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OAO Smackdown Thread For 11/11/05

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Guest *KNK*

I'm guessing Batista was hurt on the boot to the face? I say that because he appeared to grab his back as he landed.


I love The Monsters killing the cw's dead.

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I think Batista was hurt before he even got into the ring. The bumps he took just made the injury worse.

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This could be the best fucking thing to ever happen in Batista's career, as long as he heals fine.


It would be great if, somehow, a RAW guy became the SD champ.

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Guest Andrew J.

First I've heard of a triple threat. They must have set this up after the injury to take the title off Batista without him having to carry the stress of a singles match.


Now the question is: Eddie or Randy?

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First I've heard of a triple threat.  They must have set this up after the injury to take the title off Batista without him having to carry the stress of a singles match.


Now the question is: Eddie or Randy?


I would think Eddie, so they could build to a Eddie/Randy title match at Survivor Series where Randy takes the title.

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Batista may have been hurt prior to this...remember he had to pick up up the larger-than-ever-before Vader TWICE to spinebust his fat ass and that alone coulda done it...next week should be interestimg....

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I'm a little curious to find them booking RAW to be the heels in this, given that the WWE views RAW as the A-list show.

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I now say this...


I would LOVE for Eddie Guerrero to be the third man EVER to hold BOTH the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship (of WWE) in his career.


The other two, of course, being the "Kliq Kings" Triple H and Shawn Michaels.

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I can't see how Orton could beat Eddie for the title soon considering Eddie is on the Survivor Series team and with Batista out Orton is the likely replacement.


By the way in that Series match I insist on Lashley absolutely murdering Carlito. Maybe Masters too in a battle of roided up dudes. Of course then he'll go down to Sweet Chin Music, but you can't have everything.

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Good show tonight, but the endings to the matches all sucked, except for Lashley-Jordan, obviously, which was clean.


I laughed at everyone packing into JBL's limo, though, especially since they were depending on the driver to speed after the Raw car.

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I now say this...


I would LOVE for Eddie Guerrero to be the third man EVER to hold BOTH the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship (of WWE) in his career.


The other two, of course, being the "Kliq Kings" Triple H and Shawn Michaels.


When did Eddy ever hold the World Heavyweight title? :huh:

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I now say this...


I would LOVE for Eddie Guerrero to be the third man EVER to hold BOTH the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship (of WWE) in his career.


The other two, of course, being the "Kliq Kings" Triple H and Shawn Michaels.


When did Eddy ever hold the World Heavyweight title? :huh:


I was gonna ask the same thing.


So, did they actually announce a Triple Threat Title match for next week?

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I now say this...


I would LOVE for Eddie Guerrero to be the third man EVER to hold BOTH the WWE Championship and the World Heavyweight Championship (of WWE) in his career.


The other two, of course, being the "Kliq Kings" Triple H and Shawn Michaels.


When did Eddy ever hold the World Heavyweight title? :huh:


I was gonna ask the same thing.


So, did they actually announce a Triple Threat Title match for next week?


Guys...I'm saying that I'd love for Eddie to win the World Title next week, thus becoming that third man.


And it was announced immediately after Smackdown aired on a commercial for next week.

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Good show tonight, with a few dlaws, which are forgivable due to the freakin’ world crumbling down on the SD! Bokking team


So I guess it’s gonna be Orton v Eddie for the World Heavyweight title, eh? Somebody before the match is gonna beat the crap out of batista, so he’ll be “out of it” for most of the match. I get it now. The WWE is gonna kayfabe the injury to batista, but the problem is, YOU ALREADY ANNOUNCED he was hurt on WWE.com! Of course, if you look nowon their website, that “report” is no longer in sight. Man, they must be in panic mode. So all this really does is speed up the time table for Eddie’s title reign and heel turn. Batista will be out b/c of “that guy” who injured him before the match, and will come back to a huge pop and a built-in feud.


I liked the promo on Lashley, but dude needs a mouthpiece, seriously. He has serious facial expression issues and fails at anything other than a suplex.


Shh . . . now we come to the best part of the show . . . Mistaaaaaaaaaa Kennedy . . . . . . . . . . . . Kennedy. Seriously, I love this guy. He is it. He had a small flaw in his previous promos, but he fixed it. He used to say, “I hail from . . .” and “I weigh in at . . .” but now that he is speaking in the 3rd person, it really adds a small, but important part to his heel heat (ala Rocky). To the moon, I says!


I have one issue though. According to the storyline, were Edge and bischoff in cahoots with the whole I hate RAW thing? Was it all just a distraction so Kane and Big show could beat the crap out of batista? Or was there supposed to be heat between edge and bischoff? Either way there a huge logic gap: there were SD! Officials clearing the way for tbs to get to the ring. Shouldn’t they be trying to restrain him or call security?


Maybe Teddy long goes to the ring next week with the intention of firing somebody and calls all those officials to the ring and asks for an apology from each and every one of them and to the guy whose apology he doesn’t like, he kicks in the nuts and fires him. Then, the next week, we see a “doctor” performing surgery on said officials BUTT and pulls various things out, dragging on for a whole 7 minutes that could’ve been somebody’s match time. Oh praise heaven the mcmahons haven’t invaded SD!


Wow, got a little off the topic.

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My guess is Orton will pin Eddie in a battle of cheating that ultimately Cowboy Bob sways with his general shittiness thus giving me no reason to care about SD until Batista comes back and kills Orton.

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Guest korndogg123

umm, aren't the Ortons supposed to be facing the Undertaker in a buried alive match at Survivor Series? and w/ Batista out it'll be one of three people taking his place in the 5 on 5 match...my guesses are Hardy, Benoit or Booker

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Well after reading there would be a triple threat match next week, that must have been their plan before Batista was injured, so my theories are - JBL gets put into the match and a new champ is crowned. Orton wins then sets up a match between Orton-Taker for the title at Survivor Series. Eddie Wins and things just move forward.

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