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OAO Tuesday Smackdown Special Thread

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If Batista can get chokeslammed onto a car and have to be loaded into an ambulance...and Rey gets powerbombed into a car and then pins Big Show, then COME ON.


Yes. We get it. You don't think Mysterio should win. Move on.

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Yeah, I've only been watching the last three minutes, and all these "Do it for Eddie Guerrero!" references have been pretty uncomfortable so far.


I hope they don't continue with this past tonight.

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They really should have made this a straight Rey-Show match if they wanted all these run-ins. This overbooking is hardly a tribute to Eddie. Couldn't this crap wait till Smackdown?

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That was a swinging neckbreaker RKO it looked like...


This is one hell of a fucked up match, start to finish, wow.


And, is this the longest ref bump of all time or what?

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Whoa, WAIT.


Are they booking Randy as the scared shitless, chickenshit heel agains the Undertaker AGAIN???


They've learned NOTHING since Mania. NOTHING. This is not the way to get Orton over.

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Well, that was extraordinarily retarded.


That makes, what? The second time Orton has killed Taker in about 3 months?

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