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Batista's title reign

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How long do you think Batista's title reign should be? I say that since he's been built up as the Hulk Hogan/Goldberg esque unbeatable babyface, it needs to be long, AT LEAST a year, maybe more. I'd hate to see him lose it at Summerslam or the PPV after in a quick feud to JBL or something like that.

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Guest Fishyswa

Long enough for people to get sick of him and make him a heel. Have your hottest babyface chase from there and it's gold.

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Guest Ransome

At the very least, I'd say Batista needs to hold onto the title past Summerslam. JBL, and any other quickie feuds Batista is involved in afterwards, should be disposed easily. I can see Batista losing it to Brock towards the end of 2005, which I have no problem with, since Brock is 12 years longer and a far greater prospect for WWE's future. That would set up the obvious rematch at WM 22.


Either way, I wouldn't want Cena dropping his title sooner than Batista.

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If they don't put Lesnar back in the title picture on his return, I can see them having Batista dropping the belt at Survivor Series, most likely in another rehash of Montreal, and going on to win the 2006 Rumble to get the WM XXII title shot, which he will then win. Of course, that might change if some new babyface catches on by the time of the Rumble, but if nobody does, then this scenario could happen.

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I think that it will last to around Survior Series, who takes it though remains a mystery

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Guest Tjhe CyNick

I would think they wont wait for Lesnar-Batista for Mania. Personally, I would keep that as the SD main event for Mania, but i dont see that happening.


My guess is that they'll have Lesnar come in and win the title, probably right after Summerslam, but then lose it back to Batista some time around SurvSer. I kinda think they'll build Mania to be Orton-Batista.

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Guest seth86

Hassan vs. JBL? Wonder wat the promos would be like leading to that. I would like seeing JBL and Jordan get beat down by the masked men though. :D

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I think it ends at Summerslam to Hassan, who ends up losing it to Lesnar while Batista fueds with Orton leading up to Batista/Lesnar in the main at WrestleMania.

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The best economical booking would be building to Batista-Brock at Mania next year. So, that definitly wont be happening.


The worst possible idea is Batista dropping it at GAB or some other time soon to Hassan...so thats my prediction.

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I originally predicted Edge taking the belt at Summerslam, but that isn't happening now. I'd like to see Batista hold on to the belt for a while before dropping it to Randy Orton, but even though I'm generally indifferent to Muhammed Hassan, there's a part of me that would mark out seeing him unseat Batista at SS in Batista's hometown.... Washington, D.C.

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I think he's main event caliber by hoss standards, and he has a great look. I've liked him since his OVW days, although I loathed the Deacon Batista character.


It does seem like his reign has somewhat fizzled, but I feel that that is largely due to his endless program with Triple H. With several new heel opponents on Smackdown, he should at least be given until No Mercy to see how things work out now that he's switched shows.

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Any time you make a guy the champion, you have to consider how many challengers you can line up fo the guy. I think part of the reason JBL lasted so long was that there were plenty of babyfaces to feud with him. Are there really that many heels? I can't see JBL being acontender past GAB. That leaves maybe Eddie Guerrero (who I don't see getting another ME program, to be honest), maybe Hassan, maybe Christian (who I doubt they'd put in a program with, since Batista's already beaten him several times), probably Orton, and definitely Brock if he returns to SD.


I think Cena's belt is safe for a while, given that they can have him feud with Jericho, HBK, Edge, Angle (not that they didn't feud enough on SD), and Triple H. Plus, they can turn Kane heel if they need to.

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I hope they do Batista/Lesnar at WrestleMania. Lesnar wins and then Batista either stops or he steps down from the main event because he's too darn old. Cena should still be Champion after WM beating Kerwin White (j/k lol). I CAN see Batista losing the belt to Hassan or instead of RAW SD! has the Elimination Chamber: Batista ©, Hassan, Lesnar, Orton, Undertaker, Booker T. Everybody thinks Batista or Lesnar wins but Orton/Undertaker does. Orton v. Undertaker v. Lesnar v. Batista at Survivor Series for the belt, Lesnar wins the title with help from Heyman. At Rumble Lesnar takes Batista out of the match, (insert name here) from SD! becomes no.1 contender. Batista beats the guy for the no.1 contender spot. Lesnar v. Batista at WM.


Fantasy booking...

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I still say that Batista is great on the mic. He sounds NATURAL rather than pre-scripted, which is oh-so rare.


Wrestling-wise? Yup, fairly meh. He can dish out a few power moves to pop the crowd, he's JUST about watchable in a PPV main event as long as he has an opponent who knows what he's doing - and I count Triple H in that. I can't stand him and he's NOWHERE near as good as he thinks, but he's competent at making the face look good in a match, even if he generally squashes them at the end and makes them look like shit over the course of the programme.


I mean come on, what would you rather see in your main event? Face Batista vs Heel Triple H? Or Batista vs Cena, in any alignment? 20 minutes of punch-kick my friend, with barely a move worth the name.

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I mean come on, what would you rather see in your main event? Face Batista vs Heel Triple H? Or Batista vs Cena, in any alignment? 20 minutes of punch-kick my friend, with barely a move worth the name.

Batista v Cena, because that one is most likely to play to Batista's, and Cena's, strengths. The first two Batista v HHH matches saw Batista sell far too much and the people don't want to see Batista sell for any length of time. They want to see him come in, beat the piss out of someone, sell for maybe a few minutes, then come back in a monsterous rage and spinbuster or Demon Bomb his opponent through the mat for the win. They didn't get that for Batista v HHH I or II, and it showed in the crowd heat. Batista v Cena might not be better for quality, but it'll get better heat and get over more, because Batista will be the Batista people want to see, and Cena will be selling and not wrestling, where his selling is at least better than his wrestling.

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I say 5 feuds. So however long that takes (they don't all have to cap off on PPV). The first two feuds should establish him as the dominant champion, and should be relatively easy wins. The third feud should be very close and should be against an unlikely wrestler (the purpose is to make the challenger - could be a face). The fourth would be another easy feud to re-establish his dominance. The fifth and final one would be the one he loses.


So let's say:


Feud One: JBL (GAB)

Feud Two: Hassan (SS)

Feud Three: Orlando Jordan/Paul London/Whoever (Smackdown TV taping)

Feud Four: Eddie Guerrero (No Mercy)

Feud Five: Brock Lesnar (Survivor Series)

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Guest JMA

I think that Batista will hold the title for quite a while. WWE really seems to be high on him (hell, he beat Triple H three times) and wants him to be seen as utterly dominating. Plus, Batista is getting up in years, and WWE will most likely want to get the most out of his first run as possible.


As for who will beat him--I don't think it'll be JBL or Lesnar.

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I would think they wont wait for Lesnar-Batista for Mania.  Personally, I would keep that as the SD main event for Mania, but i dont see that happening. 


My guess is that they'll have Lesnar come in and win the title, probably right after Summerslam, but then lose it back to Batista some time around SurvSer.  I kinda think they'll build Mania to be Orton-Batista.


Batista-Lesnar should most certainly be the ME at WM


So does this mean that SD might be main eventing Mania?


I think that they should.

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