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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

The OAO RAW Thread - Nov/28th/05

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Wow, as if Masters couldn't seem like a bigger moron, he gets Vince to get rid of the crooked ref in favor of a fair one.


Could it have been because the crooked ref was gonna give the match to Angle?


BTW, anybody else see Flair "wooing" for the Carolina Panthers just now on the Sportscentre intro on TSN?

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Cena has the worst intense/mean face I've ever seen. It's like he's constipated.


Cena is awful. He is so amazingly not over now it's not even funny. It doesn't help that in the ring he only uses like 3 moves and they all look silly.


He needs to come out next week and do a rap about how everyone in the crowd sucks and is gay.

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Bischoff and Masters both look like total dipshits. I mean Bischoff has his ONE big chance to not get fired and who does he rely on besides Angle? Chris Masters! Would you want your career riding on whether Chris Masters could win a match? I mean why not just have Angle/Cena 1 on 1 with the same stips and Daivari as ref?


It's clear from tonight's show that Raw is trying to push people that the fans simply aren't into. In some cases they just don't react period (Carlito, Masters, Murdoch) and in other cases (Cena) the crowd actively turns brutal.


The thing that is goofy is that I kinda feel sorry for Angle in all this. I felt the same way for Jericho during his Cena feud. Jericho was admittedly jobber pity, but I really feel Angle's frustration and hope he wins the title. Is this really the way I'm supposed to feel?

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Cena has the worst intense/mean face I've ever seen. It's like he's constipated.


Cena is awful. He is so amazingly not over now it's not even funny. It doesn't help that in the ring he only uses like 3 moves and they all look silly.


He needs to come out next week and do a rap about how everyone in the crowd sucks and is gay.


If the show is in San Fransisco, he stays face.

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You have to be kidding me...and what ht e hell kind of face is that.  He looks like he's gonna puke

looked like he was sitting on the toilet for 15 minutes and that was the big purge of pooo.


I thought Cena looked like he was going to cry after accidentally shitting in his shorts, actually.

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BTW, when did Regal piss on the Big Show?


Sometime during the WCW/ECW Invasion


I remember Show had on these big, baggy grey sweat pants--he grabbed it and was screaming "WHAT THE HELL?!" ....and the stain was green.

I'm thinking it was in the post-Invasion "Kiss My Ass Club" era William Regal.

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Cena has the worst intense/mean face I've ever seen. It's like he's constipated.


Cena is awful. He is so amazingly not over now it's not even funny. It doesn't help that in the ring he only uses like 3 moves and they all look silly.


He needs to come out next week and do a rap about how everyone in the crowd sucks and is gay.



when your golden boy gets booed over two HEELS in one match, its time to turn him heel, or at least tweener and stop playing to these little girls in the audience. They're the only ones still cheering for him.


He just overcomes WAY too much, not even Austin would win ALL of these matches.

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The thing that is goofy is that I kinda feel sorry for Angle in all this.  I felt the same way for Jericho during his Cena feud.  Jericho was admittedly jobber pity, but I really feel Angle's frustration and hope he wins the title.  Is this really the way I'm supposed to feel?


I just don't get why they aborted what I thought they were going for originally with Cena/Angle: Angle knows he's a better wrestler than Cena and knows that Cena knows it. Then, Angle outwrestles Cena to win the title, forcing Cena to regroup and learn some new stuff for the rematch (at WM 22, let's say), where he puts everything he's learned to use to beat Angle and regain the title.

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I consider myself a huge Kurt Angle mark, but every time I see him, I worry that his face is going to explode. Dude needs to chill the fuck out a bit. Roid rage like wow.

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I mentioned this on the SS thread, but I'd like to see what others think.


My theory is that they'll keep the strap on Cena without turning him so people will want to see Triple H take it from him. Does this make sense?

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I figure that Vince next week will give Bischoff his ONE final chance to do something "right." And then he'll just make it Cena/Angle 1 on 1 where Angle finally wins. Hey, I can hope...right?


Here's the question I have to ask though: Why does Vince want to fire Bischoff? I mean aside from the obvious "He hates Bischoff" reason. Raw's guys job out at Survivor Series? Uh...so? In a roundabout way this makes Smackdown look half like total jobbers that Vince won't even claim and half like rebels who are sticking it to the man (who wants them to succeed on a B level, but not threaten his A show).


I mean hell it's not like Team Raw was beat down in the Survivor match and lost 5-0. And who honestly gives a shit about Bischoff himself losing a comedy match? Did Vince think Bischoff was preparing himself for a Boogeyman run in? Further, why punish Bischoff for scheming to screw Cena and failing to do so? Isn't it more of a terminable offense for a GM to plot to screw someone out of a title period? Are we to take it that if Bisch had succeeded in screwing Cena that Vince would be pleased to see his #1 "face" dicked over?


Anyone else find this as bizarre as I do? It's like Vince is angry at Smackdown for doing well.

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I mentioned this on the SS thread, but I'd like to see what others think.


My theory is that they'll keep the strap on Cena without turning him so people will want to see Triple H take it from him. Does this make sense?


Actually, I'll take HHH as WWE Champion right now over Cena. I don't know if that's blashphemy or not. Depends on who you hate more.

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Maybe they're going to pull a double-turn with Angle and Cena?


Work with me here... Next week on RAW, Bischoff makes one last Cena/Angle title match to try and impress Vince. Cena wins again. Bischoff comes out and rambles hysterically, which brings out Vince and Shane. Vince says that it's time to "take out the trash," staring down Bischoff... and then the McMahons attack Angle. Cena goes to stop them, then reveals the ruse and joins in the beatdown. Double-turn, marks and smarks alike shit on it... yeah.


Honestly, that's the only thing that I can see working for this scenario, and even THAT's crap. They've really booked themselves up the creek here.

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Guest OKCoyote
I consider myself a huge Kurt Angle mark, but every time I see him, I worry that his face is going to explode.  Dude needs to chill the fuck out a bit.  Roid rage like wow.


I agree about Angle, he looks like Will Forte's Zell Miller impression on SNL. ("TEN PACES MATTHEWS, YOU AND ME!!!!!!")


... plus he looks like Jaws or something. He's a freak. No, seriously. Is it the lighting of my television or does he have an entire top row of metal teeth?



Say, where's Edge?

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I mentioned this on the SS thread, but I'd like to see what others think.


My theory is that they'll keep the strap on Cena without turning him so people will want to see Triple H take it from him. Does this make sense?


Actually, I'll take HHH as WWE Champion right now over Cena. I don't know if that's blashphemy or not. Depends on who you hate more.

Okay...let's not get crazy now...

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Right now a HHH/Cena match would have the weirdest crowd reaction known to man. Honestly I don't think anyone would get cheered and nobody would get booed either. We're talking HHH/Jericho from WM with even less heat.


I'd suggest going with Cena/Hogan at this point. Cena's already getting booed, so why not use this to their advantage like another WM 18 match (Hogan/Rock)? Against Hogan the fans would of course boo Cena to high heaven and then you can do a feasible heel turn out of it.

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I consider myself a huge Kurt Angle mark, but every time I see him, I worry that his face is going to explode.  Dude needs to chill the fuck out a bit.  Roid rage like wow.


I agree about Angle, he looks like Will Forte's Zell Miller impression on SNL. ("TEN PACES MATTHEWS, YOU AND ME!!!!!!")


... plus he looks like Jaws or something. He's a freak. No, seriously. Is it the lighting of my television or does he have an entire top row of metal teeth?



Are you talking about his mouthpiece? If so he's only been wearing it for the past several months.

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I figure that Vince next week will give Bischoff his ONE final chance to do something "right."  And then he'll just make it Cena/Angle 1 on 1 where Angle finally wins.  Hey, I can hope...right?


Here's the question I have to ask though:  Why does Vince want to fire Bischoff?  I mean aside from the obvious "He hates Bischoff" reason.  Raw's guys job out at Survivor Series?  Uh...so?  In a roundabout way this makes Smackdown look half like total jobbers that Vince won't even claim and half like rebels who are sticking it to the man (who wants them to succeed on a B level, but not threaten his A show).


I mean hell it's not like Team Raw was beat down in the Survivor match and lost 5-0.  And who honestly gives a shit about Bischoff himself losing a comedy match?  Did Vince think Bischoff was preparing himself for a Boogeyman run in?  Further, why punish Bischoff for scheming to screw Cena and failing to do so?  Isn't it more of a terminable offense for a GM to plot to screw someone out of a title period?  Are we to take it that if Bisch had succeeded in screwing Cena that Vince would be pleased to see his #1 "face" dicked over?


Anyone else find this as bizarre as I do?  It's like Vince is angry at Smackdown for doing well.


Bischoff actually made a great point when he said he's been the GM of RAW for 3 or so years straight while SD has had like 8 GMs in that timeframe. Shouldn't it be on Vince himself for not firing Bischoff long ago when he first started fucking things up?


I mean, how many times have we gone through this "Vince threatens Eric" thing already? Just fucking DO IT already. This is just so Vince can get his jollies off using the show to needle Bischoff about something that ended 5 years ago.

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Wow, as if Masters couldn't seem like a bigger moron, he gets Vince to get rid of the crooked ref in favor of a fair one.


Could it have been because the crooked ref was gonna give the match to Angle?


BTW, anybody else see Flair "wooing" for the Carolina Panthers just now on the Sportscentre intro on TSN?

Hurricanes. And yes, he's been doing that for awhile now. Beats Hogan ripping his shirt off at the end of the anthem for Lightning games.

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