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Why the fuck shouldn't zombies run?

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This might have been a thread before, but someone mentioned it today at work and I saw it in the horror thread thingy.


Why the fuck shouldn't they be running. I don't get why so many people have a problem with it.

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Lack of motor skills beyond hunger and basic fear of fire, mostly. They die, and when they become reanimated and begin craving living flesh, they're "confused," to put it best. They've lost almost all of their expansive motor skills, do not know their general surroundings, and are unsure of anything.


Also, it depends upon the level of decomposition. A fresh zombie will move, at their fastest, at a brisk jog. Rigormortis sets in, and they're practically immobile, and when rigormortis breaks out, they're still stiff and begin rotting, so they hobble slowly.


The only reason I've ever heard for running zombies that had any real rationale behind it was from the Dawn '04 commentary, when Zach Snyder said "we chose to have them running because, since they're already dead, they can't feel pain, so they don't feel their muscles cramping up, they don't feel their tendons tearing from running too fast and too far, and if they run so much that their feet fall off, they won't feel that either and they'll run on their stumps."


But, basically, zombies shouldn't run because the image of a mass army of slow-moving zombies closing in is better than a handful of crazy, marathon-winning flesheaters. The very fact that you know you could outrun ONE slow zombie, but get a bunch of them and you're fucked, is what makes the slow-moving zombies in movies much more impactful than the quick ones.


And, in a nutshell, zombies shouldn't run because the only movies with running zombies that didn't completely suck were Return of the Living Dead and Dawn '04.

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Guest Fishyswa

Zombies are cooler when they can run. The entire idea of being scared of something that moves like a slug is hard to buy.

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Guest wildpegasus

They has some fast moving zombies

in the remake of Resident Evil for the Gamecube. After you killed the zombies onces they'd come back as super zombies hours later. Got me real good.

I forget the reasons behind it.

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Guest El Satanico
But, basically, zombies shouldn't run because the image of a mass army of slow-moving zombies closing in is better than a handful of crazy, marathon-winning flesheaters. The very fact that you know you could outrun ONE slow zombie, but get a bunch of them and you're fucked, is what makes the slow-moving zombies in movies much more impactful than the quick ones.


And, in a nutshell, zombies shouldn't run because the only movies with running zombies that didn't completely suck were Return of the Living Dead and Dawn '04.

That's pretty much what I was going to say.

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I don't have so much of a problem with some running zombies. But when it's the entire cast of zombies, then it's kind of lame.


Hopefully this doesn't move into the whole "Why 28 Days Later Infected People are NOT zombies" debate...

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Guest Fishyswa

"Have you seen any of the "Living Dead" trilogy?"


Probably, sure as hell don't remember. I'd rather see people frightened by something they can't briskly jog away from. Circumstance to aid the story is irrelevant.

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I'd rather see people frightened by something they can't briskly jog away from.


But that's WHY zombies are scary.


I mean, you're walking along, and you see a group of zombies - no big deal, walk the other way. But then you see zombies over there too. Then you realize that there's zombies EVERYWHERE, and they are going to get you eventually, because you will get tired, and they won't. They'll just grow in numbers until you're searching for warm flesh too.

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Terminator syndrome



Terminator and Jason Voorhees are smart and crafty, whereas your typical slowmoving zombie isn't that crafty. I always thought a faster moving zombie is way scarier than a slow moving one. But a crafty Voohees is scarier than them all.

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Speaking of Jason, it's a shame there was never a Jason X movie sequel (there are books) because Jason and UberJason it that film were badass. They knew they could destory all in there path so they didn't bother lurking in the shadows.

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Guest El Satanico

Slow Zombies= Psychological horror

Fast Zombies= Cheap jump scares


Jump scares have their time and place, but psychological horror is superior.

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Terminator syndrome



Terminator and Jason Voorhees are smart and crafty, whereas your typical slowmoving zombie isn't that crafty. I always thought a faster moving zombie is way scarier than a slow moving one. But a crafty Voohees is scarier than them all.



you know, for a mutilated retarded kid, that Jason sure was pretty clever eh?

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I think most zombies don't run because, if they did, they could catch something as they did and break their leg off their body by accident.


Mostly I believe it is because they're dead, and their muscles have atrophied and rigormortis has set in. It doesn't allow for any sort of fast movement.

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I am mostly talking about the freshly dead zombies. I mean they should be able to pop back up and run. I understand them rotting a way and rigor setting in and all, that makes sense, but a freshly turned zombie should be able to run their ass off.

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Guest Fishyswa

"I think most zombies don't run because, if they did, they could catch something as they did and break their leg off their body by accident."


So why worry about them even eating you? If they're so fragile, how the hell are they gonna be able to break skin? Hell you punch one once if he's that weak and his head will fall off.


"I mean, you're walking along, and you see a group of zombies - no big deal, walk the other way. But then you see zombies over there too. Then you realize that there's zombies EVERYWHERE, and they are going to get you eventually, because you will get tired, and they won't. They'll just grow in numbers until you're searching for warm flesh too."


How could you get tired? At that pace you could quickly walk away from them, and if they're so fragile, what the hell is there to be scared of? They can't walk but they can chew through cranium?


Zombies are just completely illogical, so I'd rather see scarier ones, and the faster one's are just scarier.

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^^^ Jesus - the whole point is people letting their guard down. "Oh, they're not scary because they're slow." But wait til you fuck up and get surround by a horde of them. Slow don't matter much when you can't move in any direction.


..also, some fast moving blur certainly isn't as scary as a slow, methodical zombie that you know is a walking corpse.

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I'm almost positive it was covered in one of those movies that Jason had some sort of mental slowdown going on, be it autism or what not...plus he was a huge momma's boy...

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I am mostly talking about the freshly dead zombies.  I mean they should be able to pop back up and run.  I understand them rotting a way and rigor setting in and all, that makes sense, but a freshly turned zombie should be able to run their ass off.


You're going with "nextgen" rules though {Ie: Dawn remake}. Where it's a virus that instantly turns you into a zombie after you die.


In the original films, it took days {depending on the severity of the bite} for someone to turn. The whole process is the body dying, and the rigormortis setting in on the body, then they come back to life as a zombie shortly thereafter.

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I'm almost positive it was covered in one of those movies that Jason had some sort of mental slowdown going on, be it autism or what not...plus he was a huge momma's boy...


I just watched 1 to 8 this week and I don't recall any of that. Though it could've been in one of the New Line releases afterwards.


I don't put much stock into those. ;)

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