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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Hey JustPassinBy - please don't taint NewsRadio by stealing their material.


I think bitchcakes was around before tha taint that is Newsradio.

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DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) _ Ignoring the calendar, Republican Gov. George Pataki of New York is the first potential presidential candidate to open a campaign office in Iowa.


The caucuses aren't until January 2008, but Pataki plans to open an office this week in Des Moines and one in Manchester, N.H., soon after. He's also in preliminary discussions with officials in South Carolina about an office in that state, spokeswoman Alicia Preston said Monday.


"He wants to really help Republicans" in this year's midterm elections, Preston said.


Pataki has been a frequent visitor to Iowa. He decided not to seek another term as governor as he explores a bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Pataki is a moderate GOP governor who supports abortion rights and gun control, stands that puts him at odds with the Republicans' conservative base.

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DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) _ Ignoring the calendar, Republican Gov. George Pataki of New York is the first potential presidential candidate to open a campaign office in Iowa.


The caucuses aren't until January 2008, but Pataki plans to open an office this week in Des Moines and one in Manchester, N.H., soon after. He's also in preliminary discussions with officials in South Carolina about an office in that state, spokeswoman Alicia Preston said Monday.


"He wants to really help Republicans" in this year's midterm elections, Preston said.


Pataki has been a frequent visitor to Iowa. He decided not to seek another term as governor as he explores a bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Pataki is a moderate GOP governor who supports abortion rights and gun control, stands that puts him at odds with the Republicans' conservative base.


Pataki's got 2 choices:

1) drop out and throw whatever meager support he accumulates between now and a year from now behind McCain, or

2) claim Jesus told him to run and begin quickly reversing his positions on social issues.

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DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) _ Ignoring the calendar, Republican Gov. George Pataki of New York is the first potential presidential candidate to open a campaign office in Iowa.


The caucuses aren't until January 2008, but Pataki plans to open an office this week in Des Moines and one in Manchester, N.H., soon after. He's also in preliminary discussions with officials in South Carolina about an office in that state, spokeswoman Alicia Preston said Monday.


"He wants to really help Republicans" in this year's midterm elections, Preston said.


Pataki has been a frequent visitor to Iowa. He decided not to seek another term as governor as he explores a bid for the Republican presidential nomination. Pataki is a moderate GOP governor who supports abortion rights and gun control, stands that puts him at odds with the Republicans' conservative base.


Pataki's got 2 choices:

1) drop out and throw whatever meager support he accumulates between now and a year from now behind McCain, or

2) claim Jesus told him to run and begin quickly reversing his positions on social issues.


You took the words right out of my mouth.

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This is awesome...


Falwell: Hillary Clinton beats devil in drawing No votes


RICHMOND, Virginia (AP) -- The Rev. Jerry Falwell acknowledged on Sunday saying that if Hillary Rodham Clinton were the Democrats' presidential nominee in 2008, it would motivate conservative evangelical Christians to oppose her more than if the devil himself were running.


Falwell said in a telephone interview that his comments to several hundred pastors and religious activists at the "Value Voter Summit" conference were "totally tongue-in-cheek."


"I certainly hope that Hillary is the candidate," Falwell said at a breakfast session Friday in Washington. "I hope she's the candidate, because nothing will energize my (constituency) like Hillary Clinton," he said. "If Lucifer ran, he wouldn't."


Clinton press secretary Philippe Reines said Sunday, "Working for someone who believes in the Golden Rule, we're not going to engage in such vitriolic discourse -- but it seems that a new low has been reached in demonizing political opponents."


Falwell told the AP that he did not intend to demonize the former first lady. "That was totally tongue-in-cheek and everyone in the building knew that and everyone laughed," Falwell said.


Falwell said religious conservatives do not favor Clinton for several reasons, but mostly because she is pro-choice on abortion, "the cutting-edge issue for social conservatives."


"I just think that she has enough of a record before our people now to bring most of them to the polls," Falwell said.


The Rev. Barry Lynn, director of Americans United for Separation of Church and State, said, "I don't know why Jerry Falwell always has to drag politics into the gutter."


Lynn, whose advocacy group scrutinizes the religious right and was monitoring last week's conference, added, "Maybe the devil made him do it."


Attendees also were assured during the prayer breakfast that God would preserve a Republican majority in Congress.


Falwell would not say what he thought would happen in 2008 if Clinton were not the nominee.


"In '08, I think that's too far ahead to know what's going to happen in the domestic and foreign policy issues," Falwell said in the interview.


"In my opinion, the big issue then will be what the big issue is today, and that is national security and the war on terrorism at home and abroad. I don't think anybody doubts that the Republicans have a better record and a better commitment to national security than the Democrats do," Falwell said.


His remarks were first reported in Sunday's Los Angeles Times.


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Guest Felonies!

Whatever, just the converse to "Bush is Hitler."


Except no major public figure on the left has ever actually said that. Some jerkoff at an anti-war rally != Jerry Falwell.

Jerry Falwell hasn't been important in years. Why do people think he and Robertson are still relevant?

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Whatever, just the converse to "Bush is Hitler."


Except no major public figure on the left has ever actually said that. Some jerkoff at an anti-war rally != Jerry Falwell.

Jerry Falwell hasn't been important in years. Why do people think he and Robertson are still relevant?


It's not Falwell or Robertson so much that has to be worried about, rather the priests and preachers etc....that basically outright tell every member of their church to vote conservative merely because of the abortion issue.

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Whatever, just the converse to "Bush is Hitler."


Except no major public figure on the left has ever actually said that. Some jerkoff at an anti-war rally != Jerry Falwell.

Jerry Falwell hasn't been important in years. Why do people think he and Robertson are still relevant?


It's not Falwell or Robertson so much that has to be worried about, rather the priests and preachers etc....that basically outright tell every member of their church to vote conservative merely because of the abortion issue.


Maybe to them, the abortion thing is their biggest issue. For some people, that is the most important thing in the world to them. I won't fault them if it is so important that they decide to vote for the person who stands with them. We tell people all the time to find an issue that will make them want or not want to vote for someone. If abortion is the one that makes them decide, then so be it.

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Whatever, just the converse to "Bush is Hitler."


Except no major public figure on the left has ever actually said that. Some jerkoff at an anti-war rally != Jerry Falwell.

Jerry Falwell hasn't been important in years. Why do people think he and Robertson are still relevant?


It's not Falwell or Robertson so much that has to be worried about, rather the priests and preachers etc....that basically outright tell every member of their church to vote conservative merely because of the abortion issue.


Gay rights are almost as big.


I have an 84 year old grandmother who I know for a fact has voted Republican in every election since 1976. She wouldn't know the laffer curve from a sewer drain, doesn't know the first thing about cost/benefit analysis applied to government regulations, either side of the strict constructionist/loose constructionist constiutional interpretations, or what effect government spending has had on poverty rates...but she thinks that Republicans beleive in the Bible more than the Democrats do, and that's how she votes.

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but she thinks that Republicans beleive in the Bible more than the Democrats do, and that's how she votes.


Polling data seems to indicate that many Americans seem to agree with her. Or at least they feel that Republicans are less hostile to the Christian religions than the Democrats. Which I think has some root in fact.

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but she thinks that Republicans beleive in the Bible more than the Democrats do, and that's how she votes.


Polling data seems to indicate that many Americans seem to agree with her. Or at least they feel that Republicans are less hostile to the Christian religions than the Democrats. Which I think has some root in fact.

I didn't know either party was hostile towards Christians.

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but she thinks that Republicans beleive in the Bible more than the Democrats do, and that's how she votes.


Polling data seems to indicate that many Americans seem to agree with her. Or at least they feel that Republicans are less hostile to the Christian religions than the Democrats. Which I think has some root in fact.

Fact? I'm not familiar with ANY Democratic politicians who are hostile toward religion.


Perhaps Republican are just more likely to try to exploit religious belief to win votes? Not that Bill Clinton didn't do it by giving speeches in churches and quoting the Bible to help justify a political position that actually had little to do with religion, but George W. Bush took it too another level with his "Jesus is my favorite political philosopher" comment.


The major difference, I see, between liberals and conservatives when it comes to religion is simple:

Religious liberals quote the Bible when its convenient for them to make a point, whereas religious conservatives want to use the law to impose their religious views on people.


Both sides, I believe, need to be reminded that Article 6 of the U.S. Constitution specifically forbids religious tests for public office for a good reason. This "Vote for me because I'm a Christian just like you" garbage really needs to stop.

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I have a question, and I know you all have it, too.

What is up Hillary’s ass? All she wants to do is fuck us up, the dick-licker!


Now the Lord said, ‘I am the light of the world.’ Now, He could as easily have said, ‘I am King Shit of Fuck Mountain. Why would you fuck with me?!’


Now, I’ll tell you what. I am the only preacher with the fuckin' balls, (and you know this) to say: "Hillary I damn thee! You goddamm motherfuckin', shit-eatin', cock-suckin', son of a B!" Can I get a fuckin' A?

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