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Your favorite top 5 Steve Austin matches

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Here's my top five.




1. vs. HBK at WM 14


2. vs. Bret Hart at WM 13


3. vs. The Rock at WM 17


4. vs. The Rock at WM 15


5. vs. Bret Hart at S. Series '96.





........and yours?

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Guest Brian

1. Austin vs. Bret Hart at Survivor Series 1996, in what I think is the best match the WWF has ever put on.

2. Austin vs. Bret Hart at Wrestlemania 13, almost as good and really emotional and historic.

3. Austin vs. Rock at WrestleMania 17, beautiful story in the ring.

4. Austin vs. Dude Love at Over the Edge 1998, awesome brawl, really a pinnacle of the brawling style in the WWF. Plus, I mark for the Dude.

5. Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit from June 2001 in Edmonton.

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I assume that Wargames 1992 doesn't count.


1) Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - Wrestlemania XIII

2) Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - Survivor Series 1996

3) Steve Austin vs. The Rock - Wrestlemania XVII

4) Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit - Edmonton Smackdown, June 2001

5) Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle - Summerslam 2001

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1. Steve Austin v. The Rock (WrestleMania X-Seven)

2. Steve Austin v. Bret Hart (WrestleMania 13)

3. Steve Austin v. Bret Hart (Survivor Series 1996)

4. Steve Austin and The Other 4 v. The Hart Foundation (In Your House Canadian Stampede)

5. Steve Austin v. Chris Benoit (SmackDown, May 2001)

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Guest Rrrsh

1. 10 man Tag at Canadian Stampede. Most heat for a match I can ever remeber


2. Austin/HBK vs Owen/Bulldog. Unbeliable angle, awesome match. Great all around


3. Austin/Pillman vs Flair/Anderson, 2/3 Falls. Such an underrated Tag match. So good, so so good.


4. Austin/Bret SS 96. If it was tighter, it would be higher on my list. But, such a great technical match.


5. Austin/Bret WM 13. More intenisty than SS 96, but less almost everything else. Quite a match tho.

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Yeah Austin was busy squashing Owen at Series 97, and we all know what Bret was doing.


1. Austin/Bret from WM 13. This match really made Austin. The S. Series 96 match was more about Bret's return and having "trouble with a mediocre guy like Austin" (this is what Vince Russo said on Livewire).


2. Austin/Dude Love, Over the Edge. I remember everyone at my friend Ian's house practically jumping around the livingroom for this.


3. Austin/Rock, WM 17. Awesome match but I can't rate it higher due to it essentially killing Austin's drawing power with the heel turn.


4. Austin/HBK from WM 14. This one put Austin on top, and was a great comeuppance for Shawn.


5. Austin/Benoit from Smackdown. Mostly just a great match, finish is a bit weak though.


Some matches I don't think hold up with time. The SS 01 Angle match is mostly cool in a "kick out of the finisher" kind of way, which is a bit artificial. The HHH 3 Stages match was great then but doesn't really hold up with time (watch this on the HHH DVD and you see how repetitive his "great" matches really are). And the Bret S. Series 96 match? Good match, but they could do that same match anytime they felt like it with that amount of time.

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Guest Fook

1. Austin vs Bret (WM13)

2. Austin vs Bret (SS96)

3. Austin vs Rock (WM17)

4. Austin/HBK vs Owen/Bulldog (Raw 97)

5. Austin/Goldust/Shamrock/LOD vs Hart Foundation (Canadian Stampede)

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I'm limited to just WWF, and I haven't seen either of the Benoit matches from 2001 since the original broadcasts, so I won't include them.


1. vs. Bret Hart (WM 13)

2. vs. Bret Hart (Survivor Series 96)

3. vs. The Rock (WM XVII)

4. vs. Owen Hart (Summerslam 97)

5. vs. Kurt Angle (Summerslam 01)


Like most, the Bret series and Rock match from WM XVII dominate the list. I've always loved the Owen match, with the only downside obviously being the poor finish.

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Guest Brian

For me personally, I didn't tackle Wargames 92 or Candian Stampede because I didn't feel they were really "Steve Austin" matches, and it was harder to actually measure his personal contribution.

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Guest *KNK*
Only one Hollywood Blondes match in here?


The problem is that run was greatly neglected as a whole because of the incredibly poor state of affairs WCW was under in 1993 and The Blondes lacked any great teams to go against and aside from the aforementioned Flair/Anderson 2/3 falls match ( a really great match without question), The blondes never had enough opportunities to showcase their awesomness as a wrestlers, instead their charisma and characters were the highlight.


My List


5). Bret Hart. WrestleMania 13

4). Chris Benoit. Edmonton 2001 Smackdown

3). Dude Love. Over the Edge 1998

2). The Rock. WrestleMania 17

1). Bret Hart. Survivor Series 1996


Honorable Mentions


The Undertaker. Summer Slam 1998

Owen Hart. Summer Slam 1997 (people forget they were having a kick ass match before the injury)

Shawn Michaels. King of the Ring 1997

Savio Vega. Strap Match-Beware of Dog

Hollywood Blondes Vs Anderson/Flair 2/3 Falls (not sure what show it was)

Kurt Angle. Summer Slam 2001

Triple H. No Way Out 2001 (although greatly over-rated initally)

Marc Mero. King of the Ring 1996

W/Michaels Vs Hart and Bulldog. Raw 1997

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1) vs. Bret Hart (WM XIII): Just an awesome match that "made" Austin

2) vs. Michaels (WM XIV): for two limited workers, a great match...defined the main event style for a good while.

3) vs. Dude Love: the high point of the Austin/McMahon feud, IMO

4) vs. Rock (WM XV) though the ending was predictable, this was highlight of the an abysmal WM. A real fun match.

5) w/ HBK vs Owen and the Bulldog: I forgot how much I enjoyed this match, so I rewatched it on the Monday Night Wars DVD....and I got into it all over.


This list probably needs a disclaimer saying that I've never seen the Canadian Stampede or Survivor Series 96 matches.

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Guest Rrrsh

I forgot about Austin/HHH vs Benoit/Jericho. It is 3rd, just beating out the Blonds match.


I punt the WM 13 match.



I did not feel that he was enough of a part of WARGAMES to qualify, but he was the main guy on the US team. So, in my eyes, Stampede counts

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1. vs. Bret Hart (Wrestlemania 13)

2. vs. Kurt Angle (Summerslam 2001)

3. vs. Bret Hart (Survivor Series 1996)

4. vs. The Rock (Wrestlemania X-Seven)

5. vs. Shawn Michaels (Wrestlemania XIV)

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1. 10-man tag, Canadian Stampede

2. vs. Bret Hart, WM13

3. vs. Dude Love, Over the Edge 98

4. w/Triple H vs. Chris Benoit/Chris Jericho, RAW, May 2001

5. vs. Ricky Steamboat, Bash at the Beach 94


Amazingly, I've never seen the SS96 match with Bret. Also never seen the Blonds/Horsemen 2/3 falls match.

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1. Steve Austin v. Kurt Angle, SummerSlam 2001

2. Steve Austin v. Dude Love, Over The Edge 1998

3. Steve Austin & HHH v. Chris Jericho & Chris Benoit, 5/31/2001 Raw

4. Steve Austin v. Chris Jericho v. Chris Benoit, King Of The Ring 2001 (I was there)

5. Steve Austin v. Undertaker, SummerSlam 1998

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Everyone already named all the good ones, so here's my top five underrated Steve Austin WWF Attitude matches (off the top of my head)-


1) Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit vs. Chris Jericho- KOTR 2001

2) Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle- RAW 2001

3) Steve Austin vs. Dude Love- Unforgiven 1998

4) Steve Austin vs. Val Venis- Smackdown (1999?)

5) Steve Austin vs. Chris Benoit- RAW 2001 (the match before the SD match, it was still very good)


Honorable mention to Austin vs. Mankind during the Deadly Games tournament.

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1. Austin vs Rock, WMX-7

2. Austin vs Hart, WM13

3. Austin/Michaels vs Bulldog/Owen, RAW 1997

4. Austin vs Hart, SSeries 1996

5. Austin vs Dude Love, OTE 1999


My Top 3 is inmovable, but the other two places are interchangable with Austin vs Angle (SSlam2001) and Austin/HHH vs Jericho/Benoit, RAW May 2001.

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The Blondes most certainly had quality tag teams to take on in WCW. The feud over the belts with Douglas/Steamboat produced some of the best matches from that time period. There was also Rhodes/Windham before Barry's heel turn.


My favorite Austin matches:


Blondes vs. Steamboat/Douglas (WCW World Tag Team Title win)

Sting/Steamboat vs. Flair/Austin (WCW Saturday Night, June '94)

vs. Bret Hart (SurSer '96)

vs. Bret Hart, I Quit Match (WM 13)

vs. The Rock (WM 17)

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1) Steve Austin vs. The Rock - Wrestlemania XVII

2) Steve Austin vs. Bret Hart - Survivor Series 1996

3) Steve Austin vs. The Undertaker - SummerSlam 1998

4) Steve Austin vs. HHH - NWO 2001

5) Steve Austin vs. Kurt Angle - Summerslam 2001

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This is limited to his work in WWF...


1. v. Foley, Over The Edge 1998.

2. v. Bret, Wrestlemania XIII.

3. v. Rock, Wrestlemania X-7.

4. v. Angle, Summerslam 2001.

5. v. Bret, Survivor Series 1996.

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