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The Rose Bowl Thread

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Mack Brown and outcoach don't really belong in the same sentence. Carroll coached fine outside of going for it on 4th down early in the game.


Yes but Mack Brown coaches a pretty damn fine football game. You have to give that up to him. Then again one could argue that not much coaching was required for Young.

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I don't think that Mack made any bad decisions, but my view is that this game was greatly coached by both sides. There isn't anything that I can really point out as a terribly bad decision, so it's even in my book.


As an aside, you know this game was good when we're still tacking on pages to the thread the day after the game.

Edited by Kingofthe909

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Of course there are true student-athletes, but you're nuts if you don't think there are people who have carte blanche within the school because they can throw a ball, or collide into people. Why are you bending over backwards to apologize for them?

Because, again, the stuff you talk about hasn't happened for almost a full generation. The NCAA cracks down on shit like that VERY quickly these days. Also, especially at the major conference schools and with the ever-widening eye of the media, any transgression is spotted pretty quickly, whether by an official or a supporter of another school. Even coaches rat out other schools if they hear about or see something wrong. The competition is too intense and the money involved is too great to allow your student-athletes to be the stereotypical muscleheads who never breathe the air inside a classroom. Professors aren't spineless either. They'll let a coach know if one of their players is cutting, and then he'll have not only the professor to answer to, but today's coaches don't let that kind of stuff slide. It hurts their image, and the image of their school, which upsets alumni, which leads to lower contributions, and so on. The way you put it, saying these athletes "can throw a ball or collide into people" shows you really have no fucking clue and are just going off of inborn dislike of these players. Your first post on the matter was enough to show how little you really knew about the subject:


There's always going to be a part of me that resents the whole of college athletics because of every DeShawntoine Phelps and D'Awntwain Jones that gets free sex, a free education, carte blanche to do any sort of illegal shit they want because they didn't have a father and they need Coach to act as a surrogate daddy and unlock their potential, while there are actual deserving students who struggle to pay their tuition.


I'll ignore the obvious conclusions that can be drawn from the name choices, but you manage to pull all of your irrational beefs with athletes into one sentence.


Free sex? What?!


Free education? Like any scholarship, they have to maintain it. You also ignore the walk-ons that every team has.


Carte blanche to do illegal shit? Dude, schools that haven't done anything wrong in years still have taints on them from previous transgressions, which might make a recruit think twice about going there. It's not only frowned upon, it leads to problems with boosters, who are really worse than the players. Look at Maurice Clarett's spins on the "Luxury SUV of the Week" wheel.


And all this, "because they didn't have a father and need Coach to act as a surrogate daddy." Okay, fuck kids without fathers too. Why can't we all have perfectly functional families? Nah, let's just try and break down people who make an attempt at bettering themselves through a healthy avenue like sports instead of commending them for straightening their lives out. Wait, their names are "DeShawntoine" and "D'Awntwain." Those types are never worth supporting.


And finally, "while there are actual deserving students who struggle to pay their tuition." They don't just grab young guys who can run fast and hit hard off the street. They went to high school also, they're students just as much as you are. And have you actually looked at how many scholarships athletes get compared to normal students? For a fairly small investment (allowing a few dozen football players to go to school on the house on a campus of THOUSANDS), the university can get millions and millions of dollars (one big reason why college presidents prefer bowls to a playoff), plus all the advertising for each college that goes on during any given game, advertising which is seen more and more as the team is more successful. The university can now raise tuition rates because applications are going up while room for all those students is obviously limited.


Why do I bend over backwards to apologize for them? It isn't apologizing for them, it's the same act I give any dumbass who tries to make what I call the "why don't they rip down the goalposts when I get an A on a paper" argument.

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Dama, if you really want the game, just download it on Bit Torrent.


What website do you use to find the torrents? I always go to torrentspy but they don't have shit.

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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A record 35.6 million TV viewers tuned in to see the University of Texas narrowly defeat the University of Southern California in the Rose Bowl college football championship game, Nielsen Media Research reported on Thursday.


The down-to-the-wire 41-38 Texas Longhorn victory on Wednesday night over the USC Trojans was the most watched college bowl game since the start of Nielsen's electronic database 15 years ago.


The game also produced the highest ratings among viewers aged 18 to 49 -- the demographic most prized by advertisers -- of any bowl game on record, Nielsen said.


Compared with last year's national championship college football game, USC's 2005 Orange Bowl victory over Oklahoma, the Texas-USC matchup at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena drew 14.2 million more viewers and 73 percent higher ratings among adults 18-49.


This year's Rose Bowl also compared favorably to other high-profile sporting events, yielding higher numbers than any World Series baseball championship game since 2001. And it was the most-watched football game -- college or professional -- during the past 15 years on ABC, which through this season was home of the weekly marquee Monday Night Football broadcast.

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Guest Brian

College athletes have much easier schedules buil for them. Trust me, I've gone to school with these guys since middle school, and I've done tutoring on the side. There's reasons for classes like "Rocks for Jocks" and Military history.

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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A record 35.6 million TV viewers tuned in to see the University of Texas narrowly defeat the University of Southern California in the Rose Bowl college football championship game, Nielsen Media Research reported on Thursday.


The down-to-the-wire 41-38 Texas Longhorn victory on Wednesday night over the USC Trojans was the most watched college bowl game since the start of Nielsen's electronic database 15 years ago.


The game also produced the highest ratings among viewers aged 18 to 49 -- the demographic most prized by advertisers -- of any bowl game on record, Nielsen said.


Compared with last year's national championship college football game, USC's 2005 Orange Bowl victory over Oklahoma, the Texas-USC matchup at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena drew 14.2 million more viewers and 73 percent higher ratings among adults 18-49.


This year's Rose Bowl also compared favorably to other high-profile sporting events, yielding higher numbers than any World Series baseball championship game since 2001. And it was the most-watched football game -- college or professional -- during the past 15 years on ABC, which through this season was home of the weekly marquee Monday Night Football broadcast.


Didn't ABC get a Super Bowl or two during that time period? Because if USC and Texas got better ratings than the Super Bowl, then I'm really impressed.

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I figured this would fit in here, I have the video for the final 2 minutes of USC-ND, but is there any place that I could find the whole game at? Or at least just the final quarter?


I downloaded this game as well. I got the torrent from here. I got it a few months back, so I wouldn't expect a great download rate.

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LOS ANGELES (Reuters) - A record 35.6 million TV viewers tuned in to see the University of Texas narrowly defeat the University of Southern California in the Rose Bowl college football championship game, Nielsen Media Research reported on Thursday.


The down-to-the-wire 41-38 Texas Longhorn victory on Wednesday night over the USC Trojans was the most watched college bowl game since the start of Nielsen's electronic database 15 years ago.


The game also produced the highest ratings among viewers aged 18 to 49 -- the demographic most prized by advertisers -- of any bowl game on record, Nielsen said.


Compared with last year's national championship college football game, USC's 2005 Orange Bowl victory over Oklahoma, the Texas-USC matchup at the Rose Bowl in Pasadena drew 14.2 million more viewers and 73 percent higher ratings among adults 18-49.


This year's Rose Bowl also compared favorably to other high-profile sporting events, yielding higher numbers than any World Series baseball championship game since 2001. And it was the most-watched football game -- college or professional -- during the past 15 years on ABC, which through this season was home of the weekly marquee Monday Night Football broadcast.


Didn't ABC get a Super Bowl or two during that time period? Because if USC and Texas got better ratings than the Super Bowl, then I'm really impressed.


ABC got a 40.7 rating for Tampa/Oakland and 43.2 for Tennessee/St. Louis.

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Mininova.org has one, just search "Rose Bowl" and you should get one. I'm getting a pretty stellar download rate right now.


I DL'd it but it was just the audio of the game.

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Hey do you think USC could've blown the doors off that game if they had Norm Chow? I mean he would've come up with something better on 4th and 2 that would've kept Texas off balance and probably gotten the first down.

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Hey do you think USC could've blown the doors off that game if they had Norm Chow? I mean he would've come up with something better on 4th and 2 that would've kept Texas off balance and probably gotten the first down.


It's certainly not out of the question that he could have made the difference. I really think the play-calling on that series was terrible, going run up the middle, pass, run up the middle, run up the middle, as you short yourself a down where your pounding it, and then when you have long yardage to go, you don't get any of your other weapons involved. At the very least, they should have had Bush in on third down, as when you're going to run for it on a 3rd and 7, you probably don't want the guy who's averaging 7.5 ypc on the sideline.

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You know Pete was sending the corners and safeties in at Young during that second to last drive and it seemed to confuse him. I wonder why he backed off on that?


Bush's fumble was the #1 Not Top Ten play on ESPN. Hmm......how quickly they turn.

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That isn't turning. It was more than deserving of that dishonor. What a dumbassed play.


And the corners and safeties weren't confusing Young one bit. He'd just toss the ball over their heads to his waiting (and very open) receivers or run away from the overpursuing defense like any good quarterback would do.

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I just seem to remember Carroll bringing a new look and Vince looking confused there for a second. He almost threw a pick.

Then again who knows. He was on fire and probably could've beaten 15 guys on the field.


I remember one year at OU/Texas(the year texas lost 12-0) when Brent Venables used multiple looks and blitzed the hell out of Young from every angle and after the game he said that it was the most confused he's ever been. Then again that was a long time ago.

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Yes, a very long time ago. This whole season Texas went through the same stuff USC did, with each team giving them their best shot. I'm sure Young saw enough shit thrown at him during the season to be able to pick up on things, plus whatever he extrapolated from watching film.


By the way, this is in no way trying to blow the guy like virtually everyone in the world is doing now. He's very, very good, but any starting quarterback in a game at that level of play knows what they're doing and can handle that kind of stuff.

Edited by Kotzenjunge

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You know, I think Vince is a great college player and while I fucking hate he gave Mack a title, I give him all the congrats in the world. But if I see, "FOREVER YOUNG" on anymore fucking websites, I think I'm going to stab someone.


I don't care if his last name is Young, NEVER celebrate winning in sports with a song sung by Rod Stewart or Bob Dylan OR THE PRETENDERS! NO!

Edited by 2GOLD

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I just rewatched the end of the game. Amazing. Matt Leinart still sounds like a douche saying what he did but it doesn't matter.

I just want to know how they let Vince do what he did? Because Vince hasn't run that wild on any team in the Big XII this year. Was it just him stepping up to the big game?

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Did Vince out Reggie Reggie? Or was he in a whole new class? Because it seemed Reggie was the benchmark for jaw-dropping before this.

He was Vince Young, not anyone else. Nothing he did was comparable to the sorts of plays we've seen Bush make all year. The only jaw-dropping part of his performance was the numbers that he ended up having. Otherwise it was a series of untouched runs into the endzone with only the first actually being hindered by the defense. The other supposed great play was when his knee was already down, so I don't really count it towards signs of being better than Bush. They're playing different positions anyway.

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Ok fair enough. Still I'm happy that Reggie Bush wasn't this huge gamebreaker that everyone claimed he was going to be in this game and he had the boneheaded play that turned the tide of the game. All those things combine to make me very happy.

I'm also glad that LenDale White did well b/c I've been pimping the guy as the better NFL RB and I think that he will be.

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