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The Ultimate Fighter 2

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That isnt fair, both teams should do the challange or at least have them doing it at the same time to prevent the forfit BS that was the finish. Too much of this "show boating" and the fans will start to think that this is pro wrestling and not "real fighting".

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Wow. Not the fight I was expecting between a wrestler and a muy thai fighter. They've still spent almost the entire episode on Jorge, so unless they swerve us I'm wondering if Jason runs out of gas or something.

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I can't believe that one of the apparent "showcase" guys of the show got beat by a fill-in. Jason's tougher than hell though.


I wonder who Matt's goign to give up next week. Jason got him a huge win, Joe got him the tough challenge victory, and Cummo's just too damn weird to give up. I forget, is there another WW? If there is, he gets my vote.

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Jorge looked totally gassed like midway through the first rd, his punches were weak. Guess that knee was worse off then they let on


I wonder who Matt's goign to give up next week.  Jason got him a huge win, Joe got him the tough challenge victory, and Cummo's just too damn weird to give up.  I forget, is there another WW?  If there is, he gets my vote.


Based on how he's coached, he'd probably give up Jason, I think that's the smart move. No way he gives up Joe. Cummo would probably bite him in the ass, I get the feeling he's getting a low profile and hasn't fought yet because he's going to just come out and destroy someone.

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Guest Brian

That was a fight. Jorge's knee blowing out screwed up everything for him. And a great fucking challenge from Couture, with Franklin playing it smart. They should have built up that fight more than just dropping some hints earlier in the season (when Von Flue first arrived).

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Cummo is still on the show?  Why have they ignored him the past few shows?

Hey, at least you see him say stuff every once in a while. Anthony's just a rumour at this point - this year's Florian, if you will.


wrt Jason, he's from Liddell's camp, so does that make a difference as to whether he prefers striking to the ground game? Does he even have a ground game?


Anyways, I expected a lot better from Jorge, based on his resume. Great fight, regardless. And unless Cummo turns out to be some sort of Jekyll/Hyde beast, this is Joe's title to lose.

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Wasn't Jorge suppose to be an expert ju jitsu and kick boxer fighter? He was in position 3 times to win by submission but could not execute the choke or armbar. Also it looked like Jason was better at knee strikes than Jorge when they were in the standing clinch.

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The majority are "chokes" according to the Fight Finder, with an arm triangle, RNC & achilles lock specified. It sounds like he knows something about submission, but don't read too much into how many submissions a guy has unless it's against some pretty good comeptition. After all, Kerry Schall showed little technique the few times I've seen him fight, yet he's hailed as a "submission expert" on the national level.

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So I guess I'm the one posting these from now on? Heh, Spike's webpage has already eliminated anything WWE from their site and takes you right to the Ultimate Fight Night page.




Last episode, the challenge and the fight sucked, so I talked about a lot of the other stuff. This episode was just the opposite. The fight was awesome and we saw an amazing feat in the challenge by Joe and Mike.


Back to the Rashad vs. Tom fight. Matt may not have liked Rashad's dance moves, but every dance move he performed made the highlight reel. Rashad is upset at Matt and wishes he punched him in the face. Rashad's uncle Bernie needs some help.


Now my favorite part! Matt was so pissed about Tom's performance that he took it out on his guys. After Jason took his beating, he remarked how he doesn't think Matt likes him. C'mon Jason, didn't you see Matt giving Luke the beating of his life? In Matt's eyes, you are all equally worthless.


Randy dreamt up a good one, the scarecrow challenge. Finally, a challenge has something to do with jiu-jitsu. Joe performs an amazing feat of 203 rotations. Let's not forget about Mike who held him up for an hour and forty minutes. Insane. Then Rich forfeits. I saw that one coming. It only makes sense, especially with no prizes for winning the challenge. Next time have both groups start at the same time and the first one to make 100 rotations wins. Team Hughes wins and Jason calls out Jorge. It is the sixth episode and the first time I saw Jorge smile. Matt's happy with the pick and says, "I've never lost a fighter that I cared that I lost." He would make a great army general.


Not too much shit talking in the pre-fight interviews. I'll share my favorite quotes: Jason: “The only thing going through my head is how I am going to beat that little bastard." Jorge: “My biggest qualities are my heart and my explosivism." Well, I'm sure he speaks Portuguese better than me. (Porra)


Round 1: Both men exchange punches, Jorge gets the clinch and the takedown goes wrong, he ends up in the guard. Jason punches, Jorge is able to sit up get the single, the takedown, and side control. Jason could be in trouble...No, he manages to get to his feet. Jason starts landing some punches but still looks to get out the jitters. Jorge on the attack, does the old koala bear standing jump to back. He pulls Jason to the ground, the choke looks almost sunk! Wow, good escape by Jason. Jorge gets the mount; Jason escapes the mount right at the bell.


Round 2: Jason looks to have gotten the jitters out and starts brawling. Jorge kicks and falls to his guard. Jorge eats some punches down here, stands up for the single, eats some more punches then gives it up. Jason lands a left high kick, a right hand that knocks Jorge's mouthpiece out, another one! A knee! Jorge eats them well and fires back. Jorge falls to guard again...almost pulls out an armbar. Good escape by Jason. Jorge from his guard, sweeps Jason and gets back to his feet.


Round 3: Both fighters a little fatigued. Their punches don't have the steam they did in the first round, understandably so. More punches exchanged, good knees from the clinch by Jason. Jorge fails a takedown and lands in his guard. They stand up and Jason is landing the better shots. He seems to be landing at will. Jorge eats them well and fires back. Jorge lands some real good punches. Back to the clinch, Jason has the advantage here. Good knees. Both guys swinging wildly with no attention to defense for the last two minutes. Awesome! Great fight. Jason outpoints Jorge in the striking department in rounds 2 and 3 to take a close decision. I'm sure we will see more of Jorge. Dana is happier than a pig in s***. Both fighters leave it all in the ring. Great fight = great episode.




All right!


This is it guys. The tides have turned! In this episode, we not only saw a great challenge, but a great fight, as well.


Jason Von Flue and Jorge Gurgel both impressed the hell out of me in their fight. Not to mention Mike Whitehead and Joe Stevenson, who also impressed the hell out of me with the monkey man drill.


I told everybody the show would get better and this is it, I think.


First things first. Let’s start with the challenge. I can't imagine what it’s like to hang on another man for two hours although I'd like to try to…never mind.


Anyway, that was amazing. It has got to be some kind of a record and it should be submitted to the Guinness book of world records.


Those two looked liked they were going to die. I think that Rich Franklin played the challenge correctly. However, I would have liked to see Jorge try to circle Brad just for laughs.


But the fight could not have been a better match-up. It was nice to finally see two guys that actually wanted to fight in the octagon. The fight itself could not have been better.


Jorge, a jits black belt and Jason, a good wrestler but also a good striker (out of Chuck Liddell's camp) matched up well and gave a great show.


Both guys showed skills and heart and all that other stuff that is necessary to have in order to be a good fighter. Too bad for Jorge that the UFC no longer has a 155LB division because I think that Jorge could do well at that weight.


On another note, I'd like to wish a speedy recovery to my He Said counter part Stephan Bonnar, who I hear has suffered a broken hand in training.


They also have predictions on UFN if you want to read them.

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Dan still didn't do anything, although the flying crotch attack was just plain annoying.


I still think that if Dan was the slightest bit aggressive he would have destroyed Seth, as it just didn't look like seth knew what the hell to do when on the ground or when he got rushed.

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Guest Brian

He kept on backing up when he got rushed and I wanted to see a Belfort-esque rush out of Dan. Though, I loved the two knockdown shots in the second roung, but neither fighter capitalized. It was a passive fight with good action for the first two rounds.

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There were some sweet kicks thrown in that fight. Dan pissed me off by being so pensive and not attacking when he had an opening. I'm sure Matt was pissed as well. Jason might suddenly be the favorite here because he already showed his heart in the Jorge fight and now he's pissed off by Matt kicking him off the team, which just adds more motivation. Matt's "tough ass coach" routine might be starting to backfire on him.


Anyway, here's Bonnar's take:


In the previous episode, we saw the best fight so far by far. Jorge is crushed. He gave it his all but came up short. I feel for him. I also feel for Jason...even though he was so scared he was trembling to get stitches...ha ha ha! Well, I guess I am scared of spiders. But to fight your heart out and come back to nothing, nobody. No fans, friends, family...definitely not getting laid. Jason, I know the feeling. After I fought Swick I went AWOL from the house via the little shower window. I walked 5 miles to get me some mad dog 20/20 and hung out with winos. It feels good to get that off my chest. Thanks, Jason.


The challenge this week was mud wrestling...without strippers? I need not say more. Team Hughes loses. Uh oh. When team Hughes loses, team Hughes gets punished. Matt Hughes decides it will take too much effort to give everyone beatings so he puts them through a grueling workout.


Team Franklin chooses Seth to fight big Dan. Matt has to give up one of his welterweights. Poor Jason, a war like that, beating a tuff guy and getting kicked to the curb. After episode 1, I said Luke was most likely to become a serial killer. Well, now I'd say Jason is most likely to walk through those doors with a full clip in a fully automatic carbine sub machine gun and cut loose.


Back to the fight. Dan says he is ready to whoop some ass. Seth says, don't let the good looks fool you, this pretty boy can fight. C'mon Seth, you're no Nate Quarry.


The fight was pretty damn good. The first two rounds deserve As. The last round was a D. Still averages out to a B.


In the first round we saw some beautiful right hand counters from Seth. Dan's face was busted up. Dan answers with some hard kicks to the balls. No point deduction...Come on.


In round 2, Dan lands a high kick that drops Seth. Later in the round Seth answers with the best spinning high kick I've ever seen in the UFC. What impressed me the most was that Dan is 6'8!! That was awesome. Dan goes down but miraculously recovers.


In the 3rd round Seth knows that he is ahead on points, and sits back to let Dan press the action. Dan never does and loses the decision, getting sent packing. Seth, that's the best taekwondo I've seen in the octagon. Congrats!


And Forrest:


Hey guys, we're back! The last episode was great. They had a good challenge and a great fight. Hell, I even liked the coaching. I think of all the people there, I'd want Joe Stevenson in my corner the most. He seemed to say the right things at the right times and he said them loud enough; which is important. Anyway, enough reminiscing about last week's show, let's see if this week's episode can match it.


It's good to know that even though we had a barn burner of a fight, Matt Hughes' solitaire game wasn't disturbed. Matt seemed to go out of his way to be indifferent toward Jason Von Flue after a huge win. But I have to say, I did like the way Matt prepared him for his fight and told him to do whatever he wanted to do.


Jason Von Flue's face looked pretty jacked after the fight, but then again it looked pretty jacked before the fight as well. Hey, I'm with Jason though, it's not like guys like us are getting ladies because of our looks. How does a guy like Jason get this far in fighting and not need stitches? Hell, how does any guy get this far in life without getting stitches? I mean, I saw Jason's defense and it seems like he should have needed a lot of stitches. Then Jason was nervous about getting the stitches. I know from personal experience (due to my own lack of defense) that DR. HSU (pronounced shoe) is the best. I mean, getting your first stitches with DR. HSU is like having your first sexual experience with Jena Jameson.


As far as the house, it would be interesting to see if the guys had determined sleeping arrangements by teams. As the time goes on, it seems you want to isolate yourself from the other team.


The challenge: men mud wrestling. Ok, it's funny, but Randy, I thought there were supposed to be women involved. Well hell, at least it wasn't KY jelly.


Skip to the fight and we get to see Keith Jardine VS Mike Whitehead. Wait it's not...it is...what? Well, what do you know; it's the first un-saintly thing Rich Franklin has done. Rich decided that Seth Petruzelli will fight Dan Christison. I didn't really follow Rich's reasoning, but he's the coach.


We see the guys getting ready for their fights with some interesting training partners... Randy Couture and Tim Sylvia. Jump to our weekly Matt Hughes chew out and slide past some Mike Whitehead grooming tips and we've got a fight between two skilled heavy weight stand-up fighters. Seth has gotten in great shape during the course of the show. He's leaned up since the beginning. Must be the Xyience!


But Dan is big. He outweights Seth by 35Lbs and the sandman is a pretty cool nick name. Seth (eyebrows) Petruzelli, stop, you're not that pretty. Seth's new nick name is Pretty-boy Petruzelli, pass the word. Oh yeah, the fight looked pretty too. Seth is amazingly unorthodox, yet very effective. He has fought bigger men than Dan and it seems he knows how to confuse the big man. Seth needed a nut cup sponsor in the first round. Both guys showed nice high kicks. Seth put his fingers in Dan's face a couple of times. A nice win by Seth. Did anybody else catch that he did his hair between the end of the fight and the decision?


On another note, how come Stephan's commentaries are so much better then mine? Does he have to beat me in everything? Oh well

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