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Xbox 360

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I have a friend- 5

Completed a level with at least 1 other player.


Super Hero Team- 15

Completed 25 levels with at least 1 other player.


Teamwork- 5

Completed 1 level with 3 other players.


Ultimate Team Alliance- 15

Completed 25 levels with 3 other players.


Those. I just say we play through the whole game.

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I have Ultimate Alliance. I only made it 5 hours in. It's a good game; I just have gotten like 10 more games since I bought that one 2 months ago. If we can get 4 of us together to play through the campaign on co-op over the period of a week or two (depending on what works for everyone), I'd love to do that. Achievements for all!


I'll have plenty of time the rest of this week to play, because I don't have class again until Monday.


btw, how does the online co-op work for this game? Do you have to have 4 people or can you run it with 2 or even 3 people?

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Well, it seems like we have 4. I can play tomorrow until around 4 P.M. Friday, the same, maybe even through the night if I don't go to the hockey game. My weekend's pretty much free. The best part is that we're all in California, so we don't have to worry about pesky time zone differences.

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Guest Vitamin X
I'm still in a few weeks, if applicable. Since I no longer work for Wal*Mart, I'm a big fan of Matt's "rental policy", and may do likewise.


What is Matt's "rental policy"?

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No. I don't even go to Blockbuster. He referenced Wal-Mart in the post. When my 360 red ringed, I bought a core system and played it till mine got back. Then I exchanged the core system for a full refund.

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So my 360 finally red-ringed today as I went to turn it on, so I'll be without mine for a while.


How long is the whole process going to take if I call Microsoft?


Also, it was purchased at Best Buy last year along with a 2 year product replacement plan, would Best Buy replace this or would I still have to go through Microsoft?

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So my 360 finally red-ringed today as I went to turn it on, so I'll be without mine for a while.


How long is the whole process going to take if I call Microsoft?


Also, it was purchased at Best Buy last year along with a 2 year product replacement plan, would Best Buy replace this or would I still have to go through Microsoft?



I dont have an Xbox but I would go with the product replacement plan and try to get one of the newer ones with the falcon chip in it.

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These issues have probably been addressed earlier in the thread. But I'm lazy & need help.


1. If I get an XBOX 360, I should get at least the middle one (premium/pro), right?


2. Is it okay to buy one off of ebay? Are there certain things too look for or look out for if buying one online? Or should I just bite the bullet and pay more at a store?

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These issues have probably been addressed earlier in the thread. But I'm lazy & need help.


1. If I get an XBOX 360, I should get at least the middle one (premium/pro), right?


2. Is it okay to buy one off of ebay? Are there certain things too look for or look out for if buying one online? Or should I just bite the bullet and pay more at a store?




I am looking to buy an Xbox 360 as well to go with my PS3. I have been doing some research and checking out all the deals. I am just waiting to see if there is going to be a better one by the time Xmas comes around. My understanding is that if you are just a casual gamer, the 20gb pro model should be more than enough for space. All the new models come with the hdmi port. The best premium deal I have seen so far is one from Costco. $390 before tax you get the 60gb premium, 2 wireless controllers, Lego Indiana Jones, Kung Fu Panda and Gears of War 2. As well as a month of XBox Live Gold. My problem though is that Lego and Panda games both suck and you cant get anything for them on the resale market.


2. If you buy one off of ebay make sure you are getting one that comes with an hdmi port. That is the indicator you look for to see if the model comes with the falcon chip. The falcon chip is what keeps your 360 from getting the rrod. I would also advise that you buy one that comes with an original sales receipt and hasn't been modified just in case something does happen to your system and that it is still under warranty. There is nothing wrong about buying used and putting the money saved towards games, controllers, live gold. Just as long as the system is in perfect working condition. I have had my Gamecube for almost 7 years now and it still works perfectly.

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Thanks for the advice, YKRG.



Not a problem. What are you leaning towards doing? I want to get the 360 to play Left 4 Dead, Gears of War 1 and 2. My problem though is that I have the PS3 and I just bought Resistance 1, Smackdown 2009 and Fallout 3. I am still looking to get Resistance 2, Prince of Persia and Little Big Planet. I just dont have the time for everything.

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The difference is, the GameCube isn't a well-documented piece of shit hardware-wise. :-\


If you're buying used, maybe ask the seller for the manufacture date (on the back of the console), and if possible, the lot number, and team (on the back of the box). Then you can punch the information in at this site, and get some idea about the innards.



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So I'm pretty pist off at Netgear. I haven't been able to use Live fully because my NAT is "strict" and I've tried to change it to "open" but no matter what I change, nothing seems to work. I opened up the ports I'm suppose to open up but it doesn't work. I can't tell if it's my Xbox or my Router. I'm going to call Xbox tomorrow to talk to them about it because I've technically opened the ports they've told me to open up but I have a feeling they're going to tell me I'm shit out of luck.


If anyone has a Netgear WGR614 v7 Router and knows how to open up the NAT settings, please feel free to help me out here because at this point I'm just ready to buy a entire new router.

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So I'm pretty pist off at Netgear. I haven't been able to use Live fully because my NAT is "strict" and I've tried to change it to "open" but no matter what I change, nothing seems to work. I opened up the ports I'm suppose to open up but it doesn't work. I can't tell if it's my Xbox or my Router. I'm going to call Xbox tomorrow to talk to them about it because I've technically opened the ports they've told me to open up but I have a feeling they're going to tell me I'm shit out of luck.


If anyone has a Netgear WGR614 v7 Router and knows how to open up the NAT settings, please feel free to help me out here because at this point I'm just ready to buy a entire new router.


I had a 614v6 some time ago. Sucked for gaming. Try disabling the SPI Firewall. If that doesn't work, Netgear sucks.

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Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 announced




Awesome! I enjoy World at War and would rather play it <i>now</i> as opposed to COD4: Modern Warfare simply because I played that one to death. But still, Modern Warfare is better for online multiplayer. Hopefully the sequel can hook me in for hundreds of hours like the still-good World at War has failed to do.

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To both Thoth and Broccoli. I've tried pretty much everything at this point, even a direct connection. I called Netgear outta frustration and they said that my modem may not be bridged and that I should talk with At&t and see if the modem is bridged or not and if it isn't to have them make the modem bridged.


However I just got back from a bondage club and need to get some sleep. I'll call At&t later and give an update on what happen.

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I'm still in a few weeks, if applicable. Since I no longer work for Wal*Mart, I'm a big fan of Matt's "rental policy", and may do likewise.


What is Matt's "rental policy"?


"Renting" it means to buy it for the purpose of using it once, then returning it. A former co-worker notoriously did this with camping gear the long weekend in August each year.

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Several arcade games are available for online play for silver members this month. Most notably, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.

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IT'S FIXED!!!!!!!



The modem just needed to be bridged....IT'S FIXED!!!!!!

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IT'S FIXED!!!!!!!



The modem just needed to be bridged....IT'S FIXED!!!!!!


Wow, really? I thought they were yanking your chain. Surprised that was the fix.

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Several arcade games are available for online play for silver members this month. Most notably, Super Street Fighter 2 Turbo HD Remix.


My Hori Stick gets usage!


Online for the most part is great, but it's frustratingly brutal when you have to fight with terrible lag. I jumped in with a kick at one point and my opponent's bar went down, then all of a sudden the damage is nulled and I'm getting thrown.

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RE5 demo available from Japan Marketplace, if you have a Gold Japanese Xboxlive account that is.



Can you makeup a fake account with Xbox Live like people were doing for the PS3 when the Smackdown demo came out 1-2 weeks early in the UK? Pretty much you just had to make up a new account and change your country.

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