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This week in baseball 8/29 - 9/5

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On the flipside, who in the Sox pen can I rely on to hold a lead that's not 8-10 runs? And they've sucked against the East teams that aren't from Tampa, especially Toronto and Baltimore, who they're facing two more times each this month (including this weekend).


Of course, I don't think either team is making it to the ALCS if they get in (unless one draws the White Sox), so....

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On the flipside, who in the Sox pen can I rely on to hold a lead that's not 8-10 runs?  And they've sucked against the East teams that aren't from Tampa, especially Toronto and Baltimore, who they're facing two more times each this month (including this weekend).


Of course, I don't think either team is making it to the ALCS if they get in (unless one draws the White Sox), so....



You guys can outsmash anyone. We on the otherhand, cannot. And atleast the pitchers you have, Arroyo, Clement, and Wells CAN pitch great games, and have before. We on the otherhand have a career minor leaguer whos gonna get beat up sooner than later, a 41 year old who walks more guys than inning pitched, an unproven pitcher from Colorado with no postseason experience, and a 41 year old ace who isn't very consistent.

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Can't comment on the validity of this statment, but I just read elsewhere that the Marlins traded Al Leiter to the Yankees in exchange for $1.00.


Yes, the Yankees took part of his salary, but the official returning piece was $1.00.


I guess a bag of balls wasn't available.

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Texas pitching: so inept it can't even hold a 4 run lead in the bottom of the 9th against the damn Royals. Not that it matters much at this point, but when you have an offence on track to hit the most Home Runs ever and still can't manage to win even half the time, something really needs to be done. Their current strategy of 'do nothing and hope for the best' doesn't seem to be working very well.

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Guest Smues
Interesting point...


What would Anglesault say about the Yankees making the playoffs as a wild card?


If you remember, he always ranted about how the wild card was a disgrace and you weren't a good team if you weren't capable of winning your own division.


Do you think that tune would be changed, or would he clutch that notion to the grave? I don't know why that popped into my mind, but it's probably an indication that I've been here for too long.


Considering he thought anything but a world series victory was a complete failure I'm sure he'd be furious if they won the WC.

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Guest Catcher8C

Some interesting NL Cy Young stuff...


Dontrelle Willis has given up more than 3 ER in 5/28 starts.


Roger Clemens has given up more than 3 ER in 2/27 starts.


Chris Carpenter has given up more than 3 ER in 2/27 starts as well, but he has pitched 20 more innings than Clemens over the same amount of games pitched.



Quality Starts:


Willis: 19/28....he's good 68% of the time.

Clemens: 24/27....good 89% of the time.

Carpenter: 25/27....good 93% of the time.



Who's the best pitcher in the National League?

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Guest StylesMark

The Yankees were god awful last night.


It really looked like they wanted it, up until Seattle. Now with Mussina possibly out...


You can only keep going through so many starters (with maybe 3 of them being any "good" at any point this year) before the inevitable starts to happen. Boston may be meaningless next weekend if they don't get their asses in line.

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The next two games are really really important. If someone had asked me that Shawn Chacon and Aaron Small would be pitching important games for the Yankees in September, I would have slapped them. It really has been a weird season.

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Wow, what looked to be strike three on Sheffield is called ball four (despite the ump making the motions that indicate strikeout) and the Yanks take advantage and take on five big runs.

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This guy is crazy. Nothing from prior history shows he should be able to pitch effectivley in the major leagues. But, and I think that was his last inning, He'll be 6-0 with a 2.59 ERA.


edit: And he goes the distance.

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the NL has a great Cy Young race. However, who wins it in the American League? Possible canidates could be


Johan Santana

Bartolo Colon

John Garland

Mark Burhle


who else is out there really? I am sure I forgot someone but the AL is hard to call since nobody is there.

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Yup I think it's Colon's to lose at this point. Neither Buehrle or Santana's win totals will be sexy enough for the baseball writers. The two best pitcher's in the A.L. this year have probably been Roy Halladay and Rich Harden but both have been hurt.

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Edgar Renteria makes his 24th error of the year, but Timlin pitches around it, allowing two in the ninth for the 7-6 win.


Kebah Meelah hit a two run homer to tie it at three, and Ortiz iced it in the seventh with a homer.


So, the lead is back to 3.5 in the East.

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I think Mariano Rivera has to be a viable candidate.



He had a great chance in July when he had the 21 consecutive saves and his ERA was like .74. Then everyone started to notice, and he went into his usual August slump. Hes out of it now, and his stats are still very very good.


40 hits and only 10 earned runs in 63.1 IP. A 1.42 ERA. 35 saves in 39 chances. A WHIP of .89 and 68 Ks.


I mean, those numbers are incredible, but doesn't a reliever need out of this universe stats to win the Cy Young?

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I think Mariano Rivera has to be a viable candidate.



He had a great chance in July when he had the 21 consecutive saves and his ERA was like .74. Then everyone started to notice, and he went into his usual August slump. Hes out of it now, and his stats are still very very good.


40 hits and only 10 earned runs in 63.1 IP. A 1.42 ERA. 35 saves in 39 chances. A WHIP of .89 and 68 Ks.


I mean, those numbers are incredible, but doesn't a reliever need out of this universe stats to win the Cy Young?


A reliever winning the Cy Young is usually the result of positive press clippings and occurs almost entirely independant of the statistics. A sportswriter campaigns on the closer's behalf and all the sudden we have a winner.

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Guest Smues

Phew the Nationals managed to beat Philly and give the Braves a 5 game NL East lead. All game at Turner field I kept looking up and seeing Washington was ahead, then on the Braves post game show on the drive back to the hotel I heard that Philly had tied it and took it to extra inning. Glad they finally lost. This is going to be a crazy month in the NL east.

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Have totals from the other league always counted in your overall numbers? I ask because Polanco is first on the AL leaderboard in batting average. He doesn't have enough AL at bats to qualify so they most of included his numbers with the Phillies.

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They don't when it comes to league leaders. Polanco can not win the A.L. batting title as he won't get enough plate appearances in the A.L. to qualify and only his A.L. numbers count for the A.L. lead. If a player is leading his league in batting average and is traded to the other leauge while already getting the minimum number of plate appearances to qualify, they can still win the batting title in the other league if no one passes them. That happened in 1990 when Willie McGee was traded at the waiver deadline from the Cardinals to the A's and he still won the N.L. batting title based on his numbers with the Cardinals.

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