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The OAO RAW thread - 11/14/05

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Am I the only one who had no problem with Austin's tribute to Owen?


I have a problem with someone who hated Owen getting to do the final tribute.


That was a slap in the face to the guy, let Jarrett do it or something.

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I didn't see anything bad about Austin's tribute to Owen either. Must've not been on the net to find out what happened 'after' what was on the air.


counting down til RAW goes on live in the west...

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Maintenance Man: Only Austin OFFICALLY had his own title belt.  Rock never did.


ANd I never saw a problem with it.  Austin did it to defy the authority of Vince McMahon.


Cena did it because it was his style to do so.


Damn, my wrestling memory is real fucked up nowadays. I do remember hearing of a Brahma Bull belt though. I'm guessing it was just a toy replica...?

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Guest *KNK*
Mightn't Dean get airtime on Friday?


Aren't they going to continue the event?


Part two, i guess you can call it continues Friday where I believe there's less wrestling, so expect more packages and tributes.

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I agree that the one thing about the Owen tribute show that always felt inappropriate to me was the Austin finale. It was weird in that we all knew Austin didn't like Owen due to SS 97 and it didn't ring true to me.


For the most part I really enjoyed this show tonight, it had some classy stuff like the Rey/Shawn match and the various tributes. I don't think overall I liked it as well as the Owen show though because in the end there were too many rookie douchebags who simply don't grasp the significance of the occasion. MNM looked like they were just going through their usual schtick, rather than for one night stepping out of character. They didn't seem like they cared that Eddie died (despite Eddie, you know, helping make their career).


And of course what else needs to be said about that fuckhole Orton? I mean my God, it is an Eddie Memorial show and this dipshit can't go out and fucking lay down for a 3 count to the heavyweight champion? This show existed tonight in its own universe, it's not like anyone would have thought anything of it if Orton simply jobbed there. He too didn't seem like he gave a crap about Eddie, didn't wear the wristband or shirt, and generally played his same lame heel character on a night when that wasn't appropriate.


I did like the final image of the show, even with Cena's silly belt. As I said I liked most of this show aside from the ending match.


I'm looking forward to the Smackdown show on Friday, since Eddie was to me a Smackdown guy and I think that show will be even better than this one. I wonder, do we get a Dean Malenko tribute on that show?

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I balled. The toughest RAW to watch ever.

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Guest *KNK*
I agree that the one thing about the Owen tribute show that always felt inappropriate to me was the Austin finale.  It was weird in that we all knew Austin didn't like Owen due to SS 97 and it didn't ring true to me.


For the most part I really enjoyed this show tonight, it had some classy stuff like the Rey/Shawn match and the various tributes.  I don't think overall I liked it as well as the Owen show though because in the end there were too many rookie douchebags who simply don't grasp the significance of the occasion.  MNM looked like they were just going through their usual schtick, rather than for one night stepping out of character.  They didn't seem like they cared that Eddie died (despite Eddie, you know, helping make their career).




Even though Melina was clearly crying through the whole match?

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I thought i saw one too if not an armband then he had something around his wrist that was black

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Would anyone here agree that a nice tribute would be a Chavo/Shelton tag team now?

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Orton was looking upwards before getting into the ring too saying some words, I figured to Eddie.

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I was referring more to Nitro/Mercury in that match than Melina. Perhaps I wasn't looking close at Orton, though I did note his half hearted looking up before the match. There's no excuse for such a goofy DQ finish with his dad running in on this night. Anyone want to defend that?

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Can somebody please explain these stupid ass hikus...and yes Orton had an armband on and his eyes were about as red as anybody elses...bad booking but you really had to sorta feel for the heels(MNM and the Ortons)becasue they were told to go out and still be their usual dickhead self and probably don't have the pull like an Angle or HHH who are given time to say something nice about Eddie...they shoulda just kept Orton and MNM off the show...Melina especially looked like she was very upset...

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Guest jumpingbombangel
I was referring more to Nitro/Mercury in that match than Melina.  Perhaps I wasn't looking close at Orton, though I did note his half hearted looking up before the match.  There's no excuse for such a goofy DQ finish with his dad running in on this night.  Anyone want to defend that?


No, but I will agree that his "looking up at the lights in tribute" was stupid as hell. Eddie's ghost must've potatoed him during the match for being such a dork because I didn't see where Cena busted him open like others were saying.

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Guest *KNK*
I was referring more to Nitro/Mercury in that match than Melina.  Perhaps I wasn't looking close at Orton, though I did note his half hearted looking up before the match.  There's no excuse for such a goofy DQ finish with his dad running in on this night.  Anyone want to defend that?


It's not something that I would assume Orton demanded. I wouldn't criticize him for that decision that was likely WWE's decision. Why did they even do Orton/Cena to begin with?


The other matches made some sense, the tag champions against each other, Angle/Shelton, Regal/Flair and Shawn/Rey were "wrestling matches", the diva battle royal was for light entertainment...


Orton/Cena was just senseless. Should've done Chavo/JBL or HHH/Benoit for Raw main event instead but I'm guessing WWE wanted Raw's #1 face to close the show.

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There's no excuse for such a goofy DQ finish with his dad running in on this night.  Anyone want to defend that?

Who cares about the finish? I mean, damn... I could see the point in bitching if they were actually building up to Orton/Cena, but they weren't. It's a throwaway main event that no one's going to remember except for trivia nerds, so why waste time complaining?

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In response to the person who could've sworn the Rock had a custom title. There was a toy belt made by Jakks in the late 90's. Undertaker also got one, as did Austin, with an alternate version featuring a rattle snake on the center plate. If WWE had actually made a full sized Undertaker Championship that resembled the one from Jakks, it would have been nothing short of gorgeous.




Now, about the show tonight. Everything that everyone had to say about Guerrero was nothing short of classy. It really meant a lot to me for these larger-than-life guys to show that they are indeed human, and show their love and respect for Eddie. Seeing Batista break down the way he did, and HHH as well, really showed how much Eddie meant to a lot of the guys. Chris Benoit's segment was the hardest to watch. As far as I know, he and Eddie were best friends, so I am sure the loss of Eddie has devastated him beyond words.


The world will miss you Eddie.

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Only thing that peeved me was Melina still acting like the titles give a shit tonight. I mean, it might be how she copes to stay in character but I don't see the point in working any kind of angles when no one is going to give two shits. Melina beating Trish in a battle royal on Eddie tribute night means dick. Her belt motion was a little iffy but eh, it wasn't a huge killer.

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I was referring more to Nitro/Mercury in that match than Melina.  Perhaps I wasn't looking close at Orton, though I did note his half hearted looking up before the match.  There's no excuse for such a goofy DQ finish with his dad running in on this night.  Anyone want to defend that?


It's not something that I would assume Orton demanded. I wouldn't criticize him for that decision that was likely WWE's decision. Why did they even do Orton/Cena to begin with?


The other matches made some sense, the tag champions against each other, Angle/Shelton, Regal/Flair and Shawn/Rey were "wrestling matches", the diva battle royal was for light entertainment...


Orton/Cena was just senseless. Should've done Chavo/JBL or HHH/Benoit for Raw main event instead but I'm guessing WWE wanted Raw's #1 face to close the show.


I'll give them a pass on the ME simply because the final image of the show was far more important than anything that went on from bell to bell. No one will remember that Orton/Cena match, but no one will forget the visual.

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I was referring more to Nitro/Mercury in that match than Melina.  Perhaps I wasn't looking close at Orton, though I did note his half hearted looking up before the match.  There's no excuse for such a goofy DQ finish with his dad running in on this night.  Anyone want to defend that?


I think it's difficult to judge how two guys are feeling emotionally based on a 5 minute athletic exhibition. Nitro and Mercury haven't been in the company very long and perhaps weren't very close to Eddie personally. I'm sure they were still feeling some sort of shock and emotion. Have you ever worked in an office where someone died and you weren't particularly close to them but you see the reactions of those who were? It's still a lousy day for you. You still pick up the phone and go about business as usual but you aren't feeling particularly good. You are thinking about things beyond "business as usual" but in a setting where you are expected to go about 'business as usual'.


And I doubt very much that Randy Orton booked his own finish in that match. That was probably a company decision in the event that they put the World championship on Orton, can't very well have him job in four minutes to the Raw champion, regardless of the circumstances of that night. It was a throwaway match in a lot of ways but marks are going to remember that Rey Mysterio beat HBK.


If people were booking their own finishes tonight, I'd be pissed at Kurt Angle for not throwing a bone to Shelton Benjamin.

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Guest Caseyorourke

Is there any chance that WWE will replay each of the tributes to Eddie before they are put on a DVD?


It is a rare chance to see the many wrestlers Eddie has had his most celebrated feuds with express their true feelings about how much they respected and truly loved Eddie for the entertainer he was in the ring and the friend he was outside it.

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I was referring more to Nitro/Mercury in that match than Melina.  Perhaps I wasn't looking close at Orton, though I did note his half hearted looking up before the match.  There's no excuse for such a goofy DQ finish with his dad running in on this night.  Anyone want to defend that?


I think it's difficult to judge how two guys are feeling emotionally based on a 5 minute athletic exhibition. Nitro and Mercury haven't been in the company very long and perhaps weren't very close to Eddie personally. I'm sure they were still feeling some sort of shock and emotion. Have you ever worked in an office where someone died and you weren't particularly close to them but you see the reactions of those who were? It's still a lousy day for you. You still pick up the phone and go about business as usual but you aren't feeling particularly good. You are thinking about things beyond "business as usual" but in a setting where you are expected to go about 'business as usual'.


Damn, can I ever relate to that!


When I was in college, I worked at a grocery store and had to work a Friday night shift the night one of our employees (a woman who'd worked there for years, but who I barely knew because we were on different shifts) had been shot in the parking lot earlier that day (she lived, though).


All I can say is, I feel sorry for anyone in that company who worked that show yesterday. My hat's off to their sheer professionalism. Its easy to forget that show was taped just hours after they got the news.

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For a bunch of guys that I don't know in any way, shape or form, I was surprised by how much their pain affected me. You really do form a bond with wrestlers that you don't get with other entertainment.

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Only thing that peeved me was Melina still acting like the titles give a shit tonight. I mean, it might be how she copes to stay in character but I don't see the point in working any kind of angles when no one is going to give two shits. Melina beating Trish in a battle royal on Eddie tribute night means dick. Her belt motion was a little iffy but eh, it wasn't a huge killer.



Yeah, I was thinking the same thing. Nothing to be upset about and I don't think it was something done in disrespect. I was kind of thinking just take the camera off of her, something like that should have been noticed while the show was edited.


Not to pick about booking when I'm sure booking was the last thing on anyone's mind but I was expecting some sort of tribute from Eugene. I thought maybe he'd mimic Eddie's suplexes, do a frog splash or cheat to win in Eddie style. Again it's stupid to talk about this stuff but it was just something I thought would be a nice touch.

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I don't think overall I liked it as well as the Owen show though because in the end there were too many rookie douchebags who simply don't grasp the significance of the occasion.  MNM looked like they were just going through their usual schtick, rather than for one night stepping out of character.  They didn't seem like they cared that Eddie died (despite Eddie, you know, helping make their career).


Way to reach, guy.

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The Haikus are basically a few posters having a nice lil circle jerk because they found the emotion of some of our posters to be "pathetic".

Then I won't resort to anything more harsh than this: no class on this night for anyone who posted a Haiku...

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