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EVIL~! alkeiper

White Sox/Angels ALCS Thread

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The sad thing is he sounds better than he did in Game 1. I don't have much more hope for tonight's outing. It wouldn't mean all that much if the Angels were up 2-0 instead of tied at the moment.

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A Fun game to watch for White Sox Fans, 2 weeks off for Jon Garland, and a complete game. He was strong start to finish, and retired the last 10 or 11 batters straight. This pitching on behalf of the sox is lights out, 2 straight complete games is pretty insane in the playoffs. Freddy garcia starts tomorrow, and Contreras on Sunday. 1 think Contreras can take take the win, but Tomorrow may well be a loss. This one should be decided in Chicago which will make it very sweet if the ChiSox make it.

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So after this year, will the White Sox, their fanbase, and with any luck, their park and outlying area, disappear for like 50 years? You know, like Brigadoon?



You are REALLY fucking bitter about the Cubs sucking all sorts of ass aren't you?

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I'm not really rooting for either team here but if I had to I'd say I hope the White Sox win. The Angels got their World Series 3 years ago and outside of Orange County is anyone desperate to see them get back? At least with the White Sox you have the Black Sox curse to hype.


If the Angels make it I won't be mad though...if the Astros win the World Series, I may go postal. One, it's the Astros and I hate them. Two, it'd be a FOURTH straight year of the god damn wild card team winning the World Series. If you finish 11-12 games out of first in your division you have zero business winning it all.

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I almost was attacked by drunken Angels fans at the bar since I was the only one cheering for the ChiSox. Only 1 more win to get to the World Series... God, I hope they don't blow it like the Cubs in the 2003 NLCS.

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I realize you're referring to our previous exchange, but I'm a Sox fan first, Cubs fan second, so yeah.


How can someone be a fan of both the Cubs and the Sox? I thought you were forced to choose one or the other while still in utero.

You can't be both. Cub fans tend to be pleasant, friendly, optimistic, clean people from the north side, nice suburbs, the rural Midwest, and so forth. They stick with their team. They fill their ballpark. They probably won't mug you. Cubs fans are a national treasure and a credit to the sport. White Sox fans are petulant vindictive pricks who try to do this whole "we're the elite and selective knowledgeable Chicago baseball fans" as an excuse for their comparatively miniscule fanbase. Indeed, south side fans are well-versed in the subtle nuances of the game, like jumping a fence and beating the shit out of a coach. Nobody shows up to Sox games most of the year because they play in a ghetto, and Sox fans are usually too poor to afford tickets, unless they're in the architecturally brilliant Comiskey upper deck that has to be closed on windy days.

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Guest Finch

I hate to say it, the Black Soxs are gonna wrap things up tonight. Contreas will make it 4 straight compelte games. Guerrero phoned this series in.

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It's funny how people keep saying I can't like both teams when- get this- I DO, which proves the statement wrong. There can't be rules about what sports teams a person likes. We like who we like. It's not like we say, "I'm going to be a White Sox fan."


With that said, I'm going to Anaheim to visit a friend and maybe check out some bars later this week. If the Sox win, I'll be wearing my Paul Konerko jersey just to see what reactions I get.

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It's funny how people keep saying I can't like both teams when- get this- I DO, which proves the statement wrong.  There can't be rules about what sports teams a person likes.  We like who we like.  It's not like we say, "I'm going to be a White Sox fan."

That doesn't prove the statement wrong. That's like saying that because you went over the speed limit, it's not illegal to speed.


I don't want to get into who's allowed to like which teams, because Damaramu will come bumbling in about the Red Sox and and Eagles and everyone will gang-rape him and it'll be pointless, but I've never witnessed a case in which liking the Cubs and the White Sox is socially acceptable. You take a side and that's it.

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It's funny how people keep saying I can't like both teams when- get this- I DO, which proves the statement wrong.

Matt Young fails at logic

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