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Guest *KNK*


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But it's on during the same time as The Amazing Race :(


God bless time shifting.




This is why you invest in DVR systems.

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But it's on during the same time as The Amazing Race :(


God bless time shifting.




This is why you invest in DVR systems.


or VCR's.

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But it's on during the same time as The Amazing Race :(


God bless time shifting.




This is why you invest in DVR systems.


or VCR's.


VCR's are a complete hassle. You gotta get the tape, put it in there, make sure the vcr works properly. No, DVR's are a complete upgrade. VCR's are obsolete for a reason.

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Holy fuckin' hell man, way to pull my heartstrings you evil bastards! Gah! The emotion of this ep... I swear that, when I was watching it, the rest of the room ceased to exist for me. All that mattered was my laptop, and the tv. Goddamn, the show continuously amazes me week after week; I don't see how any could hate it.


-- Foreman: So much love for him right now, so much! He tackled the case he always does, very distant with a hint of sarcasm, but that RAPIDLY shifted to intense emotion and personal involvement. Many a time I was very near to being near-to-tears, brought on by his performance alone. What Foremand did, stabbing Cameron to get her infected, I don't think he meant it out of spite - he seemed really desperate to me, very very afraid; by reaching out to her it was, in its own twisted way, him saying to her 'I know you're one of the best...but you're only better when you get emotionally involved...please, please help me...' And you could tell that he was really torn up about it later. Being with that cop, though... that would've driven me insane with his constant agony because it's such a heartbreaking reminder of what will happen if the Best Diagnotician Department can't find the right diagnosis in time. Just...wow.


-- Foreman/Chase: I demand some angsty, emo, hurt/comfort fics, pronto. And I'm not even into that kinda shit. Damn you fandom~!


-- House: Seeing him emotionally involved in a case - and not just for the puzzle factor or how it distracts him from his own pain - was tear-inducing on its own. No matter how much he likes to pretend to hate his lil Ducklings, or how he says he likes to remain oblivious to their problems, this episode proved just how much he cares. And not only cares, but has trouble dealing with this strange emotion invading his little protective bubble. Like a little boy, he became more snippy to Wilson who knew...and even moreso knew when to back off. Awww...


"House, get out of my temporal lobe!"


"Was he shot?"

"No, they just threw the bullet at him"


-- Writers: I love you dearlings, I really do, but please stop with the H/C subtextual scenes! IckIckIck!

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I completely loved tonight's episode. It had that season finale feel to it and the final 10 minutes was just great stuff and the final scene left me with a "OH NO" open face reaction and no sound was about to come out.

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I didn't quite catch some of the dialogue in the last scene, does Foreman have his right and left sides mixed up or something?

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I didn't quite catch some of the dialogue in the last scene, does Foreman have his right and left sides mixed up or something?


That's correct. House asked him to raise his left arm, Foreman raised his right arm instead.

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Guest The Satanic Angel

But.. we didn't see if he wiggled his right toes instead of his left.. so there's also a possibility he's paralyzed from the waist down.. though that seems.. unlikely.

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But.. we didn't see if he wiggled his right toes instead of his left.. so there's also a possibility he's paralyzed from the waist down.. though that seems.. unlikely.


I think House noticed the other side wiggling and figured it out there. I was expecting the paralyzed thing as well after he came out of the coma but I think the whole "switched sides" thing is much more intriguing.

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Also, if Epps doesn't get at least BSA nomination from the Emmys, he will be robbed. He has been criminally underlooked as an actor for years.

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