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Shit-storm coming for Kanye?

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It's funny, because when I saw the clip, I immediately thought of when SNL made fun of Harry Belafonte a couple years back. I don't remember what the real Belafonte said but they had Tracy Morgan as Belafonte saying things like "Pokemon is the slavemaster and Pikachu is the slavetrader.", just random pseudo-political things.


Kanye busting out "George Bush hates black people" after Myers is explaining how we can all help made me laugh out loud. Him looking all "emotional" just made it funnier.


As for my view, it wasn't the time or place for West to bash the president or government. It wasn't about Kanye, it was about helping the people down south, and he going off to script to bash the people trying to help is in poor taste. He betrayed the organizers of the fundraiser by doing that, and it's just another example of him thinking he has something more important to say than everyone else.


If the media is showing footage of looters and they happen to be black, how does that make them racist. Unless we find out that news broadcasts have been lying, it just seems like a stupid thing to get mad about.


I also agree that our administration is doing a piss-poor job of helping out, and it took them way too long to get down there. I'm not a huge fan of Bush. But I don't see why it becomes a black thing. It boils down to, it wasn't the proper moment for him to express his opinion, it was a fundraiser with a script and he obviously didn't have permission. It wasn't "Kanye West presents a Fundraiser for the Hurricane victims", I'm sure Myers and Tucker were just as broken up as it as he was, however they were able to contain their emotions and do their frickin' jobs.

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If the media is showing footage of looters and they happen to be black, how does that make them racist.


I think it had more to do with the fact that the media also had images of white people doing the same thing, except when they did it they were "finding food" as opposed to looting.

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If the media is showing footage of looters and they happen to be black, how does that make them racist.


I think it had more to do with the fact that the media also had images of white people doing the same thing, except when they did it they were "finding food" as opposed to looting.


Yes ... but they also showed clips of black people "finding food". It's not like every time it was a black person it was looting and every time it was a white person it was finding food. They called a looter a looter, regardless of their skin tone.

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Guest Brian

Kanye was just trying to explain why they needed our dollar. It was because "George Bush hates black people".

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They have been talking about the "looting" of grocery stores while showing film of only blacks doing it, stealing for no good reason. They had the video of the people "looting" the Walmart for clothes and let the white guy explain why HE was doing it, but then showed the reporter mocking the blacks in the store taking clothes.


The black "refugees" where busy shooting at helicopters (something that everyone has said DIDN'T happen) raping people (what is it now...3 cases) and killing each other (somewhere around 3 or 4 cases...out of the tens of thousands of people trapped there) while the white "survivors" are trying to make it.


Yes, all the blacks have not been called looters and crimnals but none of the whites have. I have not seen any white people being shown on screen being called "animals" as in "They just look like animals trying to survive." that I have heard numerous times when there are blacks on the screen.


Kanye said something kinda true, at the end of alot of things that were VERY true. The media's presentation of blacks during this has been bias and disgusting. The "we are sending in troops that know how to kill" in response to the "looting" of grocery stores was disgusting. And President Bush doesn't care about black people. Niether does John Kerry, Jesse Jackson or any Republican or Democrat for the most part. Blacks are 8 percent of the populations, and why would anyone give a fuck about 8 percent of the population. From a humanitarian standpoint, I don't doubt that Bush and other political figures want to help, but 8 percent doesn't make it a priority. If this was middle class white america and pictures of little white kids walking around in trash was on the screen, people would be jumping to help that big ol white demographic, to get those votes and things would have moved faster. They would have moved faster for the Hispanic community, since that is 13 percent of the vote and you might need that.


Bottomline, things happen in the country in order of how it will help the ones in charge. Broke black people in New Orleans aren't helping the people in charge stay in charge and black outrage, as much as it will be reported, won't get anyone in or kick anyone out the white house.


Kanye was pissed and singled out Bush, and it was so out of context it was fucking hilarious. I await all the SNL/Mad TV sketches that will in noway beat out Chris Tucker and Mike Myers reations. But the guy said alot of true stuff.


And seriously, Kanye album sells are going to jump now.

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I tend to agree with Ripper here.


I don't like the way are portraying these people in the media. When I say "these people" I mean all of them, not just the blacks. Cuz this SHOULD reflect badly on all people of N.O. That is if 90% of the country wasn't racist and the media showed some white people acting buck wild. I think it's just very easy for america to assume it's all the 3rd ward gangsters killing people and that every one of them is black, and the media stears people in that direction.


When people are treated like animals, they will act like animals. When you throw supplies at them, they will fight over them like animals. If these people were treated like humans, with face to face help in the first place, I doubt half the crimes would have been committed.


And the crimes of a few isolated retarded crackheads shouldn't reflect on all those people down there. Now the media is saying, "these people need help, they aren't all committing crimes, these are good people." Well if the media hadn't make them look like a bunch of animals in the first place, they wouldn't have to prove to america that these people are "good" people. You don't have to clean up the mess, if you don't make one in the first place.


It makes me sick that everyone I know, talks shit about these people. Saying stuff like "If you try to help them, they would shoot ya." and about the looting "Groceries are ok, but it's different when you see the black dude with the TV!" I mean come on. I saw a picture of an asian looter and nobody is talking shit about those damn asians.


The media just points people in the right direction to let their own predjudice come out.



Edit: That girl in the photo of the couple with groceries, looks like she might be kinda hot.

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If the media is so biased, why do I keep seeing reports and footage of African Americans acting as saviors, helping other people in distress; saving lives by rescuing women, children, elderly and animals; protecting against looters and criminal elements; etc.?


I've truthfully seen more coverage of black people acting as good Samaritans than I have coverage of whites doing good deeds.


For the same reason that I've harped on repeatedly in this thread: Most of the people that are stranded are black. And thus they're more likely to be the ones doing really good things. And really bad things. And doing NOTHING.


And I don't think Bush hates black people, he hates poor people. If this was a community of affluent black people, Bush would have helped them the same as if they were affluent whites.

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Guest Coffey

Well, help got to Florida a lot quicker than it got to New Orleans when they got hit by a hurricane and Florida wasn't mostly black. Just saying.

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Well, help got to Florida a lot quicker than it got to New Orleans when they got hit by a hurricane and Florida wasn't mostly black. Just saying.


Florida didn't have a crooked police force and a governor who turned down military assistance plus ran with the stupidest plans known to man. Just saying.


If anyone hates black people, it's the Governor and the merry band of New Orleans "police" officers. Them, yeah I'll buy they hate black people considering the brillant ideas they came up with.

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Jay-z is thinking: Kan-yeezy you a genius sales will go up the roof!! From a hip hop standpoint this does help with the "Bucking the system" and "anti-establishment" movement thats been missing for years. Kanye was right, the media bias portraying blacks is digusting and I like how they spin it by questioning race as a factor, do a 5 minute segment on race and then have no solutions on to how improve race relations.


I blame the media "They don't (media) like black people," thats what I would've said, if they gave me that kind of forum to speak.

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And seriously, Kanye album sells are going to jump now.


Daily Hip-Hop News:

Kanye's Late Registration Sales Soar after 'George Bush' Rant

Tuesday - September 6, 2005

by Carl Chery


Kanye West's first week sales are expected to reach the 900,000 mark following the super producer's off-the-cuff rant about the president during MSNBC's recent Concert for Hurricane Relief.


Last Thursday, early reports indicated that West's Late Registration was poised to scan between 800,000 to 850,000 units in its first week. But today, reports show that Late Registration is headed towards 900,000 units sold, after Kanye's scathing remarks about the president were broadcasted to millions during the MSNBC telethon and later re-broadcasted across the internet and news media.



Kanye's sales spike is being attributed to support for the Chicago rapper/producer after his comments during MSNBC's Concert for Hurricane Relief last Friday. During an impromptu rant with Austin Power's Mike Myers at his side, West went off his prepared statements and sharply criticized the media for calling Black people 'looters' and condemned the president's failure to respond to the Katrina Crisis.


"I hate the way they portray us in the media. You see a black family it says they're looting. You see a white family it says they are looking for food," Ye stated in reference to Yahoo! and other media outlets showing photos of Black people captioned as "looters" while white people seemed to "find" food from grocery stores.


A shocked Myers continued following the teleprompter, when West exclaimed, "George Bush doesn't care about Black people."


Despite some criticism, many people including Al Sharpton, David Banner, and several others in the Hip-Hop community, have expressed their support for West's statements, saying it represent the views of many frustrated Americans. Internet chatrooms and bulletin boards have been ablaze with discussions on the comments, with many calling him a 'hero' and vowing to purchase his album in an expression of support.


In other Kanye West news, the Chicagoan shocked students last week when he served as a "Stand-In" professor for one day at his former college, Chicago State University. The visit was part of "Stand In," a show on mtvU, MTV's 24-hour college network.


"Just a few years after he would have graduated, Kanye West is at the epicenter of new music, at the top of his game as an artist and producer," stated Stephen Friedman, GM of mtvU. "Who better than Kanye to inspire and educate the next generation of student talent."


As part of his duties, West taught a master class in song writing and arranging as part of the school's music program. The mtvU "Stand In" episode featuring Kanye West is slated to premiere on air and online at mtvu.com September 19th at 12 p.m

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Is it just me, or is there a big difference between the people misquoting Kanye in this thread and saying that Kanye said "George Bush hates black people", when in reality he said "George Bush doesn't care about black people."


BIG difference to me, maybe I'm crazy.

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Whether or not what Kanye said was right or wrong - it's when he chose to say it that I have a beef with.


People here were all up in arms when blowhard Michael Moore ranted at the Oscars, and that he was in the wrong. I think the same of Kanye.


You're there for a telethon. You're there to raise funds. You're not there to air your political beefs and you're not there to talk about racism in the media and in America. You want to do that? Make a video, buy some time on tv, whatever. But you don't fucking do it on a show that's trying to raise funds for disaster relief. Idiot.

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I think that if you actually believe in what he was saying, you are a bit of a coward and a hypocrite for not using that time, when you are on a show that is being shown on all the major networks at the same time, to tell what you believe is happening. Once again, George Bush doesn't care about Black people is a big bomb, but everything he said prior to that was pretty much true and necessary.

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Ripper, if Kanye held a press conference, invited the major media, and dropped that bombshell, he'd reach as many people as he did by saying it at the telethon.


And he'd have caught much less heat for doing it away from the fundraising movement.

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No, he would have gotten heat for having the nerve to call a press conference about it while there were people in New Orleans suffering. Everything he said prior to Bush Doesn't Care about Black people pertained directly to what was going on in New Orleans at the time, and the channels showing the telethon for the people there were the same media that were portraying the survivors as lawless, looting animals that were too stupid to leave when the disastor was coming. Even if you don't want to see it this way, Kanye basically defended the people that they were there to get the money for. As soon as that telethon went off, the news networks went right back to showing why the people didn't need the money because they were busy stealing TV's as if it wasn't INCREDIBLY easy to move the camera over 3 feet to watch a mother trying to get diapers for her baby.


Basically he called out the networks for their hypocracy, and he did it at the right time. he could have kept the Bush comment to himself, but everything else was alot more useful than the same ol crap everyone was reading off the teleprompter that was basically the same 3 lines over and over and over.

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Because me saying it was wrong of him to say that about bush in noway is saying he is wrong.


Ripper- Can read.

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Oh BS. You basically said everything he said was just fine instead of just being there to raise money for the Hurricane affected but then snuck in a "but he probably should have saved the Bush comment".


He should have shut his mouth, read from the prompter and saved any and all other comments for another interview.

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Based on the very point of his argument -- the media's racism -- a Kanye West press conference or interview would very little pull in the mass media. Not a damned person would've seen it, heard about it, or talked about the important issues he raised. You're offering a red herring for the sake of bashing someone with whom you disagree.


The point was to raise awareness, before he had the AUDACITY to talk about Bush. The last part, as Ripper said, was ill advised. The parts before were terribly relevant, and probably could've convinced people who were apathetic towards contributing to care a little bit more. However, the soundbite is "Bush doesn't care about black people," so you can argue about how Kanye West hates America and is tactless, stupid, belligerant, foul-mouthed, and black.

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Oh BS.  You basically said everything he said was just fine instead of just being there to raise money for the Hurricane affected but then snuck in a "but he probably should have saved the Bush comment".


He should have shut his mouth, read from the prompter and saved any and all other comments for another interview.


Yet I am not the only one that agreed that what he said was right and others in this thread have agreed that he should have said it. But I am the PR for black people and they can do no wrong. Just continue being the guy too stupid to actually add to a conversation and just throw in a stupid, non-funny one liner so you can imagine people going "Oh, that Rant" and leave the discussing of the matter to people with a brain.

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Oh I do. I'm fine with criticism of what's going down in NO. However the timing was wrong.


Get on Today or Leno or something and voice your opinion but a telethon is the wrong venue.

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