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Xbox 360

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I'll add you guys to my friends list. I'm more interested in playing Xbox Arcade games online because hardly anyone does.

I just got Marvel Ultimate Alliance and I'm trying to chew through that.


bps is an arcade aficionado.

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I think I'm stuck on the last stages of Zuma and I don't think I'm ever going to beat it. In the beginning, I really tried to set goals to get a certain amount of achievement points on games before I move on but I don't really care as much now. I really like Achievement Points even though they don't mean anything.

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I don't think you're allowed to copy MP3 files from a device to the 360 hard drive. I'm not sure if there's any files you can copy from a USB device or networked computer. To be honest, I haven't played with non-gaming functions much. And my hard drive isn't big enough that I'd want to store anything I don't have to on there.

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I'm in love with Netflix on my 360. I already have 20+ things in my instant queue (1 being a full season of Heroes) and that part is worth the price of admission alone. If I don't have any problems with receiving the discs like I did in my 2 attempts with Gamefly, I'll not only keep the service as planned, but I'll spend the extra 8 bucks a month to upgrade from 1 disc out to 3 discs out at a time.


And I thought I had a problem with too many good 360 games recently... Fuck me, I'll never leave the house, LOL.

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You don't have to actually have them send any, but all plans incorporate it. You can get 2 hours of streaming content with the $4.99 plan that allows you to rent 2 discs per month. Then there are the unlimited plans, which go up to $47.99 for 8 movies out at one time. All those allow unlimited streaming and unlimited rentals per month, with only the number of discs you can possess simultaneously being the difference. I got the cheapest one- 1 disc at a time for $8.99.

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See I just assumed the way this worked was if you had Gold and you had Netflix, you had access to watch whatever you wanted (that wasn't Columbia Pictures owned) at any time since it's just a stream and not a physical disc you need to receive. I also thought you could just leech of your friends and join their viewing parties too.

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If you have Netflix, you have access. But in order to have Netflix, you have to have Netflix- as in a paid membership via their web site. The streaming video selections, while numerous, are only a fraction of what is available in disc form. It's limited to what is streamable on a PC, minus some Sony products. You can view the separate categories on the Netflix site.

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I see. Maybe I'm not missing as much as I thought by being a Canadian. I figured that, say I had this option in Canada, I could go join a party with bps21 to watch the Kurt Angle DVD because I assume Netflix stocks TNA DVDs. I now assume I was wrong (possibly on both assumptions).

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So I guess the new update has been freezing Xboxes. It's frozen mine a few times, even while playing a game.

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I've had that problem too. Sometimes it comes back after a bit if I am on the Dashboard but I had LEGO Batman freeze on me last night and I had to reset.

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I'll add you guys to my friends list. I'm more interested in playing Xbox Arcade games online because hardly anyone does.

I just got Marvel Ultimate Alliance and I'm trying to chew through that.


bps is an arcade aficionado.


I'm also down for some Ultimate Alliance when I get my 360 back.

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Does anyone have Scene It: Box Office Smash? I didn't like the last Scene It game much, but this one is really fun. The pacing is much better and the use of avatars adds a lot, as well. A friend brought the game over tonight, and he left it here so I'll be able to play it till Friday. If anyone wants to play, my Gamertag is X Matt Young X.

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That forum put me off as soon as I saw someone use the 'asplode. I don't know what it is, maybe its getting older, but I'm really starting to hate internet fads and talk. Its getting worse and worse each year.


Here's a list of things that piss me right off when going to messageboards.


Candlejack. Seriously, Freakazoid was great 10 years ago, stop saying Candlejack and then not finishing your sentences.



Posting of cliché pictures in reponse to someones comment (Picard facepalm, epic fail, etc).


I'm sure there's more, but its too early to think about them. For what its worth and the amount of stick TSM gets at times, it seems to be pretty void of any internet fads and usually has some decent posters and topics to read through. Maybe its because the average age of posters is over 16 and most internet fads are over our heads.


Anyway, Sonic...


Good to hear its getting back on track! :D I was a fan of Sonic Adventure on the Dreamcast, if they can make it as fun as that I might try it out. Chao's had me hooked.

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I have Ultimate Alliance. I only made it 5 hours in. It's a good game; I just have gotten like 10 more games since I bought that one 2 months ago. If we can get 4 of us together to play through the campaign on co-op over the period of a week or two (depending on what works for everyone), I'd love to do that. Achievements for all!


In Netflix news:





Columbia Pictures’ range of movies are once again available for the 360’s new Netflix streaming service. Nearly all the films, which had strangely vanished from the store last week, can now be watched on Microsoft's console.


The news that Columbia Pictures movies disappeared from the service, on the day that NXE went live, triggered speculation over why it had happened. Many suggestions had centred around the fact that Columbia Pictures is a subsidiary of Sony Pictures Entertainment, and that Netflix’s VP of corporate communications Steve Swasey explained that the removal of the movies were not a technical issue.


Sony Pictures quickly tried to squash the growing speculation that the removal of the films was an intentional means to undermine the service, and explained that it was in the discussion process of resolving such licensing matters. Netflix too released a statement last week suggesting the Columbia Pictures movies were hoped to return shortly.


There were approximately 15 or so movies in my instant watch queue that I couldn't view on my Xbox. Now, there are 6:


Bad Boys

National Treasure 2

Reign Over Me

Resident Evil: Extinction


Walk Hard

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I don't know what it is, maybe its getting older, but I'm really starting to hate internet fads and talk.

Epic epic is epic.








I try to catch every episode of X-Play, and sometimes I just wanna throttle whoever is writing it. I know the games this time of year are big, major deals, but STOP SAYING EPIC.

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I would play Ultimate Alliance if I had people to play with; playing Solo doesn't seem to make a lot of sense.

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I don't know what it is, maybe its getting older, but I'm really starting to hate internet fads and talk.

Epic epic is epic.








I try to catch every episode of X-Play, and sometimes I just wanna throttle whoever is writing it. I know the games this time of year are big, major deals, but STOP SAYING EPIC.


Yeah I don't get that at all, where did it come from?


Troll post is troll? What eh

fake post is fake... eeeeh?!

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