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TNA Comments which don't warrant a thread

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I'll just say that since TNA has moved to Spike, this is the coldest I've seen them.


UFC is hot. WWE at least has the ECW buzz going for it. TNA has nothing right now. They have this World X Cup and while the matches will be highspot fun, I have no vested interest in who wins. How they can botch the buildup to the World X Cup is pretty telling about where the booking committee's heads are at.

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Guest Coffey

Pride is really hot right now too. UFC has big fights coming up and The Ultimate Fighter is in full swing. Pride has the open-weight tournament thing going on. WWE had D-X and ECW on the horizon. TNA has Jeff Jarrett and Scott Steiner in main events against Sting and a mystery partner.

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Guest Coffey

Was should they? He's old and busted. Remember his last match with Joe? Was it ever revealed why that match was cut so short?

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Was should they? He's old and busted. Remember his last match with Joe? Was it ever revealed why that match was cut so short?

Either it was the ref screwed up or they were getting worried about the battle royale they had to run, I forget

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So nobody is creaming their pants over Lyger working for TNA?


Casual fans have no idea who Jushin Liger is, so of course they won't be excited about his appearance.

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Was should they? He's old and busted. Remember his last match with Joe? Was it ever revealed why that match was cut so short?

Either it was the ref screwed up or they were getting worried about the battle royale they had to run, I forget



It was the time because they had to tack on the battle royal because of Nash pulling out at the last second, so they shaved time off of this match, which was scheduled to go around 13-15 minutes.

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So nobody is creaming their pants over Lyger working for TNA?


Casual fans have no idea who Jushin Liger is, so of course they won't be excited about his appearance.

Actually, people might have some idea, he DID work for WCW for a while, he worked a TNA PPV, and he was featured in a match on Chris Benoit's DVD. Also, Liger has the most distinct look in wrestling perhaps outside of El Santo, so if a guy sees him, he may not remember that this is Jushin Thunder Liger, but they might recall some dude in a red demon mask who could go.

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I asked Meltzer why Joe isn't using the choke as his finisher so much anymore, and he said it's simply that some people refuse to lose to it.


Yes!!! Dump me on my head instead of having the breath taken from my body with a choke hold.


Seriously, who's refusing to die for the Mate-Leao?

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I like the choke hold as a finishing move if it was just that with no Muscle Buster set up. I think the Buster is strong all by itself as a finisher anyway.

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Show did a 1.1 on Thursday.


I posted the rating in the show thread, but here's another note about ratings in general from Mike Johnson:


The audience of 1.2 million for last Thursday's TNA Impact was the highest audience to date to catch the show. Spike TV officials have continued to be happy with the show, especially the fact that it's gained over 23% of an audience since it's move from Saturdays. While there are no official plans to add longer TV time or additional programming, TNA is on the radar in a much larger way with Spike now, so I wouldn't be surprised to see such things happen down the line.

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I like the choke hold as a finishing move if it was just that with no Muscle Buster set up. I think the Buster is strong all by itself as a finisher anyway.


True, it's more bad ass when he just slaps it on out of nowhere anyways.

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Spike TV has a great commercial up on their website for this week's Impact, plugging the KotM qualifying. Anyone watch enough outside of TNA to know if they are airing it too?

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Joe SHOULD use the Kokina Clutch more often.


Muscle Buster, while a cool move, doesn't fit his "Samoan SUBMISSION Machine" nickname.

Treat it like a backbreaker or tourture rack to get the submission finish instead of going for the suplex drop. And let's not forget about having the announcers selling it to death....they could go as far as having "the professor" Mike Tenay give it a new name maybe Musclebuster II or use the japanese name. I would die if I heard Don West yell "KINNIKUMAN BACKBREAKAAAAAAAA". As for the Kokina Clutch well Joe should use it more often when he ventures into the main event scene since I don't think anybody in that division is willing to take the Musclebuster.

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As for the Kokina Clutch well Joe should use it more often when he ventures into the main event scene since I don't think anybody in that division is willing to take the Musclebuster.

Jarrett was.

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Joe got Kobashi up for the Muscle Buster and he's all of 260+ lbs.


The only TNA heavies Joe would have problems doing the Buster for are Abyss and Lance Hoyt and that's more because of their height, not their weight.

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Spike TV has a great commercial up on their website for this week's Impact, plugging the KotM qualifying. Anyone watch enough outside of TNA to know if they are airing it too?


I'm actually seeing more and more TNA commercials now. I don't recall the one they have on the website though, but I only watch Spike for MXC.

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