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Austin Walks Out Again

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The original plan going into the PPV was that Jonathan Coachman would defeat Steve Austin after interference from Mark Henry. When Austin (who would have been wrestling his first official match since Wrestlemania XIX vs. The Rock in March 2003) learned of the plan, sources indicated he was extremely upset over the creative direction, which had led to issues between he and WWE. Issues could not be resolved to Austin's liking, so Austin's match with Coach at Taboo Tuesday is off.


credit: PWInsider


EDIT: Meltzer says that Austin actually suffered a back injury over the weekend moving furniture, but numerous sources said it was nothing Austin couldn't have worked through without a pain pill if he was inspired, which he obviously was not when he found out the planned finish of the match and the angle. It was told to Austin on Sunday that the angle would not result into J.R.'s return to TV, so Austin pulled himself out using the back injury excuse, as he felt he didn't want to be involved anymore with J.R.'s storyline removal and since he thought it made zero sense to do the planned finish, since obviously a feud between Austin and Mark Henry is not in the cards. As a point of reference, Austin's unhappiness began when he saw the angle where he stunned all 4 McMahons at WWE Homecoming used as the storyline excuse used to take J.R. off TV, as he was told nothing of the sort before he did the angle. Austin felt he was intentionally misled, as Steph & Vince knew that if Austin knew the real purpose of the angle, he wouldn't have done it.


Needing a suitable replacement for Austin, World Heavyweight Champion Batista will now face Coach (with Goldust & Vader in his corner) at Taboo Tuesday. J.R.'s job status is no longer on the line.

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Apparently that plan was even altered as Mark Henry was nowhere to be seen. Instead Batista just got his ass kicked by Goldust and shell of himself, falling out of the ring and weighing 2000 pounds Vader.

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So what is the replacement?



Were you not watching the greatest RAW segment since '96? /sarcasm


It was going to be Funaki v Coach, now it looks like a segment with Coach and Batista


Hogan v Austin would be a really fun match, who can get out the door first because they don't want to job haha

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Guest Caseyorourke
The original plan going into the PPV was that Coachman would defeat Austin after interference from Mark Henry. When Austin (who would have been wrestling his first official match since Wrestlemania XIX vs. The Rock) learned of the plan, sources indicated he was extremely upset over the creative direction, which had led to issues between he and WWE. Issues could not be resolved to Austin's liking, so Austin has walked out of WWE again and his match at Taboo Tuesday is off.


credit: PWInsider


About time somebody stood up to idiotic writing and inept booking. If more of the "entertainers" on the WWE roster took such a stance (even if it could mean their jobs) eventually the WWE writers will start turning out a quality product instead of the lousy drivel we are submitted to now

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I may not have been a fan of Austin's previous walkouts, but this one is entirely justified. If they were really wanting Hogan-Austin @ WM WHY have him lose to the Coach? It's lame ass booking like this that has me wondering just how long the WWE will remain around.

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Can you really blame Austin? WWE's going to try to make it out like he walked out again and he's a bad person, but what's the point?


I still hope to see Austin/Hogan, but WWE just lost Austin for the time being, it looks like.

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Meltzer added some new details to the story.


He said the main factor of Austin walking out again was the fact that the angle wasn't going to lead up to JR getting his job back.

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They're not going to make the World Heavyweight Champion lose to Johnathan fucking Coachman?



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Austin was right in 2002, and he's right now.


It's a shame that the company won't listen to someone who is possibly their biggest draw of all time, choosing instead to continue with the same faulty, self-destructive booking that's plagued the company for months... nay, years.

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Guest Fook

The thing is, even if they choose to be stubborn and have him job to Coach, common sense (I know...foreign concept to WWE, blah blah blah) dictates you would clear this with Austin BEFORE you start promoting the match on tv.

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Guest jackie fargo

Austin is worse than the Ultimate Warrior-He has walked several times over the years and has refused doing jobs to everyone from Brock leasnar to Jeff Jarrett to Owen Hart to the NWO-


Austin should stay gone!!

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I didn't agree with Austin walking out in 2002, since there was some justification for him to put over Lesnar, but this time I really don't care. That was a stupid angle we could all see a mile away (except for Mark Henry, but who cares about him).

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Yes...because wanting to protect his credibility so that the rumored Hogan/Austin WM22 match-up has some meaning to it is BAD.


While I disagree with walking out, it's a stupid fucking idea if the end result isn't Coach getting his ass handed to him by everybody he's helped fuck over.

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Guest *KNK*
Austin is such a whiney bitch. Geez.  he wasn't right before and he isn't right now.


Actually he was right on both counts. He knows his value and that incident and this one, both showed how WWE is inept enough to ruin what value a Austin job brings.


Austin/Lesnar was a money program that WWE was willing to piss away ala Goldberg/Hogan on a tv show. Austin is/was slanted to go against Hogan @ WM in what is basically the last great draw WWE has left in it's deck of cards and what were they going to do? Job him to Coach.


Not even Carlito but the heel announcer. Austin was smart enough this time to just walk away. Nothing good was going to come out of it anyways and since Ross isn't coming back, it would been for nothing anyways.

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Guest *KNK*
I didn't agree with Austin walking out in 2002, since there was some justification for him to put over Lesnar, but this time I really don't care. That was a stupid angle we could all see a mile away (except for Mark Henry, but who cares about him).


There was justification to not wanting to put Lesnar over. They were giving away the program on free tv with no hype whatsoever.


His other excuse of being "down-graded" to the lowly mid-card with Scott Hall was a stupid excuse though.

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Ok, hold on a minute. Let's clarify:


Austin didn't walk out in 2002 because he didn't want to put over Lesnar.


Austin said he didn't mind putting over Lesnar at all, but he just thought it was insanely stupid to do it on a RAW with no build-up at all. He said Austin vs. Lesnar had money written all over it, and he refused to do it because it was being done in a situation where no money would be made.

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Couldn't they have changed it to a verbal debate, and then have Vince be the judge and "screw" Austin by saying Coach was better?


Then have Austin stun both and drink twenty beers, of course.

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Couldn't they have changed it to a verbal debate, and then have Vince be the judge and "screw" Austin by saying Coach was better?


Then have Austin stun both and drink twenty beers, of course.

According to Meltzer, WWE is strongly against fixing the voting, and the votes for "Street Fight" will be a runaway.

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