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Guest tony manero

Who Will Test Positive For Steroids?

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Guest tony manero

Now that Vince has finally implemented a drug testing policy, who will test positive for performance enhancing drugs? Who will try to circumvent the policy by only using HGH, which cannot be tested for? Who will be suspended? Who will be fired?


And, perhaps more importantly, Who WON'T test positive for steroids?


Let the speculation commence...

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What are the specifics of the testing? That is the real question. Perhaps they only test 3 guys a month. For all we know, those 3 guys could be Rosey, Nunzio, and one of the Mexicools. Yeah, that's great that perhaps they are looking out for guys in the low/midcard, but do you seriously think they'll spring a test on HHH, Angle, Mysterio, Taker, Kane, or Lashley one week before WrestleMania? If so, would they have the courage of their conviction to suspend them before the biggest show?


It's nice to hear about testing, but I'll wait until I see how it's being done before handing out kudos and pats on the back.

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Guest tony manero

John Cena has stated on OTR that he has never done steroids. I would've been skeptical, but it was the manner in which he said it that led me to believe he was telling the truth. He told Lansberg that he had a very strict diet and got big via natural means.


What do you think about him?

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I'll throw in Chris Masters.



He should be suspended without testing. It doesn't take a test to realize he's not naturally built that way.


For all the chris masters hate...that's the only thing I REALLY despise about him is how unnatural he looks. It just irritates me, more than anyone else on the roster, he's a scary roid-freak.

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Hell, even the Divas take steroids that help slim you down and give you a toned look.


No one is passing this test except Rosey and Viscera.


Knowing his odds, the only positive will be Shelton Benjamin.

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I know it's a wacky thought, but I highly doubt that every single guy who looks "in shape" are on steroids. It is possible to have a great look without taking that stuff.


If people do end up getting fired over all of this, I wonder how strongly TNA will go after them knowing why they were released.

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Hell, even the Divas take steroids that help slim you down and give you a toned look.


No one is passing this test except Rosey and Viscera.


Knowing his odds, the only positive will be Shelton Benjamin.


But they'll keep him around to job to Big Show, Viscera, and Trevor Murdoch. At least the punishment would appear very natural.

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Actually, that isn't a bad question Downhome since that is why a lot of guys jumped to WCW during the war.


As far as in shape physiques, it depends. I could believe Shelton Benjamin is fairly natural, but Rey Mysterio has packed on some serious muscle since his WCW days, yet he still gives off an in-shape vibe. Also, a lot of people on the IWC just have a hard time dealing with a favorite of theirs on the gas. Benoit is my personal WWE favorite, yet I am not naive to the point where I think he's clean of steroids. Again, it's not just working out and stuff, but the travel these guys put in and what little time they have to work out correctly and eat clean on the road, you can just tell they are taking steroids as the shortcut to maintain their physiques.


BTW, that was not an attack on you, Downhome.

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Oh I'm pretty sure Benoit has used steriods. Just looking at him from his WCW days compared to now. The same with Eddie.


But like I said before if Benoit getting busted is going to save his life then I'm all for it.

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I know it's a wacky thought, but I highly doubt that every single guy who looks "in shape" are on steroids. It is possible to have a great look without taking that stuff.


If people do end up getting fired over all of this, I wonder how strongly TNA will go after them knowing why they were released.



I don't know how interested they would be. If WWE is giong to be very vocal about it being anti-steroid, it would make TNA look somewhat foolish going after those guys.


It might not be worth it for a guy like Snitsky or Masters.

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Guest tony manero

Since WWE is now a publicly traded company, will wrestlers' health reports be released?

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I have no problem admitting that my favorites are on something. I've thought that Eddie, Benoit, and even Rey have been on something for years now. But some of these guys, like you mentioned Shelton, it is possible and possibly likely, that they are all natural.


I'm just saying it is possible to get pretty big by just working out, diet, and other natural means. Just because someone is toned doesn't mean they are cheating to get that way. To say otherwise, to me, insults those that decide to do it the natural way.

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I'd have a hard time believing Benjamin is on the juice. Compared to some of the other guys in the WWE he looks really small physique wise. So, unless he's on pain killers or coke, he's probably safe.

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Guest tony manero

I think that Shawn Michaels has been clean for a while now; that includes any performance enhancing drugs and abusing painkillers.

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It really irks me that I have to say that I believe guys like Benoit, Eddie, and Rey are on, or were on, something to help them out at one point or another. We all know good and well that, when it comes to their in ring ability, they don't need to do any of that stuff. Hell, many would say that they were better in the ring before they went over the top, and I'd say those people are right.

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I have no problem admitting that my favorites are on something. I've thought that Eddie, Benoit, and even Rey have been on something for years now. But some of these guys, like you mentioned Shelton, it is possible and possibly likely, that they are all natural.


I'm just saying it is possible to get pretty big by just working out, diet, and other natural means. Just because someone is toned doesn't mean they are cheating to get that way. To say otherwise, to me, insults those that decide to do it the natural way.


Problem is hardly anyone is doing it the natural way. I just went to the July 4th show (HBK Turn) and was ringside. A guy like Val Venis looks toned and has some really ripped abs, but on TV, he isn't main event big. Then you see him in person and you immediately can see he is on something. Davairi used to be toned. He is now on something.

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Ok, I think a whole lot of the guys on the roster are on the roids, but I agree that there won't be any suspensions for steroids, at least of big stars. There might be a scapegoat or two for Vince to prove his point. Anyone else think this? Yeah, i'll bet someting stupid like RVD getting fired will be the biggest result of this.

So let's play who's-on-roids~?

Chris Masters, duh


Chris Benoit, looks a bit like Eddie's body type


Angle, seeing the comparisson pics is scary


I don't think Cena is on steroids, sure he's big and ripped, but he just doesn't have that crazy bulging look. But hey, what do I know


As for the non-steroid drugs, who knows? I wouldn't want to speculate on that stuff.


I really hope Vince is serious about this though. Truly. It's getting dangerous.

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The thing is after watching years of wrestling you can kind of tell when someone's on steriods because of the extremely veiny, bloated, and/or acne covered body they have. Their bodies don't really look clean...almost disgusting in fact.

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