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These sick motherfuckers

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You know, the racism that goes on in WWE can be ignored(I remember making a topic about this looong time ago, after Foley/La Resistance Segment back on a Raw in late 2003), but to have a terriost "incident" on the day that Al-Qaeida attacked London, planting numerous bombs(4 exploded but a further four have been found in different spots in London) with people dead is completly indefensible, fuck them, how could they not even think about editing out an incident like this, bunch of sad motherfuckers

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Shut the fuck up. The show was taped on Monday night. I don't see why they should go ahead and edit it because of what happened.


Besides, I don't really even see the connection.

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Guest HardcoreMF'nHolly
You know, the racism that goes on in WWE can be ignored(I remember making a topic about this looong time ago, after Foley/La Resistance Segment back on a Raw in late 2003), but to have a terriost "incident" on the day that Al-Qaeida attacked London, planting numerous bombs(4 exploded but a further four have been found in different spots in London) with people dead is completly indefensible, fuck them, how could they not even think about editing out an incident like this, bunch of sad motherfuckers


Edit out the most exciting part of tonight's episode of Smackdown? You oughta be kidding. There was a warning on the screen that played at least 3 times, mentioning the events in London and warned that viewer discretion was advised. Assuming the incident you are talking about is Hassan having his people attack the Undertaker... what the fuck was so offensive? If anything, you should be more offended with the pyros that went off during Batista's entrance which sounds like a bunch of bombs being set off and shit. Also, even more offensive was the Mexicools' mocking of Japanese people, with Super Crazy and Psicosis stretching out Juventud's eyes to make them slanted. Finally, even more offensive is WWE releasing Charlie Haas and Akio this past week.

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Oh, well, viewer discretion advice, that makes it ALL better.


Assuming the incident you are talking about is Hassan having his people attack the Undertaker... what the fuck was so offensive?


Where do you want me to start? The fact they were hinted as terrorists? The fact that Hassan therefore actually knows terrorists? The use of piano-wire which I explained in the Smackdown thread? The carrying out Daivari like a martyr? The way it makes all Arab Americans seem like terrorists, because there's no parallel character? The fact Hassan is another racially stereotyped character?


Feel free to stop me whenever you want.

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Shut the fuck up. The show was taped on Monday night. I don't see why they should go ahead and edit it because of what happened.


Besides, I don't really even see the connection.

Edit out the most exciting part of tonight's episode of Smackdown? You oughta be kidding. There was a warning on the screen that played at least 3 times, mentioning the events in London and warned that viewer discretion was advised. Assuming the incident you are talking about is Hassan having his people attack the Undertaker... what the fuck was so offensive? If anything, you should be more offended with the pyros that went off during Batista's entrance which sounds like a bunch of bombs being set off and shit. Also, even more offensive was the Mexicools' mocking of Japanese people, with Super Crazy and Psicosis stretching out Juventud's eyes to make them slanted. Finally, even more offensive is WWE releasing Charlie Haas and Akio this past week.

What the fuck is wrong with the pair of you? You're as bad as WWE for saying that this kind of shit if OK to do when a tradegy occurs. I assume you are both American? I bet it would be different if this attack had happend in America. You would probably be up in arms instead of saying how there is no connection. Guys in black come out and use piano wire to choke someone out, I wonder what this is supposed to be...wait a minute!


Get your heads out of your arses you idiots.

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What the fuck is wrong with the pair of you? You're as bad as WWE for saying that this kind of shit if OK to do when a tradegy occurs. I assume you are both American? I bet it would be different if this attack had happend in America. You would probably be up in arms instead of saying how there is no connection. Guys in black come out and use piano wire to choke someone out, I wonder what this is supposed to be...wait a minute!


Get your heads out of your arses you idiots.

Nah, dude. I'm an American but I wouldn't care anymore which way if it happened her instead of there. I thought the whole editing out the World Trade Center out of the skyline of movies and the like was stupid. I think the whole whining, bitching, and complaining about your feelings getting hurt over someone making jest of a terrorist attack is bullshit. Fuck it. That's life. Don't be a bitch.


Besides, it's the WWE. This company's not exactly the epitome of political correctness.

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What the fuck is wrong with the pair of you? You're as bad as WWE for saying that this kind of shit if OK to do when a tradegy occurs. I assume you are both American? I bet it would be different if this attack had happend in America. You would probably be up in arms instead of saying how there is no connection. Guys in black come out and use piano wire to choke someone out, I wonder what this is supposed to be...wait a minute!


Get your heads out of your arses you idiots.

Nah, dude. I'm an American but I wouldn't care anymore which way if it happened her instead of there. I thought the whole editing out the World Trade Center out of the skyline of movies and the like was stupid. I think the whole whining, bitching, and complaining about your feelings getting hurt over someone making jest of a terrorist attack is bullshit. Fuck it. That's life. Don't be a bitch.


Besides, it's the WWE. This company's not exactly the epitome of political correctness.


Maybe because they know they can get away with being politically incorrect, because people just shrug their shoulders when they are.


Like I said elsewhere, I'm not 'offended' by the timing, I'm offended that it happened at all. But if those bombing had been in America instead of London, you can bet your ass Vince would have edited out the segment. And if he didn't, I can bet every American on the board would have their 'feelings hurt'.

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Oh no its so offensive!!!!!! Just chill out. Stop trying to blow the angle out of proportion. They put warning signs throughout the show. Seriously people need to stop getting offended by everything that happens. Toughen up.

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Whatever. If it entertained you, then I've got no problem with that.


I'm not bawling my eyes out here, because I really don't care about Hassan at all. His ring-work's bland, his interviews aren't all that great. But I still think it's an offensive angle. And not just for the terrorist stuff, but for the racism involved.

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Guest NewYorkFox
What the fuck is wrong with the pair of you? You're as bad as WWE for saying that this kind of shit if OK to do when a tradegy occurs. I assume you are both American? I bet it would be different if this attack had happend in America. You would probably be up in arms instead of saying how there is no connection. Guys in black come out and use piano wire to choke someone out, I wonder what this is supposed to be...wait a minute!


Get your heads out of your arses you idiots.


To be fair, I doubt the British contingent on this board would be as outraged if the attacks yesterday were in France or Spain.


An incident is alwys a tragedy if it happens next door.


To be fair a terrorism angle should never be played out when it's sill a real threat. Wrestling should be in it's own bubble, not veer too close to real-world events, especially of this type.


Unfotunately the point was made by Vanhalen, and therefore everyone is duty-bound to argue against it.

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Guest NewYorkFox
You know, the racism that goes on in WWE can be ignored(I remember making a topic about this looong time ago, after Foley/La Resistance Segment back on a Raw in late 2003), but to have a terriost "incident" on the day that Al-Qaeida attacked London, planting numerous bombs(4 exploded but a further four have been found in different spots in London) with people dead is completly indefensible, fuck them, how could they not even think about editing out an incident like this, bunch of sad motherfuckers

Seriously, this is not the way to start a reasonable debate. Mis-facts, insults, whining. Not good.

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It is a very racist angle. I just think that wrestling fans should not get so worked up over the angle because its WRESTLING. Now if Smackdown was live show and that angle was done, I would feel differently. But, it was taped Monday.

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What the fuck is wrong with the pair of you? You're as bad as WWE for saying that this kind of shit if OK to do when a tradegy occurs. I assume you are both American? I bet it would be different if this attack had happend in America. You would probably be up in arms instead of saying how there is no connection. Guys in black come out and use piano wire to choke someone out, I wonder what this is supposed to be...wait a minute!


Get your heads out of your arses you idiots.


To be fair, I doubt the British contingent on this board would be as outraged if the attacks yesterday were in France or Spain.


An incident is alwys a tragedy if it happens next door.


To be fair a terrorism angle should never be played out when it's sill a real threat. Wrestling should be in it's own bubble, not veer too close to real-world events, especially of this type.


Unfotunately the point was made by Vanhalen, and therefore everyone is duty-bound to argue against it.


That's the point I've been trying to make as well. Forget the timing, the angle shouldn't have been done, ever.



Way to mislead, I thought you were talking about the US. No one gives a fuck.


From a thread way back when, also in response to Valhalen, who had dared to mention something about Sky Sports here in the UK. Now, I'm sure this has nothing to so with *his* opinion here, but it's the way some people might be coming off to others. So maybe we could all clear up that we'd be equally unoffended if this happened after an attack in America, then we'd be cool.

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Guest NewYorkFox

Ultimately I think the lesson we've learnt from this thread is: British don't want to see it, it's been edited out. Americans don't give a fuck, they get to see it.

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Now if Smackdown was live show and that angle was done, I would feel differently.  But, it was taped Monday.

It's just as bad becuase they could edited it out of a taped show but didn't.

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Way to mislead, I thought you were talking about the US. No one gives a fuck.


That happened over a year ago. I apologized to him afterwards becuase I was wrong for saying that and we settled it. It was a very drunken night. That's a closed case. Plus, no need to diss me. I feel for the UK. I'm just saying that it's a wrestling angle that was taped on Monday, so don't get too worked up over it.

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The show was taped on Monday.


And plus, nobody bitches when other TV shows portray actors at terrorists. I don't see how or why wrestling should be an exception to this.

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The show was taped on Monday.


And plus, nobody bitches when other TV shows portray actors at terrorists. I don't see how or why wrestling should be an exception to this.



Okay, this is the third or fourth time I've posted this this week.


To say it's no different from a scene in a movie is complete crap too. Movies aren't filmed in front of live audiences. Movies aren't designed to make people hate the actors for any longer than the movie's run-time. The point of the storyline was to make people HATE Hassan and Daviari. And EVERYONE knows that movies are fake, because movies have never been presented as 'real' outside of documentaries. Some people get that with the WWE, it's storyline. I'm sure there's some people who don't though.


Movies =/= Wrestling.

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Guest Ransome
The show was taped on Monday.


And plus, nobody bitches when other TV shows portray actors at terrorists. I don't see how or why wrestling should be an exception to this.


It's no excuse that just because a storyline appears - in a completely different context - in a TV show, it's therefore automatically suitable for wrestling. Some people here have seemingly valiantly defended WWE's right to stereotype and offend every minority as they please. I realise that you can find examples of racial stereotyping in wrestling's past, but as far as I'm concerned, that has no bearing on arguing that it has 'no place' in an *ideal* wrestling show. Besides, in terms of offensive gimmicks, where do you draw the line ? Is a pedophile priest wrestler a viable gimmick if it draws 'heat'?


Either way, I personally find this angle extremely offensive, and not because of the fact that Muhammad Hassan recruited terrorists and terrorism offends my poor fragile eggshell mind (in fact, the angle was edited off of the Australian broadcast). Instead, I'm offended that WWE writers are so uncreative that *this* derivative, racist tripe is the best they can come up with for a monster heel in this day and age.

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EVERYONE knows that movies are fake, because movies have never been presented as 'real' outside of documentaries


And who believe that wrestling is real ? For me it's the same thing as a television show, it's fake, wrestlers are characters and it's for entertainement and nothing more


It's no excuse that just because a storyline appears - in a completely different context - in a TV show, it's therefore automatically suitable for wrestling


What is the difference except the bad writting ?

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Look, I don't care what anyone else thought of it, but personally, I was disgusted and I was disturbed in some ways. It didnt air here, but I decided to download and watch it anyway. So I'm not blaming WWE for me seeing it, that was my own personal choice.


But, to air it anywhere, doesn't matter where, ANYWHERE, was distasteful, disrespectful, and disgusting. I hope people complain, I hope people stop watching, and I hope than an apology is forced from someone within the organisation to the American fans.


You can argue what I have said all you like, I don't care. I gave my opinion, and that is all. I won't argue any points with you, because nothing will change my opinion of that segment.

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And plus, nobody bitches when other TV shows portray actors at terrorists. I don't see how or why wrestling should be an exception to this.


Because they don't fucking show terrorist shit on their show THE DAY OF A TERRORIST ATTACK.


If anyone was entertained by such a scummy storyline written by B-Level movie directors and cancelled shitty sitcoms writers (aka the WWE writing team) on a W-R-E-S-T-L-I-N-G show, then I guess it doesn't take much.


People were complaining how stupid the angle was when the spoilers came out. Now, people are complaining because it was so offensive because what happened in London.


I'm starting to wonder if anyone who enjoyed this thing even realized what happened in London.

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Now if Smackdown was live show and that angle was done, I would feel differently.  But, it was taped Monday.

When it was taped is irrelevant, since the content itself is in poor taste. And let's not forget the whole handling of Hassan up to this point has been based on terrorism, so it's not like this was an isolated incident.


And didn't the company just put on 2 straight years of "Smackdown! For the Troops" in Iraq to show how much the WWE supports our fighting forces? I wonder how those same troops think about Vince exploiting what they're fighting & dying for in order to make a buck?

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Like Hogan didn't beat the Iraqi sympathizer Sgt. Slaughter. Come on, Taker will avenge the evil-doers and all with be right in the world. Maybe Vince will even convert Hassan into a fun-loving American and turn him face.


Either way, the angle was pretty well done.

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I am a bit bothered that some are so insensitive and that they think this is ok.


First off they make Daivari a sacrifice. He is sacrificed to a "greater good". Afterwards he is carried out symbolically as if he had given his life. They play him up just like the extremists do with the suicide bombers.


Masked men choke the Undertaker with piano wire. Well everyone was chocked at the footage of the muslim extremists that cut off the head of a person (wa she american?) that they had cought. Now WWE does an angle based on the footage and the death of a real person.


I have never had a problem with the Hassan character actually. I feel that much of what he has to say is probably true. America does hold a grudge to people of Arab descent and I bet that they do get checked more on airports and downst have it as easy getting opportunities IRL. But this segment was far over the line. Its basically a WWE Al Quaida we are seeing on TV. THAT is disturbing. And with the terror in London in mind they should have edited out that segment alltogether. Sure they had a warning but its not enough. Its bad taste. They didnt even shoot the planned flag burning with the Un-Americans at Ground Zero. Compared to what they did show on SmackDown that would be a drop in the ocean (at least for me as a non-american). The angle was well done but they shouldnt have let this air at all. They shoudnt even have done it on the tapings. I really dont care that Taker will kick Hassans BUTT (if he will do that) and let the "good side" win. That has nothing to do with it. What they aired was tasteless and just plain stupid.

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