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Gary Floyd

Campaign 2008

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Virginia now down to a 1 point gap, McCain holds the lead at 50-49. Stick a fork in him, he's done.


The TV networks here in Australia have called it for Obama.

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Anyone else getting sick of CNN's gigantic "PROJECTION~!" sound and graphic they keep doing?


...where are the holograms, grumble grumble

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Guest Smues

I voted absentee because I'm in Nome right now, but people who went and voted here today told me that they are doing exit polling. The whole state gets a whooping 3 electoral votes, and Nome has like 3,000 people in it. Seems like a waste of time and money to me, but what do I know?

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If it makes you feel better Jingus, when people ask you why you didn't vote, just say "Joe the Plumber wasn't pandered to enough."

Yeah, because you know anything about what I think. Quit complaining about me all the goddamn time, it's fucking creepy to be e-stalked like that.

Uh, I was kidding, not picking on you. Don't be paranoid.

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ABC projects Ohio to Obama. I feel a little bit of vinidiction for my failed get out the vote efforts for Kerry in the pouring rain four years ago.

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what site are you guys using to look at up-to-minute tallies? i'm going between a few but i want to settle on one.

I'm flipping around franticly.

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what site are you guys using to look at up-to-minute tallies? i'm going between a few but i want to settle on one.


I'm on MSNBC.com. They have a map that updates every two minutes.

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The McCain supporters sure have looked much more sedate and less enthusiastic than the Obama crowd. I mean, even before the results started coming in. Of course, the Republicans being in this little room indoors and the Democrats being at this massive outside rally might have something to do with that.


I don't know if Austin just got counted super-early or what, but the TX results are surprising me. Would expect the margin to be much bigger than currently projected.


Uh, I was kidding, not picking on you. Don't be paranoid.

I don't know if you mean to, but kidding and picking tend to look kinda the same from you. And paranoid? Who told you I was paranoid?! I know you didn't use your mind-reading machines on me, they can't get through my mighty tinfoil hat!

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Ohio has gone to Obama.


John McCain needs to flip one of Kerry's states from 2004, such as Michigan, to win it all.




The totals going for Obama look surprisingly large in Ohio, so I don't think I'm out of line to say that the shit Jennifer Brunner was pulling with the ACORN registrations certainly didn't help McCain.


Let the unreality begin!!

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Ohio has gone to Obama.


John McCain needs to flip one of Kerry's states from 2004, such as Michigan, to win it all.




The totals going for Obama look surprisingly large in Ohio, so I don't think I'm out of line to say that the shit Jennifer Brunner was pulling with the ACORN registrations certainly didn't help McCain.


Let the unreality begin!!


Guys, I think someone entered Benoit's house and killed his family and then....

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