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King Cucaracha

Who would you like in TNA

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Guest Happy Go Nowhere

I heard Teddy had calmed down his actions as of late. If that was the case I'd rather have him in TNA than Jack Evans.


I'll also go with the sentiments of Homicide in TNA and throw in Matt Sydal for good measure.

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I've seen the OVW/Morgan stuff and Zack is right. They should take a chance on Morgan. He has "it" and TNA needs as many potential TV stars as it can get because currently they have zero.

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Honestly? I'd bring in La Parka (or I should clarify, L.A. Park, not the retarded AAA version). Not sure if he'd agree, given how much money he can make working Mexico, but I'd love to see him in TNA. Either as the fun, goofy "Chairman of the Board" babyface Parka or super ultra RUDO~! Parka, it's all good.

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Guest [censored]
I heard Teddy had calmed down his actions as of late. If that was the case I'd rather have him in TNA than Jack Evans.





I agree that if he has made the turn and ready to be a professional AND him and Styles can put their past behind them (Styles is considered one of the locker room leaders) than he would be a great fit. I normally am a guy who doesn't really care at all about the back stage politicing stuff but in Hart's case it actually affected the in ring product so I do. I would love to see him get his act together though. Wrestling needs more Harts.


I haven't seen any OVW stuff at all. If he's charismatic that does change things. But still I think his in ring stuff would be a problem. Which is fine if TNA is willing to put resources and time into actually helping the Morgan develope his skills.

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Guest [censored]

oh I forgot Molly Holly if she is still in wrestling and still in shape. I always liked her as a female wrestler and actor. I think should would fit in well with the current knockouts and would be a good foil to gail kim. She's not a high priority I know but she would add a little something to overall package IMO.

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Low-ki and American Dragon please.


Honestly? I'd bring in La Parka (or I should clarify, L.A. Park, not the retarded AAA version). Not sure if he'd agree, given how much money he can make working Mexico, but I'd love to see him in TNA. Either as the fun, goofy "Chairman of the Board" babyface Parka or super ultra RUDO~! Parka, it's all good.

Hm, LA Park and Super Parka are TWO~ different people.

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Guest J0bber
This may be unusual but I wanted to suggest someone different...

I don't know how much time A-Train is spending in Japan, but I think TNA could do worse than bring him in. He always worked hard and would bring some size. The commentators could play up that he's been kicking ass in Japan and improved his skills (even if he hasn't).


I agree with you completely. A-Train could be used as another monster for AJ Styles to slay or an enemy of Abyss. Hell, I wouldn't mind A-Train in the TNA title picture.

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Guest [censored]

I wouldn't mind A Train as Giant Bernard or something like Bam Bam Bloom as TNA Heavy Weight Champion. I always thought his only was problem was being in one goofy gimmick after another. I think he would make a credible champion. The problem would be who could possibly go up against him and not look completely overmatched?

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Guest A. C. Dollar

I would like to see Diamond Dallas Page back, as well as bring in Steve Corino to get up some ratings!!!

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Chris Kanyon but as the Mortis character. I'd love to see him back with James Mitchell managing both he and Abyss. I think the two of them would make an outstanding tag team.


Palumbo, Jindrak, O'Haire, and Mike Sanders. Who wasn't a fan of The Natural Born Thrillers? These guys all have chemistry working with one another. Jindrak and O'Haire both do a good job of covering up one another's weaknesses when tag teaming, Palumbo makes for a good big man enforcer type, and Mike Sanders has great mic skills.


Charlie Haas. I always thought he was the better of the WGTT duo but he never really got the chance to shine. Bland on the mic but he definately has good mat skills.


Danny Doring and Roadkill. I always was a mark for that tag team. A big fat Amish man that can fly is usually something only seen in videogames.


Mike Rotundo. While retired from inring activities he could still be a great manager for a wrestler with no mic skills. Pair him up with Charlie Haas and it would be money in my opinion.


Fatu, Samu, and Afa. Fatu and Samu could tag team again while having Samoa Joe as the singles threat of a 21 century Samoans stable. Afa was always a good kooky manager too.


That's probably it

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I saw Mike Sanders a few times and I was less than impressed. I don;t understand all the love he gets.

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I saw Mike Sanders a few times and I was less than impressed. I don;t understand all the love he gets.


I've always thought he's been rather overrated by some of the posters I've noticed for the past several years on different wrestling forums myself, even before I came here in 2002.


Mike Sanders can only cut promos and that's really it. Aside from that, he has a bland look and the only move I ever remember him doing was his finisher, The 3.0. His ring skills have always seemed non-existent to me like Carlito's do most of the time.


Sanders is also infamous for causing trouble backstage much like Buff Bagwell.

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People need to stop naming people under WWE contract.


Mike Sanders was a good promo and nothing more. I'd only take him as a manager.


I can't stress how much Homicide would bring to the table for TNA.


I don't know how they could use American Dragon but if they want a true work rate division, Dragon is a must.

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Chris Kanyon but as the Mortis character. I'd love to see him back with James Mitchell managing both he and Abyss. I think the two of them would make an outstanding tag team.

I like this idea.


Palumbo, Jindrak, O'Haire, and Mike Sanders. Who wasn't a fan of The Natural Born Thrillers? These guys all have chemistry working with one another. Jindrak and O'Haire both do a good job of covering up one another's weaknesses when tag teaming, Palumbo makes for a good big man enforcer type, and Mike Sanders has great mic skills.

Please no they all are generic boring body builder types, the only good member was Sanders and he was injuried half the time.


Charlie Haas. I always thought he was the better of the WGTT duo but he never really got the chance to shine. Bland on the mic but he definately has good mat skills.

sounds good to me


Danny Doring and Roadkill. I always was a mark for that tag team. A big fat Amish man that can fly is usually something only seen in videogames.



Mike Rotundo. While retired from inring activities he could still be a great manager for a wrestler with no mic skills. Pair him up with Charlie Haas and it would be money in my opinion.

Hm, who is a better financial planner IRS or JBL?


Fatu, Samu, and Afa. Fatu and Samu could tag team again while having Samoa Joe as the singles threat of a 21 century Samoans stable. Afa was always a good kooky manager too.

please no, there is no need for the savage islander gimmick to come back.

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Didn't Roadkill get snagged in a WWE development deal a little while ago?


And count me as agreeing with the Mortis return. I always liked the character, but I don't know if that's saying much since I'm also a big mark for the stupidity of GLACIER.

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Chris "Innovator of Offense" Kanyon would be good, but didn;t he have a cup of coffee in TNA already, and isn;t he a little long in the tooth for that wrestling style he has?


Don;t feel bad 2GOLD, I marked for Glacier too until the program with Saturn exposed him.


"It's a simple side kick!"

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Chris "Innovator of Offense" Kanyon would be good, but didn;t he have a cup of coffee in TNA already, and isn;t he a little long in the tooth for that wrestling style he has?


Don;t feel bad 2GOLD, I marked for Glacier too until the program with Saturn exposed him.


"It's a simple side kick!"


Actually, I loved his end of WCW run where he was Norman Smiley's "back-up/protection" and all he would do was spend half his time doing his entrance then walk around the ring slapping hands while Norman lost. Then he'd get in the ring, do his karate pose while Norman laid unconscious. It was awesome.

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please no, there is no need for the savage islander gimmick to come back.

Awwwwww, c'mon. That's one of the great gimmiks of the 80s. They could be savage islanders while Joe is just a monster of a man. I'd mark for the group big time.

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Kanyon & O'Haire both sound good to me. :)


O'Haire's devil character from the WWE vids had so much potential. Then he debuted and the gimmick was gone in about 20 minutes. One of the most confusing moments ever.

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Kanyon & O'Haire both sound good to me. :)


O'Haire's devil character from the WWE vids had so much potential. Then he debuted and the gimmick was gone in about 20 minutes. One of the most confusing moments ever.

Whoa??? Explain!

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You guys have never heard fo them, but Springfield, Illinois based New Midwest Wrestling puts on some of the ebst shows with the best unknown talent I have ever seen.


A couple guys who I think would be great in TNA's X Division are as follows:


Rip Mystic is a sound technical wrestler with experience and cuts good angry promos, although he can be humorous at times. He also has an extensive gymnastics background.




Michael Shard recently won a title vs. title match to become the first ever simultaneous NMW Central Illinois Title/NMW Heavyweight Title holder. He's an amazing technical wrestler and submission specialist, who plays a great cocky heel and has a distinctive"it" factor.



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TNA needs to bring in more New Japan guys. Rocky Romero in particular would be awesome. But I'd also be curious as to how a guy like Tanahashi would do. He has a lot of in-ring charisma, so I wonder if he could get over as a babyface without being able to cut promos.


I also second the notion to bring Corino in. He's a funny guy who could get super over being a heel. Obviously Colt Cabana would be a good fit too, but it seems like he might be going the WWE route.

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Very much seconded. And thirded. And Fourthded.



However, if they made a real attempt, I wonder if Konnan would torpedo the deal somehow since Konnan works for rival AAA. (Mistico is a CMLL product)

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