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USC Wuz Robbed!

UPN Bans Hassan Permanently

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Censorship is fun!

Yes... yes it is. Neglecting it when it's actually needed and using it excessively later on is even more fun!


No. Censorship is ALWAYS wrong. Always. Let ME choose what I watch and don't watch. Period. I already have a mother and father, I'd rather not have UPN as a third parent thanks.

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I dunno if it is as much censorship as self policing on UPN's part. They do have the right to say what they want and don't want on their network and if they feel having Arab terrorists attack UT is not something they want on their network, Vince really has to concede on it. Though frankly if WWE was committed to Hassan (which I doubt) they'd just defy UPN since this is the last year on the network anyway.


If Smackdown was on cable no one could really be upset about it, but broadcast TV has a different set of FCC rules due to spectrum scarcity.

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They won't release him that's for sure because I just know they see a lot of potential in him and they are right. The man is fucking awesome on the mic and he's only 24, he has 20 years left to improve in the ring. I think they might say fuck you UPN and just keep showing Hassan or Hassan goes to RAW instead of someone like Tyson Tomko (would be cool for Christian though). Or they just bring him in as Mark Magnus.


This is the great time for the WWE to start a "network" angle. 2 guys debut and act like the Network.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

Stupid shit wasn't ever gonna draw a dime anyways, good riddance.

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Guest jumpingbombangel

Oh no! Now we'll NEVER know who the terrorist...I mean guys dressed up like terro...I mean dressed up guys were!

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They should blur him out like they did the WCW title in the early 90's.


UPN *pays* the WWE for their programming. They pay them $700,000 to air Smackdown. If Hassan truly is banned from UPN, then that's their right. Anyone who says "fuck UPN" is retarded, or worse, hanging off McMahons balls. The WWE deserved it, UPN has every right to decide what to show for something they are paying for, and for once Vince McMahon actually is seeing repercussions for his stupid, silly, and ignorant storylines.

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I'm sure they'll probobly just have Hassan come out on RAW and announce that due to pressure from a certain television network, Theodore Long has relieved Hassan and Daivari from from their duties on Smackdown, and that they have been rehired by Eric Bischoff.

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I hope he comes back to RAW. Make my monday nights worth a shit. I don't wanna force myself to watch smackdown just for hassan.

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Guest Fook

This is both UPN's and WWE's fault.


UPN for still airing the segment despite knowing the London attacks happened that very day. They now have to do this to save face.


WWE for making the segment in the first place. Even in the best of times a simulated terrorist attack is completely distasteful.

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I dunno if it is as much censorship as self policing on UPN's part.  They do have the right to say what they want and don't want on their network and if they feel having Arab terrorists attack UT is not something they want on their network, Vince really has to concede on it.  Though frankly if WWE was committed to Hassan (which I doubt) they'd just defy UPN since this is the last year on the network anyway.


If Smackdown was on cable no one could really be upset about it, but broadcast TV has a different set of FCC rules due to spectrum scarcity.


Exactly - I love how some here think that UPN is the antichrist for actually doing business right and adhering to the complaints and general bad publicity and doing something about it to save a little face in the situation. The company as a whole is (I may be wrong) the lowest rated network in the country. They dont need bad publicity as that will just drop them out even further. For all of you who think UPN has no right censoring, try being a broadcast network executive for once. You got to look outside the box in a situation like this - they didnt do so intially and now are having the pay the price for it so they had to do what they had to do.


Plus there are ALOT worse things to bitch about than not having the Hassan character on the show. He always has been a hard sell as a mid to upper card heel anyway (people who think the guy is actually over are FUCKING NUTS) and ever since the Iraq wars have been in the spotlight (this is even since 91) WWE has never learned to stop touching that unspoken button of trying to generate heat from the situation(s) of war and/or terrorism. Now its finally bit them in the ass, as they are going to basically have to kill off their character on Smackdown or else really be in hot water. Moving Hassan back to Raw wont help either since he's just going to be another fish in the pond - he didnt get over before, you think having this bad publicity bringing him back is going to change that?? Its insane to think it will have an affect.


To me, this is blessing in disguise. I hope they turn Davairi face from all of this and make him into a Sonjay Dutt like character, and I hope Hassan gets released. I dont see where his excellent mic skills are, he has zero charisma, and he sure as fuck isnt a good worker.

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UPN knows what they did was wrong and is trying to make up for it, which is the difference between them and the WWE. The WWE would rather blame the audience for "not getting it" and continue on doing the same old bullshit. For once in their history, I actually look at UPN in a good light.

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Censorship is fun!

Yes... yes it is. Neglecting it when it's actually needed and using it excessively later on is even more fun!


No. Censorship is ALWAYS wrong. Always. Let ME choose what I watch and don't watch. Period. I already have a mother and father, I'd rather not have UPN as a third parent thanks.


Soooo by your reasoning, every broadcast and cable channel should be allowed to air XXX porn, live explicit killings, people pissing on each other, uncensored language of any kind, etc, etc. Censorship in general is wrong, I agree - but when you are talking about viable media open for ANYONE to watch/read/etc, there needs to be restrictions. I dont see whats so hard to figure out when it comes to that.


For every person who feels they should have the right to watch what they want, there is another who feel the network(s) have a duty for using moral judgment on things of a sensitive nature. It's not a radical concept.

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According to the Torch, the Creative team is working on trying to change things up, but it looks like the plan as of now is to have Undertaker kill the character off on Sunday. Bullshit, as much as everyone else seems to hate the guy, I like Hassan and Daivari. Hassan may not be Benoit or even Cena in the ring, but he's an entertaining charcaters, he's good on the mic, and he makes for compelling television. Hopefully they'll work this out, because Batista vs Undertaker has the makings of being this centuries Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez.

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Kill off his character? God... Not even move him to Raw, not tone him down, just kill him off?


This shit is just one overreaction after another.

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Hopefully they'll work this out, because Batista vs Undertaker has the makings of being this centuries Undertaker vs Giant Gonzalez.

UT/Batista would be world's better than Hassan/Batista, and I don't even like UT.

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WWE should have requested the segment been cut from airing. They could have aired the RAW main event or something in its place... I don't know.


But UPN is an idiot for thinking running 4 scrolls across the screen will make it alright too.


Edit: Time to trade Hassan in my fantasy pool

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From the Torch....think something posted thoughts on this already but thought I would officially post it word for word


-UPN has told WWE it doesn't want Muhammad Hassan to be part of the program from this point forward. WWE creative is working on the situation, and the plan right now is to have Undertaker kill him off on Sunday. The backlash by sponsors or local affiliates must have been quite strong after the ill-timed terrorist-themed angle on the July 7 Smackdown.

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Using real-life murders to get a wrestling angle over is pathetic.


I hate to be the voice of reason here, but having the Undertaker attracked by a terrorist cells would've been tasteless whether London had been attacked that day or not. I was against this angle even before I the attacks in London, when I read about on this spoiler thread and saw the picture S_D posted.


The whole terrorists attack by Hassan was also stupid from a storyline standpoint, since the guy's whole gimmick is that he's an Arab-AMERICAN who thinks people are discriminating against him because he shares the religion/ethnicity of actual terrorists. By becoming a terrorist, he's not giving himself a leg to stand on complaint-wise.

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Guest Trecko
They should blur him out like they did the WCW title in the early 90's.


UPN *pays* the WWE for their programming.  They pay them $700,000 to air Smackdown.  If Hassan truly is banned from UPN, then that's their right.  Anyone who says "fuck UPN" is retarded, or worse, hanging off McMahons balls.  The WWE deserved it, UPN has every right to decide what to show for something they are paying for, and for once Vince McMahon actually is seeing repercussions for his stupid, silly, and ignorant storylines.


Considering I'm one who said "fuck UPN", um, no? I could care less if they pay them and have the right to do it. Doesn't change the fact that it's a bitch move on their part. They allowed it to happen, and now when there's a backlash they BAN the character from TV altogether? Nah. Fuck them. Nothing to do with being on Vince's dick or being retarded. It's a bitch move on their part to save face. I STILL can't see why this situation has turned into this big fucking deal, and UPN must've felt the same way to some extent or they wouldn't have allowed this "tasteless, terrorist display" to air on national TV. But they did, and now they want to play this bullshit blame game? Fuck them.


And for people that are so ridiculously overjoyed that this "awful" storyline might be over, what exactly entertains you all? All of you can't possibly be the "I want to see Benoit/Regal/Angle/Benjamin in 3903902490823 minute match with amazing mat work and technology and thousands of moves because that's what it's all about, fuck 'sports entertainment' even though I still continue to watch WWE programming" type? What is so HORRID about Hassan's character/gimmick/storyline/whatever?


Christ @ these posts made while I was making this. So now they KILL him off. Yeah. Do away with that "evil sand nigger" for attacking the Undertaker with masked men. This is absolutely fucking pathetic. A religious themed attack has transformed into a mock beheading/murder, and killing off of a character. Absolute nonsense. Thank you for entertaining me amidst the bullshit that has been WWE television for the past year or so, Hassan and Daivari.

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They should blur him out like they did the WCW title in the early 90's.


UPN *pays* the WWE for their programming.  They pay them $700,000 to air Smackdown.  If Hassan truly is banned from UPN, then that's their right.  Anyone who says "fuck UPN" is retarded, or worse, hanging off McMahons balls.  The WWE deserved it, UPN has every right to decide what to show for something they are paying for, and for once Vince McMahon actually is seeing repercussions for his stupid, silly, and ignorant storylines.


Considering I'm one who said "fuck UPN", um, no? I could care less if they pay them and have the right to do it. Doesn't change the fact that it's a bitch move on their part. They allowed it to happen, and now when there's a backlash they BAN the character from TV altogether? Nah. Fuck them. Nothing to do with being on Vince's dick or being retarded. It's a bitch move on their part to save face. I STILL can't see why this situation has turned into this big fucking deal, and UPN must've felt the same way to some extent or they wouldn't have allowed this "tasteless, terrorist display" to air on national TV. But they did, and now they want to play this bullshit blame game? Fuck them.


And for people that are so ridiculously overjoyed that this "awful" storyline might be over, what exactly entertains you all? All of you can't possibly be the "I want to see Benoit/Regal/Angle/Benjamin in 3903902490823 minute match with amazing mat work and technology and thousands of moves because that's what it's all about, fuck 'sports entertainment' even though I still continue to watch WWE programming" type? What is so HORRID about Hassan's character/gimmick/storyline/whatever?


If you cant see that using a storyline based off a very sensitive subject (fuck, even most TV/movie companies havent gotten to the point of using terrorists into their programs with the only exception being maybe 24 off the top of my head) and also the fact of the timing of the London bombings doesn't make airing that "a big fucking deal" then you really are out of touch with society as a whole, sorry to say.


Drawing off terrorism does not entertain me. Period. And a character trying to draw heat off terrorism and the Iraq war, again, does not entertain me. And I would be inclined to think neither does it for the majority of this country and others.

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What is so HORRID about Hassan's character/gimmick/storyline/whatever?


It's basically the same anti-American gimmick that's been used for 20 years?


Let's face it, the idea of Hassan being a tweener and the whole "I'm an Arab-American that's been looked at differently since 9/11" direction of his character waved bye bye LONG ago. Now, he's just a complete whiner, and the fans are getting sick as hell of his schtick. They SHOULD push Daivari with the cruisers if Hassan is done, since he seems to be halfway decent at least.


You are DREAMING if you think "Mohammed Hassan: World Heavyweight Champion" would draw a CENT. I said he should hold the US title, and that's as far as he should go until he can actually work a match that's more than 5 minutes.

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