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Dr. Zaius

WWE Celebrity Rumor

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Also, Eminem? He's been a ghost for 2 years. How hard is it to look at the charts and see which celebrities are still in the public spotlight?

Well, Eminem was the third best selling artist of 2004, with the shitty album Encore, so he's still popular despite releasing the most disappointing album of his entire career.


I think they should bring Jadakiss in since Cena kisses Jada's ass so much.

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Actually no on Durst.  Limp Bizkit did intro the Taker but they also had another god awful song on that PPV that kills precious time.  And yes, the Miller Lite girls were also a horribly pointless waste of time (ahem, RVD and Kane on Heat for this)...but at least I'd rather look at them than Fred Durst.  Argue that logic.

Yes, Limp Bizkit did perform twice.


However, there is something to be said for cooling down the crowd and providing piss breaks during a 4 hour show.

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I wouldn't read anything into the Eminem bit. What incentive does Em actually get from performing at WM? The man makes hand over fist money since he is 50 Cent's executive producer. He doesn't have to do shit. WWE couldn't offer Em enough money. Plus Em is smart enough to probrably realize that doing wrestling would do nothing for him. Em is a businessman (believe it or not) and I don't see him making that move.


As for Canseco, who cares? He'd be right at home with all the other steroid users I guess.

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Looking back at past WMs, they seem to have an tendency to book any and all celebrities past their shelf-life. The only reason Mike Tyson was a good idea was because no one had seen him in years due to his prison time. Lawrence Taylor, Mr. T, and Cyndi Lauper are the only celebirites I can think of who got involved (as opposed to just being in the crowd) in a WM that were actually still relevant from a pop culture standpoint.

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Vince better realize one thing, no matter how much money he throws at the rappers there is not ONE who will be willing to lose a rap battle to John Cena.


That shit is WAY too important to them and they will not take a dive. Fuck, not even Diddy Kong would take a dive.


Also, Wrestlemania needs Gary Coleman. And Dustin Diamond.

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Vince better realize one thing, no matter how much money he throws at the rappers there is not ONE who will be willing to lose a rap battle to John Cena.


That shit is WAY too important to them and they will not take a dive. Fuck, not even Diddy Kong would take a dive.


Also, Wrestlemania needs Gary Coleman. And Dustin Diamond.

Yeah but who would they ''wrestle''

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Guest rawmvp

exactly. If Eminem agrees, he's gonna want it to be a legit rap battle, and unless Vince's brain is being poisoned by inordinate steroid use, I don't see it happening.


It would be SO FUN, though, to see Eminem basically kill Cena's career dead.

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Actually no on Durst.  Limp Bizkit did intro the Taker but they also had another god awful song on that PPV that kills precious time.  And yes, the Miller Lite girls were also a horribly pointless waste of time (ahem, RVD and Kane on Heat for this)...but at least I'd rather look at them than Fred Durst.  Argue that logic.


And yes, I know there are white rappers.  But the idea of two white guys doing a freestyle rap battle on a wrestling PPV is too lame for words.


Technically, the idea of anyone doing a freestyle rap battle on a wrestling PPV is too lame for words.

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They could get Mark Wahlberg and have him revert back to his Marky Mark persona...he might be willing to job in a rap battle to Cena.


Scorpius, did Lawrence Taylor have all that much celeb appeal to offer? Wasn't he retired by 1995 anyway? As far as Canseco goes, given his steroid connection they shouldn't touch him with a 10 foot pole.

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Cena and Eminem vs MNM for the Smackdown Tag Titles!


That would be brilliant.


I'd watch it.

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Cmon guys, if Eminem actually worked, say a tag match w/ Cena at Mania, that would draw mainstream interest more than almost any other celeb in Mania history (one exception being Tyson) - like the guy or not.


Speaking of Tyson, at this point in his life, I wouldnt doubt he wouldn't mind coming back to WWE at some point, probably for a match this time.


The Jose Canseco rumors, well lets just hope they are rumors as that seems like a god awful idea.

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Guest Fishyswa

Eminem would never do it, wouldn't want to hurt that "street cred". Putting him against Cena in a rap battle would be a great way to kill Cena dead. A tag match would be goofy but fun, but again, he'd never do it.


Canseco would be funny if they invovled it in the whole Pete Rose/Kane scenario.

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Looking back at past WMs, they seem to have an tendency to book any and all celebrities past their shelf-life.  The only reason Mike Tyson was a good idea was because no one had seen him in years due to his prison time.  Lawrence Taylor, Mr. T, and Cyndi Lauper are the only celebirites I can think of who got involved (as opposed to just being in the crowd) in a WM that were actually still relevant from a pop culture standpoint.



Pamela Anderson?

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Guest Brian

Cena can hold his own against (and probably verbally beat) decent guys, but Em is out of his league

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I wouldn't say Eminem is a "stale act", his last album still sold around 4 or 5 million.


Now Canseco, definitely stale. I don't see what purpose he would serve. They should have gotten him while people were talking about him (when his book came out), he's old news NOW and WM is still months away.

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Man, did Jim Rome rip the hell out of McMahon and Jose. He said it was the most pathetic thing that he ever saw McMahon do since the whole gay angle with Billy and Chuck. Overall, Em would bring some publicity, but not the best. Overall, it can't beat anything that WCW did.

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Man, did Jim Rome rip the hell out of McMahon and Jose. He said it was the most pathetic thing that he ever saw McMahon do since the whole gay angle with Billy and Chuck. Overall, Em would bring some publicity, but not the best. Overall, it can't beat anything that WCW did.


So the Canseco rumors were addressed by Rome? The funny thing is, as far as I know, ALL speculation (and yes, thats all it is) has just been riled up by Wade Keller with the only thing that is for certain is that supposedly McMahon is in talks with a major name to appear at Mania - that's it.


And I'll re-emphasize that anyone who thinks Eminem wouldnt draw tremendous publicity is using their own assumed hatred of him or rap in general instead of the reality of the situation in that Eminem is a definate mainstream draw anyway you slice it. He has done extremely impressive business in music and made a assload of money in the box office even, off 8 Mile.


And yes, if they get him in, it would definately beat anything WCW did - in fact damn near anyone will beat "anything" that WCW did because it's Mania - period. Actually, the only celebrity crossover draw that I can recall WCW really making substantial $$$ off of was the Rodman/Malone deal. And even that wasn't as successful as Tyson at Mania 14 was.

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As far as singles, I like Guilty Conscience. The Slim Shady LP is so far above Encore and The Eminem Show.

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