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Weekend Boxoffice Report Oct 7-9

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I'll respond to the rest later but:


Is this the part where you tell me how talented Hilary Duff is?


Completely irrelevant to a discussion about Cinderella Man.


But it is relevant to the discussion of how shitty/gay your taste in entertainment is. As is the fact you liked Cinderella Man.



61.2 million is not "nobody saw". Factoring in worldwide, it made about 100 million.


The "nobody saw it" argument comes from an average I created in which I took the nearly empty theater I saw it in, and multiplied that times 2000 screens.


I don't know where you got this figure that it made $40 million overseas.

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"Waiting" is ok. It almost seems like it should've been made in the late 90's as it has the slacker/Gen-X vibe to it. The movie has pretty much no plot to speak of and is more a bunch of skits and situations strung together with no real cohesiveness. Ryan Reynolds is charming and all, but he was basically Van Wilder-waiter. The rest of the cast shines ok and the rap song by Andy Milinokis during the credits fucking 0wns.


Still, avoid paying full admission for this and catch at either a bargain theatre or rent it. If you have a good job, perhaps worth a matinee. That's my two cents.

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So, if you were the marketing team, I take it you could have put together better advertising than commericals about spitting in food?


(I'm in no position to argue whether this movie is good or not, since I have not seen it, but the advertising for it made it look horrible. That's all I'm saying.)

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There was some witty dialogue happening and they didn't need to go the toilet humor route to market "Waiting".


Also, they dusted this thing off the shelf because it was made in 2004.

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But it is relevant to the discussion of how shitty/gay your taste in entertainment is. As is the fact you liked Cinderella Man.


You yourself said how Cinderella Man had an 84% rating at Rotten Tomatoes, so I'm not the only one who really liked it. The theatre I saw it in had a money back guarantee, and no one asked for their money back.


And I'm sure everything you like is high class quality Grade-A entertainment.


The "nobody saw it" argument comes from an average I created in which I took the nearly empty theater I saw it in, and multiplied that times 2000 screens.


It made 61.2 million, 35 mil overseas.


I got that from boxofficemojo.com. So saying "nobody saw it" when it's the 31st highest grossing film of 2005 is quite stupid.


I just got off a plane, I'll try to remember to respond to everything tomorrow.

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Guest Vitamin X

I like how the first thing bob does when he comes back from vacation is login to TSM.

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As far as I'm concerned, Serenity can't crash and burn and die fast enough. Killing Wash ruined the movie for me and as far as I'm concerned, killed any interest I would have in seeing Firefly survive in any shape or form. The fucking franchise can die for good and so can Joss Whedon's career.....

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My wife felt the same way about Serenity that Jason X does, except the whole Whedon's career dying part.


I wasn't a fan of the death, but I wasn't so against it that I think the whole thing should just die.

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As far as I'm concerned, Serenity can't crash and burn and die fast enough. Killing Wash ruined the movie for me and as far as I'm concerned, killed any interest I would have in seeing Firefly survive in any shape or form. The fucking franchise can die for good and so can Joss Whedon's career.....


When sci-fi nerds attack.

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Guest JMA
As far as I'm concerned, Serenity can't crash and burn and die fast enough. Killing Wash ruined the movie for me and as far as I'm concerned, killed any interest I would have in seeing Firefly survive in any shape or form. The fucking franchise can die for good and so can Joss Whedon's career.....


When sci-fi nerds attack.

Scary stuff.

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But it is relevant to the discussion of how shitty/gay your taste in entertainment is. As is the fact you liked Cinderella Man.


You yourself said how Cinderella Man had an 84% rating at Rotten Tomatoes, so I'm not the only one who really liked it. The theatre I saw it in had a money back guarantee, and no one asked for their money back.


And I'm sure everything you like is high class quality Grade-A entertainment.


Truth is not based on number of believers, and you can't measure quality with dollar signs. How about trying to defend the movie on its own merits?


I don't care if every man, woman, and child on earth saw it, loved it, and voted Ron Howard emperor for life. That wouldn't change it being a corny piece of crap.




And I'm sure everything you like is high class quality Grade-A entertainment.


When I happen to like something of questionable quality, I at least have the intellectual honesty to admit how flawed it is. It seemed to me that critics liked this movie in spite of its flaws, but you're acting like it was one of the best crafted movies of the year.

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I skipped most of the thread because my opinion is really only coming from the first few posts...


Serenity is undeniably intelligent entertainment.


So I blame stupid America (and those who haven't seen it based on reasons listed are the poster children) for it's failure.


Serenity's failure will lead us to more mindless action flicks without the wit, heart or passion that people refuse to find.



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I haven't seen Serenity either. I was never a big Whedon, fan, and to this day, I still can't figure out why "Firefly" is so popular. I watched a few episodes, and just didn't like it.


Did anyone here see "Wallace and Gromit"?

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I don't see how the big deaths in Serenity could ruin the whole movie or make you want the franchise to die. No one here is more obsessed with the Buffyverse characters than me but I still want it to continue even after my favorite died. Besides, Joss has already said in the visual companion book that those two would be back.


Now if Jayne died that'd be HORRIBLE.

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This is the one thing I REALLY hate about Joss. His refusal to leave characters dead in the ground when he kills them. It's cheap. If you don't want to lose the good actor or the character, don't kill it because you feel it's shocking.


If he killed him, leave him dead. And no flashback bull. Kill the character, leave it dead.

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He only does it sometimes. Jenny, Anya & Doyle never came back. Usually when someone comes back it's for the greater good of the plot.


In the visual companion he does say they'll never actually come back to life. He says "there are no amulets here".


Dreams or flashbacks could be good, especially for

Book. A flashback of him in his Alliance days could be cool.

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Anya he ran out of episodes, Doyle's star had enough personal issues to fill a mansion (sadly) and Jenny really served no purpose whatsoever on the show.


And it's never for the greater good of the plot, it's for Joss painting himself into a corner and needing a quick way out. I love his work but his "back from the dead" stuff gets so damn annoying because it's so cheap.

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He could have brought them back in Angel season 5 if he wanted. Well not Doyle, because Glen Quinn is dead. I forgot Jenny did come back via the The First in Amends.


I mean Joss considers it important to the plot, with stuff like FE being dead people or Connor seeing that vision of Darla. I guess the big resurrections like Spike, Darla, Angel and Buffy could be kind of cheap. Most of those had big repercussions to pay for bringing someone back though. The worst is Spike and the amulet nonsense, but even Joss knows that was lame.

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I don't get the talk of "Serenity isn't making any money, thus everyone in America is stupid." How about the studio being stupid instead? Look, it's based on a TV show that was cancelled, so it's not like many people know what it is outside of the cult followers. And also the trailer I saw (I think before 40 Year Old Virgin) made zero impression as anything but "this month's lame sci-fi film." It needed a much better trailer, one that stood out as being something different.


I haven't seen the film, but might rent it at some point. But really, unless I was desperate to see anything why would I go see a movie based on TV show I didn't watch and whose trailer I didn't like?

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