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Games that need to be brought current

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Paper Boy would be interesting on the current systems...especially if the rights to it were bought by Rockstar.


Oh man...that'd make the game so funny...

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I suppose there haven't been that many mindless 3D "beat everyone up on screen and continue" 3D games lately, but they seemed all the rage in the late 90s / early 00s and that's what I was refering to (Fighting Force, Die Hard Arcade, State of Emergency... more recently the TMNT games from what I understand).


IF you remove leveling up and armor and magic from the equation, you can make the argument that your Dark Alliance, Dark Alliance II, Champions of Norath, Bard's Tale, etc. fall under the same rule.


Basically, an updated DD would be cool if it was more than beating people up and leveling up. Does that clarify things, Andy?

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Guest Askewniverse

- Strider

- Zombies Ate My Neighbors

- A Boy and his Blob

- Adventure Island

- Base Wars



Contra: Shattered Solider was released for PS2 a few years ago.

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Punch Out.


And they do need to remake COmix Zone as that game kicked so much ass and the concept was the SHIT.

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I suppose there haven't been that many mindless 3D "beat everyone up on screen and continue" 3D games lately, but they seemed all the rage in the late 90s / early 00s and that's what I was refering to (Fighting Force, Die Hard Arcade, State of Emergency... more recently the TMNT games from what I understand).


IF you remove leveling up and armor and magic from the equation, you can make the argument that your Dark Alliance, Dark Alliance II, Champions of Norath, Bard's Tale, etc. fall under the same rule.


Basically, an updated DD would be cool if it was more than beating people up and leveling up. Does that clarify things, Andy?


Actually, I take that back--when you remember all of the licensed games we've been getting lately, they're still quite common today. Rise of Sin Tzu, the new Fan 4 game (damn if that commercial isn't insulting my intelligence), State of Emergency (I forgot about it since I didn't play it), and others.


I don't think I'd add the hack n' slashers, though. Not sure how similar they really are.


But yeah, it seems like the most of the genre's sum total of achievements in 3D have been "add the ability to upgrade."


Although I liked the Dynamite games' (Die Hard Arcade/Dynamite Cop) cinematic approach, multiple paths, interactivity, VF-style controls, and button-prompt sequences. I hear lots of people diss the games, but I don't know why.


There's no less than 5 new beat 'em ups in the works (The Warriors, MK Shaolin Monks, Beat Down: Fists of Vengeance, Final Fight: Street Wise, the unnamed game that the Alien Hominid people are doing), so it'll be interesting to see how the hell they make them worth playing today. I fear it may come at the expense of making them quick and accessible, though.

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Seriously though...well, a lot of the good ones were taken, so I'll just go with the old standby and say NiGHTs.


I've known a lot of people clamoring for NiGHTs 2 since Christmas NiGHTs came out.

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hey now, MC Kids was actually halfway decent and had some pretty tricky levels!


Eh, maybe I just have a bad memory of it because it was the game that killed the locking feature on my NES' catridge port.


After that game, I couldn't play a NES game unless I attached the Game Genie to it or had it held down with the cleaning unit/another NES game.

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Guest Gendo

Golgo 13


Gaurdian Legend


I wholly second for Bionic Commando, Kid Icarus, and Punch Out.


And for the love of god could Konami make a follow-up to SoTN for a major console.

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Golgo 13




Good God yes! even with shitty graphics and controls, that game kicked ass! imagine what they could do with today's graphics...hell I'm still clammoring for a movie starring Chow-Yun Fat, but oh well...

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Guardian Legend will probably not get a true sequel, but Sigma Star Saga on GBA is in the same vein.


Game Informer gave it 8.5 out of 10, if you consider them a credible review source. It's out next month.

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