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These sick motherfuckers

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Guest Coffey
Nobody is buying a PPV to see Muhammad Hassan no matter what the angle.


I wouldn't go that far. Hassan is currently the only member on the roster that I will pay to watch.

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Thats the only 34.95 Hassan will be drawing....


Im glad you enjoy horrible workers with a sophomoric gimmick Coffey.

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Just to say that I live in London (about 2 minutes from where the first bomb went off) and I had no issues with it. It's a taped show after all.

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Thats the only 34.95 Hassan will be drawing....


Im glad you enjoy horrible workers with a sophomoric gimmick Coffey.

Not true. I'm sure there are even some people more interested in Hassan vs Undertaker then JBL vs BAtista. (Hell, who's the one with the seven page thread?)


And more then likely if they pay to see that match, they'll be paying to see what happens with HAssan, aka whether he'll beat Taker's ass or not.

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I think this fued is pretty much Hassan's swan song before getting shuffled down to the bottom of the midcard or hell even before he's completely repackaged...not sure why I think that way, I just kind of get that sneaky suspicion...there's no way UT will lose this match, not after this last Smackdown...

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Thats the only 34.95 Hassan will be drawing....


Im glad you enjoy horrible workers with a sophomoric gimmick Coffey.

Not true. I'm sure there are even some people more interested in Hassan vs Undertaker then JBL vs BAtista. (Hell, who's the one with the seven page thread?)


And more then likely if they pay to see that match, they'll be paying to see what happens with HAssan, aka whether he'll beat Taker's ass or not.


Hassan has not and will not draw. His character is supposed to be getting so much heat and on the few times Ive bothered to watch wrestling lately the audience seems to be out getting drinks when Hassan appears.


Sgt Slaughter got death threats because his character drew so much heat....and the wwf had to move Wrestlemania to a building 3 or 4 times smaller. This is the same thing, nobody (outside of a few marks for trailer trash) will pay for this shit.

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and the wwf had to move Wrestlemania to a building 3 or 4 times smaller. This is the same thing, nobody (outside of a few marks for trailer trash) will pay for this shit.



No they didn't. They moved the show because of low ticket sales.

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I know. Thats the fucking point. They did this kind of angle before and it was bad for business...why try it again when its just a retarded failure.

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and the wwf had to move Wrestlemania to a building 3 or 4 times smaller. This is the same thing, nobody (outside of a few marks for trailer trash) will pay for this shit.



No they didn't. They moved the show because of low ticket sales.



Which could be credited to Slaughter's low drawing ability due to the gimmick.

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I know. Thats the fucking point. They did this kind of angle before and it was bad for business...why try it again when its just a retarded failure.



Yeah I got what you're saying now. The Hassan angle was a disaster from the word go. The "offend" your audience factor never worked besides crowd heat from the live audience. Col. Debeers never did good business, but he got crowd heat and promoters would book him, but when ever he came into a territory shows attendance would dramatically drop. It's clear they book for their own personal amusement and nothing else right now.

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You really need to get the sand out of your vaginas here.


Ok let Rick Scaia tell you the business, From His 7-8-05 OO column on OnlineOnslaught.com


"OK, we have to talk about this, right? Muhammad Hassan's "Terror Cell" attacking the Undertaker. On the night after terrorists killed 50-something people in London.


Let me just go ahead and get this out of the way upfront:


If this bothered you (I mean REALLY bothered you, not just annoyed you, but OFFENDED you enough to write or e-mail about it), and you're not living in the UK and weren't directly affected by Thursday morning's events, then you may kindly kiss my ass.




Don't get me wrong: there was a lot wrong with that bit. But none (zero, zilch, nada) has anything to do with subway bombings in London.


Fact: WWE taped this on Tuesday. This was not an attempt to capitalize on current events, or even a willful ignorance of current events in order to press ahead with a tasteless angle. They just didn't know. They couldn't know. And thus, they can not be label evil in this.


Fact: Hassan's "terror cell" didn't bomb the Undertaker or use any form of imagery that had anything resembling any ties to what happened in London. Hassan's goons didn't fly model airplanes into the ring to crash into Taker, nor did they come up from the hidden subway under the ring with suicide packs strapped to their chests. They beat the crap out of him with pipes and a garrote. You people gonna bitch if men in striped suits come out and save Nunzio from an attack next week? Assuming Nunzio ever gets on TV again, that is? Of course you won't. Re-fucking-lax.


And the BIGGEST FACT OF ALL: it's time to fucking quit worrying about what other people think about you, and actually THINK about something before you SAY something about it. Because sure: the easy thing to do is to respond with "Yeah, sure, I guess that could have been handled better by WWE" if some overly-sensitive, self-righteous, wants-to- prove-he's-more-socially-aware-and-sensitive-than-you douchebag blurts out "Hey, did you see SD!? That was pretty disgusting what they did.". You respond that way because you don't want to be thought of as a bastard or a bitch. But admit it: if you stop, think about this, and aren't a completely spineless wussbag, then you don't mean it. Because no rational human being looks at a tragedy like what happened in London and thinks "It is incumbent upon a pro wrestling company to respond to this horrible incident in a responsible, conciliatory, and apologetic fashion." If you think this, kindly pop off out back and shoot yourself in the skull. You know who should feel sorry for what happened in London? You know who should apologize? You know who should be vilified for bad behavior? THE FUCKING TERRORISTS. They? Did something wrong, very wrong. WWE? Did nothing wrong, not a damned thing.


I mention this because I know there is some small subset of people out there who really lack and perspective and they honestly WILL get their panties bunched over WWE running a "terror cell" angle after what happened in London, and they WILL BELIEVE THEIR OWN BULLSHIT. I can't help that. But those people who are genuinely offended are more than likely also the types who will be in a rush to confront you with smalltalk, or post on message boards, or even (hey, Keller, guess what? I killed a few braincells visiting your sit today!) pontificating about it for an audience. Because it's just as important that YOU KNOW they are offended, and that YOU KNOW they are good and decent and moral people as it is that they might actually feel an iota of sympathy for the real victims here. Trust me: more people expressing outrage towards WWE today are doing it to impress you with their decency than are doing it because they read a single news article or self-investigated a single element of the deal in London. They don't give a shit about what happened. They give a shit about Looking Good To The Public.


Well, fie on that. Bland, vapid rhetoric about WWE's thoughtlessness doesn't make you look good. It makes you look like somebody who can't be bothered to nut up and put the blame for yesterday where it belongs. But it only makes you look like that to me, I fear. Because what really annoys me is that these self-righteous morons spout off their stuff, and then people who honestly might not be bothered by WWE's actions are forced into the politically correct response of "Oh, yeah, I guess that wasn't too smart." Because nobody wants to look like an asshole.


Well, folks: here I am... I'm an asshole. I'll be your uber-asshole. You don't have to feel guilty or lonely if you follow me. But guess what? That's what make me different from the self-righteous douches: because I'm not insisting that you follow me with big, grandiose talk about how right I am. All I'm doing is asking you to read up on what happened in London, learn about the real victims, learn about the real criminals. And then consider what WWE ACTUALLY did last night. Think about it, ponder it. And in your own head, decide what you think about the situation. But just don't follow blindly the "WWE are heartless pricks" PC Group Think out of fear that you'll be labeled a Bad Person, OK? Please don't do that.


And hey, if you decide you still don't think WWE behaved the best way possible, I guess that's your business. But it's YOUR business, and I don't think many of you who actually take the time to think this through will feel so strongly about it that you need to go flying off the handle. The most I can really envision a healthy and sane person mustering is "There were probably better ways to handle this." But then you realize, given the scope of the REAL tragedy, that WWE's actions are far from criminal, and you just keep your disappointment (but no anger or outrage or any stronger emotions) to yourself. Because it might not have been a GOOD situation for WWE to be in, but it's also not one where anything they could have done would have made things substantially better for anybody.


Are we clear on this? Good. Because until you can show me that WWE drastically altering last night's already-taped show would save one life or make the world any happier of a place, then mild disappointment is about all one should feel about this. Unless one is a moron.


For the record: WWE edited out the entire angle for today's UK broadcast. Which I will agree with. Because there's a difference between doing your own thing and knowing that you had nothing to do with the terrorist attacks and rubbing the REAL victims' nose in it. Just another thing that makes me laugh about many of the Americans (in e-mails and in forums/columns) who bitched and moaned about this: not only is it akin to all the hyper-sensitive straight people who seem to swarm on me the second I say something remotely humorous about homosexuals, but it's worse because it's an EVEN LESS-INFORMED version of that, since they all say that WWE is being "insensitive" to the victims, without stopping to understand that WWE's broadcast where the victims actually lived and worked IS being altered. Again, I *hate* these types who act like they are always one of the Corsican Brothers in some ill-conceived of cross-Atlantic (or cross-sexual-orientation, or whatever) Orgy of Misery. Just start taking an interest in your own life and living it well, morons, and don't worry so much about empathically living somebody else's to try to make yourself feel like you're a better person, dammit.


Whew. End Rant. I think.


All that said? Hey, I didn't like the angle, either. But for reasons that are actually Not Retarded.


The whole beauty of the Hassan/Daivari gimmick was that they were Arab Americans, and that they hadn't done anything wrong against our Nation. They weren't heels because they committed criminal acts, they were heels because they were whiny little punks who thought they were owed something by the system. Going back to one of my very original analyses of why Hassan and Daivari were catching on, and why: at their best, Hassan and Daivari weren't booed for being Ay-rabs, they were booed for being Ay-holes. This frequently involved them saying and doing things that inspired "USA, USA" chants, but at the end of the day, their evil stemmed not from being terrorists, but from being obnoxious. And some of you might not want to hear this, but at least PART of that obnoxiousness came from the fact that you kinda knew Hassan was right about some things. Even without making this political, he could still say he's undefeated and hasn't been rewarded commensurate with his accomplishments. And you kinda had to know he was right. Which made him annoying to many fans. It's a good thing.


But that Good Thing is what makes last night's angle such a Bad Thing. It's got not a damned thing to do with political correctness or sensitivity. Because unless you were one of the clueless tards who wrote in and tried to get "24" off the air last year for their portrayal of Arab Americans, trust me, you're not nearly sensitive enough to get your dander up over this. It's got to do with the simple fact that this is a complete departure from what made Hassan and Daivari's characters work for the past 8 months. And that strikes me as monumentally stupid. And unlike the rest of you cliche-spouting jack-offs, my stance is just as rock-solid no matter what happens or doesn't happen in London yesterday morning.


With this latest twist, Hassan and Daivari now *ARE* terrorists, or at least in league with people who look and behave like them. Why? This wasn't necessary; the characters were so much more genuine, so much more versatile, so much deeper when they had more realistic and genuine motivations. Now, after 8 months of relative success, Hassan and Daivari are the one-dimensional caricature that RAW managed to avoid turning them into for so long. Even if the "terror cell" was a one week thing, it now lingers in the back of the creative team's mind whenever they need an "out" for Hassan but are too lazy and uncreative to come up with a good one. And the image of Hassan leading the "cell" won't be washed away from fans' minds so easily either. I might disagree with the fucking morons who are so worked up over this, but I won't deny that there's a lot of them, and the damage WWE did to Hassan's character in those fans' eyes will be harder to repair than they think. Because these are the type of people who won't forget easily.


The last thing that really added to the "character assassination" element was the closing bit where the "terror cell" carried Daivari's carcass away from the ring in martyr-like fashion. It's the presentation of Daivari (not of the "terror cell") that came closest to calling up the image of a "suicide bomber" or a true "terrorist," if you ask me. But even though I felt that underscored the "new side" of Hassan and Daivari, and that was bad, I also think it was presented tastefully enough, since it's not like Tazz was making jokes about the 72 virgins awaiting Daivari backstage.


Instead, *I* will make those jokes. Because they are funny. And not particularly in bad taste, either. No matter what you thin-skinned douchebags might want to believe."

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Guest panthermatt7
masked men came out and beat up a fake zombie...they didn't fly planes into buildings or bomb anything in London...


Quote of the Week.


Bottom line: the entire angle is stupid.


Had they run a similar angle immediately following 9/11, yes, we as Americans would have bitched. Don't deny it.


And thus, I mostly agree with the UKomplainers. But not because I'm thin-skinned, as the above article implies. I find the angle offensive simply because I miss the days when angles made sense.

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masked men came out and beat up a fake zombie...they didn't fly planes into buildings or bomb anything in London...


Quote of the Week.


Bottom line: the entire angle is stupid.


Had they run a similar angle immediately following 9/11, yes, we as Americans would have bitched. Don't deny it.


And thus, I mostly agree with the UKomplainers. But not because I'm thin-skinned, as the above article implies. I find the angle offensive simply because I miss the days when angles made sense.

No I agree with you we would have complained. I also didnt like the angle on sd,because it was dumb, not cuz it was offensive. Now if Hassan himself had done the beatdown it would be ok, but since its Taker he requires 50 people to put him down (like at the 94 rumble), so the geniuses at WWE creative decided that thsi would be a good idea and maybe get some kind of publicity, unfortunately, a real terrorist attack occured the same week,

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Saw the footage last night and although I found it to be quite stupid, it did not offend me.


And I am now worried since I aggre with what The Rick said.

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Fuck Rick Scaia. And fuck the wwe for doing something that is both a)retarded and insensitive and b) really really bad for business. Nobodys buying tickets, nobodies buying ppvs, and the ratings arent getting any bigger with Hassan...its a failed angle and its exploiting a real life tragic situation. It is stupid on every single level. It has zero redeeming merits whatsoever.


If it made money, it could be argued for...but it doesnt. TV shows and movies make money...these angles in wrestling dont. There is absolutely nothing good that can come of this.


Vince lives in a bubble...but so did Verne Gagne and the WCW. Nobody bothers to learn any lessons in this business. Dumb.

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Guest Brian

Who is Rick Scaia and how long has his mouth been surgically attached to Vince's dick?



"It wasn't the steroids. It was Rick Scaia. I swear Linda, he was on there too long. But it'll get back to normal."

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Who is Rick Scaia and how long has his mouth been surgically attached to Vince's dick?



"It wasn't the steroids. It was Rick Scaia. I swear Linda, he was on there too long. But it'll get back to normal."


Rick Scaia has been reporting on pro wrestling since ~1994 and runs OnlineOnslaught.com (formerly The News from Dayton). Without his site (and his analysis of the Montreal screwjob back in 97), I wouldn't be a smark - or be as big a wrestling fan as I am today. I don't always agree with what he says, but he's far from being a lapdog for Titan Towers.

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Who is Rick Scaia and how long has his mouth been surgically attached to Vince's dick?



"It wasn't the steroids. It was Rick Scaia. I swear Linda, he was on there too long. But it'll get back to normal."


Rick Scaia has been reporting on pro wrestling since ~1994 and runs OnlineOnslaught.com (formerly The News from Dayton). Without his site (and his analysis of the Montreal screwjob back in 97), I wouldn't be a smark - or as big a wrestling fan as I am today. I don't always agree with what he says, but he's far from being a lapdog for Titan Towers.

He also was on Wrestleline.com back when it was bigger. and part of sportsline. His ask the rick columns were where I first heard of him.


Really though, I just posted it so we could hear something other then "oh god that is sick, blah blah blah" cuz it was getting old fast.

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Back on topic, I think that turning Daivari face next week could work. Say he confronts Hassan about how he has 'become the stereotype' that he had worked so long to fight. Then, Hassan has the Truth Commission take out Daivari, saying that 'they' have gotten into his head.


Basically, have Hassan go over the edge, becoming even more paranoid and angry. Have his locker room become a heavily guarded 'bunker,' where he stays until he wrestles. Beef up his entourage even more, with more masked men watching his back at all times. He would refuse to do interviews unless they smuggle a cameraman into the 'bunker.'


How will this draw heat? Simple. Hassan trusts no one but his Truth Commission; everyone else is out to screw him - or worse. He sees his only means of vindication, his only way to expose the USA for the fraud that it is would be to beat Batista for the World Heavyweight Title in Washington, DC at SummerSlam.


Therefore, every single person everywhere he goes is a threat. He could beat the hell out of referees who count a long 2 count; he can push around Theodore Long using his Truth Commission. Michael Cole talks shit about Hassan? The next week, he's doing commentary with a broken arm.


Hassan could have a Goldberg-like entourage escort him to the ring and block the ramp. Have him wear a bulletproof vest when he comes to wrestle. Have plants try to jump the rail and attack him (or at least throw stuff at him) to try to get the real crowd to react more strongly to him. All the while, he is cutting the usual 'psuedo-shoot' promos about how rotten America/Canada/England is. The commentators sell him as a man over the edge, a man beyond the norm. He's doesn't represent the Arab-American community: he's gone nuts!


Meanwhile, Daivari gets to be an pro-America face. Give him back his real name of Shawn Daivari and have him feud with Paul London until SummerSlam. 'I might not agree with everything this country does, but I am proud to be an American.' Heck, he could even get the Flying Carpet as a joke finisher (like the Hurri-Chokeslam).

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Back on topic, I think that turning Daivari face next week could work. Say he confronts Hassan about how he has 'become the stereotype' that he had worked so long to fight. Then, Hassan has the Truth Commission take out Daivari, saying that 'they' have gotten into his head.


Basically, have Hassan go over the edge, becoming even more paranoid and angry. Have his locker room become a heavily guarded 'bunker,' where he stays until he wrestles. Beef up his entourage even more, with more masked men watching his back at all times. He would refuse to do interviews unless they smuggle a cameraman into the 'bunker.'


How will this draw heat? Simple. Hassan trusts no one but his Truth Commission; everyone else is out to screw him - or worse. He sees his only means of vindication, his only way to expose the USA for the fraud that it is would be to beat Batista for the World Heavyweight Title in Washington, DC at SummerSlam.


Therefore, every single person everywhere he goes is a threat. He could beat the hell out of referees who count a long 2 count; he can push around Theodore Long using his Truth Commission. Michael Cole talks shit about Hassan? The next week, he's doing commentary with a broken arm.


Hassan could have a Goldberg-like entourage escort him to the ring and block the ramp. Have him wear a bulletproof vest when he comes to wrestle. Have plants try to jump the rail and attack him (or at least throw stuff at him) to try to get the real crowd to react more strongly to him. All the while, he is cutting the usual 'psuedo-shoot' promos about how rotten America/Canada/England is. The commentators sell him as a man over the edge, a man beyond the norm. He's doesn't represent the Arab-American community: he's gone nuts!


Meanwhile, Daivari gets to be an pro-America face. Give him back his real name of Shawn Daivari and have him feud with Paul London until SummerSlam. 'I might not agree with everything this country does, but I am proud to be an American.' Heck, he could even get the Flying Carpet as a joke finisher (like the Hurri-Chokeslam).

Not bad, but the bunker stuff will have half the net bitching and moaning as the attack last week did.

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I will say I have never seen Undertaker sell pain like that before. His facial expressions alone was some of the best selling of a beatdown I've seen in quite some time. Certainly was far better than hitting the ground like a ton of bricks and sitting back up over and over and over again.

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I will say I have never seen Undertaker sell pain like that before.  His facial expressions alone was some of the best selling of a beatdown I've seen in quite some time.  Certainly was far better than hitting the ground like a ton of bricks and sitting back up over and over and over again.

Agreed. He did do a realistic "choking look" and had the crazy eyes down pat.

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For the moronic booking marks who are defending this angle - What is the point of doing this if it wont draw any money and will only lose fans?


You dont possibly think that there might be more reasons to dislike this angle than just hurt feelings do you? Are you just 13 year olds with no perception of how the same fucking scenario played out in 1991?


Maybe its just my sandy vagina but I still hate it when retarded 'fans' defend the kind of booking that makes the rest of the world think that all wrestling fans are just toothless brainless hillbillys with no morals or sense. Thank you, dipshits, for living up to that perception for the rest of us. Now please, fit yourselves for helmets before you hurt yourselves.

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