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The Ultimate Fighter 2

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Guest Brian

I thought I heard he was a little welterweight I didn't relize he goes at middleweight.


I still think with a core of Pulver, Gurgel, and Edwards, they could put together a pretty good cast of guys. They have Florian who is a decent name. Where's Josh Thomson and Hermes Franca? Is Krazy Horse locked up?


And BTW, where is Terell?

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Shonie Carter can't move down, he's a big welterweight.


Edwards considers himself a PRIDE fighter now, as Pulver is as well. Maybe Thompson is too, he certainly isn't a UFC fighter.


The UFC didn't sign pulver when he was practically asking to come back anyway.

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Guest Brian

Pulver did an interview a while back talking about defending both the UFC and PRIDE title (barring he won the latter). He sounded a lot like he would have wanted to come back, all it would take is Dana paying him.


As for Carter, I thought he fought Serra at 155. I know he's walking around at about 185, but I was sure he could get down to 155.

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He fought Serra at 170, which is why Serra moved down eventually because he was too small for the weight.


Pulver wants back, the UFC does not. They wanted to pay him less than other LW, that's a sign right there. THey thought he was boring, especially after the Hallman fight which I couldn't even finish. Pretty boring.


PRIDE's LW division is way more stacked now anyway, Pulver isn't really a true LW, Serra has never been a threat at LW anyway, and it's hard to promote more than four divisions. Hence, the one with the least talent gets thrown away.

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Guest Brian

You know what part of the problem with heavyweights are: well, they aren't as athletic so it's harder to come up with challenges for these guys.

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What a bad fight. Rashad just completely took him and got lazy in spots, giving him openings, and Mike didn't do jack with it. Rashad is okay, but like Rudo said, both his fights were against guys who didn't put up any resistance.


Any clue who the alternate is?

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Guest Brian

The fight was okay, but for the life of me I can't figure out why everyone is so damn timid Rashad must have had near a half dozen combos where he could have gone for a finish and Whitehead's performance was just shit, but I really enjoyed watching Hughes team lose for some odd reason. So for some odd reason, I really enjoyed the whole show and am hoping that Karo beats Hughes ass.

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Guest Mos_Def

Goddamn, you guys act as if Rashad was just an innocent bystander in the fight. You remember Whitehead, right? He’s the guy they built up as The Next Big Thing. He cant go from Jesus-in-waiting, to punchline when its convenient. Gotta give Rashad credit.


What poetic justice after having to tolerate half-of-an-episode of Hughes and White performing verbal fallatio on Whitehead, ( poor choice of words given his name) with their relentless insistence that he was clearly the superior fighter, and that it was a mismatch of a fight that was barely worth the time to put together.


Its funny how they kept asking “why did he [Whitehead] quit”. Easy, he was getting his ass kicked. Even though he had a 30 plus pound weight advantage, he couldn’t gain a significant advantage on the ground. In standup, Rashad was quicker, and was beating him to the punch every time. There was one point where he took a vicious jab from Rashad that seemed to jolt the will right out of him.


Rashad was just the better, smarter fighter. It was systematic domination. They act like this was a lucky punch type fight. Duke was outclassed.


How sad was it to see Dana White in that, “I’m a corporate CEO who just got indicted on fraud charges” look of contempt, still clinging to the notion that Whitehead was “ a superior stand up fighter”. Yeah in what fucking parallel universe does that exist? Fuck credibility I guess.


And to the guy that said that Rashad was “lazy”, I don’t know if you confused lazy with smart. Rashad had built up a lead, and he was protecting it by not leaving himself susceptible to a knockout by a desperate fighter. Rashad was content to pick him apart and capitalize on his errors.


If he would have been overly aggressive and gotten knocked out, Hughes and co. would have been crowing about how unintelligent and undisciplined Rashad was as a fighter (A party line they have been pushing since the beginning). His strategy worked, cant see the room for argument. Especially against such a “great” asskisser…err fighter.


Whitehead exhibited all the traits that Rashad was accused of. No heart, all talk and no action, limited skills… See what other excuses they come up with next week. Big ups to Rashad for throwing all of their bullshit in their faces.

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Rashad looked alot better this time around, though he still had problems initiating, instead mostly waiting to play of Whitehead's actions. However, as Hughes himself alluded to, Rashad isn't a good finisher, as he lacks KO power in his hands, and doesn't have the positioning on the ground to really unleash damaging G&P or apply submissions.

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Any clue who the alternate is?

Which also leads to the question of who's out? From the looks of things it could be Brad that can't go due to the cut.


As for who's coming back...


I'll say it's Dan. He fought tentatively against Seth, but compared to Tom and Mike he showed a helluva lot more heart (and wasn't fully buried by Dana "Poochie" White). Mind you, he seemed to show less heart that Rob or Kerry, but neither of those guys are able to continue, so I'd say it's likely him.

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Guest Brian

Wouldn't the alternate be a welterweight as the semis start up for them first. Assuming he had a clean break in his hand, couldn't Josh be back in 4 weeks, which would be just about right in terms of timing.

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He Said, He Said...



I owe Anthony an apology. In my last write up I said he never had Luke in any trouble, but he did almost get a choke on him. In my defense, I was typing that report on my phone while driving. Besides that, he pretty much got his ass kicked by a skinny nerd. I think that was Dana’s best line to date. See Dana, you can still be funny without using foul language. I will give Anthony props on his chin too.


The drama picks up with team Hughes busting their ass as usual, but Mike Whitehead is giving Matt Hughes a breather and yelling at the worthless pukes for him. I still can’t believe Mike can outrun the little guys. He claims it’s purely mental toughness. No Mike, it means you’re a fast runner.


In sparring, Matt cuts Brad. It was accidental. Brad gets 15 stitches. 15 stitches from Dr. Hsu is different than 15 stitches from a regular Dr. The guy is awesome. For example, when I got cut from clashing heads with Forrest, he gave me 10 inside stitches and 10 outside stitches. Nice and straight and sturdy, no scar. In Brazil my cut was twice as long, and the butchers gave me only 5 crooked stitches and a nice scar.


Meanwhile, Luke is rewarding his hard work with a little gluttony by pigging out on junk food.


We are all ready for the Randy Right Guard Challenge for Heavyweights. Matt Hughes is concerned about his fighters getting injured in the challenge, especially Mike because Brad is already cut.


Hey Forrest, recognize that ring? I can’t believe they’re recycling challenges. They do change it up a little, and team Hughes manages to drag team Franklin with ease. Big surprise there.


It’s Mike's turn to fight. Matt needs a guaranteed win and Rashad is his best bet. No one has even considered fighting Keith yet. I know Keith looks scary. Dana thinks Mike has the better standup. Rich said it was a stalemate when Rashad and Mike wrestled.


Mike says that the only way he can lose, is if he breaks down mentally. Meanwhile, he talked about mental toughness earlier. I swear, they give away so many hints in this show.


The fight starts with a minute of circling, followed by a minute of clinch. A flurry is exchanged, and then Mike fights for the takedown. He gets it and Rashad stands right back up. He fights again for the takedown, this time lifting Rashad up and walking to the center of the ring, then putting him down. Rashad stands right back up. Again Mike fights for the single, and Rashad gets to his feet.


Talk all you want about mentally breaking down, but if you spend 3 minutes fighting for takedowns and the guy keeps getting to his feet you’ve just wasted a ton of energy...and your morale is going to suffer. See round 1 of Couture vs. Ortiz. Tito just wasn’t the same after he couldn’t take Randy down. Neither is Mike. His fatigue has made him lose a step. Now his timing is off striking wise and Rashad is picking him apart. Also, getting a takedown now is hopeless. Rashad clearly wins in round 2. Instead of sitting back with the lead in round 3, Rashad throws his best combinations, landing his best shots and is clearly the aggressor. Overall, he fights a very smart fight winning all 3 rounds.


Matt Hughes can’t believe his eyes in the last 10 seconds of the fight when Mike walks away. Matt Hughes and Pat Militech have a talk and decide to place Mike on probation at the Militech camp, putting him on laundry and bathroom cleaning duty. The only winner here is Sam Hoger who is finally relieved of those duties.



Only nine guys left! The finals will be set soon and things are getting interesting. Like Luke Cummo eating tons of junk food. If it will make me fight like Luke, I'll eat crazy healthy stuff.


How about Luke's comment while eating pizza?


Luke, I love you, you had me at the first ice-cream sandwich. Luke, I also think we may have been brothers separated at birth.


Randy's Right Guard Heavyweight challenge is a four man tug of war. Similar to what we did in season one. Mike and Brad at least made it painless for the green team. Those guys could pull trucks in a Xyience commercial.


While we are talking about the Green team lets talk about Keith Jardine: does he talk at all? I mean, at all? He's had ten lines total so far.


Ok, to the fight Mike Whitehead vs. Rashad Evans. Oh, and Matt Hughes would like you to know that the Blue team is six and two in the challenges. Ya, I know. I thought nobody was counting the challenges either, but Matt was.


Rashad weighs in at 222 lbs. down five pounds from his last fight. Mike weights in at 251.


Mike has one of my favorite body types--he looks like an average Joe but is actually an excellent athlete and has great conditioning.


Rashad looks good in training, he has great hand speed (and not just for a heavy weight) in the cage, as well.


I am thinking Rashad will win the fight because they seem to be billing Mike as unbeatable. In the warm up, Rashad and Seth have the fastest pummel I've ever seen.


I like hearing the coaching during the fight much better than commentary. But that’s probably just me.


Rashad, I like most things about you. I think you have a great future in fighting; but you only counter fight which can be a little boring. What’s with the fish dancing when you move around in fights?


Matt looks like he is in actual physical pain watching Mike fight. In fact, we should have just watched Matt’s face during the third round.


Although I have to say, Matt was a lot more likeable in this episode. And everybody remember that spin move that Rashad did in the third round and try that at home.


Rich says to Rashad “this is forever bud” and I don't know what that means…but it sounds pretty motivational.


All right, Mike Whitehead is actually a really good fighter who had a bad day...on national television.

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Guest AndrewisyourHero

Luke is gonna murder Sam


And seconded on Rashad's total awesomeness.

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