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An Error has occurred!!


An error has occurred trying to send this message. Possible causes are:



User has exceeded their daily useage.




So yeah, i've tried to send a message to someone, but I get this message. Nobody seems to come across it, is there a limit on there of how many you can send?


Twice in two nights, I sent about 83 the first night, and then it happened again after about 50 last night.




Also, if anybody saw my thread about me leaving the internet, I cant be bothered to find it now, i'm still here because the move got delayed, about a week and a half.


But please help with the MS prob.


Ta x

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave
So yeah, i've tried to send a message to someone, but I get this message. Nobody seems to come across it, is there a limit on there of how many you can send?

User has exceeded their daily useage.

I would think so.

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So yeah, i've tried to send a message to someone, but I get this message. Nobody seems to come across it, is there a limit on there of how many you can send?

User has exceeded their daily useage.

I would think so.


I realise this, it's just i've never heard anything of a limit and neither has any of my friends on there.


Thanks for your help, though.

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|BEAUTIFUL truck | '|""";.., ___.

|_..._...______===|= _|__|..., ] |

"(@ )'(@ )""""*|(@ )(@ )*****(@



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Friends vs Best Friends


Friend: calls your parents by mr. and mrs.

Best friend: calls your parents dad and mom.


Friend: has never seen you cry

Best friend: has always had the best shoulder to cry on


Friend: never asks for anything to eat or drink

Best friend: opens the fridge and makes himself at home


Friend: asks you to write down your number.

Best friend: they ask you for their number

(cuz they can't remember it)


Friend: bails you out of jail

Best friend: is sitting next to you, saying "damn were fucked!"


Friend: only knows a few things about you

Best friend: could write a biography on your life story


Friend: will leave you behind if that is what the crowd is doing

Best friend: will always go with you



Friend:helps u up when u fall

Best friend:laughs and trips u again


Friend:thinks ur always happy

Best friend: knows when u walk in the room with the biggest smile on ur face and know that theres sumtin wrong



Repost if u have a best friend

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The Facebook isn't much better than MySpace. It's just more popular among the college kids. That said, I've only got a MySpace because my college isn't on The Facebook list. OMG DYSCRIMINASHUN~

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21 questions.....


I wanna know 21 things about you. Fill all the ?'s out.. no blanks!

ANSWER IT AND send it to me in a reply, THEN POST IT FOR YOUR SELF


1.Your Full Name:


2. Age:


3. Fave Color:


4. Fave Movie:


5. Fave Song;


6. Fave Band:


7. Most Embarassing Moment:


8. Are you a virgin?



HERE COMES THE FUN ... ... ...


1. Are we friends?


2. Do you have a crush/attracted to me?


3. Would you kiss me?


4. ...with tongue?


5. Would you enjoy it?


6. Would you ever ask me out or go out with me if I ask you out?


7. Would you make a move on me in a movie theater?


8. Tell me one odd/intresting fact about you:


9. Would you take care of me when I'm sick?


10. Do you want to tell me something that you couldn't before?


11. If you heard a rumor about me, would you defend me?


12. Do you talk crap about me?


13. Do you think I'm a good person?


14. Would you let me sleep with you (in the same bed)?

Sleeping only or more?


15. Do you think I'm cute?


16. Would you call me just because?


17. Would you ever listen to my problems even if they dont involve you?


18. If you could change anything about me, would you?


19.Would you date me?


20.Would you come over for no reason just to hang out?


21. Will you post this so I can fill it out for you?

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;;;;;;;;;;;:¸_____________, :;;;;;;;;;¸

:;;;;;;;;;;;;__________, :;;;;;;;;;;;¸

_ :;;;;;;;;;;;, , _______, :;;;;;;;;;;;¸

___:;;;;;;;;;;;;_______, ;;;;;;;;;;;;:



___________•¸:;;;;¸., .¸;;;;;;•







____(*•.¸ (*•.¸ ¸.•*´) ¸.•* )

Ok This Is The Sex Bunny

If You Receive This Bunny

That Means Your Fuckin Sexy

If You Get This Back

That Means Your Even Sexier

Pass This Bunny On To 10

Of Your Friends, If You Fail

You Will Be Cursed With

10 Years Of Bad Sex

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Hi. My name is Ashley. It's too late now. You shouldn't have opened this bulletin,but since you did you will die tonight if you dont keep reading. Well, I'm 19. I molest girls and i'm a lesbian. I don't have eye lashes and I dont have a nose. Pretty sexy if you ask me. I also like your bed. I fit under it. Actually, i'm always under there you just dont know it; and tonight... when you go to bed im going to craw under the covers and stare into your eyes. and when u wake up I will scream at you then I'll stab you. you think its a joke. No. You are very poorly mistaken. However, if you repost this in 23 seconds with the title ''DUDE READ THIS! ITS REALLLLLY WEIRD!'', you'll be safe and I will leave you and your bed alone! Hurry you only have 19 seconds left!

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Name: angelA

Birthday: 2_27_87

Birthplace: weST covinA. 626

Current Location: rancHo cuamongA. 909

Eye Color: bluE

Hair Color: bLonDe. NATURALLY. yOur jealouS ;]

Height: 5'5''.. mAYbe 5'6''.. noT suRe

Right Handed or Left Handed: RighTy! ooo0h yES!!

Your Heritage: DUTch_meX_porTugueSe

The Shoes You Wore Today: hMm.. itS almoST 3pm.. stiLl in mY sliPpers. loL

Your Weakness: buDs

Your Fears: beinG alonE complEtelY_beinG a faiLure_

Your Perfect Pizza: BREAKFAST BACON!!.. oH yea donT fergEt tHe RAnch!!

Goal You Would Like To Achieve This Year: grADuatinG aT optioNs.. hAHa.. beinG a succeSsfuL muLishA maiDen!!

Your Most Overused Phrase On an instant messenger: "uHhhhh.. whO the fuck Are yOu.?"

Thoughts First Waking Up: ..wondEr whAt time iT iS.. iM starVing.

Your Best Physical Feature: mY oVeraLL apPearanCe. ;] bo0 yaah

Your Bedtime: oNly oN the weEkdayS. iD saY befOre miDnight

Your Most Missed Memory: beinG in LovE

Pepsi or Coke: cokE ;]

MacDonalds or Burger King: MacdonalDs breaKfaST. BurgEr kinG evErythinG elSe.

Single or Group Dates: singLe.. duH..

Lipton Ice Tea or Nestea: FUCK ICE TEA BITCH. loL

Chocolate or Vanilla: choCOlatE

Cappuccino or Coffee: nONe. boTh ruiN yOur syStem wiTh aLl thAT damnEd caFfiene

Do you Smoke: tiL mY dyinG dAY

Do you Swear: liKe a saiLor, whEn tHe timeS apPropriatE

Do you Sing: yEa.. i SweAr i ThiNk im so00 go0D too. hAHa

Do you Shower Daily: yeA.. donT waSh my haiR daiLy tho, tAkes thE shinE awaY.

Have you Been in Love: awww yeA. i miSs iT.

Do you want to go to College: donT wanT to.. buts LiKE oNE of thoSe "have to" thingS. ...go0d oNe angeLa. loL

Do you want to get Married: yeS. somEdaY

Do you belive in yourself: MoRe thAn anyThing

Do you get Motion Sickness: nOt evEn wheN iM druNk

Do you think you are Attractive: duH

Are you a Health Freak: iTs fuNny cuZ i am, Yet a smokE... NoT suRe hoW thAt workS out..?

Do you get along with your Parents: yeA, we donT aggrEe oN suM thingS, but i reSpect tHem

Do you like Thunderstorms: yeA they're okAY. donT wanNa get cauGht up iN one tho foR sure.

Do you play an Instrument: dabBle witH thE druMs onLy cuZ my dAds beeN plAying them Sense b4 i was Born

In the past month have you Drank Alcohol: OXYMORON

In the past month have you Smoked: TruCkloAds.

In the past month have you been on Drugs: whaT do u ConsideR druGs.? ;]

In the past month have you gone on a Date: yuuuHpp

In the past month have you gone to a Mall: wenT yeSterdAy actualLy.

In the past month have you eaten a box of Oreos: noT aN entiRe boX iM no fAT laRd, But i hAd a hAndfuL Like 2 weeKs ago

In the past month have you eaten Sushi: oH hEck yEs.. mmm RAW FISH!! loL. itS the bombiE

In the past month have you been on Stage: YES!! WHEN I BECAME ONE OF 4 METAL MULISHA MAIDENS!

In the past month have you been Dumped: iM The duMper, Not the duMpee.

In the past month have you gone Skinny Dipping: fuCk nO. yOur a LuckY soN of a iF You gEt me nAked.

In the past month have you Stolen Anything: yEa.. a heARt or tWo.... mAybe thrEe..?

Ever been Drunk: OXYMORON.. LikE i SaiD

Ever been called a Tease: oN a bAsiS

Ever been Beaten up: I BEAT BITCHES UP. loL... no i hAvent

Ever Shoplifted: haSnt evEryoNe at oNe time..? yEs

How do you want to Die: "Live fast, die fun."

What do you want to be when you Grow Up: fAmouS. oR a doctOr oF suM kinD, i loVe peoPle

What country would you most like to Visit: south amEricA.. itS tropicaL, loOks Like a go0d time yA kno

In a Boy/Girl..

Favourite Eye Color: bLue

Favourite Hair Color: bLacK

Short or Long Hair: shAved oR shoRt Like aN inCH and a halF at The moST.

Height: taLler thAn me, and im 5'5''

Weight: mOre thAn mE . im 116lBs

Best Clothing Style: liKe minE.. MetAl muLisha..srH.. etC

Number of Drugs I have taken: o0h shiT..SKIP!

Number of CDs I own: a gRip.. i haVe over 5o

Number of Piercings: doeSnt matTer. noT tooo0 manY thO

Number of Tattoos: enufF. LonG aS iT looks go0d and nOt aLl craMped thAt shiTs hAg

Number of things in my Past I Regret: NO REGRETS

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