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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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...These numbers are preliminary, and will change slightly as more respondents are added, but here's where things stand with most of the results in:


Fifty-three percent of the uncommitted voters surveyed identified Democratic nominee Barack Obama as the winner of tonight's debate. Twenty-two percent said Republican rival John McCain won. Twenty-four percent saw the debate as a draw...



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McCain got killed out there and I blame him completely. He listened to the Republican talking heads and tried to go dirty against a man he had no chance in hell of going dirty against. Only McCain is too stupid to realize his party is using him to build up Palin while they let him die. Still he's a puppet party trumpet playing moron.


McCain MIGHT have had a slim chance if he didn't do what he did trying to fire those dirty shots, instead he fired them and got made to look like a fool 100%. He doesn't have the charisma to make them believable to anyone with an IQ (those psycho Hilary supporters who jumped to him and claim Obama isn't a real American don't have one) and it destroys that little bit of possible belief he could unite the country apart. That small glimmer of respect I had for him which had faded dramatically after his Bush bs in 2000 has been eliminated tonight. I no longer have any respect for McCain after tonight, he ended up looking like a man who was uninformed on his attacks and just said them cause he was told too.


McCain talks like a man who wants to keep the nation divide for another 4 years. He went from "this will be a landmark clean campaign" to "Obama associates with terrorists cause he is one himself". You would think seeing his polling numbers collapsing since he STARTED the mudslinging would wake him the f up. But no, he keeps doing the same stupidity.


When he actually stuck to policy ideas, he didn't sound like a twit but then he would follow EVERY ONE of them with an attack at Obama. And Obama would just slam him while he looked on, knowing he was being slammed into dust. It was a disappointing and disgusting end to a man I once believed in to become a strong President. Now 8 years later, I would rather pretend I didn't know the name of John McCain.


I don't know if I am voting Obama yet or not but I know after tonight, I am not voting McCain. He just made one decision a little bit easier.

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I like how CNN talks about well McCain did and how Obama was flat.


Then the polls come in favouring Obama, and everyone does a 180.


I guess this is why CNN is better than MSNBC or FOX. They're not liberal or conservative. Their only bias is which way the wind happens to be blowing.

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Senator Government


That needs to be someone's user name.


I thought the exact same thing when he said that. TSM is always in the back of my mind.

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Well, I'm a Republican(apparently one of the very few on here), but I have to say Obama looked better in all the debates(in temperament and style, certainly not on the issues).


I absolutely shudder to think that this country is about to be run by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid. With a huge majority in Congress. Ugh. I'm kinda glad that a Dem is going in the White House now cause when the country is even further in the shitter in four years, they can't play the "Things are bad, a Pub is in the White House, it's all their fault!!" card anymore.


I'm pissed at McCain for his arguments on the economic issue. It's obviously the top issue and he just lets Obama play the blame game on a problem that is equally the fault of the Democrats.


Oh well.

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I absolutely shudder to think that this country is about to be run by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid


Versus John McCain, Sarah Palin, and John Boehner?

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Just wanted to put this out there...


The essence of this election season couldn't be simpler. The American public is so appalled at the condition of the country (which it unfairly, but not implausibly blames on the despised President Bush) that with fate casting John McCain in the role of Bush's surrogate, a majority actually is considering voting for Sen. Obama. And when an electorate is intent on doing something, the last thing it wants to hear about are the facts. Moreover, the public's lack of interest in the facts is facilitated by the major American media's refusal to report them.


This, at its heart, is an insight into the rationale for the constant cries of "liberal media bias." If the public doesn't agree or care, its the media's fault. If the media doesn't report things in a way that favors conservatives, regardless of whether the conservative position is or is not supportable with facts or evidence or if the facts the conservatives happen to be obsessing over are even relevant, it is proof that there is a bias against conservatives. It is an intellectual short-cut: to attack this easy target. It is also based on arrogance. If no one cares about some irrelelvant factoid but you, it must be everyone else's fault and couldn't possibly be because they're in on something you are not: the irrelevance of the factoid.

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McCain lost and almost lost huge.


He had a boring example for every single thing and totally abandoned the conservatives when he was forced to bring up his moderate stances that he USED to be proud of during primary season: standing up on torture, stem cells, big pharm, etc. Then he totally blew a leg off with his statement that he's only interested in qualifications of justices. Will the last evangelical to flee the room please turn out the light?


I mean, any time the Christian fundamentalists are pressed into feeling like they have no proper place in this country's policies, I'm a happy guy, and I'm sure pretty happy with how this went down.

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I absolutely shudder to think that this country is about to be run by Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, and Harry Reid


Versus John McCain, Sarah Palin, and John Boehner?

Don't forget the enormous bag of douche that is Mitch McConnell.

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McCain lost and almost lost huge.


I disagree with almost losing "huge". For the most part, I think he was going very well on policy (even if I disagreed with him) until the Ayers and social issues part. While the polls disagree, I think (substance-wise) this debate was a lot closer than most would like to admit. Of course, the public is picking the President, and not just me, so maybe I'm wrong.


But I really think this was an important debate, because I think it proves that "Offense First" mindset that Republicans have been crying for is not a working combination anymore. All these Republicans are asking for "Attack! Attack! Attack!", the pundits want him to go after Obama and are praising Palin for doing so... but the polls keep moving away from him. And I think this debate is really indicative of the move away from the attack-oriented campaigns.


I think the people aren't as interested in hearing people defame one-another. They want to hear policy. They aren't being moved by these stupid attack ads linking Obama and William Ayers. Perhaps the electorate isn't as informed as many would like, but I think we've finally hit a wall when it comes to attack ads, and we're simply desensitized to them; we know the voice, the picture montages and statistics... but how many of us really trust those sorts of ads anymore?


Maybe I'm being a little too optimistic, but I think there's been a breakthrough in the American electorate when it comes to what they'll really listen to. It's no longer about defaming the other guy; it's about actually liking your candidate.

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McCain got killed out there and I blame him completely. He listened to the Republican talking heads and tried to go dirty against a man he had no chance in hell of going dirty against. Only McCain is too stupid to realize his party is using him to build up Palin while they let him die. Still he's a puppet party trumpet playing moron.


McCain MIGHT have had a slim chance if he didn't do what he did trying to fire those dirty shots, instead he fired them and got made to look like a fool 100%. He doesn't have the charisma to make them believable to anyone with an IQ (those psycho Hilary supporters who jumped to him and claim Obama isn't a real American don't have one) and it destroys that little bit of possible belief he could unite the country apart. That small glimmer of respect I had for him which had faded dramatically after his Bush bs in 2000 has been eliminated tonight. I no longer have any respect for McCain after tonight, he ended up looking like a man who was uninformed on his attacks and just said them cause he was told too.


McCain talks like a man who wants to keep the nation divide for another 4 years. He went from "this will be a landmark clean campaign" to "Obama associates with terrorists cause he is one himself". You would think seeing his polling numbers collapsing since he STARTED the mudslinging would wake him the f up. But no, he keeps doing the same stupidity.


When he actually stuck to policy ideas, he didn't sound like a twit but then he would follow EVERY ONE of them with an attack at Obama. And Obama would just slam him while he looked on, knowing he was being slammed into dust. It was a disappointing and disgusting end to a man I once believed in to become a strong President. Now 8 years later, I would rather pretend I didn't know the name of John McCain.


I don't know if I am voting Obama yet or not but I know after tonight, I am not voting McCain. He just made one decision a little bit easier.


if you recall, neither W nor Dick Cheney ever mentioned the Swiftboat stuff in the form of the attack. Their strategy was to make themselves seem above the fray, presidential, and let the 527s do the damage.


This particular campaign doesn't seem to get how a whisper campaign works.


McCain's constant angry expressions, scowling, and barely restrained anger didn't help either. Obama campaign picked the perfect catchphrase for McCain with "erratic". I mean, geez, the man just plays right into it.


Remember, that much bally-hoo'd George Will column where he questioned McCain's temperment... happened BEFORE the economic meltdown and McCain's last two stunts.

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But Bush was plenty negative in a whole slew of other places: Flip-flop, Cut-and-Run, and a dozen other different attacks straight from Bush-Cheney. While Swift-Boat played a part in it, I'd say "Flip-Flop" played a far bigger part in the overall picture. And I don't think they were above the fray: they simply motivated people to vote for Bush, rather than simply voting against Kerry.


Kerry's biggest problem is that he never made the election about himself; he never truly defined himself, and allowed the Republicans do that for him. Along with this, his biggest argument was really "Look, I'm not Bush". He didn't motivate people to actually vote for himself, but against Bush. Bush supporters often times weren't voting because they didn't like Kerry, but they honestly wanted Bush.


You can see a parallel in this election: The Republicans are basically putting a candidate up as "Not Obama", while Obama has made this election about him and change. When you have both candidates focusing on one side, that side will inevitably win. People have more motivation voting for someone rather than against someone.

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I feel really out of the loop...I didn't realize Chuck Schumer was running for Senate from Kentucky.


That is probably the stupidest fucking political ad ever. Unfortunately, I think Mitch is going to pull through here in KY.


Wait, nope, not the stupidest ad ever:



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I don't see how anyone can be more UnAmerican than a bitch who has given a speech at a "Secession Party" convention and has a close family member be a member of said party. Thank you, Sarah Palin.


Oh, and if you can somehow explain how the Alaskan Secessionist Party and their values are similar to your "constitutionalist" take on government, get back to me, please.

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