job him a few times, say to Benoit and Taker, before really getting his push rolling and giving him return wins over them.


If Brock loses a few times then it's going to kill some of his aura. Brock cannot job under any circumstances. He can not cheat or win in screwjob fashion under any circumstance.


Brock needs to be seen as a killer.


If they job him to the Undertaker, then I give up.

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now that's just silly to destroy Heidenreich like that when it looks like the WWE may be serious again about pushing him...yes I know he's in a tag fued right now, but I see itmore as a way to slingshot him higher on the card rather than just giving him smething to do...

WTF? You want to protect Heidenreich? It's fucking Heidenreich, who cares? The dude is awful, and has no business getting flung up the card.

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I'm just glad that I'm not the only one here who doesn't see Brock/Batista as some sort of "dream match".

To most of the casuals it will be. Promoted right, it will be two guys they see as huge badasses colliding, and they will want to pay to see these two beat the shit out of each other.

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Lesnar losing before he meets Batista at WM 22, which is what the main event there should be, would be stupid. Same with Batista doing a short term title change before then. And Lesnar should be dominant in his matches for sure. Lesnar might not have to squash people, but he absolutely should dominate, and he absolute cannot be seen to struggle against anyone below upper midcard status.


Well, you may think what I proposed is stupid, but I'd find what you proposed completely boring and predicatable. To each his own.

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